update 1
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16 changed files with 1042 additions and 0 deletions
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# random dsp code
it's a bunch of half-baked python code that's kinda handy.
don't expect commits, docs, or comments to be any verbose.
## the stuff
* a basic BS.1770-3 normalization implementation
— [bs.py](/lib/bs.py)
* biquad butterworth/chebyshev filters [(via DSPFilters)][dspf]
— [butterworth.py](/lib/butterworth.py)
* s-plane to z-plane conversion
— [planes.py](/lib/planes.py)
* various functions for biquad filters
— [bq.py](/lib/bq.py) [\_\_init\_\_.py](/lib/__init__.py)
* some functions for state-variable filters [(via Raph Levien)][svf]
— [svf.py](/lib/svf.py)
* sine sweeps, and the Optimized Aoshima's Time-Stretched Pulse [(via here)][sweeps]
— [sweeps.py](/lib/sweeps.py)
* a lot of stuff for magnitude plotting like tilting and smoothing
— [fft.py](/lib/fft.py) [smoothfft.py](/lib/smoothfft.py) [\_\_init\_\_.py](/lib/__init__.py)
* rough experiments with psychoacoustic equalization ("neon pink" and other crap)
— [data.py](/lib/data.py) [\_\_init\_\_.py](/lib/__init__.py)
* miscellaneous matplotlib stuff
— [plot.py](/lib/plot.py)
* miscellaneous utility functions
— [util.py](/lib/util.py) [wav.py](/lib/wav.py)
[dspf]: https://github.com/vinniefalco/DSPFilters/
[sweeps]: http://www.sound.sie.dendai.ac.jp/dsp/e-21.html
[svf]: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/urls/music-synthesizer-for-android.googlecode.com/git/lab/Second%20order%20sections%20in%20matrix%20form.ipynb
all wrapped up in a inconveniently generic "lib" module!
## dependencies
python 3.4+
numpy scipy sympy matplotlib ewave
usually run in an ipython environment.
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Executable file
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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
set -e
alias db="dropbox_uploader"
rm -r lib
db download py/lib >/dev/null
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
git init >/dev/null
[ -e version ] && rm version
git add .gitignore '*' '**/*'
git add -u || echo "nothing new?"
if [ -s version ]; then
read -r version < version
let version++ || true # -e mode doesn't like this normally
echo $version > version
git commit -m "update $version" . >/dev/null
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import numpy as np
#from IPython.display import display
from matplotlib.pylab import show
from .util import *
from .data import *
gen_filters = lambda cascade, srate: [
s2z(*f[1], fc=f[0], srate=srate, gain=10**(f[2]/20)) for f in cascade
from .bq import *
from .butterworth import *
from .sweeps import *
from .smoothfft import *
from .plot import *
from .wav import *
from .planes import *
from .fft import *
from .bs import *
def analog(b, a):
import sympy as sym
w,s = sym.symbols('w s')
filt_expr = sym.Poly(b, s)/sym.Poly(a, s)
mag_expr = abs(filt_expr.subs({s: w*sym.I}))**2
return sym.lambdify(w, mag_expr, 'numpy')
def makemag(w0, ba, gain=0):
f = analog(*ba)
def magf(w):
a = f(w/w0)
a[0] = 1e-35
a = np.log10(a)*10 + gain
a[0] = a[1] # safety measure
return a
return magf
def test_filter_raw(ba, fc=1000, gain=0, precision=4096):
fig, ax = new_response(ymin=-24, ymax=24)
xs = xsp(precision)
ax.semilogx(xs, makemag(fc, ba, gain)(xs))
def test_filter(ff, A=toA(12), Q=toQ(1), **kwargs):
test_filter_raw(ff(A, Q), **kwargs)
npc = [makemag(*f) for f in cascades['raw']]
def neonpink(xs):
print("neonpink(): DEPRECATED")
combined = np.zeros(len(xs))
for f in npc:
combined += f(xs)
return combined
def c_render(cascade, precision=4096):
xs = xsp(precision)
ys = np.zeros_like(xs)
c = [makemag(*f) for f in cascade]
for f in c:
ys += f(xs)
return xs, ys
def firize(xs, ys, n=4096, srate=44100, plot=None):
import scipy.signal as sig
if plot:
plot.semilogx(xs, ys, label='desired')
xf = xs/srate*2
yg = 10**(ys/20)
xf = np.hstack((0, xf, 1))
yg = np.hstack((0, yg, yg[-1]))
b = sig.firwin2(n, xf, yg, antisymmetric=True)
if plot:
_, ys = sig.freqz(b, worN=xs/srate*tau)
ys = 20*np.log10(np.abs(ys))
plot.semilogx(xs, ys, label='FIR ({} taps)'.format(n))
return b
def normalize_test(s, srate):
