mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 05:23:22 -08:00
first working ROM build of beta quest
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 637 additions and 20 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@ -1,17 +1,41 @@
[link_save]: 0x801EF670
[has_completed_intro]: 0x5
[have_tatl]: 0x22
[player_name]: 0x2C
[scene_flags]: 0x470
[week_event_reg]: 0xEF8
[voidout_type]: 0x3CB0
[voidout_exit]: 0x3CC4
[exit_mod_setter]: 0x3F4A
[scene_flags_ingame]: 0x3F68
.include "common.asm"
[starting_exit]: 0x9F87C
[default_save]: 0x120DD8
; 0x8016A2C8 -> 0xC4808
; 0x8016A2C8 - 0xC4808 = 0x800A5AC0
; 0x8016AC0C - 0x8016A2C8 = 0x944
.org 0xC4808
; if we've already loaded once, don't load again
lbu t0, @start ; 2
bnez t0, + ; 1
nop ; 1
push 4, a0, a1, a2, ra ; 5
li a0, @start ; 1
li a1, @vstart ; 2
li a2, @size ; 2
jal @DMARomToRam ; 1
nop ; 1
pop 4, a0, a1, a2, ra ; 5
j @dma_hook ; 1
nop ; 1
; total overwriten instructions: 23
; the original function is in setup.asm,
; and is moved into our extra file.
; we have (0x944 / 4 - 23) = 570 words of space here, should we need it.
.word 0xDEADBEEF
.org 0x9F9A4 ; JR of starting_exit's function
j @load_hook ; tail call
.org 0x80710
j @tunic_color_hook
lhu t1, 0x1DB0(t1); original code
.org @starting_exit
li t8, 0xD800 ; modified code
li t4, 0xD800 ; modified code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
[vstart]: 0x02EE7040 ; VROM address of our "extra" file
[start]: 0x80780000 ; RAM address of the "extra" file after DMA hook
[size]: 0x5A800 ; this is the most we can store in this region of RAM
[DMARomToRam]: 0x80080C90
[link_save]: 0x801EF670
[has_completed_intro]: 0x5
[have_tatl]: 0x22
[player_name]: 0x2C
[scene_flags]: 0x470
[week_event_reg]: 0xEF8
[voidout_type]: 0x3CB0
[voidout_exit]: 0x3CC4
[exit_mod_setter]: 0x3F4A
[scene_flags_ingame]: 0x3F68
[global_context]: 0x803E6B20 ; FIXME: don't hardcode
[link_actor]: 0x803FFDB0 ; FIXME: don't hardcode
[link_object_ptr]: 0x803FFFF4 ; actually just an offset of link_actor?
;[link_object_ptr]: 0x244
[scene_record_size]: 0x14
; TODO: use arithmetic to do this (add that to lips)
; TODO: better yet, add proper label exports to lips
; so you can write the routines anywhere
[dma_hook]: 0x807DA000
[load_hook]: 0x807DA010
[setup_hook]: 0x807DA020
[tunic_color_hook]: 0x807DA030
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
; note: we check the first byte here to determine if we've been loaded already
.word 0xDEADBEEF ; so this can't be 0x00xxxxxx
whatever: ; debugging stuff
.word 0
.include "common.asm"
.word 0xFFFFFFFF
.half 0
.half 0
.word 0
.include "entrances.asm"
.include "crc32.asm"
push 4, 1, ra
jal setup_hook
pop 4, 1, ra
; original code (includes jr)
.include "setup.asm"
; a0: scene number
; a1: scene word (0-4)
; a2: bit to set (0-31)
; v0: new scene flag word
li t0, @link_save
addiu t1, t0, @scene_flags_ingame
li t2, @scene_record_size
multu a0, t2
mflo t2
addu t3, t1, t2
sll t4, a1, 2 ; t4 = a1*sizeof(word)
addu t3, t3, t4
lw v0, (t3) ; load scene flag word
li t6, 1
sllv t6, t6, a2
or v0, v0, t6 ; set flag
sw v0, (t3) ; write it back
; a0: event flag offset
; a1: byte offset
; a2: bit to set (0-7)
; v0: 1 if set, else 0
li t0, @link_save
addu t1, t0, a0
addu t2, t1, a1
lb v0, (t2)
li t6, 1
sllv t6, t6, a2
and v0, v0, t6
beqz v0, +
cl v0
