mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 18:32:51 -07:00
describe how to use the Lua and asm stuff
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 122 additions and 22 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
These are written for
[the latest revision of Bizhawk.][biz]
[biz]: https://github.com/TASVideos/bizhawk/
[biz]: //github.com/TASVideos/bizhawk/
Note that some scripts lack full support for Ocarina of Time.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ TODO
#### monitor epona.lua
used to investigate [this glitch with unloading Epona.][eponaglitch]
[eponaglitch]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX0ZcIS8P84
[eponaglitch]: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX0ZcIS8P84
#### monitor event flags.lua
Monitors event flags,
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ using human-readable English names.
Provides the function `dump_all_exits(fn)`
which produces [a large csv file.][csv]
[csv]: https://eaguru.guru/t/_exits.csv
[csv]: //eaguru.guru/t/_exits.csv
#### monitor misc.lua
Monitors unknown regions of memory.
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ where:
* [two digits]: version number of a release build for the N64
* GC: Gamecube
* DE: Demo (includes Debug features)
* DE: Debug
* DB: Debug
* MQ: Master Quest
### menus/\*
@ -2,12 +2,112 @@
i like to muck around in the memory of these games.
those who are more interested in the ROM will find [the binary template repo][bt]
those who are more interested in the ROM may find [the binary template repo][bt]
more resourceful.
[bt]: https://github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates
[bt]: //github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates
# Majora's Mask
## Lua Scripts
this repo contains a ton of Lua scripts
written for [the latest version of Bizhawk.][bizhawk]
all the scripts you'll want to use are in the root Lua directory,
and their dependencies are in further subdirectories.
that means, if you want to use a script,
you **must** preserve the directory structure.
you **cannot,** say, extract one file from [this repo's archive][arch]
and expect it to work.
[bizhawk]: //github.com/tasvideos/bizhawk
[arch]: //github.com/notwa/mm/archive/master.zip
a summary of each script is available in [the Lua README.md file,][luarm]
and another for [the library files][librm] that the scripts use.
[luarm]: /Lua/README.md
[librm]: /Lua/lib/README.md
of these, you probably came for `cheat menu.lua`
this script will bind your L button to open an on-screen menu
allowing you to control many aspects of the game.

of immediate interest are the classic levitation and run-fast cheats,
but also the menu of warps to any area and any entrance in the game.
you can also change your Z-Targeting method to Hold in the 2nd
page of the Progress menu, in case you forgot to change it in-game.
## Assembly Hacks
i have written a handful of ROM and RAM hacks for Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time.
these have all been written in the custom assembler syntax of
[_lips,_ a MIPS assembler written in Lua.][lips]
_lips_ is included in this repository; you do not need to acquire it separately.
[lips]: //github.com/notwa/lips
you only need to run `Lua/inject.lua` in Bizhawk
to run the *RAM hacks* — that is, modifications that act
directly on the game's RAM while it runs; not modifying the ROM.
for the *ROM hacks,* you will need to set up a lot more.
you will need:
* **bash 4.3** to run the shell scripts responsible for
automatically running all the following software.
* **Python 3.4** to run the scripts responsible for
splitting the ROM into files, and merging those files into a single ROM again.
* **LuaJIT 2.0** to run the *lips* assembler responsible for
turning the assembly files into executable binary code.
you might manage to use the *Lua 5.1* interpreter,
but this is not strictly supported.
* **gcc 4.9** *or* **clang 3.6** to compile the programs responsible for
(de)compressing the *Yaz* archive files, and for computing checksums.
the versions listed above are rough estimates, and newer versions of software
are likely to work fine.
if you're on Windows, and you're not afraid of the (\*nix) console,
you can set up [cygwin](//cygwin.com)
to install binaries of bash, python, and gcc.
then all that's left is to compile LuaJIT yourself.
last, but not least, you will need the approriate ROM for the ROM hack.
you will probably need to change the hard-coded paths to the ROMs.
*(note to self: change scripts to take the required ROM as their first argument)*
finally, you just run the appropriate shell scripts
for the ROM hacks you want to produce. for example:
$ cd asm
$ ./mm-bq
00-07-31 17:04:16
uncompressed 0031 V00B3C000
ratio: 59%
compressed 0031 V00B3C000
ratio: 59%
compressed 1552 V02EE7040
ratio: 1%
bootcode: 6105
crcs: 5CF5359C A893E696
### blah
to compile the C programs, you might need to pass `-std=gnu11`. basically:
gcc -std=gnu11 -Wall -Ofast z64yaz0.c -o z64yaz0
gcc -std=gnu11 -Wall -Ofast z64crc.c -o z64crc
in the future, it'd be nice to only depend on LuaJIT to build ROMs.
cygwin's newline mangling will be the death of me.
# Miscellaneous notes on Majora's Mask
for brevity, all addresses written here are given for the original US version.
refer to the spreadsheets or Lua tables for their equivalent in other versions.
@ -33,19 +133,19 @@ some sheets have been put together to dump data in. some of them can be used to
*spoilers:* no desirable results besides light arrows, if it were even possible.
_potential crashes are not taken account for._
[eventflags]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/181V9dR5vBROdCVB4FkljG5oz2O4gGU5OTAkoPQX9X10/edit?usp=sharing
[gs_addrs]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HD8yZM1Jza3O8zO28n3k_Rjwdx58RSMA03915l51oDA/edit?usp=sharing
[noice]: /Lua/addrs/M/common.lua
[gim]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17LsLbF6aRePVRxisui8azPtDBfPmjugWIf91wPuXTsY
[ed]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e9kDyAW0gxXHFWS-GNEtVIo-rp39wQJJOtf3B0ehhqY
[eventflags]: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/181V9dR5vBROdCVB4FkljG5oz2O4gGU5OTAkoPQX9X10/edit?usp=sharing
[gs_addrs]: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HD8yZM1Jza3O8zO28n3k_Rjwdx58RSMA03915l51oDA/edit?usp=sharing
[noice]: /Lua/lib/addrs/M/common.lua
[gim]: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17LsLbF6aRePVRxisui8azPtDBfPmjugWIf91wPuXTsY
[ed]: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e9kDyAW0gxXHFWS-GNEtVIo-rp39wQJJOtf3B0ehhqY
[calc]: /Lua/exit%20calculator.lua
[csv]: https://eaguru.guru/t/_exits.csv
[csv]: //eaguru.guru/t/_exits.csv
## save files
save contents are mostly documented by [the save file binary templates.][savebt]
[savebt]: https://github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates/tree/master/filetypes/Save
[savebt]: //github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates/tree/master/filetypes/Save
in the versions of the game with owl saves,
regular saves are 0x100C in size, and owl saves are 0x3CA0.
@ -56,7 +156,7 @@ each slot has one backup copy of itself, though they don't seem to be used?
if a slot is corrupted, it will show up as empty in the menu.
the checksum is a 16-bit sum of all bytes up to that point, allowing overflows.
i've written [a checksum-fixing program][chksum] in python for bizhawk savefiles.
i've written [a checksum-fixing program][chksum] in Python for Bizhawk savefiles.
i've also written an [010][010] Editor [script][chksum2]
and its [OoT variant][chksumOoT]
for properly formed save files, such as those made by nemu64.
@ -64,8 +164,8 @@ for properly formed save files, such as those made by nemu64.
owl saves always have 0x24 added to their checksum for some reason.
[chksum]: /chksum.py
[chksum2]: https://github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates/blob/master/scripts/FixSaveMM.1sc
[chksumOoT]: https://github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates/blob/master/scripts/FixSaveOoT.1sc
[chksum2]: //github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates/blob/master/scripts/FixSaveMM.1sc
[chksumOoT]: //github.com/EntranceJew/zelda-binary-templates/blob/master/scripts/FixSaveOoT.1sc
[010]: http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/
bizhawk save files, at the time of writing, have the first file offset to 0x20800.
@ -84,14 +184,14 @@ xxd -r $x > "$s"
revend "$s"
## save files (for download)
## MM Save Files
because no one likes first cycle.
sometime i'll bother checking what the bombers/lottery codes are for these.
* [Bizhawk US 1.0 race file](https://eaguru.guru/t/MM%20US%20Race%20File%20for%20Bizhawk.zip )
* [mupen64plus US 1.0 race file](https://eaguru.guru/t/Legend%20of%20Zelda%2C%20The%20-%20Majora%27s%20Mask%20%28U%29%20%5B%21%5D.zip)
* [Bizhawk US 1.0 race file](//eaguru.guru/t/MM%20US%20Race%20File%20for%20Bizhawk.zip )
* [mupen64plus US 1.0 race file](//eaguru.guru/t/Legend%20of%20Zelda%2C%20The%20-%20Majora%27s%20Mask%20%28U%29%20%5B%21%5D.zip)
## bitfields
@ -114,8 +214,8 @@ they appear in a different order than in save files, however.
803E898C corresponds to offset 0xC.
803E8994 corresponds to offset 0x10.
### link's status
### Link's status
here's [an incomplete document on some of link's bitfields][linkfields] for JP 1.0.
here's [an incomplete document on some of Link's bitfields][linkfields] for JP 1.0.
[linkfields]: /mm-bitflags.txt
img/M_US10.2016-10-02 19.02.17.png
Normal file
img/M_US10.2016-10-02 19.02.17.png
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 100 KiB |
Add table
Reference in a new issue