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constant VI_BASE($A440) // $04400000 Video Interface (VI) Base
constant VI_STATUS($00) // $04400000 Status/Control
constant VI_ORIGIN($04) // $04400004 Origin
constant VI_WIDTH($08) // $04400008 Width
constant VI_V_INTR($0C) // $0440000C Vertical Interrupt
constant VI_V_CURRENT_LINE($10) // $04400010 Current Vertical Line
constant VI_TIMING($14) // $04400014 Video Timing
constant VI_V_SYNC($18) // $04400018 Vertical Sync
constant VI_H_SYNC($1C) // $0440001C Horizontal Sync
constant VI_H_SYNC_LEAP($20) // $04400020 Horizontal Sync Leap
constant VI_H_VIDEO($24) // $04400024 Horizontal Video
constant VI_V_VIDEO($28) // $04400028 Vertical Video
constant VI_V_BURST($2C) // $0440002C Vertical Burst
constant VI_X_SCALE($30) // $04400030 X-Scale
constant VI_Y_SCALE($34) // $04400034 Y-Scale
// VI Status Flags (lower halfword)
constant BPP0($0000) // Color Depth Blank (No Data Or Sync)
//*RESERVED*($0001) // Color Depth Reserved
constant BPP16($0002) // Color Depth 16BPP R5/G5/B5/A1
constant BPP32($0003) // Color Depth 32BPP R8/G8/B8/A8
constant GAMMA_DITHER_EN($0004) // Gamma Dither Enable (Requires: Gamma Enable)
constant GAMMA_EN($0008) // Gamma Enable (Gamma Boost For YUV Images)
constant DIVOT_EN($0010) // Divot Enable (Used With Anti-alias)
constant VBUS_CLK_EN($0020) // Video Bus Clock Enable
constant INTERLACE($0040) // Interlace/Serrate (Used With Interlaced Display)
constant TST_MODE($0080) // Test Mode
constant AA_MODE_0($0000) // AA Mode 0 = Anti­alias & Resample (Always Fetch Extra Lines)
constant AA_MODE_1($0100) // AA Mode 1 = Anti­alias & Resample (Fetch Extra Lines When Needed)
constant AA_MODE_2($0200) // AA Mode 2 = Resample Only
constant AA_MODE_3($0300) // AA Mode 3 = Replicate Pixels & No Interpolation
constant DIAG_0($0400) // Diagnotic 0
constant DIAG_1($0800) // Diagnotic 1
constant PIXEL_ADV_0($0000) // Pixel Advance 0
constant PIXEL_ADV_1($1000) // Pixel Advance 1
constant PIXEL_ADV_2($2000) // Pixel Advance 2
constant PIXEL_ADV_3($3000) // Pixel Advance 3
constant PIXEL_ADV_4($4000) // Pixel Advance 4
constant PIXEL_ADV_5($5000) // Pixel Advance 5
constant PIXEL_ADV_6($6000) // Pixel Advance 6
constant PIXEL_ADV_7($7000) // Pixel Advance 7
constant PIXEL_ADV_8($8000) // Pixel Advance 8
constant PIXEL_ADV_9($9000) // Pixel Advance 9
constant PIXEL_ADV_A($A000) // Pixel Advance A
constant PIXEL_ADV_B($B000) // Pixel Advance B
constant PIXEL_ADV_C($C000) // Pixel Advance C
constant PIXEL_ADV_D($D000) // Pixel Advance D
constant PIXEL_ADV_E($E000) // Pixel Advance E
constant PIXEL_ADV_F($F000) // Pixel Advance F
// VI Status Flags (upper halfword)
constant DITHER_FILTER_EN($10000) // Dither Filter Enable (Used With 16BPP Display)
constant VI_NTSC_CLOCK(48681812) // NTSC: Hz = 48.681812 MHz
constant VI_PAL_CLOCK(49656530) // PAL: Hz = 49.656530 MHz
constant VI_MPAL_CLOCK(48628316) // MPAL: Hz = 48.628316 MHz
// enum for video resolutions; values are arbitrary.
// interlaced:
constant RES_640_480(480) // no padding.
constant RES_576_432(432) // 640x480 after VI padding.
constant RES_512_448(448) // stretched to 640x448, 640x480 after VI padding.