li v0, 1
; a0: event flag offset
; a1: byte offset
; a2: bit to set (0-7)
; v0: new event flag value
li t0, @link_save
addu t1, t0, a0
addu t2, t1, a1
lb v0, (t2)
li t6, 1
sllv t6, t6, a2
or v0, v0, t6
sb v0, (t2)
; copypasta from CloudMax's old hack
; registers available for use without blowing up: at, t3, t4, a0
lw t3, @link_object_ptr
lui t4, 0x0001
sub t3, t3, t4 ; t3 -= 0x10000
lw t4, tunic_color
sw t4, 0xF184(t3)
sw t4, 0xEFFC(t3)
sw t4, 0xECB4(t3)
sw t4, 0xEB2C(t3)
sw t4, 0xE8F4(t3)
sw t4, 0xE47C(t3)
sw t4, 0xDE74(t3)
sw t4, 0xDDB4(t3)
sw t4, 0xDBDC(t3)
sw t4, 0xD6D4(t3)
sw t4, 0xD1AC(t3)
j 0x801261D8
lhu v0, 0xF6DC(v0) ; original code
push 4, s0, s1, ra, 1
li s0, @link_save
lb t0, @has_completed_intro(s0)
bnez t0, +
li t0, 1
; first time setup
sb t0, @has_completed_intro(s0)
sb t0, @have_tatl(s0)
li a0, 0x001A ; deku intro area
li a1, 2
jal set_scene_flag
li a2, 2 ; "Hey, you! C'mon! Press Z and talk to me!"
li a0, 0x0063 ; inside clock tower
li a1, 1 ; second word
jal set_scene_flag
li a2, 0 ; first bit ("You've met with a terrible fate")
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 31
jal set_event_flag
li a2, 2 ; Tatl reminding you about the four directions
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 93
jal set_event_flag
li a2, 3 ; woken turtle once (shortens cutscene)
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 53
jal set_event_flag
li a2, 6 ; taken turtle once (skips pirates getting wrekt)
addi a0, s0, @player_name
li a2, 0xFFFFFFFF
jal crc32
li a1, 8
not v0, v0
sw v0, hash
sw v0, rng_seed
jal shuffle_all
jpop 4, s0, s1, ra, 1
; just a reimplementation of the PRNG the game uses.
; it's from Numerical Recipes in C, by the way.
; random = random*0x19660D + 0x3C6EF35F;
lw t0, rng_seed
li t1, 0x19660D
multu t0, t1
li t2, 0x3C6EF35F
mflo t3
addu v0, t3, t2
sw v0, rng_seed
; v0 = random integer from 0 to a0; a0 >= 0
push 4, s0, ra
jal prng
addi s0, a0, 1
divu v0, s0
mfhi v0
jpop 4, s0, ra
push 4, s0, s1, s2, ra
; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_.22inside-out.22_algorithm
li s0, 0
li s1, @entries
la s2, shuffles
jal randint
mov a0, s0
; s0 is i, v0 is j
sll t0, s0, 2 ; 1<<2 == 2*sizeof(half)
sll t1, v0, 2 ; likewise
addu t0, s2, t0 ; [i]
addu t1, s2, t1 ; [j]
; a[i] = a[j]
lhu t3, 2(t1)
sh t3, 2(t0)
; a[j] = source[i]
lhu t4, 0(t0)
sh t4, 2(t1)
; iterate
addi s0, s0, 1
bne s0, s1, -
jpop 4, s0, s1, s2, ra
; a0: exit value
; v0: shuffled exit value
push 4, ra, 1
mov v0, a0
li t0, @entries
li t1, 0
la t3, shuffles
mov t4, t3
lhu t5, (t4)
beq a0, t5, +
addi t1, t1, 1
beq t1, t0, shuffle_get_return
b -
addi t4, t4, 4 ; 2*sizeof(halfword)
lhu v0, 2(t4)
jpop 4, ra, 1
andi t9, a0, 0x01FF
andi t0, a0, 0xFE00
; use poisoned swamp
li at, 0x0C00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x8400
addu a0, t9, at
; use frozen mountain
li at, 0x8A00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x9400
addu s0, t9, at
li at, 0xAE00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x9A00
addu s0, t9, at
li at, 0xB600
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0xB400
addu s0, t9, at
mov v0, a0
push 4, s0, ra
mov s0, a0
; use clean swamp when odolwa is beaten
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 20
jal get_event_flag
li a2, 1
beqz v0, +
andi t9, s0, 0x01FF
andi t0, s0, 0xFE00
