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synced 2025-02-05 05:23:22 -08:00
work on onscreen actor num/var control
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 180 additions and 135 deletions
@ -8,8 +8,15 @@ local injection_points = {
['M US10'] = {
inject_addr = 0x780000,
inject_maxlen = 0x5A800,
ow_addr = 0x1749D0,
ow_before = 0x0C05CEC6,
-- main rendering loop:
-- the only other function (that literally just loads and returns)
--ow_addr = 0x1749D0,
--ow_before = 0x0C05CEC6,
-- just after the JALR in the actor(?) rendering loop
-- problem is we do processing AFTER it's all rendered
-- this causes an extra frame of delay for ingame changes
ow_addr = 0x1737C4,
ow_before = 0x0C05CD50,
['M JP10'] = {
inject_addr = 0x780000,
Lua/inject/dpad control.asm
Normal file
Lua/inject/dpad control.asm
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// a0: number you want to control
// a1: button state
// v0: number after modifications
la t1, dpad_values
srl t0, a1, 8
andi t0, t0, 0xF
add t0, t0, t1
lb t0, 0(t0)
add v0, a0, t0
// use table of values for branchless operation
.byte 0, 1, -1, 0
.byte -10, -9, -11, -10
.byte +10, +11, +9, +10
.byte 0, 1, -1, 0
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[SetTextXY]: 0x800FB41C
[SetTextString]: 0x800FBCB4
[TxtPrinter]: 0x800FBB60
[InitTxtStruct]: 0x800FBB8C
[InitTxtStruct]: 0x800FBB8C // unused here; we set it up inline
[DoTxtStruct]: 0x800FBC1C
[UpdateTxtStruct]: 0x800FBC64
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
li a1, 0x88CCFFFF // rgba
la a2, fmt
la a3, buffer
jal easytext
jal simple_text
// reset buffer position in our per-frame hook
la t0, buffer
@ -40,66 +40,7 @@ str:
.byte 0x68,0x65,0x79,0x00 // hey
.word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// a0: xxxxyyyy
// a1: rrggbbaa
// a2: printf formatting string
// a3: first argument for format string (optional)
// TODO: support more than 4 args
push 4, 1, s0, s1, ra
la s0, textdata
sw a0, 32(sp)
sw a1, 36(sp)
sw a2, 40(sp)
sw a3, 44(sp)
li t0, @TxtPrinter
sw t0, 0(s0) // printer
sw r0, 4(s0) // dlist end
sh r0, 8(s0) // x
sh r0, 10(s0) // y
li t0, 0xC
sw t0, 12(s0) // unknown
sw r0, 16(s0) // color
li t0, @global_context
lw s1, 0(t0)
lw t2, @dlist_offset(s1)
mov a0, s0
mov a1, t2
jal @DoTxtStruct
lbu a1, 36(sp)
lbu a2, 37(sp)
lbu a3, 38(sp)
lbu t1, 39(sp)
sw t1, 0x10(sp)
jal @SetTextRGBA
mov a0, s0
lh a1, 32(sp)
lh a2, 34(sp)
jal @SetTextXY
mov a0, s0
lw a1, 40(sp)
lw a2, 44(sp)
jal @SetTextString
mov a0, s0
mov a0, s0
jal @UpdateTxtStruct
sw v0, @dlist_offset(s1)
jpop 4, 1, s0, s1, ra
.include "simple text.asm"
// keep track of which objects we're spawning
Lua/inject/simple spawn.asm
Normal file
Lua/inject/simple spawn.asm
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// a0: actor number
// a1: actor variable
push 4, 9, ra
mov a2, a0
mov t4, a1
li a1, @global_context
addi a0, a1, @actor_spawn_offset
li t0, @link_actor
lw t1, @actor_x(t0)
lw t2, @actor_y(t0)
lw t3, @actor_z(t0)
mov a3, t1 // X position
sw t2, 0x10(sp) // Y position
sw t3, 0x14(sp) // Z position
li t9, 0x0
sw t9, 0x18(sp) // rotation?
lhu t7, @actor_horiz_angle(t0)
sw t7, 0x1C(sp) // horizontal rotation
li t9, 0x0
sw t9, 0x20(sp) // rotation?
sw t4, 0x24(sp) // actor variable
li t9, 0x0000007F
sw t9, 0x28(sp) // unknown
li t9, 0x000003FF
sw t9, 0x2C(sp) // spawn time? (probably MM only)
li t9, 0x00000000
sw t9, 0x30(sp) // unknown
jal @actor_spawn
jpop 4, 9, ra
Lua/inject/simple text.asm
Normal file
Lua/inject/simple text.asm
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
.word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// a0: xxxxyyyy
// a1: rrggbbaa
// a2: printf formatting string
// a3: first argument for format string (optional)
// TODO: support more than 4 args
push 4, 1, s0, s1, ra
la s0, textdata
sw a0, 32(sp)
sw a1, 36(sp)
sw a2, 40(sp)
sw a3, 44(sp)
li t0, @TxtPrinter
sw t0, 0(s0) // printer
sw r0, 4(s0) // dlist end
sh r0, 8(s0) // x
sh r0, 10(s0) // y
li t0, 0xC
sw t0, 12(s0) // unknown
sw r0, 16(s0) // color
li t0, @global_context
lw s1, 0(t0)
lw t2, @dlist_offset(s1)
mov a0, s0
mov a1, t2
jal @DoTxtStruct
lbu a1, 36(sp)
lbu a2, 37(sp)
lbu a3, 38(sp)
lbu t1, 39(sp)
sw t1, 0x10(sp)
jal @SetTextRGBA
mov a0, s0
lh a1, 32(sp)
lh a2, 34(sp)
jal @SetTextXY
mov a0, s0
lw a1, 40(sp)
lw a2, 44(sp)
jal @SetTextString
mov a0, s0
mov a0, s0
jal @UpdateTxtStruct
sw v0, @dlist_offset(s1)
jpop 4, 1, s0, s1, ra
@ -19,6 +19,16 @@
[upgrades_offset]: 0xB8
[upgrades_2_offset]: 0xBA
[dlist_offset]: 0x2C0
[SetTextRGBA]: 0x800859BC
[SetTextXY]: 0x80085A2C
[SetTextString]: 0x800860D8
[TxtPrinter]: 0x80085FE4
[InitTxtStruct]: 0x80086010 // unused here; we set it up inline
[DoTxtStruct]: 0x8008606C
[UpdateTxtStruct]: 0x800860A0
.include "spawn.asm"
[whatever]: 0x807D0000 // stupid hack since i can't store/restore PC (not yet!)
@ -7,19 +7,13 @@
[hold_delay_amount]: 3
push 4, s1, ra
push 4, s0, s1, s2, ra
li t0, @link_save
li t1, @global_context
// give max rupee upgrade (set bit 13, clear bit 12 of lower halfword)
lhu t2, @upgrades_2_offset(t0)
ori t2, t2, 0x2000
andi t2, t2, 0xEFFF
sh t2, @upgrades_2_offset(t0)
lhu t2, @buttons_offset(t1)
lhu t9, @rupees_offset(t0)
lhu s2, @buttons_offset(t1)
lhu s0, anum
lw s1, hold_delay
andi t4, t2, @button_any
andi t4, s2, @button_any
bnez t4, +
addi s1, s1, 1
li s1, 0
@ -30,80 +24,59 @@
bltz t4, return
andi t3, t2, @button_D_right
beqz t3, +
addi t9, t9, 1
andi t3, t2, @button_D_left
beqz t3, +
subi t9, t9, 1
andi t3, t2, @button_D_up
beqz t3, +
addi t9, t9, 10
andi t3, t2, @button_D_down
beqz t3, +
subi t9, t9, 10
subi t4, t9, 1
mov a0, s0
jal dpad_control
mov a1, s2
mov s0, v0
subi t4, s0, 1
bgez t4, +
li t9, @max_actor_no
li s0, @max_actor_no
subi t4, t9, @max_actor_no
subi t4, s0, @max_actor_no
blez t4, +
li t9, 1
li s0, 1
sh t9, @rupees_offset(t0)
andi t3, t2, @button_L
sh s0, anum
andi t3, s2, @button_L
beqz t3, return
mov a0, t9
mov a0, s0
lhu a1, avar
bal simple_spawn
sw s1, hold_delay
jpop 4, s1, ra
simple_spawn: // args: a0 (actor to spawn)
push 4, 9, ra
mov a2, a0
li a1, @global_context
addi a0, a1, @actor_spawn_offset
li t0, @link_actor
lw t1, @actor_x(t0)
lw t2, @actor_y(t0)
lw t3, @actor_z(t0)
mov a3, t1 // X position
sw t2, 0x10(sp) // Y position
sw t3, 0x14(sp) // Z position
li t9, 0x0
sw t9, 0x18(sp) // rotation?
lhu t7, @actor_horiz_angle(t0)
sw t7, 0x1C(sp) // horizontal rotation
li t9, 0x0
sw t9, 0x20(sp) // rotation?
// lhu t7, @actor_horiz_angle(t0)
li t7, 0
sw t7, 0x24(sp) // actor variable
li t9, 0x0000007F
sw t9, 0x28(sp) // unknown
li t9, 0x000003FF
sw t9, 0x2C(sp) // spawn time? (probably MM only)
li t9, 0x00000000
sw t9, 0x30(sp) // unknown
jal @actor_spawn
// render actor number
li a0, 0x0001001C // xy
li a1, 0x88CCFFFF // rgba
la a2, fmt
mov a3, s0
jal simple_text
jpop 4, 9, ra
// render actor variable
li a0, 0x0006001C // xy
li a1, 0xFFCC88FF // rgba
la a2, fmt
lhu a3, avar
jal simple_text
jpop 4, s0, s1, s2, ra
.word 0
.word 0
.byte 0x25,0x30,0x34,0x58,0x00 // %04X
.include "dpad control.asm"
.include "simple spawn.asm"
.include "simple text.asm"
.word 0
Add table
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