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synced 2024-11-05 04:39:03 -08:00
191 lines
3.8 KiB
191 lines
3.8 KiB
// translates calls to 800021F8
// to copy strings to memory instead
// for Lua to later pick up on
[global_context]: 0x80212020
// offset from first pointer in global context
[dlist_offset]: 0x2C0
[SetTextRGBA]: 0x800FB3AC
[SetTextXY]: 0x800FB41C
[SetTextString]: 0x800FBCB4
[TxtPrinter]: 0x800FBB60
[InitTxtStruct]: 0x800FBB8C
[DoTxtStruct]: 0x800FBC1C
[UpdateTxtStruct]: 0x800FBC64
[ObjectSpawn]: 0x80097C00
[ObjectIndex]: 0x8009812C
push 4, 1, ra
// draw some nonsense text
li a0, 0x00010001 // xy
li a1, 0x88CCFFFF // rgba
la a2, fmt
la a3, buffer
jal easytext
// reset buffer position in our per-frame hook
la t0, buffer
sw t0, buffer_pos
// and set the string to null
sb r0, 0(t0)
jpop 4, 1, ra
.byte 0x25,0x73,0x00 // %s
.byte 0x68,0x65,0x79,0x00 // hey
.word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// a0: xxxxyyyy
// a1: rrggbbaa
// a2: printf formatting string
// a3: first argument for format string (optional)
// TODO: support more than 4 args
push 4, 1, s0, s1, ra
la s0, textdata
sw a0, 32(sp)
sw a1, 36(sp)
sw a2, 40(sp)
sw a3, 44(sp)
li t0, @TxtPrinter
sw t0, 0(s0) // printer
sw r0, 4(s0) // dlist end
sh r0, 8(s0) // x
sh r0, 10(s0) // y
li t0, 0xC
sw t0, 12(s0) // unknown
sw r0, 16(s0) // color
li t0, @global_context
lw s1, 0(t0)
lw t2, @dlist_offset(s1)
mov a0, s0
mov a1, t2
jal @DoTxtStruct
lbu a1, 36(sp)
lbu a2, 37(sp)
lbu a3, 38(sp)
lbu t1, 39(sp)
sw t1, 0x10(sp)
jal @SetTextRGBA
mov a0, s0
lh a1, 32(sp)
lh a2, 34(sp)
jal @SetTextXY
mov a0, s0
lw a1, 40(sp)
lw a2, 44(sp)
jal @SetTextString
mov a0, s0
mov a0, s0
jal @UpdateTxtStruct
sw v0, @dlist_offset(s1)
jpop 4, 1, s0, s1, ra
// keep track of which objects we're spawning
// TODO: reset count on scene change
push 4, ra, 1
// stuff for jump-only hook
//li a0, 0x802237C4
//mov a1, a3
//beqi a1, 2, + // don't bother loading gameplay_field_keep
lwu t0, spawn_count
sll t2, t0, 1
la t1, spawned
addu t1, t1, t2
addiu t0, t0, 1
sw t0, spawn_count
sh a1, 0(t1)
jal @ObjectSpawn
jpop 4, ra, 1
.word 0
.halfword 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// keep track of where we are in the buffer
.word 0
// we'll just let this overflow
.align 8
.word 0
// overwrite (not hook) the debug printing function
.org 0x800021B0
// a0: unknown
// a1: char *msg
// a2: size_t len
lw t0, buffer_pos
lb t1, 0(a1)
sb t1, 0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 1
addi a1, a1, 1
subi a2, a2, 1
bne a2, r0, copy_loop
sb r0, 0(t0) // null terminate
sw t0, buffer_pos
// force objects to load
/* jump-only hook
.org 0x80098180
j ObjectSpawnWrap
.org @ObjectIndex
// we have space for 22 instructions
push 4, ra, 1
//sll a1, a1, 0x10
//sra a1, a1, 0x10
mov t0, a0
lbu t1, 8(a0) // remaining items
cl v0
lh t2, 12(t0) // item's object number
// t2 = abs(t2)
bgez t2, +
subu t2, r0, t2
beq a1, t2, +
subi t1, t1, 1
addiu v0, v0, 1
addi t0, t0, 68
bnez t1, -
jal ObjectSpawnWrap
//subiu v0, r0, -1
jpop 4, ra, 1
// 19 words