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2023-05-07 05:30:53 -07:00
from .go_benchmark_lists import *
from .go_benchmarks import all_problems
from .parties import parties
from .utilities import OWrap, COWrap, m1, m33, m36, prog
import numpy as np
tiny_offset = 1.1102230246251565e-16
def make_transform(lo, hi):
mul = max(lo, hi) - min(lo, hi)
add = min(lo, hi)
return mul, add
def flipit(transformations, flippy):
flip_dim = flippy - 1
mul, add = transformations[flip_dim]
desired_mul, desired_add = -1, 1 # f(g(x)) = f(1 - x)
mul, add = mul * desired_mul, mul * desired_add + add
transformations[flip_dim] = (mul, add)
def make_objective(problem, size, *, fix_stuff=0):
obj = problem(size)
name = problem.__name__
flippy = 0 # when positive, helps removes positive correlations in solutions
trippy = None # when not None, moves solution away from center: (dim, dir)
if fix_stuff >= 0:
if name == "Deb03":
# this problem has the wrong bounds for some reason, so we have to patch it.
obj._bounds = list(zip([0.0] * obj.N, [1.0] * obj.N))
elif name == "Csendes" or name == "Infinity":
# this problem is weird... let's avoid division by zero, okay?
# these problems are duplicates of each other. weird.
replacement = size * (2 + np.sin(1))
_fun = = lambda x: replacement if np.any(x == 0.0) else _fun(x)
elif name == "Keane":
# another problem that may attempt to divide by zero.
_fun = = lambda x: 0.0 if np.all(x**2 == 0.0) else _fun(x)
elif name == "Kowalik":
# this divide by zero actually approaches infinity when not clipped.
# TODO: there seems to be some confusion about which is `a`
# and which is `b` between the equations and the code.
# hmm it seems like the code is right, judging by this:
2023-05-04 15:04:51 -07:00
helper = lambda x: np.where(x < 0, -1, 1) * (np.abs(x) + tiny_offset)
# 1.0 - 1e-16 == 0.9999999999999999
# 1.0 + 1e-16 == 1.0
# 1.0 + 2e-16 == 1.0000000000000002
# 1 / 1.1102230246251565e-16**2 == 8.112963841460668e+31
a, b = obj.a, obj.b = (
lambda x: sum(
b - (x[0] * (a**2 + a * x[1]) / helper(a**2 + a * x[2] + x[3]))
** 2
elif name == "Gulf":
# just another division by zero.
adjust = np.array([tiny_offset, 0.0, 0.0])
_fun = = lambda x: _fun(x + adjust)
if fix_stuff >= 1:
stuff = {
2: too_positive_2,
3: too_positive_3,
4: too_positive_4,
5: too_positive_5,
6: too_positive_6,
if name.lower() in stuff:
# too positively correlated, do some evil.
ind = stuff.index(name.lower())
flippy = ind % size + 1 # uniformly select a dimension to "flip"
if fix_stuff >= 2:
stuff = {
2: too_centered_2,
3: too_centered_3,
4: too_centered_4,
2023-05-21 02:53:01 -07:00
5: too_centered_5,
6: too_centered_6,
if name.lower() in stuff:
# uniformly select offsets to "trip".
ind = stuff.index(name.lower())
trippy = (ind % size, ind // size % size) # (dim, dir)
transformations = [make_transform(lo, hi) for lo, hi in obj.bounds]
if flippy:
flipit(transformations, flippy)
def objective(x):
# assert all(xi >= 0.0 for xi in x), list(float(xi) for xi in x)
# assert all(xi <= 1.0 for xi in x), list(float(xi) for xi in x)
if trippy:
x = list(x) # mostly to create a copy
ind = trippy[0]
x[ind] = 1 - (1 - x[ind]) ** 0.5 if trippy[1] else x[ind] ** 0.5
x = [xi * mul + add for xi, (mul, add) in zip(x, transformations)]
# if problem.__name__.startswith("Deb"): print(x)
return, copy=False))
objective.__name__ = f"go_{problem.__name__.lower()}_on_cube"
objective.__realname__ = problem.__name__
# objective.__qualname__ = problem.__name__
return objective
def make_objectives(size, budget=None, fix_stuff=0):
problems = all_problems[size]
return [make_objective(problem, size, fix_stuff=fix_stuff) for problem in problems]
def find_objective(query, size=None):
results = []
for p_dim, problems in all_problems.items():
if size is not None and p_dim != size:
for problem in problems:
if problem.__name__.lower() == query.lower():
assert results, "no results found for name " + repr(query)
return results[0]
λ = lambda q: make_objective(find_objective(q, 2), 2, fix_stuff=2)
map(λ, totally_fine_2 + too_positive_2 + too_centered_2)
λ = lambda q: make_objective(find_objective(q, 3), 3, fix_stuff=2)
map(λ, totally_fine_3 + too_positive_3 + too_centered_3)
λ = lambda q: make_objective(find_objective(q, 4), 4, fix_stuff=2)
map(λ, totally_fine_4 + too_positive_4 + too_centered_4)
λ = lambda q: make_objective(find_objective(q, 5), 5, fix_stuff=2)
map(λ, totally_fine_5 + too_positive_5 + too_centered_5)
λ = lambda q: make_objective(find_objective(q, 6), 6, fix_stuff=2)
map(λ, totally_fine_6 + too_positive_6 + too_centered_6)
for problem_list in GO_BENCHMARKS.values():
for problem in problem_list:
# print(problem.__realname__)
assert (
problem.__realname__ != "Csendes"
), "please use Infinity instead; it's basically equivalent"
2023-05-14 02:15:32 -07:00
class Runner:
def __init__(self, multiple=2, run_anyway=3, always_run_anyway=True, quiet=False):
self.multiple = multiple
self.run_anyway = run_anyway
self.always_run_anyway = always_run_anyway
self.quiet = quiet
self._wrapped = None
def run(
self, optimizer, objective, size, budget, frugal_percent=1.0, greedy_percent=2.0
note = (lambda s: None) if self.quiet else m36
warn = m33
opt_name = optimizer.__name__
obj_name = objective.__name__
obj_realname = getattr(objective, "__realname__", obj_name)
wrapped_kwargs = dict(
if self._wrapped is None:
wrapped = COWrap(**wrapped_kwargs)
# this can be 10+ times faster.
wrapped = self._wrapped.attempt_reuse(**wrapped_kwargs)
self._wrapped = wrapped
results = []
run = 1
while (cache := wrapped.cached(run)) is not None:
run += 1
fopt, xopt, history = cache
results.append((fopt, opt_name, history))
once = False
while (
run <= self.multiple
or (self.always_run_anyway or not once)
and self.run_anyway
and run <= self.run_anyway
# assert run == wrapped._run, (run, wrapped._run)
if run != (_run := wrapped._run):
warn(f"Note: updating local run count from {run} to {_run}.")
run = _run
continue # check conditions again
f"Using {opt_name} to optimize {obj_realname} ({obj_name}) [{run}] ..."
_ = optimizer(wrapped, size=size, budget=budget)
fopt, xopt = wrapped.finish()
result = (fopt, opt_name, wrapped.history)
once = True
run += 1
return results
2023-05-07 07:01:06 -07:00
def main(argv, display=True):
from .utilities import fib
from .utilities import prune_results, perform_another_experimental_scoring_method
import sys
def stfu(please_be_quiet=None):
if please_be_quiet is None:
please_be_quiet = (
for optimizer in optimizers:
name = optimizer.__name__
if any(obnoxious in name for obnoxious in please_be_quiet):
import warnings
from cma.evolution_strategy import InjectionWarning
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", InjectionWarning) # not our fault
def mark(opt_name):
return (
if opt_name in ("another_random_cube", "quasirandom_cube")
else "\033[96m!"