# FIXME: where is fir3 defined?
#rms_naive = np.sqrt(np.mean(s**2))
filters3 = gen_filters(cascades['raw3'], srate)
db_standard = BS1770_3(s, srate)
db = BS1770_3(s, srate, filters=filters3)
print('raw3 would be\t{:+6.2f} dB louder/quieter than RG2'.format(db_standard - db))
db = BS1770_3(s, srate, filters=[fir3])
print('fir3 would be\t{:+6.2f} dB louder/quieter than RG2'.format(db_standard - db))
rms = 10**(db/20)
return s/rms, rms
def tilter(xs, ys, tilt):
"""tilts a magnitude plot by some decibels, or by equalizer curve."""
# should really just do this instead:
# ys -= tilt(xs, 3)
print("tilter(): DEPRECATED")
if tilt == 'neon':
noise = neonpink(xs)
elif type(tilt) is str:
noise = np.zeros(len(xs))
c = [makemag(*f) for f in cascades[tilt]]
for f in c:
noise += f(xs)
elif isinstance(tilt, int) or isinstance(tilt, float):
noise = tilt*(np.log2(1000) - np.log2(xs))
noise = np.zeros(xs.shape)
return xs, ys - noise
def tilter2(xs, tilt):
if type(tilt) is str:
noise = np.zeros(len(xs))
c = [makemag(*f) for f in cascades[tilt]]
for f in c:
noise += f(xs)
elif isinstance(tilt, int) or isinstance(tilt, float):
noise = tilt*(np.log2(1000) - np.log2(xs + 1e-35))
noise = np.zeros(xs.shape)
return noise
def plotwavsmooth(fn, ax, tilt=None, bw=1, size=8192, raw=False, fix=False, smoother=smoothfft2, **kwargs):
s, srate = wav_read(fn)
s, rms = normalize(s, srate)
sm = monoize(s)
ss = monoize(s*np.array((1, -1)))
xs_raw = np.arange(0, srate/2, srate/2/size)
ys_raw = averfft(sm, size=size)
# tilting beforehand is negligible besides lowest frequencies, but eh
if tilt is not None:
ys_raw -= tilter2(xs_raw, tilt)
xs, ys = smoother(xs_raw, ys_raw, bw=bw)
if not 'label' in kwargs:
kwargs['label'] = fn
if raw:
ax.semilogx(xs_raw, ys_raw, **kwargs)
ax.semilogx(xs, ys, **kwargs)
if not fix: return
fno = fn[:-4]+"-proc.wav"
fir = firize(xs, -ys, srate=srate)
sf = convolve_each(s/8, fir, mode='same')
import ewave
with ewave.open(fno, 'w', sampling_rate=srate, nchannels=count_channels(sf)) as f:
print('wrote '+fno)
def plotfftsmooth(s, srate, ax, bw=1, tilt=None, size=8192, window=0, raw=False, **kwargs):
sm = monoize(s)
xs_raw = np.arange(0, srate/2, srate/2/size)
ys_raw = averfft(sm, size=size, mode=window)
ys_raw -= tilter2(xs_raw, tilt)
xs, ys = smoothfft(xs_raw, ys_raw, bw=bw)
if raw: ax.semilogx(xs_raw, ys_raw, **kwargs)
ax.semilogx(xs, ys, **kwargs)
return xs, ys
def plotwav2(fn, ax, bw=1, size=8192, raw=False, fix=False,
smoother=smoothfft2, side_compensate=9, **kwargs):
s, srate = wav_read(fn)
s, rms = normalize(s, srate)
sm = monoize(s)
ss = monoize(s*np.array((1, -1)))
xs_raw = np.arange(0, srate/2, srate/2/size)
ys_raw = averfft(sm, size=size)
ys_raw_side = averfft(ss, size=size)
# tilting beforehand is negligible besides lowest frequencies, but eh
ys_raw -= tilter2(xs_raw, 'np2')
ys_raw_side -= tilter2(xs_raw, 'np2s')
xs, ys = smoother(xs_raw, ys_raw, bw=bw)