; can't actually use bnei here because unsignedness, oops
li at, 0x8400
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x0C00
addu s0, t9, at
; use unfrozen mountain when goht is beaten
li a0, @week_event_reg
li a1, 33
jal get_event_flag
li a2, 7
beqz v0, set_alt_scene_return
andi t9, s0, 0x01FF
andi t0, s0, 0xFE00
li at, 0x9400
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0x8A00
addu s0, t9, at
li at, 0x9A00
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0xAE00
addu s0, t9, at
li at, 0xB400
bne t0, at, +
li at, 0xB600
addu s0, t9, at
mov v0, s0
jpop 4, s0, ra
push 4, s0, ra
sh a0, old_exit
li t0, @link_save
lw t1, @voidout_type(t0)
; if this was a death warp, don't use coordinates for respawning
li at, -6
bne t1, at, +
cl t1
sw t1, @voidout_type(t0)
; same for walking between areas in ikana castle
li at, -2
bne t1, at, +
cl t1
sw t1, @voidout_type(t0)
; if this was a void out, don't shuffle
bnez t1, +
mov s0, a0
; if this is a cutscene, don't shuffle
lh t2, @exit_mod_setter(t0)
bnei t2, 0xFFEF, +
; implicitly passes a0
jal unset_alt_scene
jal shuffle_get
mov a0, v0
jal set_alt_scene
mov a0, v0
mov s0, v0
sh v0, new_exit
; set woodfall temple as raised after beating odolwa
; otherwise the swamp won't be cleansed
li at, 0x8601
bne s0, at, +
li a1, 20
li a0, @week_event_reg
jal set_event_flag
li a2, 0
mov v0, s0
jpop 4, s0, ra
push 4, a0, ra
lw a0, @link_save
jal shuffle_exit
andi a0, a0, 0xFFFF
sw v0, @link_save
jpop 4, a0, ra
.word 0xDEADBEEF
.org @dma_hook
j dma_hook
.word dma_hook
.org @setup_hook
j setup_hook
.word setup_hook
.org @load_hook
j load_hook
.word load_hook
.org @tunic_color_hook
j tunic_color_hook
.word tunic_color_hook
.align 0x10
@ -1,26 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
[[ "$1" == "fast" ]] && fast=1
[[ "$1" == "test" ]] && fast=2
rom=../../roms/everything/"Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) [!].z64"
code="0031 V00B3C000"
extra="1552 V02EE7040"
if ! [ -d "$extracted" ]; then
../z64dump.py "$rom"
mv "$sha1" "$extracted"
[ -d patchme ] && rm -r patchme
cp -r "$extracted" patchme
if [ $fast -eq 0 ]; then
[ -d patchme ] && rm -r patchme
cp -r "$extracted" patchme
# don't copy entire dir; avoid copying dotfiles (.git)
mkdir -p lips
cp "$lips"/* lips
cp "$inject/"{crc32,entrances}.asm .
luajit patch.lua code.asm patchme/"$code"
../z64dump.py patchme
mv patchme.z64 mm-randomizer.z64
#touch patchme/"$extra"
dd if=/dev/zero of=patchme/"$extra" bs=370688 count=1 2>/dev/null
luajit patch.lua code.asm patchme/"$code" 0
luajit patch.lua extra.asm patchme/"$extra" 0x80780000
if [ $fast -ne 2 ]; then
../z64dump.py patchme
mv patchme.z64 mm-randomizer.z64
@ -2,21 +2,38 @@ package.path = package.path..";./?/init.lua"
local assemble = require "lips"
local function inject(patch, target)
local function inject(patch, target, offset)
offset = offset or 0
local f = io.open(target, 'r+b')
local function write(pos, line)
assert(#line == 2, "that ain't const")
-- TODO: write hex dump format of written bytes
--print(("%08X"):format(pos), line)
if pos >= offset then
pos = pos - offset
if pos >= 1024*1024*1024 then
print("you probably don't want to do this:")
print(("%08X"):format(pos), line)
f:seek('set', pos)
f:write(string.char(tonumber(line, 16)))
-- offset assembly labels so they work properly, and assemble!