if "nelder" in opt_name
else " "
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
def print_place(ind, names, which="best"):
color = "\033[32m" if which == "best" else "\033[31m"
reset, placed, tied = "\033[m", place_names[ind], " \033[90m(tied)\033[m"
for i, name in enumerate(sorted(set(names))):
print(tied if i else f" {color}{placed}:{reset}", name)
def fancy_output(opt_name, score, price):
name = opt_name.removesuffix("_cube")
if type(score) is float:
assert type(price) is float, "type mismatch"
# unweight = 10 # len(optimizers) # sum(place_scores)
2023-05-14 02:15:32 -07:00
unweight = runner.multiple * np.sqrt(len(optimizers))
stats = f"(score:{score * unweight:4.0f}, price:{price * unweight:4.0f})"
stats = f"(score:{score:4}, price:{price:4})"
color = 0
reset = "\033[m"
# this will need adjusting depending on your terminal colors:
gradient = (32, 92, 93, 33, 91) # good to bad
if score == 0 and price == 0:
pass # wat?
elif score < 0 and price < 0:
color = 35 # wat?!
elif score > 0 and price == 0:
color = gradient[0] # good
elif score == 0 and price > 0:
color = gradient[4] # awful
elif score > price:
color = gradient[1] # ok
elif score == price:
color = gradient[2] # meh
elif score < price:
color = gradient[3] # bad
color = f"\033[{color}m"
s = f"{mark(opt_name)} {name:<32}{reset} with {color}{stats}{reset}"
delta = score - price
if type(score) is float:
delta *= unweight
color = 0
if delta > 6:
color = gradient[0]
elif delta < -6:
color = gradient[4]
elif delta > 1:
color = gradient[1]
elif delta < -1:
color = gradient[3]
color = gradient[2]
color = f"\033[{color}m"
s += f" {color}{float(delta):+.0f}{reset}"
# s += f" {color}{delta:+}{reset}"
return s
reset = "\033[m"
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
quieter = False
summarize_each_objective = True
old_summary = True
note = (lambda s: None) if quieter else m36
2023-05-14 02:15:32 -07:00
runner = Runner()
2023-05-09 23:58:04 -07:00
percents = dict(frugal_percent=1.0, greedy_percent=2.0)
which = parties[argv[1]] if len(argv) > 1 else parties["standard"]
size = int(argv[2]) if len(argv) > 2 else -2
budget = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else fib(abs(size) + 4) * 10
place_names = ("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th")
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
place_scores = (5, 3, 2, 1)
2023-05-09 23:58:04 -07:00
assert size < 0, "unsupported in this version"
size = abs(size)
objectives = GO_BENCHMARKS[size] # * multiple
optimizers = list(which) # copy
2023-05-14 02:15:32 -07:00
ms = (
f" ({runner.multiple}+{runner.run_anyway - runner.multiple} times)"
if runner.multiple != 1
else ""
n_obj = len(objectives)
n_opt = len(optimizers)
print(f"Optimizing {n_obj} objectives{ms} with {n_opt} optimizers...")