xs, ys_side = smoother(xs_raw, ys_raw_side, bw=bw)
if not 'label' in kwargs:
kwargs['label'] = fn
if raw:
ax.semilogx(xs_raw, ys_raw, **kwargs)
ax.semilogx(xs_raw, ys_raw_side + side_compensate, **kwargs)
ax.semilogx(xs, ys, **kwargs)
ax.semilogx(xs, ys_side + side_compensate, **kwargs)
side_gain = np.average(ys_raw_side) - np.average(ys_raw)
print("side gain:", side_gain)
if not fix: return
fno = fn[:-4]+"-proc.wav"
fir = firize(xs, -ys, srate=srate)
smf = convolve_each(sm/8, fir, mode='same')
fir = firize(xs, -ys_side, srate=srate)
ssf = convolve_each(ss/8, fir, mode='same')
ssf *= 10**(side_gain/20)
sf = np.array((smf + ssf, smf - ssf)).T
import ewave
with ewave.open(fno, 'w', sampling_rate=srate, nchannels=count_channels(sf)) as f:
print('wrote '+fno)
def pw(fn, ax, **kwargs):
plotwavsmooth(fn, ax, tilt='np2', bw=1/6, **kwargs)
def pwc(fn, **kwargs):
fig, ax = new_response(-18, 18)
ax.set_title('averaged magnitudes of normalized songs with tilt and smoothing')
pw(fn, ax, fix=True, **kwargs)
fno = fn[:-4]+"-proc.wav"
pw(fno, ax, fix=False, **kwargs)
def pw2(fn, **kwargs):
fig, ax = new_response(-18, 18)
ax.set_title('averaged magnitudes of normalized songs with tilt and smoothing')
plotwav2(fn, ax, fix=True, bw=1/6, **kwargs)
fno = fn[:-4]+"-proc.wav"
plotwav2(fno, ax, fix=False, bw=1/6, **kwargs)
# this is similar to default behaviour of having no __all__ variable at all,
# but ours ignores modules as well. this allows for `import sys` and such
# without clobbering `from our_module import *`.
__all__ = [o for o in locals() if type(o) != 'module' and not o.startswith('_')]
Normal file
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import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from .util import *
bq_run = lambda bq, xs: sig.lfilter(*bq, x=xs, axis=0)
nf = lambda t, f, g, bw, mg: (f, t(toA(g), toQ(bw)), mg)
LP1 = lambda A, Q: ((0,1),(1,1))
HP1 = lambda A, Q: ((1,0),(1,1))
LS1 = lambda A, Q: ((1,A),(1,1/A))
HS1 = lambda A, Q: ((A,1),(1/A,1))
# a always gets divided by A instead of multiplied
# b1 and a1 always /= Q
LP2 = lambda A, Q: ((0, 0, 1),
(1, 1/Q, 1))
HP2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, 0, 0),
(1, 1/Q, 1))
PE2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, A/Q, 1),
(1, 1/A/Q, 1))
AP2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, 1/Q, 1),
(1, 1/Q, 1))
BP2a= lambda A, Q: ((0, -A/Q, 0),
(1, 1/A/Q, 1))
BP2b= lambda A, Q: ((0,-A*A/Q, 0),
(1, 1/Q, 1))
NO2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, 0, 1),
(1, 1/Q, 1))
LS2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, np.sqrt(A)/Q, A),
(1, 1/np.sqrt(A)/Q, 1/A))
HS2 = lambda A, Q: ((A, np.sqrt(A)/Q, 1),
(1/A, 1/np.sqrt(A)/Q, 1))
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from . import blocks, convolve_each, gen_filters, cascades, bq_run, toLK
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def BS1770_3(s, srate, filters=None, window=0.4, overlap=0.75, gate=10, absolute_gate=70, detail=False):
