import optimizers
from evolopy
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 2243 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu May 26 02:00:55 2016
@author: hossam
import math
import numpy
import random
import time
from solution import solution
def BAT(objf, lb, ub, dim, N, Max_iteration):
n = N
# Population size
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
N_gen = Max_iteration # Number of generations
A = 0.5
# Loudness (constant or decreasing)
r = 0.5
# Pulse rate (constant or decreasing)
Qmin = 0 # Frequency minimum
Qmax = 2 # Frequency maximum
d = dim # Number of dimensions
# Initializing arrays
Q = numpy.zeros(n) # Frequency
v = numpy.zeros((n, d)) # Velocities
Convergence_curve = []
# Initialize the population/solutions
Sol = numpy.zeros((n, d))
for i in range(dim):
Sol[:, i] = numpy.random.rand(n) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
S = numpy.zeros((n, d))
S = numpy.copy(Sol)
Fitness = numpy.zeros(n)
# initialize solution for the final results
s = solution()
print('BAT is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
# Initialize timer for the experiment
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
# Evaluate initial random solutions
for i in range(0, n):
Fitness[i] = objf(Sol[i, :])
# Find the initial best solution and minimum fitness
I = numpy.argmin(Fitness)
best = Sol[I, :]
fmin = min(Fitness)
# Main loop
for t in range(0, N_gen):
# Loop over all bats(solutions)
for i in range(0, n):
Q[i] = Qmin + (Qmin - Qmax) * random.random()
v[i, :] = v[i, :] + (Sol[i, :] - best) * Q[i]
S[i, :] = Sol[i, :] + v[i, :]
# Check boundaries
for j in range(d):
Sol[i, j] = numpy.clip(Sol[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Pulse rate
if random.random() > r:
S[i, :] = best + 0.001 * numpy.random.randn(d)
# Evaluate new solutions
Fnew = objf(S[i, :])
# Update if the solution improves
if (Fnew <= Fitness[i]) and (random.random() < A):
Sol[i, :] = numpy.copy(S[i, :])
Fitness[i] = Fnew
# Update the current best solution
if Fnew <= fmin:
best = numpy.copy(S[i, :])
fmin = Fnew
# update convergence curve
if t % 1 == 0:
print(["At iteration " + str(t) + " the best fitness is " + str(fmin)])
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "BAT"
s.bestIndividual = best
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 24 13:13:28 2016
@author: Hossam Faris
import math
import numpy
import random
import time
from solution import solution
def get_cuckoos(nest, best, lb, ub, n, dim):
# perform Levy flights
tempnest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
tempnest = numpy.array(nest)
beta = 3 / 2
sigma = (
math.gamma(1 + beta)
* math.sin(math.pi * beta / 2)
/ (math.gamma((1 + beta) / 2) * beta * 2 ** ((beta - 1) / 2))
) ** (1 / beta)
s = numpy.zeros(dim)
for j in range(0, n):
s = nest[j, :]
u = numpy.random.randn(len(s)) * sigma
v = numpy.random.randn(len(s))
step = u / abs(v) ** (1 / beta)
stepsize = 0.01 * (step * (s - best))
s = s + stepsize * numpy.random.randn(len(s))
for k in range(dim):
tempnest[j, k] = numpy.clip(s[k], lb[k], ub[k])
return tempnest
def get_best_nest(nest, newnest, fitness, n, dim, objf):
# Evaluating all new solutions
tempnest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
tempnest = numpy.copy(nest)
for j in range(0, n):
# for j=1:size(nest,1),
fnew = objf(newnest[j, :])
if fnew <= fitness[j]:
fitness[j] = fnew
tempnest[j, :] = newnest[j, :]
# Find the current best
fmin = min(fitness)
K = numpy.argmin(fitness)
bestlocal = tempnest[K, :]
return fmin, bestlocal, tempnest, fitness
# Replace some nests by constructing new solutions/nests
def empty_nests(nest, pa, n, dim):
# Discovered or not
tempnest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
K = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, dim)) > pa
stepsize = random.random() * (
nest[numpy.random.permutation(n), :] - nest[numpy.random.permutation(n), :]
tempnest = nest + stepsize * K
return tempnest
def CS(objf, lb, ub, dim, n, N_IterTotal):
# lb=-1
# ub=1
# n=50
# N_IterTotal=1000
# dim=30
# Discovery rate of alien eggs/solutions
pa = 0.25
nd = dim
# Lb=[lb]*nd
# Ub=[ub]*nd
convergence = []
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# RInitialize nests randomely
nest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
for i in range(dim):
nest[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, n) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
new_nest = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
new_nest = numpy.copy(nest)
bestnest = [0] * dim
fitness = numpy.zeros(n)
s = solution()
print('CS is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
fmin, bestnest, nest, fitness = get_best_nest(nest, new_nest, fitness, n, dim, objf)
convergence = []
# Main loop counter
for iter in range(0, N_IterTotal):
# Generate new solutions (but keep the current best)
new_nest = get_cuckoos(nest, bestnest, lb, ub, n, dim)
# Evaluate new solutions and find best
fnew, best, nest, fitness = get_best_nest(nest, new_nest, fitness, n, dim, objf)
new_nest = empty_nests(new_nest, pa, n, dim)
# Evaluate new solutions and find best
fnew, best, nest, fitness = get_best_nest(nest, new_nest, fitness, n, dim, objf)
if fnew < fmin:
fmin = fnew
bestnest = best
if iter % 10 == 0:
print(["At iteration " + str(iter) + " the best fitness is " + str(fmin)])
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence
s.optimizer = "CS"
s.bestIndividual = bestnest
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
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@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
import random
import numpy
import time
from solution import solution
# Differential Evolution (DE)
# mutation factor = [0.5, 2]
# crossover_ratio = [0,1]
def DE(objf, lb, ub, dim, PopSize, iters):
mutation_factor = 0.5
crossover_ratio = 0.7
stopping_func = None
# convert lb, ub to array
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb for _ in range(dim)]
ub = [ub for _ in range(dim)]
# solution
s = solution()
|||| = float("inf")
# initialize population
population = []
population_fitness = numpy.array([float("inf") for _ in range(PopSize)])
for p in range(PopSize):
sol = []
for d in range(dim):
d_val = random.uniform(lb[d], ub[d])
population = numpy.array(population)
# calculate fitness for all the population
for i in range(PopSize):
fitness = objf(population[i, :])