// not interlaced:
constant RES_320_240(240) // upscaled 2x.
constant RES_288_216(216) // upscaled 2x. 640x480 after VI padding.
constant RES_256_224(224) // upscaled 2x, stretched to 640x448, etc.
macro MakeSetScreenNTSC() {
// note that you can only call this macro once.
// this version expects to be called every frame.
// a0: resolution to use (enum).
// a1: desired VI settings (status/control). mutable.
// a2: image color buffer origin address. mutable.
// v0: zero on success, non-zero on failure (bad enum or VI settings).
lui v1, VI_BASE
lw t0, VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(v1)
andi t0, 1
andi t1, a1, 3 // extract BPP
subiu t1, 2 // now 16 BPP is 0 and 32 BPP is 1
bltz t1, SetScreenNTSC_Fail // fail if it's not set to 16 or 32 BPP
lli t8, RES_640_480 // delay slot
beq a0, t8, SetScreenNTSC_480
lli t9, RES_576_432 // delay slot
beq a0, t9, SetScreenNTSC_432
lli t8, RES_512_448 // delay slot
beq a0, t8, SetScreenNTSC_448
lli t9, RES_320_240 // delay slot
beq a0, t9, SetScreenNTSC_240
lli t8, RES_288_216 // delay slot
beq a0, t8, SetScreenNTSC_216
lli t9, RES_256_224 // delay slot
beq a0, t9, SetScreenNTSC_224
lli v0, 1 // delay slot
jr ra
sw r0, VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(v1) // clear interrupt
bnez t0, SetScreenNTSC_Set // nothing more to do on odd (top) fields.
// handle even (bottom) fields.
addu a2, t2 // add width to origin
addu a2, t2 // and again for a full row (when 16 BPP)
beqz t1, SetScreenNTSC_Set // branch when 16 BPP
subiu t7, 2 // prevents bottom line from displaying out-of-bounds garbage
addu a2, t2
addu a2, t2 // full row (when 32 BPP)
lw t1, VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(v1)
// variable stuff:
sw t1, VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(v1)
sw t2, VI_WIDTH(v1) // VI_H_WIDTH
sw t3, VI_V_SYNC(v1)
sw t4, VI_X_SCALE(v1)
sw t5, VI_Y_SCALE(v1)
sw t6, VI_H_VIDEO(v1) // VI_H_START
sw t7, VI_V_VIDEO(v1) // VI_V_START
// constant stuff:
lli t1, 2
li t2, 57 | (34 << 8) | (5 << 16) | (62 << 20)
lli t3, 3093
li t4, 3093 | (3093 << 16)
li t5, (0x0E << 16) | 0x204
sw t1, VI_V_INTR(v1) // VI_INTR
sw t2, VI_TIMING(v1) // VI_BURST
sw t3, VI_H_SYNC(v1)
sw t4, VI_H_SYNC_LEAP(v1) // VI_LEAP
sw t5, VI_V_BURST(v1)
// final variable stuff:
sw a1, VI_STATUS(v1) // VI_CONTROL
sw a2, VI_ORIGIN(v1) // VI_DRAM_ADDR
jr ra
lli v0, 0
lli t2, 640
li t4, 0x400
li t5, 0x800 | (0x200 << 16)
li t6, (0x6C << 16) | (0x6C + 640)
li t7, (0x23 << 16) | (0x23 + 480)
b SetScreenNTSC_SetInterlaced
lli t3, 525 - 1
lli t2, 576
li t4, 0x400
li t5, 0x800 | (0x200 << 16)
li t6, (0x8C << 16) | (0x8C + 576)
li t7, (0x3B << 16) | (0x3B + 432)
b SetScreenNTSC_SetInterlaced
lli t3, 525 - 1
lli t2, 512
li t4, (512 * 256 + 128) / 160
li t5, 0x800 | (0x200 << 16)
li t6, (0x6C << 16) | (0x6C + 640)
li t7, (0x33 << 16) | (0x33 + 448)
b SetScreenNTSC_SetInterlaced
lli t3, 525 - 1
lli t2, 320
li t4, 0x200
li t5, 0x400
li t6, (0x6C << 16) | (0x6C + 640)
li t7, (0x23 << 16) | (0x23 + 480)
b SetScreenNTSC_Set
lli t3, 525
