lots of work on the interrupt handler

This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2018-08-18 16:39:57 +02:00
parent fdf34f3934
commit cb786efd21
6 changed files with 183 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ macro CI_WAIT() {
lw t0, CI_STATUS(t9)
srl t0, t0, 12 // first 12 bits are reserved, so ignore them
bnez t0,-
nop // delay slot
@ -48,5 +48,5 @@ macro CI_USB_WRITE_WAIT() {
srl t0, t0, 4 // shift out ARM status, leaving WRITE status
bnez t0,-
nop // delay slot

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Drive64Write:
// v0: error code (0 is OK)
// TODO: a0 should be double-word aligned if used directly with DMA
// assert a0 (RAM address) is word-aligned
andi t9, a0, 3
bnezl t9, Drive64WriteExit
@ -27,19 +26,19 @@ Drive64Write:
andi t6, a0, 0xF
addu t7, a0, a1 // stop flushing around here
subu t6, a0, t6 // align a0 to data line
subiu t7, t7, 1 // turn inclusive end-point into exclusive instead
cache 1, 0(t6) // peter says: "Index Writeback Invalidate"
cache 1, 0(t6) // data cache Index Writeback Invalidate
addiu t6, 0x10 // (delay slot) += data line size
sltu at, t6, t7
bnez at,-
addiu t6, 0x10 // (delay slot) += data line size
// AND off the DRAM address
li t9, 0x007FFFFF // __osPiRawStartDma uses 0x1FFFFFFF?
and t1, a0, t9
// cart address
move t2, a2
or t2, a2, r0
// set length (needs to be decremented due to DMA quirk)
subiu t3, a3, 1
@ -91,16 +90,21 @@ DumpAndWrite:
// v0: error code (0 is OK)
subiu sp, sp, 0x20
sw ra, 0x10(sp)
// TODO: i think i can just use the a0,a1,a2,a3 slots here?
// TODO: can i just use the a0,a1,a2,a3 slots here?
sw s0, 0x14(sp)
sw s1, 0x18(sp)
or s0, a2, r0
jal xxd
or s1, a3, r0
// v0 passthru
bnez v0, DumpAndWriteExit
lui t0, K_BASE // delay slot
lw t1, K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(t0)
beqz t1, DumpAndWriteExit
ori a0, s0, r0 // delay slot
jal Drive64Write
ori a1, s1, r0

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// just handling some low-level stuff like interrupts.
mtc0 r0, CP0_Cause // clear cause
lui k0, K_BASE
// copy our interrupt handlers into place.
@ -12,28 +13,49 @@ Start:
ld t3, 0(t1)
ld t4, 8(t1)
addiu t1, t1, 0x10
ld t3, 0(t0)
sd t3, 0(t0)
sd t4, 8(t0)
addiu t0, t0, 0x10
cache 0x19, 0(t0) // tell data cache to write itself out
cache 0x10, 0(t0) // tell instruction cache it needs to reload
// an instruction cache line is 2 rows, and a data cache line is 1 row, so
// i'm hoping just poking at the start of each row is enough to flush them.
bne t1, t2,-
cache 1, 0(t0) // not sure if this is necessary, but it doesn't hurt.
addiu t0, t0, 0x10
// enable SI and PI interrupts.
lui a0, PIF_BASE
lli t0, 8
sw t0, PIF_RAM+0x3C(a0)
// enable CPU interrupts.
mfc0 t1, CP0_Status
ori t1, t1, CP0_STATUS_IM_ALL
mtc0 t1, CP0_Status
// enable even more interrupts.
lui t2, MI_BASE
ori t2, t2, MI_INTR_MASK
lli t0, 0xAAA // LSB to MSB: SP, SI, AI, VI, PI, DP
// by the way, use 0x555 to disable
sw t0, 0(t2)
// it looks like i should be initializing PI_BSD_DOM1_* from
// the ROM header at this point, but i don't know what even does does.
// SP defaults to RSP instruction memory: 0xA4001FF0
// we can do better than that.
// SP should always be 8-byte aligned
// so that SD and LD instructions don't fail on it.
// we also need 4 empty words for storing the 32-bit values of a0,a1,a2,a3
// we also need 4 empty words for storing
// the 32-bit values of the callee's arguments.
subiu sp, sp, 0x10
// TODO: just wipe a portion of RAM?
// or just DMA in the IH and our defaults from ROM...
sw r0, K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(k0)
sw r0, K_REASON(k0)
sw r0, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
lui t9, CI_BASE
@ -62,9 +84,24 @@ Drive64Confirmed:
// clear internal exception/interrupt value
ori k1, r0, r0
// delay to empty pipeline?
// try out an interrupt:
//sw r0, 0(r0)
mfc0 t1, CP0_Status
ori t1, 2
mtc0 t1, CP0_Status
la t0, WipeRegisters
mtc0 t0, CP0_EPC
j InterruptHandler
// load up most registers with a dummy value for debugging
lui at, 0xCAFE
ori at, r0, 0xBABE
@ -106,8 +143,8 @@ Drive64Done:
j Main
_InterruptStart: // for copying purposes
align(0x10) // align to row for cache-poking purposes
_InterruptStart: // label for copying purposes
pushvar base
// note that we jump to the handler by jr instead of j
@ -140,7 +177,7 @@ InterruptOther:
pullvar base
_InterruptEnd: // for copying purposes
_InterruptEnd: // label for copying purposes
lui k0, K_BASE
@ -149,9 +186,9 @@ InterruptHandler:
sd at, K_DUMP+0x08(k0)
// disable interrupts, clear exception and error level bits:
mfc0 at, CP0_Status
sw at, K_STATUS(k0) // TODO: restored later
addiu at, r0, 0xFFFC
mfc0 k1, CP0_Status
addiu at, r0, ~CP0_STATUS_IE
sw k1, K_STATUS(k0)
and k1, k1, at
mtc0 k1, CP0_Status
@ -159,7 +196,7 @@ InterruptHandler:
sw k1, K_CAUSE(k0)
// TODO: option to only store clobbered registers
// TODO: option to dump COP1 registers too
// TODO: option to dump COP1 registers too (remember to check Status[FR])
sd r0, K_DUMP+0x00(k0) // intentional (it'd be weird if
// r0 showed as nonzero in memory dumps)
@ -199,30 +236,75 @@ InterruptHandler:
sd t0, K_DUMP+0x100(k0)
sd t1, K_DUMP+0x108(k0)
mfc0 k1, CP0_EPC // TODO: check that this is valid?
sw k1, K_EPC(k0)
mfc0 k1, CP0_ErrorPC // TODO: check that this is valid?
sw k1, K_ERRORPC(k0)
mfc0 k1, CP0_BadVAddr
sw k1, K_BADVADDR(k0)
if K_DEBUG {
// prevent recursive interrupts if IHMain somehow causes an interrupt
lw t1, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
bnez t1, IHExit
lli t0, 1
sw t0, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
// be wary, this is a tiny temporary stack!
ori sp, k0, K_STACK
IHMain: // free to modify any GPR from here to IHExit
la a2, IHString
macro KDumpString(str) {
lw t1, K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(k0)
beqz t1,+
la a2, {str}
jal Drive64WriteDirect
lli a3, 0x20 //IHString.size
lli a3, 0x20 // str.size
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP
lli a1, 0x100
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 0
lli a1, 0x80
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x400
lli a3, 0x80 * 4
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP
addiu a0, a0, 0x100
lli a1, 0x100
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 1
lli a1, 0x80
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x400
lli a3, 0x80 * 4
// currently just 0x10 in size: LO and HI registers.
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 2
lli a1, 0x10
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x10 * 4
ori a0, k0, K_DUMP + 0x80 * 4
lli a1, 0x80
ori a2, k0, K_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x80 * 4
sw r0, K_IN_MAIN(k0)
jal Drive64Write
lui k0, K_BASE
ld t0, K_DUMP+0x100(k0)
@ -261,13 +343,13 @@ IHExit:
ld ra, K_DUMP+0xF8(k0)
lw k1, K_CAUSE(k0)
andi k1, k1, 0x2000 // check if this was a trap exception
xori k1, k1, 13 << 2 // check if this was a trap exception
bnez k1, ReturnFromInterrupt
mfc0 k0, CP0_EPC
beqz k1, ReturnFromInterrupt
sw k0, K_EPC(k0)
addiu k0, k0, 4
addiu k0, k0, 4 // TODO: this probably fails with branch delays?
mtc0 k0, CP0_EPC
// restore interrupts
@ -275,16 +357,33 @@ ReturnFromInterrupt:
ori k1, k1, 1
mtc0 k1, CP0_Status
// wait, shouldn't this be ERET?
jr k0
or k1, r0, r0
// eret pseudo-code:
//if status & 4 then
// jump to ErrorPC
// clear status & 4
//elseif status & 2 then
// jump to EPC
// clear status & 2
// raise new exception???
// no branch delay for eret
include "debug.asm"
db " ~~~ Interrupt Handled ~~~ ", 0
db " ~~ Interrupt Handled ~~", 10, 0
db " Interrupt States:", 10, 0
db 10, 0, 0, 0
dw 0, 0, 0
nops((K_BASE << 16) + 0x10000)