if filters is None:
filters = gen_filters(cascades['1770'], srate)
sf = np.copy(s)
for f in filters:
if len(f) is 2: # dumb but effective
sf = bq_run(f, sf)
sf = convolve_each(sf, f, 'same')
stepsize = round(window*srate*(1 - overlap))
blocksize = int(stepsize/(1 - overlap))
means = np.array([
np.sum(np.mean(b**2, axis=0)) for b in blocks(sf, stepsize, blocksize)
LKs = toLK(means)
truths = LKs > -absolute_gate
LKs_g70 = LKs[truths]
means_g70 = means[truths]
avg_g70 = np.average(means_g70)
threshold = toLK(avg_g70) - gate
means_g10 = means[LKs_g70 > threshold]
avg_g10 = np.average(means_g10)
if detail is False:
return toLK(avg_g10)
return toLK(avg_g10), toLK(avg_g70), LKs, threshold
def BS_plot(ys, g10=None, g70=None, threshold=None, fig=None, ax=None):
if g10:
center = np.round(g10)
bins = np.arange(center - 10, center + 10.01, 0.25)
bins = np.arange(-70, 0.1, 1)
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure()
if ax is None:
ax = fig.gca()
if False: # histogram
ax.hist(ys, bins=bins, normed=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5)
ax.xlim(bins[0], bins[-1])
ax.ylim(0, 1)
ax.grid(True, 'both')
ax.xlabel('loudness (LKFS)')
xs = np.arange(len(ys))
#ax.plot(xs, ys, color='#066ACF', linestyle=':', marker='d', markersize=2)
ax.plot(xs, ys, color='#1459E0')
ax.set_xlim(xs[0], xs[-1])
ax.set_ylim(-70, 0)
ax.grid(True, 'both', 'y')
ax.set_ylabel('loudness (LKFS)')
#_, _, ymin, _ = ax.axis()
if threshold:
ax.axhspan(-70, threshold, facecolor='r', alpha=1/5)
if g10:
ax.axhline(g10, color='g')
if g70:
ax.axhline(g70, color='0.3')
return fig, ax
def normalize(s, srate):
"""performs BS.1770-3 normalization and returns inverted gain."""
db = BS1770_3(s, srate)
rms = 10**(db/20)
return s/rms, rms
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import numpy as np
def LPB(n):
# crap ripped from https://github.com/vinniefalco/DSPFilters/blob/master/shared/DSPFilters/source
"""n-th degree butterworth low-pass filter cascade
-3 dB at center frequency."""
series = []
pi2 = np.pi/2
pairs = int(n/2)
for i in range(pairs):
# magnitude = 1
theta = pi2*(1 + (2*i + 1)/n)
real = np.cos(theta)
imag = np.sin(theta)
num = (0, 0, 1)
den = (1, -2*real, real*real + imag*imag)
series += [(num, den)]
if n % 2:
num = (0, 1)
den = (1, 1)
series += [(num, den)]
return series
def LPC(n, ripple, type=1):
# crap ripped from https://github.com/vinniefalco/DSPFilters/blob/master/shared/DSPFilters/source
# FIXME: type 2 has wrong center frequency?
"""n-th degree chebyshev low-pass filter cascade
0 dB at center frequency for type 1.
-ripple dB at center frequency for type 2.
when ripple=0 and type=1, acts as butterworth."""
series = []
ripple = np.abs(ripple)
lin = np.exp(ripple*0.1*np.log(10))
if ripple != 0:
if type == 2:
eps = np.sqrt(1/(lin - 1))
eps = np.sqrt(lin - 1)
v0 = np.arcsinh(1/eps)/n
if type == 2:
v0 = 0 # allpass?