lli t2, 288
li t4, 0x200
li t5, 0x400
li t6, (0x8C << 16) | (0x8C + 576)
li t7, (0x3B << 16) | (0x3B + 432)
b SetScreenNTSC_Set
lli t3, 525
lli t2, 256
li t4, (256 * 256 + 128) / 160
li t5, 0x400
li t6, (0x6C << 16) | (0x6C + 640)
li t7, (0x33 << 16) | (0x33 + 448)
b SetScreenNTSC_Set
lli t3, 525
macro ScreenNTSC(width,height, status, origin) {
lui a0,VI_BASE // A0 = VI Base Register ($A4400000)
la t0,{origin} // T0 = Origin (Frame Buffer Origin In Bytes)
sw t0,VI_ORIGIN(a0) // Store Origin To VI Origin Register ($A4400004)
lli t0,{width} // T0 = Width (Frame Buffer Line Width In Pixels)
sw t0,VI_WIDTH(a0) // Store Width To VI Width Register ($A4400008)
lli t0,$2 // T0 = Vertical Interrupt (Interrupt When Current Half-Line $2)
sw t0,VI_V_INTR(a0) // Store Vertical Interrupt To VI Interrupt Register ($A440000C)
lli t0,0 // T0 = Current Vertical Line (Current Half-Line, Sampled Once Per Line = 0)
sw t0,VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(a0) // Store Current Vertical Line To VI Current Register ($A4400010)
li t0,$3E52239 // T0 = Video Timing (Start Of Color Burst In Pixels from H-Sync = 3, Vertical Sync Width In Half Lines = 229, Color Burst Width In Pixels = 34, Horizontal Sync Width In Pixels = 57)
sw t0,VI_TIMING(a0) // Store Video Timing To VI Burst Register ($A4400014)
lli t0,$20D // T0 = Vertical Sync (Number Of Half-Lines Per Field = 525)
sw t0,VI_V_SYNC(a0) // Store Vertical Sync To VI V Sync Register ($A4400018)
lli t0,$C15 // T0 = Horizontal Sync (5-bit Leap Pattern Used For PAL only = 0, Total Duration Of A Line In 1/4 Pixel = 3093)
sw t0,VI_H_SYNC(a0) // Store Horizontal Sync To VI H Sync Register ($A440001C)
li t0,$C150C15 // T0 = Horizontal Sync Leap (Identical To H Sync = 3093, Identical To H Sync = 3093)
sw t0,VI_H_SYNC_LEAP(a0) // Store Horizontal Sync Leap To VI Leap Register ($A4400020)
li t0,$6C02EC // T0 = Horizontal Video (Start Of Active Video In Screen Pixels = 108, End Of Active Video In Screen Pixels = 748)
sw t0,VI_H_VIDEO(a0) // Store Horizontal Video To VI H Start Register ($A4400024)
li t0,$2501FF // T0 = Vertical Video (Start Of Active Video In Screen Half-Lines = 37, End Of Active Video In Screen Half-Lines = 511)
sw t0,VI_V_VIDEO(a0) // Store Vertical Video To VI V Start Register ($A4400028)
li t0,$E0204 // T0 = Vertical Burst (Start Of Color Burst Enable In Half-Lines = 14, End Of Color Burst Enable In Half-Lines = 516)
sw t0,VI_V_BURST(a0) // Store Vertical Burst To VI V Burst Register ($A440002C)
lli t0,($100*({width}/160)) // T0 = X-Scale (Horizontal Subpixel Offset In 2.10 Format = 0, 1/Horizontal Scale Up Factor In 2.10 Format)
sw t0,VI_X_SCALE(a0) // Store X-Scale To VI X Scale Register ($A4400030)
lli t0,($100*({height}/60)) // T0 = Y-Scale (Vertical Subpixel Offset In 2.10 Format = 0, 1/Vertical Scale Up Factor In 2.10 Format)
sw t0,VI_Y_SCALE(a0) // Store Y-Scale To VI Y Scale Register ($A4400034)
li t0,{status} // T0 = Status/Control
sw t0,VI_STATUS(a0) // Store Status/Control To VI Status Register ($A4400000)
