Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/notwa/mm synced 2024-11-05 07:19:02 -08:00

400 lines
9.7 KiB

[link_save]: 0x801EF670
[has_completed_intro]: 0x5
[have_tatl]: 0x22
[player_name]: 0x2C
[scene_flags]: 0x470
[week_event_reg]: 0xEF8
[scene_flags_ingame]: 0x3F68
[global_context]: 0x803E6B20
[link_actor]: 0x803FFDB0
[starting_exit]: 0x8014533C
[default_save]: 0x801C6898
[link_object_ptr]: 0x803FFFF4 // actually just an offset of link_actor?
[scene_record_size]: 0x14
// do nothing per-frame
/* TODO:
short term:
fix/shuffle cleansed/unfrozen scenes that lead to each other
test beating each boss and other cutscene stuff (odolwa works)
fix death warps so they won't spawn you out of bounds
make sure koume spawns in the woods
allow peeking thru curiosity shop at any time
set up wallet sizes not unlike mm randomizer
allow buying of biggest bomb bag without an existing bomb bag
make turtle cutscene shorter (just set first time flag by default)
long term:
add/fix generic grottos
make death warps work like in mzx's hack
boss warps take you to a duplicate of an existing exit (0x3010, ?, ?, ?)
skip giants cutscenes; give oath when any mask is acquired (0xCC00 fyi)
really long term:
make bombers' code etc. a function of the filename (if it isn't already)
maybe make shuffling more random (reduce rng bias)
/* notes:
8016A708 breakpoint hit for reading entrance mod (gets summed immediately after)
then calls 80132338 -> 801322C0
same thing for calling 80132374
80132338 calls 801322C0 and returns the scene number
801322C0 returns the entrance value in V0 (and the pointer to it in V1)
.word 0xDEADBEEF
whatever: // debugging stuff
.word 0
.word 0xDEADBEEF
.word 0xFFFFFFFF
.include "crc32.asm"
.include "entrances.asm"
// a0: scene number
// a1: scene word (0-4)
// a2: bit to set (0-31)
// v0: new scene flag word
li t0, @link_save
addiu t1, t0, @scene_flags_ingame
li t2, @scene_record_size
multu a0, t2
mflo t2
addu t3, t1, t2
sll t4, a1, 2 // t4 = a1*sizeof(word)
addu t3, t3, t4
lw v0, (t3) // load scene flag word
li t6, 1
sllv t6, t6, a2
or v0, v0, t6 // set flag
sw v0, (t3) // write it back
// a0: event flag offset
// a1: byte offset
// a2: bit to set (0-7)
// v0: 1 if set, else 0
li t0, @link_save
addu t1, t0, a0
addu t2, t1, a1
lb v0, (t2)
li t6, 1
sllv t6, t6, a2
and v0, v0, t6
beqz v0, +
cl v0
li v0, 1
// a0: event flag offset
// a1: byte offset
// a2: bit to set (0-7)
// v0: new event flag value
li t0, @link_save
addu t1, t0, a0
addu t2, t1, a1
lb v0, (t2)
li t6, 1
sllv t6, t6, a2
or v0, v0, t6
sb v0, (t2)
// copypasta from CloudMax's old hack
// registers available for use without blowing up: at, t3, t4, a0
lw t3, @link_object_ptr
lui t4, 0x0001
sub t3, t3, t4 // t3 -= 0x10000
lw t4, tunic_color
sw t4, 0xF184(t3)
sw t4, 0xEFFC(t3)
sw t4, 0xECB4(t3)
sw t4, 0xEB2C(t3)
sw t4, 0xE8F4(t3)
sw t4, 0xE47C(t3)
sw t4, 0xDE74(t3)
sw t4, 0xDDB4(t3)
sw t4, 0xDBDC(t3)
sw t4, 0xD6D4(t3)
sw t4, 0xD1AC(t3)
j tunic_color_hook_return
lhu v0, 0xF6DC(v0) // original code
push 4, s0, s1, ra, 1
li s0, @link_save
lb t0, @has_completed_intro(s0)
bnez t0, +
li t0, 1
// first time setup
sb t0, @has_completed_intro(s0)
sb t0, @have_tatl(s0)
li a0, 0x0063 // inside clock tower
li a1, 1 // second word
li a2, 0 // first bit ("You've met with a terrible fate")
jal set_scene_flag
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 31
li a2, 2 // Tatl reminding you about the four directions
jal set_event_flag
addi a0, s0, @player_name
li a2, 0xFFFFFFFF
jal crc32
li a1, 8
not v0, v0
sw v0, hash
sw v0, rng_seed
jal shuffle_all
jpop 4, s0, s1, ra, 1
// just a reimplementation of the PRNG the game uses.
// it's from Numerical Recipes in C, by the way.