population_fitness[p] = fitness
# s.func_evals += 1
# is leader ?
if fitness <
|||| = fitness
s.leader_solution = population[i, :]
convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(iters)
# start work
print('DE is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
t = 0
while t < iters:
# should i stop
if stopping_func is not None and stopping_func(, s.leader_solution, t):
# loop through population
for i in range(PopSize):
# 1. Mutation
# select 3 random solution except current solution
ids_except_current = [_ for _ in range(PopSize) if _ != i]
id_1, id_2, id_3 = random.sample(ids_except_current, 3)
mutant_sol = []
for d in range(dim):
d_val = population[id_1, d] + mutation_factor * (
population[id_2, d] - population[id_3, d]
# 2. Recombination
rn = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rn > crossover_ratio:
d_val = population[i, d]
# add dimension value to the mutant solution
# 3. Replacement / Evaluation
# clip new solution (mutant)
mutant_sol = numpy.clip(mutant_sol, lb, ub)
# calc fitness
mutant_fitness = objf(mutant_sol)
# s.func_evals += 1
# replace if mutant_fitness is better
if mutant_fitness < population_fitness[i]:
population[i, :] = mutant_sol
population_fitness[i] = mutant_fitness
# update leader
if mutant_fitness <
|||| = mutant_fitness
s.leader_solution = mutant_sol
convergence_curve[t] =
if t % 1 == 0:
["At iteration " + str(t + 1) + " the best fitness is " + str(]
# increase iterations
t = t + 1
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "DE"
s.bestIndividual = s.leader_solution
s.objfname = objf.__name__
# return solution
return s
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May 29 00:49:35 2016
@author: hossam
#% ======================================================== %
#% Files of the Matlab programs included in the book: %
#% Xin-She Yang, Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms, %
#% Second Edition, Luniver Press, (2010). %
#% ======================================================== %
#% -------------------------------------------------------- %
#% Firefly Algorithm for constrained optimization using %
#% for the design of a spring (benchmark) %
#% by Xin-She Yang (Cambridge University) Copyright @2009 %
#% -------------------------------------------------------- %
import numpy
import math
import time
from solution import solution
def alpha_new(alpha, NGen):
#% alpha_n=alpha_0(1-delta)^NGen=10^(-4);
#% alpha_0=0.9
delta = 1 - (10 ** (-4) / 0.9) ** (1 / NGen)
alpha = (1 - delta) * alpha
return alpha
def FFA(objf, lb, ub, dim, n, MaxGeneration):
# General parameters
# n=50 #number of fireflies
# dim=30 #dim
# lb=-50
# ub=50
# MaxGeneration=500
# FFA parameters
alpha = 0.5 # Randomness 0--1 (highly random)
betamin = 0.20 # minimum value of beta
gamma = 1 # Absorption coefficient
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
zn = numpy.ones(n)
# ns(i,:)=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(1,d);
ns = numpy.zeros((n, dim))
for i in range(dim):
ns[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, n) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
Lightn = numpy.ones(n)
# [ns,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,d,Lb,Ub,u0)
convergence = []
s = solution()
print('FFA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
# Main loop
for k in range(0, MaxGeneration): # start iterations
#% This line of reducing alpha is optional
alpha = alpha_new(alpha, MaxGeneration)
#% Evaluate new solutions (for all n fireflies)
for i in range(0, n):
zn[i] = objf(ns[i, :])
Lightn[i] = zn[i]
# Ranking fireflies by their light intensity/objectives
Lightn = numpy.sort(zn)
Index = numpy.argsort(zn)
ns = ns[Index, :]
# Find the current best
nso = ns
Lighto = Lightn
nbest = ns[0, :]
Lightbest = Lightn[0]
#% For output only
fbest = Lightbest
#% Move all fireflies to the better locations
# [ns]=ffa_move(n,d,ns,Lightn,nso,Lighto,nbest,...
# Lightbest,alpha,betamin,gamma,Lb,Ub);
scale = []
for b in range(dim):
scale.append(abs(ub[b] - lb[b]))
scale = numpy.array(scale)
for i in range(0, n):
# The attractiveness parameter beta=exp(-gamma*r)
for j in range(0, n):
r = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((ns[i, :] - ns[j, :]) ** 2))
# r=1
# Update moves
if Lightn[i] > Lighto[j]: # Brighter and more attractive
beta0 = 1
beta = (beta0 - betamin) * math.exp(-gamma * r ** 2) + betamin
tmpf = alpha * (numpy.random.rand(dim) - 0.5) * scale
ns[i, :] = ns[i, :] * (1 - beta) + nso[j, :] * beta + tmpf
# ns=numpy.clip(ns, lb, ub)
IterationNumber = k
BestQuality = fbest
if k % 1 == 0:
["At iteration " + str(k) + " the best fitness is " + str(BestQuality)]
####################### End main loop
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence
s.optimizer = "FFA"
s.bestIndividual = nbest
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
Created on Sat Feb 24 20:18:05 2019
@author: Raneem
import numpy
import random
import time
import sys
from solution import solution
def crossoverPopulaton(population, scores, popSize, crossoverProbability, keep):
The crossover of all individuals
population : list
The list of individuals
scores : list
The list of fitness values for each individual
popSize: int
Number of chrmosome in a population
crossoverProbability: float
The probability of crossing a pair of individuals
keep: int
Number of best individuals to keep without mutating for the next generation
# initialize a new population
newPopulation = numpy.empty_like(population)
newPopulation[0:keep] = population[0:keep]
# Create pairs of parents. The number of pairs equals the number of individuals divided by 2
for i in range(keep, popSize, 2):
# pair of parents selection
parent1, parent2 = pairSelection(population, scores, popSize)
crossoverLength = min(len(parent1), len(parent2))
parentsCrossoverProbability = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if parentsCrossoverProbability < crossoverProbability:
offspring1, offspring2 = crossover(crossoverLength, parent1, parent2)
offspring1 = parent1.copy()
offspring2 = parent2.copy()
# Add offsprings to population
newPopulation[i] = numpy.copy(offspring1)
newPopulation[i + 1] = numpy.copy(offspring2)
return newPopulation
def mutatePopulaton(population, popSize, mutationProbability, keep, lb, ub):
The mutation of all individuals
population : list
The list of individuals
popSize: int
Number of chrmosome in a population
mutationProbability: float
The probability of mutating an individual
keep: int
Number of best individuals to keep without mutating for the next generation
lb: list
lower bound limit list
ub: list
Upper bound limit list
for i in range(keep, popSize):
# Mutation
offspringMutationProbability = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if offspringMutationProbability < mutationProbability:
mutation(population[i], len(population[i]), lb, ub)
def elitism(population, scores, bestIndividual, bestScore):
This melitism operator of the population
population : list
The list of individuals
scores : list
The list of fitness values for each individual
bestIndividual : list
An individual of the previous generation having the best fitness value
bestScore : float
The best fitness value of the previous generation
# get the worst individual
worstFitnessId = selectWorstIndividual(scores)
# replace worst cromosome with best one from previous generation if its fitness is less than the other
if scores[worstFitnessId] > bestScore:
population[worstFitnessId] = numpy.copy(bestIndividual)
scores[worstFitnessId] = numpy.copy(bestScore)
def selectWorstIndividual(scores):
It is used to get the worst individual in a population based n the fitness value
scores : list
The list of fitness values for each individual
maxFitnessId: The individual id of the worst fitness value
maxFitnessId = numpy.where(scores == numpy.max(scores))
maxFitnessId = maxFitnessId[0][0]
return maxFitnessId
def pairSelection(population, scores, popSize):
This is used to select one pair of parents using roulette Wheel Selection mechanism
population : list
The list of individuals
scores : list
The list of fitness values for each individual
popSize: int
Number of chrmosome in a population
parent1: The first parent individual of the pair
parent2: The second parent individual of the pair
parent1Id = rouletteWheelSelectionId(scores, popSize)
parent1 = population[parent1Id].copy()
parent2Id = rouletteWheelSelectionId(scores, popSize)
parent2 = population[parent2Id].copy()
return parent1, parent2
def rouletteWheelSelectionId(scores, popSize):
A roulette Wheel Selection mechanism for selecting an individual
scores : list
The list of fitness values for each individual
popSize: int
Number of chrmosome in a population
individualId: The id of the individual selected
##reverse score because minimum value should have more chance of selection
reverse = max(scores) + min(scores)
reverseScores = reverse - scores.copy()
sumScores = sum(reverseScores)
pick = random.uniform(0, sumScores)
current = 0
for individualId in range(popSize):
current += reverseScores[individualId]
if current > pick:
return individualId
def crossover(individualLength, parent1, parent2):
The crossover operator of a two individuals
individualLength: int
The maximum index of the crossover
parent1 : list
The first parent individual of the pair
parent2 : list
The second parent individual of the pair
offspring1: The first updated parent individual of the pair
offspring2: The second updated parent individual of the pair
# The point at which crossover takes place between two parents.
crossover_point = random.randint(0, individualLength - 1)
# The new offspring will have its first half of its genes taken from the first parent and second half of its genes taken from the second parent.
offspring1 = numpy.concatenate(
[parent1[0:crossover_point], parent2[crossover_point:]]
# The new offspring will have its first half of its genes taken from the second parent and second half of its genes taken from the first parent.
