2015-12-18 17:05:31 -08:00
[actor_spawn]: 0x80025110
2015-12-22 06:35:50 -08:00
[object_spawn]: 0x800812F0
2015-12-18 17:05:31 -08:00
[max_actor_no]: 0x1D6
[global_context]: 0x801C84A0
[buttons_offset]: 0x14
[actor_spawn_offset]: 0x1C24
2015-12-22 06:35:50 -08:00
[object_spawn_offset]: 0x117A4
2015-12-18 17:05:31 -08:00
[link_actor]: 0x801DAA30
[actor_x]: 0x24
[actor_y]: 0x28
[actor_z]: 0x2C
[actor_horiz_angle]: 0x46
[link_save]: 0x8011A5D0
[rupees_offset]: 0x34
[upgrades_offset]: 0xA0
[upgrades_2_offset]: 0xA2
2015-12-18 23:46:30 -08:00
.include "spawn.asm"
2015-12-22 06:35:50 -08:00
.include "actor object table oot.asm"
// args: a0 (actor number)
// returns v0 (0 if ok, 1 on error)
push 4, s0, ra
li v0, 1
la t0, actor_object_table
sll t1, a0, 1
addu t0, t0, t1
lhu s0, 0(t0) // object number
beq s0, r0, load_object_return
bal is_object_loaded
mov a0, s0
bne v0, r0, load_object_return
cl v0
li t8, @global_context
li t9, @object_spawn_offset
add a0, t8, t9
mov a1, s0
jal @object_spawn
jpop 4, s0, ra
we'll be dealing with structs like
typedef struct {
uint_ptr region_start; // ?
uint_ptr region_end; // ?
byte loaded_count; // only set in first item
byte loaded_count_alt; // usually fewer than the above
uint16 unknown;
uint16 object_number;
uint16 padding;
uint_ptr start;
uint32 size;
uint32 unknowns[11]; // more pointers and sizes
} loaded_object; // total size: 68 bytes
// args: a0 (object number)
// returns v0 (1 if loaded, 0 if not)
push 4
li t8, @global_context
li t9, @object_spawn_offset
add t0, t8, t9 // current item
lb t1, 8(t0) // remaining items
li v0, 1
lh t2, 12(t0) // item's object number
beq a0, t2, is_object_loaded_return
subi t1, t1, 1 // TODO: double check there's no off-by-one error
addi t0, t0, 68
bne t1, r0, is_object_loaded_loop
cl v0
jpop 4