View file

@ -37,30 +37,14 @@ include "lz.asm"
mfc0 t0, CP0_Count
sw t0, BLAH_COUNTS+8(s0)
lui t0, K_BASE
lw t1, K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(t0)
beqz t1, InitVideo
nop // delay slot
// jal Drive64TestWrite
// nop // delay slot
lui a0, BLAH_BASE
lli a1, 0x20
ori a2, a0, BLAH_XXD
jal DumpAndWrite
lli a3, 0x20 * 4
jal xxd
nop // delay slot
lui a0, BLAH_BASE // write address
ori a0, a0, BLAH_XXD // (RAM gets copied to SDRAM by routine)
lli a1, 0x20 * 4
jal Drive64Write
nop // delay slot
InitVideo: // currently 80001190 (this comment is likely out of date)
// A4000FC0
jal LoadRSPBoot

View file

@ -1,21 +1,32 @@
// settings:
constant K_DEBUG(1) // slows down interrupt handling to enable debug routines
// address stuff:
constant UNCACHED(0xA0000000)
constant ADDR_MASK(0x1FFFFFFF)
// "kernel" constants:
constant K_BASE(0x8000) // k0 is set to this.
constant K_DUMP(0x0400) // we save registers and state here
// when handling interrupts
constant K_REASON(0x0600)
constant K_CAUSE(0x0604)
constant K_STATUS(0x0608)
constant K_EPC(0x060C)
constant K_IN_MAIN(0x060C)
constant K_EPC(0x0610)
constant K_ERRORPC(0x0614)
constant K_BADVADDR(0x0618)
constant K_64DRIVE_MAGIC(0x0700)
constant K_CI_BASE(0x0704)
constant K_STACK(0xC00 - 8)
constant K_STACK(0x0C00 - 0x10)
constant K_XXD(0x0C00) // size: 0x400 (any larger and you overwrite kernel code)
constant K_STACK_INIT_BASE(0x803F) // note that this gets subtracted by 8
// and that the stack grows *backwards.*
// note this gets subtracted by 0x10 and the stack grows *backwards.*
constant K_STACK_INIT_BASE(0x803F)
// internal interrupt enum: (0 means no known interrupt/exception)
constant K_INT_TLB_REFILL(1)

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@ -139,6 +139,28 @@ constant CP0_TagHi(29) // reserved
constant CP0_ErrorPC(30)
constant CP0_Reserved_7(31)
constant CP0_STATUS_IE($0001) // Interrupt Enable
constant CP0_STATUS_EXL($0002) // Exception Level
constant CP0_STATUS_ERL($0004) // Error Level
constant CP0_STATUS_IM0($0100) // Interrupt Mask 0 (Software)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM1($0200) // Interrupt Mask 1 (Software)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM2($0400) // Interrupt Mask 2 (External)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM3($0800) // Interrupt Mask 3 (External)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM4($1000) // Interrupt Mask 4 (External)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM5($2000) // Interrupt Mask 5 (External)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM6($4000) // Interrupt Mask 6 (External)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM7($8000) // Interrupt Mask 7 (External)
constant CP0_STATUS_IM_ALL($FF01) // enable all interrupts
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP0($0100) // Interrupt Pending 0 (Software)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP1($0200) // Interrupt Pending 1 (Software)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP2($0400) // Interrupt Pending 2 (External)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP3($0800) // Interrupt Pending 3 (External)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP4($1000) // Interrupt Pending 4 (External)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP5($2000) // Interrupt Pending 5 (External)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP6($4000) // Interrupt Pending 6 (External)
constant CP0_CAUSE_IP7($8000) // Interrupt Pending 7 (External)
// Memory Map
constant RDRAM($A000) // $00000000..$003FFFFF RDRAM Memory 4MB ($00000000..$007FFFFF 8MB With Expansion Pak)