assemble(patch, write, {unsafe=true, offset=0})
assemble(patch, write, {unsafe=true, offset=offset})
inject(arg[1], arg[2])
local offset = arg[3]
if offset then
if offset:sub(2) == '0x' then
offset = tonumber(offset, 16)
offset = tonumber(offset)
inject(arg[1], arg[2], offset)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
; original code
27 BD FF 58 AF B1 00 30 3C 11 80 1F AF B0 00 2C
00 80 80 25 26 31 F6 70 AF BF 00 34 8E 22 3C B0
8E 0E 00 00 24 01 FF FC 10 41 00 04 AF AE 00 A0
24 01 FF 9D 54 41 00 16 A2 20 3C A7 92 23 10 0E
24 0A 00 01 24 01 FF 9D 30 6F 00 80 11 E0 00 0A
30 78 00 7F A2 38 10 0E A2 00 00 9B 3C 19 80 81
27 39 58 20 24 09 02 48 AE 09 00 10 AE 19 00 0C
10 00 02 2F 8F BF 00 34 14 41 00 05 A2 2A 3C A7
24 0B 00 02 10 00 00 02 AE 2B 3C B0 A2 20 3C A7
8E 23 00 00 24 01 FF FF 54 61 00 0B 96 22 3F 4A
AE 20 00 00 A2 00 00 9B 3C 0C 80 80 25 8C 3F 30
24 0D 02 10 AE 0D 00 10 AE 0C 00 0C 10 00 02 1C
8F BF 00 34 96 22 3F 4A 34 01 FF EF 10 41 00 03
34 01 FF F0 54 41 00 52 02 00 20 25 92 2E 0F 19
00 03 29 03 00 03 22 43 31 CF 00 80 11 E0 00 1D
30 A5 00 1F 24 01 00 4D 54 81 00 04 24 01 00 4A
10 00 00 18 24 04 00 57 24 01 00 4A 54 81 00 04
24 01 00 5A 10 00 00 13 24 04 00 45 24 01 00 5A
54 81 00 04 24 01 00 59 10 00 00 0E 24 04 00 5B
24 01 00 59 10 81 00 0A 34 18 FF F0 24 01 00 58
10 81 00 07 24 01 00 19 10 81 00 05 24 01 00 2F
10 81 00 03 24 01 00 68 54 81 00 03 92 39 0F 0C
A6 38 3F 4A 92 39 0F 0C 24 01 00 42 33 29 00 02
11 20 00 09 3C 19 80 1C 54 81 00 04 24 01 00 43
10 00 00 05 24 04 00 06 24 01 00 43 14 81 00 02
34 0A FF F1 A6 2A 3F 4A 92 2B 0F 2C 24 01 00 10
31 6C 00 20 51 80 00 05 92 2E 0F 2F 14 81 00 02
34 0D FF F2 A6 2D 3F 4A 92 2E 0F 2F 24 01 00 34
31 CF 00 80 11 E0 00 07 00 00 00 00 10 81 00 04
34 18 FF F0 24 01 00 35 14 81 00 02 00 00 00 00
A6 38 3F 4A 93 39 20 78 24 01 00 2A 02 39 48 21
91 2A 00 70 11 40 00 06 00 00 00 00 14 81 00 04
24 01 54 A0 10 61 00 02 34 0B FF F4 A6 2B 3F 4A
0C 04 C1 DA 30 66 00 0F AE 22 00 00 02 00 20 25
0C 05 CE 20 00 00 28 25 0C 05 8E 01 02 00 20 25
0C 05 83 28 00 00 00 00 26 04 00 B8 AF A4 00 44
0C 04 FB BD 8F A5 00 A0 0C 06 8F B0 00 00 20 25
0C 04 AA 92 00 00 00 00 0C 04 AB 9A 02 00 20 25
00 00 28 25 02 00 10 25 24 A5 00 01 28 A1 00 04
24 42 00 04 14 20 FF FC AC 40 07 FC 26 04 02 20
26 06 08 30 AF A6 00 3C AF A4 00 40 8F A5 00 44
0C 03 77 74 02 00 38 25 8F A4 00 40 0C 03 78 C2
24 05 00 07 00 00 40 25 26 04 03 98 8F A5 00 44
8F A6 00 3C 02 00 38 25 AF A4 00 48 0C 03 77 74
AF A8 00 4C 8F A4 00 48 0C 03 78 C2 24 05 01 00
8F A8 00 4C 8F A4 00 48 24 01 04 68 25 08 01 78
15 01 FF F2 24 84 01 78 8F A4 00 40 24 05 00 7F
AE 04 08 00 A4 80 01 30 0C 03 7F C6 A6 00 08 10
02 00 20 25 0C 05 1B 9C 26 05 46 B8 0C 06 AA A8
02 00 20 25 0C 05 61 B5 02 00 20 25 0C 06 A9 84
02 00 20 25 0C 03 C0 E4 02 00 20 25 0C 03 BF 98
02 00 20 25 0C 02 BE 24 02 00 20 25 02 00 20 25
0C 02 C0 14 24 05 00 64 3C 01 00 01 34 21 88 84
02 01 28 21 0C 03 89 14 02 00 20 25 3C 01 00 01
34 21 71 04 02 01 20 21 0C 04 D6 32 AF A4 00 44
02 00 20 25 0C 03 A8 18 26 05 1F 24 96 22 3F 4A
34 01 FF EF 10 41 00 03 34 0C FF EF AE 22 00 08
A6 2C 3F 4A 8E 2D 00 08 34 01 FF FD 55 A1 00 03
96 22 3F 4E AE 20 00 08 96 22 3F 4E 34 01 FF FF
50 41 00 04 96 22 00 0C A6 22 00 0C A6 22 3F 52
96 22 00 0C 34 01 C0 00 00 41 08 2A 10 20 00 02
28 41 45 55 10 20 00 03 24 0E 00 01 10 00 00 02
AE 2E 00 10 AE 20 00 10 0C 03 B7 6C 02 00 20 25
8E 22 3C A8 10 40 00 03 24 01 00 01 54 41 00 07
A6 20 3D C0 8E 2F 00 08 34 01 FF F0 01 E1 08 2A
54 20 00 0B AE 20 3C AC A6 20 3D C0 0C 04 57 57
02 00 20 25 8E 38 00 08 AE 20 00 08 33 19 00 0F
27 29 00 01 10 00 00 02 AE 29 3C AC AE 20 3C AC
8E 22 3C AC 8E 23 00 00 A3 A2 00 87 00 43 20 21
0C 04 C8 CE 30 84 FF FF 8E 26 00 00 8E 25 3C AC
AF A2 00 60 00 A6 20 21 0C 04 C8 DD 30 84 FF FF
02 00 20 25 8F A5 00 60 0C 05 A4 F5 00 40 30 25
0C 05 8E 7B 02 00 20 25 0C 04 87 F1 02 00 20 25
96 22 3F 4E 34 01 FF FF 10 41 00 0F 34 01 80 00
14 41 00 0C 34 18 FF FD 8E 2A 00 18 8E 2C 00 1C
24 0E 00 01 34 0F FF FE 25 4B 00 01 25 8D 00 01
AE 2B 00 18 AE 2D 00 1C A2 2E 3F 54 10 00 00 02
A6 2F 3F 4E A6 38 3F 4E 0C 05 95 82 00 00 00 00
3C 02 80 1F 24 42 3F 60 8C 59 00 00 3C 01 00 01
34 21 8B 4C A7 20 01 90 8C 49 00 00 02 01 20 21
A5 20 01 86 0C 05 BF 4B AF A4 00 4C 3C 05 80 20
3C 06 80 20 84 C6 BB CE 84 A5 BB CC 8F A4 00 4C
00 00 38 25 AF A0 00 10 0C 05 BF 3C AF A0 00 14
3C 05 80 20 3C 06 80 20 84 C6 BB CE 84 A5 BB CC
8F A4 00 4C 00 00 38 25 0C 05 BF 58 AF A0 00 10
3C 0A 80 20 8D 4A BB 90 3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21
AC 2A 8E 64 3C 01 00 02 3C 0B 80 78 25 6B 00 00
00 30 08 21 AC 2B 8E 5C 3C 02 80 78 3C 01 00 02
24 42 46 00 00 30 08 21 AC 22 8E 68 3C 01 00 02
00 30 08 21 AC 22 8E 58 3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21
AC 22 8E 60 3C 01 80 1F AC 20 6D 10 3C 01 00 02
00 30 08 21 A0 20 8B 4A 3C 01 80 1D A0 20 0D 54
0C 04 89 98 26 04 08 28 0C 02 41 08 00 00 00 00
0C 02 1B F4 00 60 20 25 0C 06 00 58 02 00 20 25
3C 0C 80 17 3C 0D 80 16 25 8C 8F 64 25 AD 61 3C
3C 01 00 02 AE 0C 00 04 AE 0D 00 08 00 30 08 21
24 0E FF EC A0 2E 88 75 3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21
A4 20 88 76 3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21 A4 20 88 78