offspring2 = numpy.concatenate(
[parent2[0:crossover_point], parent1[crossover_point:]]
return offspring1, offspring2
def mutation(offspring, individualLength, lb, ub):
The mutation operator of a single individual
offspring : list
A generated individual after the crossover
individualLength: int
The maximum index of the crossover
lb: list
lower bound limit list
ub: list
Upper bound limit list
mutationIndex = random.randint(0, individualLength - 1)
mutationValue = random.uniform(lb[mutationIndex], ub[mutationIndex])
offspring[mutationIndex] = mutationValue
def clearDups(Population, lb, ub):
It removes individuals duplicates and replace them with random ones
objf : function
The objective function selected
lb: list
lower bound limit list
ub: list
Upper bound limit list
newPopulation: the updated list of individuals
newPopulation = numpy.unique(Population, axis=0)
oldLen = len(Population)
newLen = len(newPopulation)
if newLen < oldLen:
nDuplicates = oldLen - newLen
newPopulation = numpy.append(
numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, (nDuplicates, len(Population[0])))
* (numpy.array(ub) - numpy.array(lb))
+ numpy.array(lb),
return newPopulation
def calculateCost(objf, population, popSize, lb, ub):
It calculates the fitness value of each individual in the population
objf : function
The objective function selected
population : list
The list of individuals
popSize: int
Number of chrmosomes in a population
lb: list
lower bound limit list
ub: list
Upper bound limit list
scores: fitness values of all individuals in the population
scores = numpy.full(popSize, numpy.inf)
# Loop through individuals in population
for i in range(0, popSize):
# Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space
population[i] = numpy.clip(population[i], lb, ub)
# Calculate objective function for each search agent
scores[i] = objf(population[i, :])
return scores
def sortPopulation(population, scores):
This is used to sort the population according to the fitness values of the individuals
population : list
The list of individuals
scores : list
The list of fitness values for each individual
population: The new sorted list of individuals
scores: The new sorted list of fitness values of the individuals
sortedIndices = scores.argsort()
population = population[sortedIndices]
scores = scores[sortedIndices]
return population, scores
def GA(objf, lb, ub, dim, popSize, iters):
This is the main method which implements GA
objf : function
The objective function selected
lb: list
lower bound limit list
ub: list
Upper bound limit list
dim: int
The dimension of the indivisual
popSize: int
Number of chrmosomes in a population
iters: int
Number of iterations / generations of GA
s: The solution obtained from running the algorithm
cp = 1 # crossover Probability
mp = 0.01 # Mutation Probability
keep = 2
# elitism parameter: how many of the best individuals to keep from one generation to the next
s = solution()
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
bestIndividual = numpy.zeros(dim)
scores = numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, popSize)
bestScore = float("inf")
ga = numpy.zeros((popSize, dim))
for i in range(dim):
ga[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, popSize) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(iters)
print('GA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
for l in range(iters):
# crossover
ga = crossoverPopulaton(ga, scores, popSize, cp, keep)
# mutation
mutatePopulaton(ga, popSize, mp, keep, lb, ub)
ga = clearDups(ga, lb, ub)
scores = calculateCost(objf, ga, popSize, lb, ub)
bestScore = min(scores)
# Sort from best to worst
ga, scores = sortPopulation(ga, scores)
convergence_curve[l] = bestScore
if l % 1 == 0:
"At iteration "
+ str(l + 1)
+ " the best fitness is "
+ str(bestScore)
timerEnd = time.time()
s.bestIndividual = bestIndividual
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "GA"
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 16 00:27:50 2016
@author: Hossam Faris
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def GWO(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
# Max_iter=1000
# lb=-100
# ub=100
# dim=30
# SearchAgents_no=5
# initialize alpha, beta, and delta_pos
Alpha_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Alpha_score = float("inf")
Beta_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Beta_score = float("inf")
Delta_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Delta_score = float("inf")
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# Initialize the positions of search agents
Positions = numpy.zeros((SearchAgents_no, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Positions[:, i] = (
numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, SearchAgents_no) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
Convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iter)
s = solution()
# Loop counter
print('GWO is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
# Main loop
for l in range(0, Max_iter):
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
# Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space
for j in range(dim):
Positions[i, j] = numpy.clip(Positions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Calculate objective function for each search agent
fitness = objf(Positions[i, :])
# Update Alpha, Beta, and Delta
if fitness < Alpha_score:
Delta_score = Beta_score # Update delte
Delta_pos = Beta_pos.copy()
Beta_score = Alpha_score # Update beta
Beta_pos = Alpha_pos.copy()
Alpha_score = fitness
# Update alpha
Alpha_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
if fitness > Alpha_score and fitness < Beta_score:
Delta_score = Beta_score # Update delte
Delta_pos = Beta_pos.copy()
Beta_score = fitness # Update beta
Beta_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
if fitness > Alpha_score and fitness > Beta_score and fitness < Delta_score:
Delta_score = fitness # Update delta
Delta_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
a = 2 - l * ((2) / Max_iter)
# a decreases linearly fron 2 to 0
# Update the Position of search agents including omegas
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
for j in range(0, dim):
r1 = random.random() # r1 is a random number in [0,1]
r2 = random.random() # r2 is a random number in [0,1]
A1 = 2 * a * r1 - a
# Equation (3.3)
C1 = 2 * r2
# Equation (3.4)
D_alpha = abs(C1 * Alpha_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
# Equation (3.5)-part 1
X1 = Alpha_pos[j] - A1 * D_alpha
# Equation (3.6)-part 1
r1 = random.random()
r2 = random.random()
A2 = 2 * a * r1 - a
# Equation (3.3)
C2 = 2 * r2
# Equation (3.4)
D_beta = abs(C2 * Beta_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
# Equation (3.5)-part 2
X2 = Beta_pos[j] - A2 * D_beta
# Equation (3.6)-part 2
r1 = random.random()
r2 = random.random()
A3 = 2 * a * r1 - a
# Equation (3.3)
C3 = 2 * r2
# Equation (3.4)
D_delta = abs(C3 * Delta_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
# Equation (3.5)-part 3
X3 = Delta_pos[j] - A3 * D_delta
# Equation (3.5)-part 3
Positions[i, j] = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3 # Equation (3.7)
Convergence_curve[l] = Alpha_score
if l % 1 == 0:
print(["At iteration " + str(l) + " the best fitness is " + str(Alpha_score)])
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "GWO"
s.bestIndividual = Alpha_pos
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thirsday March 21 2019
% _____________________________________________________
% Main paper:
% Harris hawks optimization: Algorithm and applications
% Ali Asghar Heidari, Seyedali Mirjalili, Hossam Faris, Ibrahim Aljarah, Majdi Mafarja, Huiling Chen
% Future Generation Computer Systems,
% DOI:
% _____________________________________________________
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def HHO(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
# dim=30
# SearchAgents_no=50
# lb=-100
# ub=100
# Max_iter=500
# initialize the location and Energy of the rabbit
Rabbit_Location = numpy.zeros(dim)
Rabbit_Energy = float("inf") # change this to -inf for maximization problems
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb for _ in range(dim)]
ub = [ub for _ in range(dim)]
lb = numpy.asarray(lb)
ub = numpy.asarray(ub)
# Initialize the locations of Harris' hawks
X = numpy.asarray(
[x * (ub - lb) + lb for x in numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, (SearchAgents_no, dim))]
# Initialize convergence
convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iter)
s = solution()
print('HHO is now tackling "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
t = 0 # Loop counter
# Main loop
while t < Max_iter:
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
# Check boundries
X[i, :] = numpy.clip(X[i, :], lb, ub)
# fitness of locations
fitness = objf(X[i, :])
# Update the location of Rabbit
if fitness < Rabbit_Energy: # Change this to > for maximization problem
Rabbit_Energy = fitness
Rabbit_Location = X[i, :].copy()
E1 = 2 * (1 - (t / Max_iter)) # factor to show the decreaing energy of rabbit
# Update the location of Harris' hawks
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
E0 = 2 * random.random() - 1 # -1<E0<1
Escaping_Energy = E1 * (
) # escaping energy of rabbit Eq. (3) in the paper
# -------- Exploration phase Eq. (1) in paper -------------------
if abs(Escaping_Energy) >= 1:
# Harris' hawks perch randomly based on 2 strategy:
q = random.random()
rand_Hawk_index = math.floor(SearchAgents_no * random.random())
X_rand = X[rand_Hawk_index, :]
if q < 0.5:
# perch based on other family members
X[i, :] = X_rand - random.random() * abs(
X_rand - 2 * random.random() * X[i, :]
elif q >= 0.5:
# perch on a random tall tree (random site inside group's home range)
X[i, :] = (Rabbit_Location - X.mean(0)) - random.random() * (
(ub - lb) * random.random() + lb
# -------- Exploitation phase -------------------
elif abs(Escaping_Energy) < 1:
# Attacking the rabbit using 4 strategies regarding the behavior of the rabbit
# phase 1: ----- surprise pounce (seven kills) ----------
# surprise pounce (seven kills): multiple, short rapid dives by different hawks
r = random.random() # probablity of each event
if (
r >= 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy) < 0.5
): # Hard besiege Eq. (6) in paper
X[i, :] = (Rabbit_Location) - Escaping_Energy * abs(
Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]
if (
r >= 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy) >= 0.5
): # Soft besiege Eq. (4) in paper
Jump_strength = 2 * (
1 - random.random()
) # random jump strength of the rabbit
X[i, :] = (Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]) - Escaping_Energy * abs(
Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]
# phase 2: --------performing team rapid dives (leapfrog movements)----------
if (
r < 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy) >= 0.5
): # Soft besiege Eq. (10) in paper
# rabbit try to escape by many zigzag deceptive motions
Jump_strength = 2 * (1 - random.random())
X1 = Rabbit_Location - Escaping_Energy * abs(
Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X[i, :]
X1 = numpy.clip(X1, lb, ub)
if objf(X1) < fitness: # improved move?
X[i, :] = X1.copy()
else: # hawks perform levy-based short rapid dives around the rabbit
X2 = (
- Escaping_Energy
* abs(Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X[i, :])
+ numpy.multiply(numpy.random.randn(dim), Levy(dim))
X2 = numpy.clip(X2, lb, ub)
if objf(X2) < fitness:
X[i, :] = X2.copy()
if (
r < 0.5 and abs(Escaping_Energy) < 0.5
): # Hard besiege Eq. (11) in paper
Jump_strength = 2 * (1 - random.random())
X1 = Rabbit_Location - Escaping_Energy * abs(
Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X.mean(0)
X1 = numpy.clip(X1, lb, ub)
if objf(X1) < fitness: # improved move?
X[i, :] = X1.copy()
else: # Perform levy-based short rapid dives around the rabbit
X2 = (
- Escaping_Energy
* abs(Jump_strength * Rabbit_Location - X.mean(0))
+ numpy.multiply(numpy.random.randn(dim), Levy(dim))
X2 = numpy.clip(X2, lb, ub)
if objf(X2) < fitness:
X[i, :] = X2.copy()
convergence_curve[t] = Rabbit_Energy
if t % 1 == 0:
"At iteration "
+ str(t)
+ " the best fitness is "
+ str(Rabbit_Energy)
t = t + 1
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "HHO"
s.objfname = objf.__name__
|||| = Rabbit_Energy
s.bestIndividual = Rabbit_Location
return s
def Levy(dim):
beta = 1.5
sigma = (
math.gamma(1 + beta)
* math.sin(math.pi * beta / 2)
/ (math.gamma((1 + beta) / 2) * beta * 2 ** ((beta - 1) / 2))
) ** (1 / beta)
u = 0.01 * numpy.random.randn(dim) * sigma
v = numpy.random.randn(dim)
zz = numpy.power(numpy.absolute(v), (1 / beta))
step = numpy.divide(u, zz)
return step
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
""" JAYA Algorithm """
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def JAYA(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
