fix stupid and dangerous bugs with sleeps not working

This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2021-08-12 22:15:18 -07:00
parent 0b198cc5c0
commit a71d9c33d7

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@ -193,17 +193,17 @@ async def try_all_ips(db, try_me, checks, opts: Options, callback=None):
from asyncio import create_task, sleep, BoundedSemaphore
seen, total = 0, None
sem = BoundedSemaphore(opts.ip_simul)
async def process(ip):
async def _process(ip):
nonlocal seen
first = seen == 0
seen += 1
if opts.progress:
lament(f"#{seen}: {ip}" if total is None else f"#{seen}/{total}: {ip}")
if not first:
await sleep(opts.ip_wait)
first_failure = await try_ip(db, ip, checks, opts, callback)
if first_failure is None:
print(ip) # all tests for this server passed; pass it along to stdout
elif opts.dry: # don't save the error anywhere; pass it along to stdout
@ -214,12 +214,21 @@ async def try_all_ips(db, try_me, checks, opts: Options, callback=None):
print(ip, ff.reason, ff.kind, ff.domain, sep="\t")
sem = BoundedSemaphore(opts.ip_simul)
async def process(ip):
await _process(ip)
tasks = []
while (res := await try_me.get()) is not None:
ip, total = res
#lament("TRYING", ip)
async with sem:
if len(tasks) > 0:
await sleep(opts.ip_wait)
ip, total = res
# acquire now instead of within the task so
# a ton of tasks aren't created all at once.
await sem.acquire()
task = create_task(process(ip))
for task in tasks: