* enable anti-aliasing * increase teapot resolution * rework teapot display list offset to 0 for convenience * add font for frame-budget and debug text * add on-screen ascii text to cache test to get a feel for fonts * reduce cache test resolution to VI-padded 576x432 * rework other rendering settings (maybe no real difference) * tweak task pushing (maybe no real difference)
144 lines
3.2 KiB
144 lines
3.2 KiB
constant FONT_WIDTH(8)
constant FONT_HEIGHT(16)
constant FONT_SIZE16(FONT_WIDTH * FONT_HEIGHT * 2 * 95) // 0x5F00
// loads a 95-character, 8x16 font
// as an RGB5A1 (16-bpp) image to the specified address.
// a0: address to load font to (size: 0x5F00)
li t9, FONT_SIZE16
addu a1, a0, t9 // a1: end of output (exclusive)
la a2, FONT // a2: start of input
la a3, FONT + FONT.size // a3: end of input (exclusive)
lhu t9, 0(a2)
addiu a2, 2
srl t1, t9, 12
srl t2, t9, 8
srl t3, t9, 4
andi t4, t9, 0x0F
andi t2, 0x0F
andi t3, 0x0F
if 0 {
sll t1, 2
sll t2, 2
sll t3, 2
sll t4, 2
} else {
// copy lsb to get the full 5-bit range of values.
sll t5, t1, 1
sll t6, t2, 1
sll t7, t3, 1
sll t8, t4, 1
andi t1, 1
andi t2, 1
andi t3, 1
andi t4, 1
or t1, t5
or t2, t6
or t3, t7
or t4, t8
sll t1, 1
sll t2, 1
sll t3, 1
sll t4, 1
sll t5, t1, 5
sll t6, t2, 5
sll t7, t3, 5
sll t8, t4, 5
or t1, t5
or t2, t6
or t3, t7
or t4, t8
sll t5, t1, 5
sll t6, t2, 5
sll t7, t3, 5
sll t8, t4, 5
or t1, t5
or t2, t6
or t3, t7
or t4, t8
ori t1, 1
ori t2, 1
ori t3, 1
ori t4, 1
sh t1, 0x0(a0)
sh t2, 0x2(a0)
sh t3, 0x4(a0)
sh t4, 0x6(a0)
bne a2, a3, LoadFont16Loop
addiu a0, 0x8
jr ra
// draws a 16-bpp character on-screen at the specified coordinates.
// a0: font data address (same argument as LoadFont16)
// a1: character (range: 32 to 126 inclusive)
// a2: X, Y coordinate in pixels: X | Y << 16
// a3: output image address
// exit early if character is outside of valid range.
subiu a1, 0x20
bltz a1, DrawCharDone
sltiu at, a1, 0x80 - 0x20
beqz at, DrawCharDone
lli t9, FONT_WIDTH * FONT_HEIGHT * 2 // delay slot
multu a1, t9
mflo t9
addu a0, t9 // a0: character data address
andi a1, a2, 0xFFFF // a1: X
srl a2, 16 // a2: Y
sll t0, a1, 1
lli t9, WIDTH * 2
multu a2, t9
mflo t9
addu a3, t0 // offset output by X
addu a3, t9 // offset output by Y
lli t9, FONT_HEIGHT // t9: rows remaining
// character width hardcoded for 8.
lhu t1, 0x0(a0)
lhu t2, 0x2(a0)
lhu t3, 0x4(a0)
lhu t4, 0x6(a0)
lhu t5, 0x8(a0)
lhu t6, 0xA(a0)
lhu t7, 0xC(a0)
lhu t8, 0xE(a0)
sh t1, 0x0(a3)
sh t2, 0x2(a3)
sh t3, 0x4(a3)
sh t4, 0x6(a3)
sh t5, 0x8(a3)
sh t6, 0xA(a3)
sh t7, 0xC(a3)
sh t8, 0xE(a3)
addiu a0, 0x10
subiu t9, 1
bnez t9, DrawChar16Loop
addiu a3, WIDTH * 2
jr ra
insert FONT, "res/fonts/NotoSansMono-SemiCondensedMedium.16.i4"