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// not really a kernel,
// just handling some low-level stuff like interrupts.
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
macro KDumpString(name) {
// does not include error/console-checking!
// note: this first instruction must be okay to be in a delay slot.
la a2, {name}
jal Drive64WriteDirect
lli a3, {name}X - {name}
macro KMaybeDumpString(str) {
beqz t1,+
macro KString(name, str) {
// appends trailing newline and null-termination.
// must be shorter than 0x10000 after padding.
db {str}, 10, 0
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
mtc0 r0, CP0_Cause // clear cause
lui k0, K_BASE
// copy our interrupt handlers into place.
lui t0, 0x8000
la t1, _InterruptStart
la t2, _InterruptEnd
ld t3, 0(t1)
ld t4, 8(t1)
addiu t1, t1, 0x10
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
sd t3, 0(t0)
sd t4, 8(t0)
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
cache 0x19, 0(t0) // tell data cache to write itself out
cache 0x10, 0(t0) // tell instruction cache it needs to reload
// an instruction cache line is 2 rows, and a data cache line is 1 row, so
// i'm hoping just poking at the start of each row is enough to flush them.
bne t1, t2,-
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
addiu t0, t0, 0x10
// enable SI and PI interrupts.
lui a0, PIF_BASE
lli t0, 8
sw t0, PIF_RAM+0x3C(a0)
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// enable CPU interrupts.
mfc0 t1, CP0_Status
ori t1, t1, CP0_STATUS_IM_ALL
mtc0 t1, CP0_Status
// enable even more interrupts.
lui t2, MI_BASE
ori t2, t2, MI_INTR_MASK
lli t0, 0xAAA // LSB to MSB: SP, SI, AI, VI, PI, DP
// by the way, use 0x555 to disable
sw t0, 0(t2)
// it looks like i should be initializing PI_BSD_DOM1_* from
// the ROM header at this point, but i don't know what even does does.
// SP defaults to RSP instruction memory: 0xA4001FF0
// we can do better than that.
// SP should always be 8-byte aligned
// so that SD and LD instructions don't fail on it.
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// we also need 4 empty words for storing
// the 32-bit values of the callee's arguments.
subiu sp, sp, 0x10
// TODO: just wipe a portion of RAM?
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// or just DMA in the IH and our defaults from ROM...
sw r0, K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(k0)
sw r0, K_REASON(k0)
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
sw r0, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
lui t9, CI_BASE
lui t2, 0x5544 // "UD" of "UDEV"
lw t1, CI_HW_MAGIC(t9)
ori t2, t2, 0x4556 // "EV" of "UDEV"
beq t1, t2, Drive64Confirmed
lw t1, CI_HW_MAGIC(t9)
bne t1, t2, Drive64Done
sw t2, K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(k0)
sw t9, K_CI_BASE(k0)
// enable writing to cartROM (SDRAM) for USB writing later
lli t1, 0xF0
CI_WAIT() // clobbers t0, requires t9
sw t1, CI_COMMAND(t9)
CI_WAIT() // clobbers t0, requires t9
2018-08-18 10:02:54 -07:00
// NOTE: we only check at boot, so disconnecting the console
// while running will cause a ton of lag (timeouts) until reset.
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
2018-08-18 10:02:54 -07:00
lli t0, 1
beqzl v0, Drive64Done
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// delay to empty pipeline?
// try out an interrupt:
//sw r0, 0(r0)
mfc0 t1, CP0_Status
ori t1, 2
mtc0 t1, CP0_Status
la t0, WipeRegisters
mtc0 t0, CP0_EPC
j InterruptHandler
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// load up most registers with a dummy value for debugging
lui at, 0xCAFE
ori at, r0, 0xBABE
dsllv at, 32
// attempting to use this as an address should trigger an interrupt
ori at, r0, 0xDEAD
dsllv at, 16
ori at, r0, 0xBEEF
// k0, k1, sp intentionally absent
daddu v0, at, r0
daddu v1, at, r0
daddu a0, at, r0
daddu a1, at, r0
daddu a2, at, r0
daddu a3, at, r0
daddu t0, at, r0
daddu t1, at, r0
daddu t2, at, r0
daddu t3, at, r0
daddu t4, at, r0
daddu t5, at, r0
daddu t6, at, r0
daddu t7, at, r0
daddu s0, at, r0
daddu s1, at, r0
daddu s2, at, r0
daddu s3, at, r0
daddu s4, at, r0
daddu s5, at, r0
daddu s6, at, r0
daddu s7, at, r0
daddu t8, at, r0
daddu t9, at, r0
daddu gp, at, r0
daddu fp, at, r0
daddu ra, at, r0
j Main
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
align(0x10) // align to row for cache-poking purposes
_InterruptStart: // label for copying purposes
pushvar base
// note that we jump to the handler by jr instead of j
// because we want to change the PC to cached memory,
// which depends on the higher bits that j cannot change.
base 0x80000000
la k0, InterruptHandler
jr k0
la k0, InterruptHandler
jr k0
InterruptCacheError: // A0000100?