# Best and Worst position initialization
Best_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Best_score = float("inf")
Worst_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Worst_score = float(0)
fitness_matrix = numpy.zeros((SearchAgents_no))
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# Initialize the positions of search agents
Positions = numpy.zeros((SearchAgents_no, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Positions[:, i] = (
numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, SearchAgents_no) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
# Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space
for j in range(dim):
Positions[i, j] = numpy.clip(Positions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Calculate objective function for each search agent
fitness = objf(Positions[i])
fitness_matrix[i] = fitness
if fitness < Best_score:
Best_score = fitness # Update Best_Score
Best_pos = Positions[i]
if fitness > Worst_score:
Worst_score = fitness # Update Worst_Score
Worst_pos = Positions[i]
Convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iter)
s = solution()
# Loop counter
print('JAYA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
# Main loop
for l in range(0, Max_iter):
# Update the Position of search agents
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
New_Position = numpy.zeros(dim)
for j in range(0, dim):
# Update r1, r2
r1 = random.random()
r2 = random.random()
# JAYA Equation
New_Position[j] = (
+ r1 * (Best_pos[j] - abs(Positions[i, j]))
- r2 * (Worst_pos[j] - abs(Positions[i, j]))
# checking if New_Position[j] lies in search space
if New_Position[j] > ub[j]:
New_Position[j] = ub[j]
if New_Position[j] < lb[j]:
New_Position[j] = lb[j]
new_fitness = objf(New_Position)
current_fit = fitness_matrix[i]
# replacing current element with new element if it has better fitness
if new_fitness < current_fit:
Positions[i] = New_Position
fitness_matrix[i] = new_fitness
# finding the best and worst element
for i in range(SearchAgents_no):
if fitness_matrix[i] < Best_score:
Best_score = fitness_matrix[i]
Best_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
if fitness_matrix[i] > Worst_score:
Worst_score = fitness_matrix[i]
Worst_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
Convergence_curve[l] = Best_score
if l % 1 == 0:
["At iteration " + str(l) + " the best fitness is " + str(Best_score)]
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "JAYA"
s.bestIndividual = Best_pos
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 16 10:42:18 2016
@author: hossam
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def MFO(objf, lb, ub, dim, N, Max_iteration):
# Max_iteration=1000
# lb=-100
# ub=100
# dim=30
#N = 50 # Number of search agents
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# Initialize the positions of moths
Moth_pos = numpy.zeros((N, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Moth_pos[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, N) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
Moth_fitness = numpy.full(N, float("inf"))
# Moth_fitness=numpy.fell(float("inf"))
Convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iteration)
sorted_population = numpy.copy(Moth_pos)
fitness_sorted = numpy.zeros(N)
best_flames = numpy.copy(Moth_pos)
best_flame_fitness = numpy.zeros(N)
double_population = numpy.zeros((2 * N, dim))
double_fitness = numpy.zeros(2 * N)
double_sorted_population = numpy.zeros((2 * N, dim))
double_fitness_sorted = numpy.zeros(2 * N)
previous_population = numpy.zeros((N, dim))
previous_fitness = numpy.zeros(N)
s = solution()
print('MFO is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
Iteration = 1
# Main loop
while Iteration < Max_iteration:
# Number of flames Eq. (3.14) in the paper
Flame_no = round(N - Iteration * ((N - 1) / Max_iteration))
for i in range(0, N):
# Check if moths go out of the search spaceand bring it back
for j in range(dim):
Moth_pos[i, j] = numpy.clip(Moth_pos[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# evaluate moths
Moth_fitness[i] = objf(Moth_pos[i, :])
if Iteration == 1:
# Sort the first population of moths
fitness_sorted = numpy.sort(Moth_fitness)
I = numpy.argsort(Moth_fitness)
sorted_population = Moth_pos[I, :]
# Update the flames
best_flames = sorted_population
best_flame_fitness = fitness_sorted
# # Sort the moths
double_population = numpy.concatenate(
(previous_population, best_flames), axis=0
double_fitness = numpy.concatenate(
(previous_fitness, best_flame_fitness), axis=0
double_fitness_sorted = numpy.sort(double_fitness)
I2 = numpy.argsort(double_fitness)
for newindex in range(0, 2 * N):
double_sorted_population[newindex, :] = numpy.array(
double_population[I2[newindex], :]
fitness_sorted = double_fitness_sorted[0:N]
sorted_population = double_sorted_population[0:N, :]
# # Update the flames
best_flames = sorted_population
best_flame_fitness = fitness_sorted
# # Update the position best flame obtained so far
Best_flame_score = fitness_sorted[0]
Best_flame_pos = sorted_population[0, :]
previous_population = Moth_pos
previous_fitness = Moth_fitness
# a linearly dicreases from -1 to -2 to calculate t in Eq. (3.12)
a = -1 + Iteration * ((-1) / Max_iteration)
# Loop counter
for i in range(0, N):
for j in range(0, dim):
if (
i <= Flame_no
): # Update the position of the moth with respect to its corresponsing flame
# D in Eq. (3.13)
distance_to_flame = abs(sorted_population[i, j] - Moth_pos[i, j])
b = 1
t = (a - 1) * random.random() + 1
# % Eq. (3.12)
Moth_pos[i, j] = (
distance_to_flame * math.exp(b * t) * math.cos(t * 2 * math.pi)
+ sorted_population[i, j]
# end
if (
i > Flame_no
): # Upaate the position of the moth with respct to one flame
# % Eq. (3.13)
distance_to_flame = abs(sorted_population[i, j] - Moth_pos[i, j])
b = 1
t = (a - 1) * random.random() + 1
# % Eq. (3.12)
Moth_pos[i, j] = (
distance_to_flame * math.exp(b * t) * math.cos(t * 2 * math.pi)
+ sorted_population[Flame_no, j]
Convergence_curve[Iteration] = Best_flame_score
# Display best fitness along the iteration
if Iteration % 1 == 0:
"At iteration "
+ str(Iteration)
+ " the best fitness is "
+ str(Best_flame_score)
Iteration = Iteration + 1
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "MFO"
s.bestIndividual = Best_flame_pos
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 11 17:06:34 2016
@author: hossam
import random
import numpy
import time
import math
import sklearn
from numpy import asarray
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from solution import solution
def normr(Mat):
"""normalize the columns of the matrix
B= normr(A) normalizes the row
the dtype of A is float"""
Mat = Mat.reshape(1, -1)
# Enforce dtype float
if Mat.dtype != "float":
Mat = asarray(Mat, dtype=float)
# if statement to enforce dtype float
B = normalize(Mat, norm="l2", axis=1)
B = numpy.reshape(B, -1)
return B
def randk(t):
if (t % 2) == 0:
s = 0.25
s = 0.75
return s
def RouletteWheelSelection(weights):
accumulation = numpy.cumsum(weights)
p = random.random() * accumulation[-1]
chosen_index = -1
for index in range(0, len(accumulation)):
if accumulation[index] > p:
chosen_index = index
choice = chosen_index
return choice
def MVO(objf, lb, ub, dim, N, Max_time):
# dim=30
# lb=-100
# ub=100
WEP_Max = 1
WEP_Min = 0.2
# Max_time=1000
# N=50
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
Universes = numpy.zeros((N, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Universes[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, N) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
Sorted_universes = numpy.copy(Universes)
convergence = numpy.zeros(Max_time)
Best_universe = [0] * dim
Best_universe_Inflation_rate = float("inf")
s = solution()
Time = 1
print('MVO is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
while Time < Max_time + 1:
"Eq. (3.3) in the paper"
WEP = WEP_Min + Time * ((WEP_Max - WEP_Min) / Max_time)
TDR = 1 - (math.pow(Time, 1 / 6) / math.pow(Max_time, 1 / 6))
Inflation_rates = [0] * len(Universes)
for i in range(0, N):
for j in range(dim):
Universes[i, j] = numpy.clip(Universes[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
Inflation_rates[i] = objf(Universes[i, :])
if Inflation_rates[i] < Best_universe_Inflation_rate:
Best_universe_Inflation_rate = Inflation_rates[i]
Best_universe = numpy.array(Universes[i, :])
sorted_Inflation_rates = numpy.sort(Inflation_rates)
sorted_indexes = numpy.argsort(Inflation_rates)
for newindex in range(0, N):
Sorted_universes[newindex, :] = numpy.array(
Universes[sorted_indexes[newindex], :]
normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates = numpy.copy(normr(sorted_Inflation_rates))
Universes[0, :] = numpy.array(Sorted_universes[0, :])
for i in range(1, N):
Back_hole_index = i
for j in range(0, dim):
r1 = random.random()
if r1 < normalized_sorted_Inflation_rates[i]:
White_hole_index = RouletteWheelSelection(-sorted_Inflation_rates)
if White_hole_index == -1:
White_hole_index = 0
White_hole_index = 0
Universes[Back_hole_index, j] = Sorted_universes[
White_hole_index, j
r2 = random.random()
if r2 < WEP:
r3 = random.random()
if r3 < 0.5:
Universes[i, j] = Best_universe[j] + TDR * (
(ub[j] - lb[j]) * random.random() + lb[j]
) # random.uniform(0,1)+lb);
if r3 > 0.5:
Universes[i, j] = Best_universe[j] - TDR * (
(ub[j] - lb[j]) * random.random() + lb[j]
) # random.uniform(0,1)+lb);
convergence[Time - 1] = Best_universe_Inflation_rate
if Time % 1 == 0:
"At iteration "
+ str(Time)
+ " the best fitness is "
+ str(Best_universe_Inflation_rate)
Time = Time + 1
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence
s.optimizer = "MVO"
s.bestIndividual = Best_universe
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May 15 22:37:00 2016
@author: Hossam Faris
import random
import numpy
from solution import solution
import time
def PSO(objf, lb, ub, dim, PopSize, iters):
# PSO parameters
Vmax = 6
wMax = 0.9
wMin = 0.2
c1 = 2
c2 = 2
s = solution()
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
######################## Initializations
vel = numpy.zeros((PopSize, dim))
pBestScore = numpy.zeros(PopSize)
pBest = numpy.zeros((PopSize, dim))
gBest = numpy.zeros(dim)
gBestScore = float("inf")
pos = numpy.zeros((PopSize, dim))
for i in range(dim):
pos[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, PopSize) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(iters)
print('PSO is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
for l in range(0, iters):
for i in range(0, PopSize):
# pos[i,:]=checkBounds(pos[i,:],lb,ub)
for j in range(dim):
pos[i, j] = numpy.clip(pos[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Calculate objective function for each particle
fitness = objf(pos[i, :])
if pBestScore[i] > fitness:
pBestScore[i] = fitness
pBest[i, :] = pos[i, :].copy()
if gBestScore > fitness:
gBestScore = fitness
gBest = pos[i, :].copy()
# Update the W of PSO
w = wMax - l * ((wMax - wMin) / iters)
for i in range(0, PopSize):
for j in range(0, dim):
r1 = random.random()
r2 = random.random()
vel[i, j] = (
w * vel[i, j]
+ c1 * r1 * (pBest[i, j] - pos[i, j])
+ c2 * r2 * (gBest[j] - pos[i, j])
if vel[i, j] > Vmax:
vel[i, j] = Vmax
if vel[i, j] < -Vmax:
vel[i, j] = -Vmax
pos[i, j] = pos[i, j] + vel[i, j]
convergence_curve[l] = gBestScore
if l % 1 == 0:
print(["At iteration " + str(l + 1) + " the best fitness is " + str(gBestScore)])
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "PSO"
s.bestIndividual = gBest
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
""" Sine Cosine OPtimization Algorithm """
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def SCA(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
# destination_pos
Dest_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Dest_score = float("inf")
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# Initialize the positions of search agents
Positions = numpy.zeros((SearchAgents_no, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Positions[:, i] = (
numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, SearchAgents_no) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
Convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iter)
s = solution()
# Loop counter
print('SCA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
# Main loop
for l in range(0, Max_iter):
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
# Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space
for j in range(dim):
Positions[i, j] = numpy.clip(Positions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Calculate objective function for each search agent
fitness = objf(Positions[i, :])
if fitness < Dest_score:
Dest_score = fitness # Update Dest_Score
Dest_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
# Eq. (3.4)
a = 2
Max_iteration = Max_iter
r1 = a - l * ((a) / Max_iteration) # r1 decreases linearly from a to 0
# Update the Position of search agents
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
for j in range(0, dim):
# Update r2, r3, and r4 for Eq. (3.3)
r2 = (2 * numpy.pi) * random.random()
r3 = 2 * random.random()
r4 = random.random()
# Eq. (3.3)
if r4 < (0.5):
# Eq. (3.1)
Positions[i, j] = Positions[i, j] + (
r1 * numpy.sin(r2) * abs(r3 * Dest_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
# Eq. (3.2)
Positions[i, j] = Positions[i, j] + (
r1 * numpy.cos(r2) * abs(r3 * Dest_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
Convergence_curve[l] = Dest_score
if l % 1 == 0:
["At iteration " + str(l) + " the best fitness is " + str(Dest_score)]
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "SCA"
s.bestIndividual = Dest_pos
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def SSA(objf, lb, ub, dim, N, Max_iteration):
# Max_iteration=1000
# lb=-100
# ub=100
# dim=30
N = 50 # Number of search agents
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
Convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iteration)
# Initialize the positions of salps
SalpPositions = numpy.zeros((N, dim))
for i in range(dim):
SalpPositions[:, i] = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, N) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
SalpFitness = numpy.full(N, float("inf"))
FoodPosition = numpy.zeros(dim)
FoodFitness = float("inf")
# Moth_fitness=numpy.fell(float("inf"))
s = solution()
print('SSA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
for i in range(0, N):
# evaluate moths
SalpFitness[i] = objf(SalpPositions[i, :])
sorted_salps_fitness = numpy.sort(SalpFitness)
I = numpy.argsort(SalpFitness)
Sorted_salps = numpy.copy(SalpPositions[I, :])
FoodPosition = numpy.copy(Sorted_salps[0, :])
FoodFitness = sorted_salps_fitness[0]
Iteration = 1
# Main loop
while Iteration < Max_iteration:
# Number of flames Eq. (3.14) in the paper
# Flame_no=round(N-Iteration*((N-1)/Max_iteration));
c1 = 2 * math.exp(-((4 * Iteration / Max_iteration) ** 2))
# Eq. (3.2) in the paper
for i in range(0, N):
SalpPositions = numpy.transpose(SalpPositions)
if i < N / 2:
for j in range(0, dim):
c2 = random.random()
c3 = random.random()
# Eq. (3.1) in the paper
if c3 < 0.5:
SalpPositions[j, i] = FoodPosition[j] + c1 * (
(ub[j] - lb[j]) * c2 + lb[j]
SalpPositions[j, i] = FoodPosition[j] - c1 * (
(ub[j] - lb[j]) * c2 + lb[j]
elif i >= N / 2 and i < N + 1:
point1 = SalpPositions[:, i - 1]
point2 = SalpPositions[:, i]
SalpPositions[:, i] = (point2 + point1) / 2
# Eq. (3.4) in the paper
SalpPositions = numpy.transpose(SalpPositions)
for i in range(0, N):
# Check if salps go out of the search spaceand bring it back
for j in range(dim):
SalpPositions[i, j] = numpy.clip(SalpPositions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
SalpFitness[i] = objf(SalpPositions[i, :])
if SalpFitness[i] < FoodFitness:
FoodPosition = numpy.copy(SalpPositions[i, :])
FoodFitness = SalpFitness[i]
# Display best fitness along the iteration
if Iteration % 1 == 0:
"At iteration "
+ str(Iteration)
+ " the best fitness is "
+ str(FoodFitness)
Convergence_curve[Iteration] = FoodFitness
Iteration = Iteration + 1
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "SSA"
s.bestIndividual = FoodPosition
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 16 14:19:49 2016
@author: hossam
import random
import numpy
import math
from solution import solution
import time
def WOA(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
# dim=30
# SearchAgents_no=50
# lb=-100
# ub=100
# Max_iter=500
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# initialize position vector and score for the leader
Leader_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Leader_score = float("inf") # change this to -inf for maximization problems
# Initialize the positions of search agents
Positions = numpy.zeros((SearchAgents_no, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Positions[:, i] = (
numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, SearchAgents_no) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
# Initialize convergence
convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iter)
s = solution()
print('WOA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
t = 0 # Loop counter
# Main loop
while t < Max_iter:
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
# Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space
# Positions[i,:]=checkBounds(Positions[i,:],lb,ub)
for j in range(dim):
Positions[i, j] = numpy.clip(Positions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Calculate objective function for each search agent
fitness = objf(Positions[i, :])
# Update the leader
if fitness < Leader_score: # Change this to > for maximization problem
Leader_score = fitness
# Update alpha
Leader_pos = Positions[
i, :
].copy() # copy current whale position into the leader position
a = 2 - t * ((2) / Max_iter)
# a decreases linearly fron 2 to 0 in Eq. (2.3)
# a2 linearly decreases from -1 to -2 to calculate t in Eq. (3.12)
a2 = -1 + t * ((-1) / Max_iter)
# Update the Position of search agents
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
r1 = random.random() # r1 is a random number in [0,1]
r2 = random.random() # r2 is a random number in [0,1]
A = 2 * a * r1 - a # Eq. (2.3) in the paper
C = 2 * r2 # Eq. (2.4) in the paper
b = 1
# parameters in Eq. (2.5)
l = (a2 - 1) * random.random() + 1 # parameters in Eq. (2.5)
p = random.random() # p in Eq. (2.6)
for j in range(0, dim):
if p < 0.5:
if abs(A) >= 1:
rand_leader_index = math.floor(
SearchAgents_no * random.random()
X_rand = Positions[rand_leader_index, :]
D_X_rand = abs(C * X_rand[j] - Positions[i, j])
Positions[i, j] = X_rand[j] - A * D_X_rand
elif abs(A) < 1:
D_Leader = abs(C * Leader_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
Positions[i, j] = Leader_pos[j] - A * D_Leader
elif p >= 0.5:
distance2Leader = abs(Leader_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
# Eq. (2.5)
Positions[i, j] = (
distance2Leader * math.exp(b * l) * math.cos(l * 2 * math.pi)
+ Leader_pos[j]
convergence_curve[t] = Leader_score
if t % 1 == 0:
["At iteration " + str(t) + " the best fitness is " + str(Leader_score)]
t = t + 1
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "WOA"
s.objfname = objf.__name__
|||| = Leader_score
s.bestIndividual = Leader_pos
return s
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