v0 = 1 # butterworth
sinh_v0 = -np.sinh(v0)
cosh_v0 = np.cosh(v0)
fn = np.pi/(2*n)
pairs = int(n/2)
for i in range(pairs):
k = 2*i + 1
theta = (k - n)*fn
real = sinh_v0*np.cos(theta)
imag = cosh_v0*np.sin(theta)
if type == 2:
d2 = real*real + imag*imag
im = 1/np.cos(k*fn)
real = real/d2
imag = imag/d2
num = (1, 0, im*im)
num = (0, 0, 1)
den = (1, -2*real, real*real + imag*imag)
# normalize such that 0 Hz is 0 dB
den = np.array(den)
gain = den[2]/num[2]
den /= gain
series += [(num, den)]
if n % 2:
real = sinh_v0
if type == 2:
real = 1/real
num = (0, 1)
den = (1/-real, 1)
series += [(num, den)]
return series
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from .util import *
from .bq import *
import numpy as np
_bq2a = 1/.76536686473017945
_bq2b = 1/1.8477590650225735
_bq2a_bw = isqrt2/_bq2a
_bq2b_bw = isqrt2/_bq2b
cascades = {
'1770': [
(1501, HS2(toA(4), toQ(1)), 0),
(38.135457, HP2(0, 0.5003268), np.log10(1.004995)*20),
# "neon pink"
'raw': [
nf(LP1, 20, 0, 1, 29),
nf(HS1, 800, 12, 1, 0),
( 45, HP2( 0, 1.32), 0.5), # roughly estimates
( 45, HP2( 0, 0.54), 0.5), # a 4-pole butterworth highpass
nf(LP2, 14000, 0, 1.33, 0),
# like neon pink but for feeding into RMS
'raw2': [
(10000, HP1(0,0), 26),
( 750, HS2(toA(-10), toQ(1.33)), 0),
( 45, HP2(0, 1.32), 0.5),
( 45, HP2(0, 0.54), 0.5),
(14000, LP2(0, toQ(1.33)), 0),
( 250, PE2(toA(3), toQ(1.33)), -1),
( 4000, PE2(toA(3), toQ(1.33)), -1),
# loosely based on the equal loudness contour at 60dB or something
'raw_ELC': [
( 40, HP2(0, toQ(1.33)), 0),
( 400, HP1(0,0), 6),
( 1400, PE2(toA(-3), toQ(1.33)), 1),
( 4000, PE2(toA(5), toQ(1.00)),-1.5),
( 4000, LP2(0, toQ(1.33)), 1.5),
# here's the ideas written out:
# low (<40) freqs dont contribute much to ears (feel doesnt count.)
# high (>14000) freqs are mostly unheard. 14000 is the top for someone with bad hearing.
# 750 Hz isn't too painful to the ears, but cutting them would give
# overly-produced songs not enough gain to hear vocals, so keep it flat.
# we're supposedly less sensitive to 1400 Hz, but i need to
# boost high freqs so the RMS even catches it, so keep that flat too.
'raw3': [
( 40, HP2(0, toQ(1.33)), 0.0),
( 400, HP1(0, 0), 4.5),
( 1400, PE2(toA(-2), toQ(1.33)), 0.0),
( 8000, PE2(toA(3), toQ(1.00)), 0.0),
(10000, LP2(0, toQ(0.50)),-0.5),
'tilt_test': [
(10000, HP1(0,0), 30),
( 1000, HS1(toA(-16), 0), 1.5),
( 40, HP2(0, toQ(1.00)), 0.0),
(10000, LP1(0, 0), 0.0),
# tested against your 227 top-rated songs
'np2': [
nf(LP1, 20, 0, 1, 32),
nf(HS1, 800, 9, 1, -4.5),
nf(LP2, 14000, 0, 1.33, 0),
nf(LP2, 14000, 0, 0.90, 0),
nf(HP2, 77, 0, 1.00, 0),
nf(LS2, 38, -9, 1.00, 0),
nf(PE2, 64, 4.5, 1.20, 0),
# side channel
'np2s': [
nf(LP1, 20, 0, 1, 32),
nf(HS1, 800, 9, 1, -4.5),
nf(LP2, 14000, 0, 1.33, 0),
nf(HP2, 90, 0, 1.11, 0),
nf(PE2, 30, -9.5, 1.00, 0),
#(17500, LP2(0, _bq2a), 0),
#(17500, LP2(0, _bq2b), 0),
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from . import rfft
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
def magnitudes_window_setup(s, size=8192):
L = s.shape[0]
overlap = 0.661
step = np.ceil(size*(1 - overlap))
segs = np.ceil(L/step)
return step, segs
def magnitudes(s, size=8192):
import scipy.linalg as linalg
step, segs = magnitudes_window_setup(s, size)
L = s.shape[0]
# blindly pad with zeros for friendlier ffts and overlapping
z = np.zeros(size)
s = np.hstack((s, z))
win_size = size
win = sig.blackmanharris(win_size)
win /= linalg.norm(win)
count = 0
for i in range(0, L - 1, int(step)):
windowed = s[i:i+win_size]*win
power = np.abs(rfft(windowed, size))**2
# this scraps the nyquist value to get exactly size outputs
yield power[0:size]
count += 1
#assert(segs == count)
def averfft(s, size=8192):
"""calculates frequency magnitudes by fft and averages them together."""
