2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2017-06-25 17:16:51 -07:00
from onn import *
from onn_core import _f
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
from dotmap import DotMap
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-07-11 05:44:26 -07:00
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
measure_every_epoch = True
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
target_boost = lambda y: y
use_emnist = False
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
if use_emnist:
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
lr = 1.0
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
epochs = 48
starts = 2
2017-06-17 09:46:39 -07:00
bs = 400
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-04-11 05:49:49 -07:00
learner_class = SGDR
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
restart_decay = 0.5
2017-06-17 09:46:39 -07:00
n_dense = 2
n_denses = 0
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
new_dims = (28, 28)
activation = GeluApprox
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
output_activation = Softmax
normalize = True
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
optim = MomentumClip(mu=0.7, nesterov=True)
restart_optim = False
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-07-11 05:11:47 -07:00
reg = None # L1L2(2.0e-5, 1.0e-4)
final_reg = None # L1L2(2.0e-5, 1.0e-4)
dropout = 0.33
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
actreg_lamb = None
load_fn = None
save_fn = 'emnist.h5'
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
log_fn = 'emnist_losses.npz'
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
fn = 'emnist-balanced.npz'
mnist_dim = 28
mnist_classes = 47
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
lr = 0.01
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
epochs = 60
starts = 3
2017-04-11 05:49:49 -07:00
bs = 500
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
learner_class = SGDR
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
restart_decay = 0.5
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
n_dense = 2
n_denses = 1
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
new_dims = (4, 12)
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
activation = GeluApprox
output_activation = Softmax
normalize = True
optim = MomentumClip(0.8, 0.8)
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
restart_optim = False
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-07-03 02:47:31 -07:00
reg = None # L1L2(1e-6, 1e-5) # L1L2(3.2e-5, 3.2e-4)
final_reg = None # L1L2(1e-6, 1e-5) # L1L2(3.2e-5, 1e-3)
2017-07-01 19:55:19 -07:00
dropout = None # 0.05
2017-04-11 05:49:49 -07:00
actreg_lamb = None #1e-4
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
load_fn = None
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
save_fn = 'mnist.h5'
log_fn = 'mnist_losses.npz'
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
fn = 'mnist.npz'
mnist_dim = 28
mnist_classes = 10
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
def get_mnist(fn='mnist.npz'):
import os.path
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
if fn == 'mnist.npz' and not os.path.exists(fn):
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
from keras.datasets import mnist
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
X_train = X_train.reshape(X_train.shape[0], 1, mnist_dim, mnist_dim)
X_test = X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], 1, mnist_dim, mnist_dim)
X_train = X_train.astype('float32') / 255
X_test = X_test.astype('float32') / 255
Y_train = to_categorical(y_train, mnist_classes)
Y_test = to_categorical(y_test, mnist_classes)
lament("mnist successfully saved to", fn)
lament("please re-run this program to continue")
with np.load(fn) as f:
return f['X_train'], f['Y_train'], f['X_test'], f['Y_test']
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
inputs, outputs, valid_inputs, valid_outputs = get_mnist(fn)
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
outputs = target_boost(outputs)
valid_outputs = target_boost(valid_outputs)
2017-04-11 03:32:48 -07:00
def regulate(y):
if actreg_lamb:
2017-04-11 05:49:49 -07:00
assert activation == Relu, activation
2017-04-11 03:32:48 -07:00
lamb = actreg_lamb # * np.prod(y.output_shape)
reg = SaturateRelu(lamb)
act = ActivityRegularizer(reg)
reg.lamb_orig = reg.lamb # HACK
y = y.feed(act)
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
if normalize:
y = y.feed(LayerNorm())
2017-04-11 03:32:48 -07:00
if dropout:
y = y.feed(Dropout(dropout))
return y
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
x = Input(shape=inputs.shape[1:])
y = x
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
y = y.feed(Reshape(new_shape=(mnist_dim, mnist_dim)))
for i in range(n_denses):
if i > 0:
2017-04-11 03:32:48 -07:00
y = regulate(y)
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
y = y.feed(activation())
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
y = y.feed(Denses(new_dims[0], axis=0, init=init_he_normal,
reg_w=reg, reg_b=reg))
y = y.feed(Denses(new_dims[1], axis=1, init=init_he_normal,
reg_w=reg, reg_b=reg))
