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2023-05-06 20:10:20 -07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 24 13:13:28 2016
@author: Hossam Faris
import math
import numpy
import random
import time
from .solution import solution
2023-05-06 20:10:20 -07:00
def get_cuckoos(nest, best, lb, ub, n, dim):
# perform Levy flights
tempnest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
tempnest = numpy.array(nest)
beta = 3 / 2
sigma = (
math.gamma(1 + beta)
* math.sin(math.pi * beta / 2)
/ (math.gamma((1 + beta) / 2) * beta * 2 ** ((beta - 1) / 2))
) ** (1 / beta)
s = numpy.zeros(dim)
for j in range(0, n):
s = nest[j, :]
u = numpy.random.randn(len(s)) * sigma
v = numpy.random.randn(len(s))
step = u / abs(v) ** (1 / beta)
stepsize = 0.01 * (step * (s - best))
s = s + stepsize * numpy.random.randn(len(s))
for k in range(dim):
tempnest[j, k] = numpy.clip(s[k], lb[k], ub[k])
return tempnest
def get_best_nest(nest, newnest, fitness, n, dim, objf):
# Evaluating all new solutions
tempnest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
tempnest = numpy.copy(nest)
for j in range(0, n):
# for j=1:size(nest,1),
fnew = objf(newnest[j, :])
if fnew <= fitness[j]:
fitness[j] = fnew
tempnest[j, :] = newnest[j, :]
# Find the current best
fmin = min(fitness)
K = numpy.argmin(fitness)
bestlocal = tempnest[K, :]
return fmin, bestlocal, tempnest, fitness
# Replace some nests by constructing new solutions/nests
def empty_nests(nest, pa, n, dim):
# Discovered or not
tempnest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
K = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, dim)) > pa
stepsize = random.random() * (
nest[numpy.random.permutation(n), :] - nest[numpy.random.permutation(n), :]
tempnest = nest + stepsize * K
return tempnest
def CS(objf, lb, ub, dim, n, N_IterTotal):
# lb=-1
# ub=1
# n=50
# N_IterTotal=1000
# dim=30
# Discovery rate of alien eggs/solutions
pa = 0.25
nd = dim
# Lb=[lb]*nd
# Ub=[ub]*nd
convergence = []
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# RInitialize nests randomely
nest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
for i in range(dim):
nest[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, n) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
new_nest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
new_nest = numpy.copy(nest)
bestnest = [0] * dim
fitness = numpy.zeros(n)
s = solution()
print('CS is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
fmin, bestnest, nest, fitness = get_best_nest(nest, new_nest, fitness, n, dim, objf)
convergence = []
# Main loop counter
for iter in range(0, N_IterTotal):
# Generate new solutions (but keep the current best)
new_nest = get_cuckoos(nest, bestnest, lb, ub, n, dim)
# Evaluate new solutions and find best
fnew, best, nest, fitness = get_best_nest(nest, new_nest, fitness, n, dim, objf)
new_nest = empty_nests(new_nest, pa, n, dim)
# Evaluate new solutions and find best
fnew, best, nest, fitness = get_best_nest(nest, new_nest, fitness, n, dim, objf)
if fnew < fmin:
fmin = fnew
bestnest = best
if iter % 10 == 0:
print(["At iteration " + str(iter) + " the best fitness is " + str(fmin)])
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence
s.optimizer = "CS"
s.bestIndividual = bestnest
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s