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synced 2025-02-05 13:23:23 -08:00
141 lines
2.8 KiB
141 lines
2.8 KiB
// bomb tornado
// originally written by RainingChain in Lua
// rewritten in assembly by notwa
[global_context]: 0x803E6B20
[link_actor]: 0x803FFDB0
[actorlist_offset]: 0x1CB0
[actorlist_dead_space]: 0x4
[actor_x]: 0x24
[actor_y]: 0x28
[actor_z]: 0x2C
[actor_prev]: 0x128
[actor_next]: 0x12C
[actor_bomb_timer]: 0x1F1
[at_bomb]: 0x0009
[rotate_amount]: 0x3E567750 // pi/15
// F12 = input (single), F0 = output (single), F4 = output (double)
[sinf]: 0x80088350
[cosf]: 0x80091F40
push 4, s1, s3, s4, ra
// s1: current actor ptr
// s3: current actor type ptr
// s4: current actor type index
li t0, @global_context
addi s3, t0, @actorlist_offset
li s4, 0
// update rotations
la t0, rotations
li t2, @rotate_amount
li t9, 0
lw t1, 0(t0)
mtc1 t1, F0
mtc1 t2, F1
add.s F0, F0, F1
mfc1 t1, F0
sw t1, 0(t0)
addi t0, t0, 4
addi t9, t9, 1
li at, 6
bne t9, at, -
la t0, rotations
sw t0, current_rotation
addi s3, s3, 4 // skip over count
lw s1, 0(s3)
beq s1, r0, continue
mov a0, s1
bal process_actor
lw s1, @actor_next(s1)
bne s1, r0, listloop
addi s3, s3, 4
addi s4, s4, 1
li t0, 12
bne s4, t0, typeloop
addi s3, s3, @actorlist_dead_space
ret 4, s1, s3, s4, ra
process_actor: // args: a0. returns nothing.
// TODO: ignore bomb explosions, they share the same type
push 4, s0, s1, ra
// s0: result of sin
// s1: result of cos
lh t0, 0(a0)
subiu t0, t0, @at_bomb
bne t0, r0, +
li t0, 0x45
sb t0, @actor_bomb_timer(a0)
lw t5, current_rotation
lw t5, 0(t5)
jal @sinf
mtc1 t5, F12
mfc1 s0, F0
lw t5, current_rotation
lw t5, 0(t5)
jal @cosf
mtc1 t5, F12
mfc1 s1, F0
li t1, @link_actor
lw t2, @actor_x(t1)
lw t3, @actor_y(t1)
lw t4, @actor_z(t1)
li t0, 0x42960000 // 75
mtc1 t0, F2
// process X
mtc1 s0, F0
mtc1 t2, F1
mul.s F0, F0, F2
add.s F0, F0, F1
mfc1 t2, F0
// process Z
mtc1 s1, F0
mtc1 t4, F1
mul.s F0, F0, F2
add.s F0, F0, F1
mfc1 t4, F0
sw t2, @actor_x(a0)
sw t3, @actor_y(a0)
sw t4, @actor_z(a0)
lw t5, current_rotation
addi t5, t5, 4
sw t5, current_rotation
ret 4, s0, s1, ra
.word 0x00000000 // pi*0/6
.word 0x40060a92 // pi*4/6
.word 0x40860a92 // pi*8/6
.word 0x40c90fdb // pi*12/6
.word 0x41060a92 // pi*16/6
.word 0x41278d36 // pi*20/6
.word 0