// random = random*0x19660D + 0x3C6EF35F;
lw t0, rng_seed
li t1, 0x19660D
multu t0, t1
li t2, 0x3C6EF35F
mflo t3
addu v0, t3, t2
sw v0, rng_seed
.word 0
// v0 = random integer from 0 to a0; a0 >= 0
push 4, s0, ra
jal prng
addi s0, a0, 1
divu v0, s0
mfhi v0
jpop 4, s0, ra
push 4, s0, s1, s2, ra
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_.22inside-out.22_algorithm
li s0, 0
li s1, @entries
la s2, shuffles
jal randint
mov a0, s0
// s0 is i, v0 is j
sll t0, s0, 2 // 1<<2 == 2*sizeof(half)
sll t1, v0, 2 // likewise
addu t0, s2, t0 // [i]
addu t1, s2, t1 // [j]
// a[i] = a[j]
lhu t3, 2(t1)
sh t3, 2(t0)
// a[j] = source[i]
lhu t4, 0(t0)
sh t4, 2(t1)
// iterate
addi s0, s0, 1
bne s0, s1, -
jpop 4, s0, s1, s2, ra
// a0: exit value
// v0: shuffled exit value
push 4, ra, 1
mov v0, a0
li t0, @entries
li t1, 0
lw t2, crc32
sw t2, rng_seed
la t3, shuffles
mov t4, t3
lhu t5, (t4)
beq a0, t5, +
addi t1, t1, 1
beq t1, t0, shuffle_exit_return
b -
addi t4, t4, 4 // 2*sizeof(halfword)
lhu v0, 2(t4)
jpop 4, ra, 1
andi t9, a0, 0x01FF
andi t0, a0, 0xFE00
// use poisoned swamp
li at, 0x0C00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x8400
addu a0, t9, at
// use frozen mountain
li at, 0x9A00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0xAE00
addu a0, t9, at
mov v0, a0
push 4, s0, ra
mov s0, a0
// use clean swamp when odolwa is beaten
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 20
jal get_event_flag
li a2, 1
beqz v0, +
andi t9, s0, 0x01FF
andi t0, s0, 0xFE00
// can't actually use bnei here because unsignedness, oops
li at, 0x8400
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x0C00
addu s0, t9, at
// use unfrozen mountain when goht is beaten
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 33
jal get_event_flag
li a2, 7
beqz v0, set_alt_scene_return
andi t9, s0, 0x01FF
andi t0, s0, 0xFE00
li at, 0x9400
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x8A00
addu s0, t9, at
li at, 0x9A00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0xAE00
addu s0, t9, at
li at, 0xB400
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0xB600
addu s0, t9, at
mov v0, s0
jpop 4, s0, ra
push 4, s0, ra
// immediately passes a0 to this
jal unset_alt_scene
jal shuffle_exit
mov a0, v0
jal set_alt_scene
mov a0, v0
mov s0, v0
// set woodfall temple as raised after beating odolwa
// otherwise the swamp won't be cleansed
li at, 0x8601
bne s0, at, +
li a1, 20
li a0, @week_event_reg
jal set_event_flag
li a2, 0
mov a0, s0
pop 4, s0, ra
j shuffle_hook_return
sw a0, 0(sp) // original code
.org 0x801322C0
j shuffle_hook
andi a0, a0, 0xFFFF // original code
.org @starting_exit
li t8, 0xD800
li t4, 0xD800
.org 0x80145464 // JR of starting_exit's function
j load_hook // tail call
.org @default_save
.ascii "\0\0\0\0\0\0" // ZELDA3
.half 1 // SoT count
.ascii ">>>>>>>>" // player name
.half 0x30 // hearts
.half 0x30 // max hearts
.byte 1 // magic level
.byte 0x30 // magic amount
.half 0 // rupees
.word 0 // navi timer
.byte 1 // has normal magic
.byte 0 // has double magic
.half 0 // double defense
.half 0xFF00 // unknown
.half 0x0000 // owls hit
.word 0xFF000008 // unknown
.word 0x4DFFFFFF // human buttons
.word 0x4DFFFFFF // goron buttons
.word 0x4DFFFFFF // zora buttons
.word 0xFDFFFFFF // deku buttons
.word 0x00FFFFFF // equipped slots
.word 0xFFFFFFFF // unknown
.word 0xFFFFFFFF // unknown
.word 0xFFFFFFFF // unknown
.half 0x0011 // tunic & boots
.half 0 // unknown
// inventory items
.byte 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF // ocarina, nothing else
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
// mask items
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x32 // deku mask, nothing else
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
// item quantities
.byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.word 0 // upgrades
.word 0x00003000 // quest status (set song of time and song of healing)
.org 0x801261D0
j tunic_color_hook
lhu t1, 0x1DB0(t1)// original code