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
y = y.feed(Flatten())
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
for i in range(n_dense):
if i > 0:
2017-04-11 03:32:48 -07:00
y = regulate(y)
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
y = y.feed(activation())
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
y = y.feed(Dense(y.output_shape[0], init=init_he_normal,
reg_w=reg, reg_b=reg))
2017-04-11 03:32:48 -07:00
y = regulate(y)
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
y = y.feed(activation())
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
y = y.feed(Dense(mnist_classes, init=init_glorot_uniform,
reg_w=final_reg, reg_b=final_reg))
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
y = y.feed(output_activation())
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-09-16 09:59:36 -07:00
if output_activation in (Softmax, Sigmoid):
loss = CategoricalCrossentropy()
loss = SquaredHalved()
mloss = Accuracy()
model = Model(x, y, loss=loss, mloss=mloss, unsafe=True)
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
def rscb(restart):
log("restarting", restart)
if restart_optim:
2017-04-11 05:49:49 -07:00
if learner_class == SGDR:
learner = learner_class(optim, epochs=epochs//starts, rate=lr,
restarts=starts-1, restart_decay=restart_decay,
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
expando=lambda i:0,
2017-07-01 19:52:07 -07:00
elif learner_class in (TriangularCLR, SineCLR, WaveCLR):
2017-04-11 05:49:49 -07:00
learner = learner_class(optim, epochs=epochs, lower_rate=0, upper_rate=lr,
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
elif learner_class is AnnealingLearner:
learner = learner_class(optim, epochs=epochs, rate=lr,
elif learner_class is DumbLearner:
learner = learner_class(self, optim, epochs=epochs//starts, rate=lr,
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
restarts=starts-1, restart_advance=epochs//starts,
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
elif learner_class is Learner:
learner = Learner(optim, epochs=epochs, rate=lr)
2017-07-01 19:52:07 -07:00
2017-07-22 21:23:57 -07:00
if not isinstance(optim, YellowFin):
lament('WARNING: no learning rate schedule selected.')
2017-07-01 19:52:07 -07:00
learner = Learner(optim, epochs=epochs)
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-09-16 09:59:36 -07:00
ritual = Ritual(learner=learner)
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-06-30 19:17:46 -07:00
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
log('parameters', model.param_count)
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
logs = DotMap(
batch_losses = [],
batch_mlosses = [],
train_losses = [],
train_mlosses = [],
valid_losses = [],
valid_mlosses = [],
learning_rate = [],
momentum = [],
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
def measure_error(quiet=False):
2017-08-05 03:39:32 -07:00
def print_error(name, inputs, outputs):
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
loss, mloss, _, _ = ritual.test_batched(inputs, outputs, bs, return_losses='both')
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
if not quiet:
log(name + " loss", "{:12.6e}".format(loss))
log(name + " accuracy", "{:6.2f}%".format(mloss * 100))
2017-03-12 17:41:18 -07:00
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
return loss, mloss
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
loss, mloss = print_error("train", inputs, outputs)
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
2017-08-02 20:35:02 -07:00
loss, mloss = print_error("valid", valid_inputs, valid_outputs)
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
while learner.next():
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
act_t = (learner.epoch - 1) / (learner.epochs - 1)
if actreg_lamb:
for node in model.ordered_nodes:
if isinstance(node, ActivityRegularizer):
node.reg.lamb = act_t * node.reg.lamb_orig # HACK
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
avg_loss, avg_mloss, losses, mlosses = ritual.train_batched(
2017-06-17 16:41:02 -07:00
inputs, outputs,
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
fmt = "rate {:10.8f}, loss {:12.6e}, accuracy {:6.2f}%"
2017-03-22 14:41:24 -07:00
log("epoch {}".format(learner.epoch),
2017-02-27 14:52:39 -08:00
fmt.format(learner.rate, avg_loss, avg_mloss * 100))
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
logs.batch_losses += losses
logs.batch_mlosses += mlosses
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
if measure_every_epoch:
2017-03-22 14:41:24 -07:00
quiet = learner.epoch != learner.epochs
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
2017-07-01 22:39:51 -07:00
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
if getattr(optim, 'mu', None):
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
if not measure_every_epoch:
2017-04-10 21:48:53 -07:00
if save_fn is not None:
log('saving weights', save_fn)
model.save_weights(save_fn, overwrite=True)
2017-02-27 16:36:04 -08:00
if log_fn:
log('saving losses', log_fn)
2017-07-01 19:53:31 -07:00
kwargs = dict()
for k, v in logs.items():
if len(v) > 0:
kwargs[k] = np.array(v, dtype=_f)
np.savez_compressed(log_fn, **kwargs)