3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21 A0 20 88 45 3C 01 00 02
00 30 08 21 A0 20 88 44 8E 2F 3C A8 24 01 00 01
51 E1 00 16 3C 01 00 02 92 22 3F 55 24 01 00 FF
93 B8 00 87 14 41 00 0B 24 0A 00 FF 8E 22 00 00
00 58 20 21 0C 04 C8 E8 30 84 FF FF 00 02 C9 C3
3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21 33 29 00 7F 10 00 00 0A
A0 29 88 7F 3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21 A0 22 88 7F
10 00 00 05 A2 2A 3F 55 3C 01 00 02 00 30 08 21
24 0B 00 02 A0 2B 88 7F 3C 01 00 01 34 21 8E 48
02 01 20 21 0C 05 92 0B AF A4 00 4C 8F A4 00 4C
0C 05 92 A6 24 05 00 03 3C 05 A0 A0 34 A5 A0 FF
0C 05 92 A3 8F A4 00 4C 0C 05 91 F4 8F A4 00 4C
3C 04 80 1F 0C 05 06 2C 24 84 6D 18 3C 02 80 1F
3C 01 80 1F 3C 0C 80 1F 24 42 6D 4C A0 20 6D 33
25 84 6D 38 0C 05 03 A0 AC 44 00 00 3C 02 80 1F
24 42 6D 4C 8C 4D 00 00 44 80 20 00 24 0E 00 01
02 00 20 25 E5 A4 00 08 8C 4F 00 00 A1 EE 00 00
8C 58 00 00 A3 00 00 0C 8C 59 00 00 A3 20 00 0D
8C 49 00 00 A1 20 00 0E 8C 4A 00 00 A1 40 00 0F
8C 4B 00 00 A1 60 00 10 8C 4C 00 00 A1 80 00 11
8C 4D 00 00 A1 A0 00 12 8C 4E 00 00 0C 03 C4 B4
A1 C0 00 13 26 04 00 74 0C 05 CA C1 AF A4 00 4C
0C 05 CA C1 8F A4 00 4C AF A2 00 94 8F A4 00 4C
0C 05 CA B2 00 40 28 25 8F AF 00 94 24 46 00 08
24 01 FF F0 00 C1 30 24 01 E6 C0 23 03 02 28 21
0C 04 0B 6F 00 C0 20 25 3C 01 00 01 34 21 80 00
02 01 10 21 8C 46 08 50 26 05 1C A0 AF A5 00 4C
AF A2 00 48 0C 02 E4 5C 02 00 20 25 3C 01 00 01
34 21 86 E0 02 01 28 21 AF A5 00 3C 0C 04 BA AA
02 00 20 25 54 40 00 07 8E 39 00 18 02 00 20 25
0C 04 BA AA 8F A5 00 3C 50 40 FF FD 02 00 20 25
8E 39 00 18 24 03 00 05 8F AA 00 48 03 23 00 1A
14 60 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 0D 24 01 FF FF
14 61 00 04 3C 01 80 00 17 21 00 02 00 00 00 00
00 06 00 0D 00 00 48 10 24 01 00 01 51 20 00 12
8E 05 1C CC 91 42 06 E3 8F A4 00 4C 02 00 28 25
10 41 00 03 24 06 01 5A 54 62 00 0B 8E 05 1C CC
44 80 00 00 AF A0 00 18 AF A0 00 1C 44 07 00 00
AF A0 00 20 AF A0 00 24 E7 A0 00 10 0C 02 EB 18
E7 A0 00 14 8E 05 1C CC 8F A4 00 40 0C 03 78 3B
AF A5 00 90 8F A5 00 90 3C 01 80 1D AC 20 0D 50
84 A6 00 1C 24 01 00 FF 8F A4 00 40 30 C6 00 FF
10 C1 00 03 00 00 00 00 0C 03 7E C5 00 C0 28 25
0C 03 C5 76 8F A4 00 40 0C 04 4A 79 02 00 20 25
0C 03 ED D6 02 00 20 25 92 0B 08 14 3C 01 80 1F
02 00 20 25 A0 2B 35 86 92 0C 08 15 3C 01 80 1F
8F A5 00 44 0C 04 D7 BA A0 2C 35 87 0C 03 B6 F8
02 00 20 25 AE 20 3C B0 3C 01 80 1F 3C 04 80 1F
A0 20 6D FC 0C 05 BF 1E 24 84 6D 50 8F BF 00 34
8F B0 00 2C 8F B1 00 30 03 E0 00 08 27 BD 00 A8
00 00 00 00
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