macro ScreenPAL(width,height, status, origin) {
lui a0,VI_BASE // A0 = VI Base Register ($A4400000)
la t0,{origin} // T0 = Origin (Frame Buffer Origin In Bytes)
sw t0,VI_ORIGIN(a0) // Store Origin To VI Origin Register ($A4400004)
lli t0,{width} // T0 = Width (Frame Buffer Line Width In Pixels)
sw t0,VI_WIDTH(a0) // Store Width To VI Width Register ($A4400008)
lli t0,$2 // T0 = Vertical Interrupt (Interrupt When Current Half-Line $2)
sw t0,VI_V_INTR(a0) // Store Vertical Interrupt To VI Interrupt Register ($A440000C)
lli t0,0 // T0 = Current Vertical Line (Current Half-Line, Sampled Once Per Line = 0)
sw t0,VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(a0) // Store Current Vertical Line To VI Current Register ($A4400010)
li t0,$404233A // T0 = Video Timing (Start Of Color Burst In Pixels from H-Sync = 4, Vertical Sync Width In Half Lines = 04, Color Burst Width In Pixels = 35, Horizontal Sync Width In Pixels = 58)
sw t0,VI_TIMING(a0) // Store Video Timing To VI Burst Register ($A4400014)
lli t0,$271 // T0 = Vertical Sync (Number Of Half-Lines Per Field = 625)
sw t0,VI_V_SYNC(a0) // Store Vertical Sync To VI V Sync Register ($A4400018)
li t0,$150C69 // T0 = Horizontal Sync (5-bit Leap Pattern Used For PAL only = 21: %10101, Total Duration Of A Line In 1/4 Pixel = 3177)
sw t0,VI_H_SYNC(a0) // Store Horizontal Sync To VI H Sync Register ($A440001C)
li t0,$C6F0C6E // T0 = Horizontal Sync Leap (Identical To H Sync = 3183, Identical To H Sync = 3182)
sw t0,VI_H_SYNC_LEAP(a0) // Store Horizontal Sync Leap To VI Leap Register ($A4400020)
li t0,$800300 // T0 = Horizontal Video (Start Of Active Video In Screen Pixels = 128, End Of Active Video In Screen Pixels = 768)
sw t0,VI_H_VIDEO(a0) // Store Horizontal Video To VI H Start Register ($A4400024)
li t0,$5F0239 // T0 = Vertical Video (Start Of Active Video In Screen Half-Lines = 95, End Of Active Video In Screen Half-Lines = 569)
sw t0,VI_V_VIDEO(a0) // Store Vertical Video To VI V Start Register ($A4400028)
li t0,$9026B // T0 = Vertical Burst (Start Of Color Burst Enable In Half-Lines = 9, End Of Color Burst Enable In Half-Lines = 619)
sw t0,VI_V_BURST(a0) // Store Vertical Burst To VI V Burst Register ($A440002C)
lli t0,($100*({width}/160)) // T0 = X-Scale (Horizontal Subpixel Offset In 2.10 Format = 0, 1/Horizontal Scale Up Factor In 2.10 Format)
sw t0,VI_X_SCALE(a0) // Store X-Scale To VI X Scale Register ($A4400030)
lli t0,($100*({height}/60)) // T0 = Y-Scale (Vertical Subpixel Offset In 2.10 Format = 0, 1/Vertical Scale Up Factor In 2.10 Format)
sw t0,VI_Y_SCALE(a0) // Store Y-Scale To VI Y Scale Register ($A4400034)
li t0,{status} // T0 = Status/Control
sw t0,VI_STATUS(a0) // Store Status/Control To VI Status Register ($A4400000)
macro WaitScanline(scanline) { // Wait For RDP To Reach Scanline
lui a0,VI_BASE // A0 = VI Base Register ($A4400000)
lli t0,{scanline} // T0 = Scan Line
lw t1,VI_V_CURRENT_LINE(a0) // T1 = Current Scan Line
bne t1,t0,- // IF (Current Scan Line != Scan Line) Wait
nop // ELSE Continue (Delay Slot)