pseudo_shuffled = lambda stuff: sorted(stuff, key=lambda obj: hash(repr(obj)))
results = {}
for optimizer in prog(pseudo_shuffled(optimizers), pref="m"):
for objective in prog(pseudo_shuffled(objectives), pref="s"):
2023-05-14 02:15:32 -07:00
new_results =, objective, size, budget)
results.setdefault(objective.__name__, []).extend(new_results)
all_results = results
2023-05-14 02:15:32 -07:00
results = prune_results(results, runner.multiple, _check=old_summary)
scores, prices = {}, {}
all_opt_names = set()
for obj_name, obj_res in results.items():
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
if display and summarize_each_objective:
all_res = {}
for fopt, opt_name, extra in obj_res:
all_res.setdefault(fopt, []).append(opt_name)
scores.setdefault(opt_name, 0.0)
prices.setdefault(opt_name, 0.0)
sorted_res = sorted(all_res)
2023-05-09 23:58:04 -07:00
places = min(len(place_names), len(place_scores))
score_insignificance = sum(len(all_res[fopt]) for fopt in sorted_res[:places])
price_insignificance = sum(len(all_res[fopt]) for fopt in sorted_res[-places:])
# print("score 1/x:", obj_name, score_insignificance)
# print("price 1/x:", obj_name, price_insignificance)
2023-05-09 23:58:04 -07:00
for i, fopt in enumerate(sorted_res[:places]):
for opt_i, opt_name in enumerate(all_res[fopt]):
scores[opt_name] += place_scores[i] / score_insignificance
if display and summarize_each_objective:
print_place(i, all_res[fopt], "best")
for i, fopt in enumerate(sorted_res[-places:]):
mi = places - i - 1
for opt_i, opt_name in enumerate(all_res[fopt]):
prices[opt_name] += place_scores[mi] / price_insignificance
if display and summarize_each_objective:
print_place(mi, all_res[fopt], "worst")
2023-05-07 07:01:06 -07:00
if display:
more_scores = perform_another_experimental_scoring_method(results)
for blah, points in zip(("best", "worst"), (scores, prices)):
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
if display and old_summary:
f"\n\033[1m{blah} scoring optimizers:\033[m"
f" (awards={place_scores})"
f" (obj={len(objectives)}, opt={len(optimizers)})"
f" (dims={size}, evals={budget})"
for opt_name, opt_point in sorted(points.items(), key=lambda t: -t[1]):
# place = place_names[i] if i < len(place_names) else " "
# delta = scores.get(opt_name, 0) - prices.get(opt_name, 0)
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
if display and old_summary:
opt_name, scores.get(opt_name, 0), prices.get(opt_name, 0)
positive, negative = [], []
for opt_name in sorted(all_opt_names):
delta = scores.get(opt_name, 0) - prices.get(opt_name, 0)
# note: this intentionally includes delta == 0 in both positive and negative.
if delta >= 0:
if opt_name not in positive:
if delta <= 0:
if opt_name not in negative:
2023-05-09 23:51:02 -07:00
if display and not old_summary:
f"\n\033[1malternatively scored optimizers:\033[m"
f" (obj={len(objectives)}, opt={len(optimizers)})"
f" (dims={size}, evals={budget})"
for opt_name, opt_score in sorted(more_scores.items(), key=lambda t: -t[1]):
# if opt_score < 1: continue
stats = f"{opt_score:18.16f}"
name = opt_name.removesuffix("_cube")
2023-05-04 15:04:51 -07:00
color = (
"\033[1m" if opt_score > 1.0 else "\033[33m" if opt_score < 1.0 else ""
s = f"{mark(opt_name)} {name:<32}{reset} with {color}{stats}{reset}"
# s += f" {color}{float(delta):+.0f}{reset}"
text = "# this file was automatically generated by,\n"
text += "# any changes may be overwritten!\n"
text += "".join(f' "{opt_name}",\n' for opt_name in positive)
text += "]\n"
text += "".join(f' "{opt_name}",\n' for opt_name in negative)
text += "]\n"
if positive or negative:
except PermissionError:
print("# failed to write, ignoring...")
2023-05-07 05:30:53 -07:00
if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] in ("positive", "negative"):
all_old_opt_names = set(opt.__name__ for opt in optimizers)
C = set(("quasirandom_cube", "another_random_cube"))
2023-05-07 05:30:53 -07:00
if argv[1] == "positive" and set(positive) - C == all_old_opt_names - C:
exit(2) # no changes
2023-05-07 05:30:53 -07:00
if argv[1] == "negative" and set(negative) - C == all_old_opt_names - C:
exit(2) # no changes