la k0, InterruptHandler
jr k0
la k0, InterruptHandler
jr k0
lli k1, K_INT_OTHER
pullvar base
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
_InterruptEnd: // label for copying purposes
lui k0, K_BASE
sw k1, K_REASON(k0)
sd at, K_DUMP+0x08(k0)
// disable interrupts, clear exception and error level bits:
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
mfc0 k1, CP0_Status
addiu at, r0, ~CP0_STATUS_IE
sw k1, K_STATUS(k0)
and k1, k1, at
mtc0 k1, CP0_Status
mfc0 k1, CP0_Cause
sw k1, K_CAUSE(k0)
// TODO: option to only store clobbered registers
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// TODO: option to dump COP1 registers too (remember to check Status[FR])
sd r0, K_DUMP+0x00(k0) // intentional (it'd be weird if
// r0 showed as nonzero in memory dumps)
sd v0, K_DUMP+0x10(k0)
sd v1, K_DUMP+0x18(k0)
sd a0, K_DUMP+0x20(k0)
sd a1, K_DUMP+0x28(k0)
sd a2, K_DUMP+0x30(k0)
sd a3, K_DUMP+0x38(k0)
sd t0, K_DUMP+0x40(k0)
sd t1, K_DUMP+0x48(k0)
sd t2, K_DUMP+0x50(k0)
sd t3, K_DUMP+0x58(k0)
sd t4, K_DUMP+0x60(k0)
sd t5, K_DUMP+0x68(k0)
sd t6, K_DUMP+0x70(k0)
sd t7, K_DUMP+0x78(k0)
sd s0, K_DUMP+0x80(k0)
sd s1, K_DUMP+0x88(k0)
sd s2, K_DUMP+0x90(k0)
sd s3, K_DUMP+0x98(k0)
sd s4, K_DUMP+0xA0(k0)
sd s5, K_DUMP+0xA8(k0)
sd s6, K_DUMP+0xB0(k0)
sd s7, K_DUMP+0xB8(k0)
sd t8, K_DUMP+0xC0(k0)
sd t9, K_DUMP+0xC8(k0)
sd k0, K_DUMP+0xD0(k0)
sd k1, K_DUMP+0xD8(k0)
sd gp, K_DUMP+0xE0(k0)
sd sp, K_DUMP+0xE8(k0)
sd fp, K_DUMP+0xF0(k0)
sd ra, K_DUMP+0xF8(k0)
mfhi t0
mflo t1
sd t0, K_DUMP+0x100(k0)
sd t1, K_DUMP+0x108(k0)
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
mfc0 k1, CP0_EPC // TODO: check that this is valid?
sw k1, K_EPC(k0)
mfc0 k1, CP0_ErrorPC // TODO: check that this is valid?
sw k1, K_ERRORPC(k0)
mfc0 k1, CP0_BadVAddr
sw k1, K_BADVADDR(k0)
if K_DEBUG {
// prevent recursive interrupts if IHMain somehow causes an interrupt
lw t1, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
bnez t1, IHExit
lli t0, 1
sw t0, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
// be wary, this is a tiny temporary stack!
ori sp, k0, K_STACK
IHMain: // free to modify any GPR from here to IHExit
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 0
lli a1, 0x80
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x80 * 4
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 1
lli a1, 0x80
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x80 * 4
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// currently just 0x10 in size: LO and HI registers.
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 2
lli a1, 0x10
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
lli a3, 0x10 * 4
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 4
lli a1, 0x80
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
lli a3, 0x80 * 4
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
sw r0, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
lui k0, K_BASE
ld t0, K_DUMP+0x100(k0)
ld t1, K_DUMP+0x108(k0)
mthi t0
mtlo t1
ld at, K_DUMP+0x08(k0)
ld v0, K_DUMP+0x10(k0)
ld v1, K_DUMP+0x18(k0)
ld a0, K_DUMP+0x20(k0)
ld a1, K_DUMP+0x28(k0)
ld a2, K_DUMP+0x30(k0)
ld a3, K_DUMP+0x38(k0)
ld t0, K_DUMP+0x40(k0)
ld t1, K_DUMP+0x48(k0)
ld t2, K_DUMP+0x50(k0)
ld t3, K_DUMP+0x58(k0)
ld t4, K_DUMP+0x60(k0)
ld t5, K_DUMP+0x68(k0)
ld t6, K_DUMP+0x70(k0)
ld t7, K_DUMP+0x78(k0)
ld s0, K_DUMP+0x80(k0)
ld s1, K_DUMP+0x88(k0)
ld s2, K_DUMP+0x90(k0)
ld s3, K_DUMP+0x98(k0)
ld s4, K_DUMP+0xA0(k0)
ld s5, K_DUMP+0xA8(k0)
ld s6, K_DUMP+0xB0(k0)
ld s7, K_DUMP+0xB8(k0)
ld t8, K_DUMP+0xC0(k0)
ld t9, K_DUMP+0xC8(k0)
ld gp, K_DUMP+0xE0(k0)
ld sp, K_DUMP+0xE8(k0)
ld fp, K_DUMP+0xF0(k0)
ld ra, K_DUMP+0xF8(k0)
lw k1, K_CAUSE(k0)
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
xori k1, k1, 13 << 2 // check if this was a trap exception
bnez k1, ReturnFromInterrupt
mfc0 k0, CP0_EPC
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
addiu k0, k0, 4 // TODO: this probably fails with branch delays?
mtc0 k0, CP0_EPC
// restore interrupts
mfc0 k1, CP0_Status
ori k1, k1, 1
mtc0 k1, CP0_Status
2018-08-18 07:39:57 -07:00
// eret pseudo-code:
//if status & 4 then
// jump to ErrorPC
// clear status & 4
//elseif status & 2 then
// jump to EPC
// clear status & 2
// raise new exception???
// no branch delay for eret
include "debug.asm"
2018-08-18 10:15:30 -07:00
KString(KString0, " ~~ Interrupt Handled ~~")
KString(KString1, " Interrupt States:")
KString(KNewline, 10)
KString(KConsoleConfirmed, "USB debug console detected")
2018-08-18 10:02:54 -07:00
nops((K_BASE << 16) + 0x10000)