step, segs = magnitudes_window_setup(s, size)
avg = np.zeros(size)
for power in magnitudes(s, size):
avg += power/segs
avg_db = 10*np.log10(avg)
return avg_db
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
from . import tau
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
def zcgen_py(n, d):
zcs = np.zeros(d + 1)
zcs[0] = 1
for _ in range(n):
for i in range(d, 0, -1):
zcs[i] -= zcs[i - 1]
for _ in range(d - n):
for i in range(d, 0, -1):
zcs[i] += zcs[i - 1]
return zcs
def zcgen_sym(n, d):
z = sym.symbols('z')
expr = sym.expand((1 - z**-1)**n*(1 + z**-1)**(d - n))
coeffs = expr.equals(1) and [1] or expr.as_poly().all_coeffs()
return coeffs[::-1]
def s2z_two(b,a,fc,srate,gain=1):
converts s-plane coefficients to z-plane for digital usage.
hard-coded for 3 coefficients.
if (len(b) < 3):
b = (b[0], b[1], 0)
if (len(a) < 3):
a = (a[0], a[1], 0)
w0 = tau*fc/srate
cw = np.cos(w0)
sw = np.sin(w0)
zb = np.array((
b[2]*(1 - cw) + b[0]*(1 + cw) + b[1]*sw,
2*(b[2]*(1 - cw) - b[0]*(1 + cw)),
b[2]*(1 - cw) + b[0]*(1 + cw) - b[1]*sw,
za = np.array((
a[2]*(1 - cw) + a[0]*(1 + cw) + a[1]*sw,
2*(a[2]*(1 - cw) - a[0]*(1 + cw)),
a[2]*(1 - cw) + a[0]*(1 + cw) - a[1]*sw,
return zb*gain, za
def s2z1(w0, s, d):
s: array of s-plane coefficients (num OR den, not both)
d: degree (array length - 1)
returns output array of size d + 1
y = np.zeros(d + 1)
sw = np.sin(w0)
cw = np.cos(w0)
for n in range(d + 1):
zcs = zcgen(d - n, d)
trig = sw**n/(cw + 1)**(n - 1)
for i in range(d + 1):
y[i] += trig*zcs[i]*s[n]
return y
def s2z_any(b, a, fc, srate, gain=1, d=-1):
converts s-plane coefficients to z-plane for digital usage.
supports any number of coefficients; b or a will be padded accordingly.
additional padding can be specified with d.
cs = max(len(b), len(a), d + 1)
sb = np.zeros(cs)
sa = np.zeros(cs)
sb[:len(b)] = b
sa[:len(a)] = a
w0 = tau*fc/srate
zb = s2z1(w0, sb, cs - 1)
za = s2z1(w0, sa, cs - 1)
return zb*gain, za
# set our preference. zcgen_py is 1000+ times faster than zcgen_sym
zcgen = zcgen_py
# s2z_any is only ~2.4 times slower than s2z_two and allows for filters of any degree
s2z = s2z_any
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker
def response_setup(ax, ymin=-24, ymax=24, yL=ticker.AutoMinorLocator(3)):
ax.set_xlim(20, 20000)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
#ax.set_yticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax + 1, 6))
ax.set_yticks(tuple(range(ymin, ymax + 1, 6)))
ax.grid(True, 'both')
ax.set_xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
ax.set_ylabel('magnitude (dB)')
def cleanplot():
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches((16, 16))
return fig, ax
def new_response(*args, **kwargs):
#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
response_setup(ax, *args, **kwargs)
fig.set_size_inches(10, 6)
return fig, ax
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
from . import xsp
import numpy as np
def smoothfft(xs, ys, bw=1, precision=512):
"""performs log-lin smoothing on magnitude data,
generally from the output of averfft."""
# TODO: option to extrapolate (pad) fft data
xs2 = xsp(precision)
ys2 = np.zeros(precision)
log_xs = np.log(xs)
for i, x in enumerate(xs2):
dist = np.exp(np.abs(log_xs - np.log(x + 1e-35)))
window = np.maximum(0, 1 - (dist - bw))
# at this point you could probably
# normalize our *triangular* window to 0-1
# and transform it into *another* windowing function
wsum = np.sum(window)
ys2[i] = np.sum(ys*window/wsum)
return xs2, ys2
def smoothfft2(xs, ys, bw=1, precision=512, compensate=True):
"""performs log-lin smoothing on magnitude data,
generally from the output of averfft."""
xs2 = xsp(precision)
ys2 = np.zeros(precision)
log2_xs2 = np.log2(xs2)
for i, x in enumerate(xs):
#dist = np.abs(np.log2(xs2/(x + 1e-35)))/bw
dist = np.abs(log2_xs2 - np.log2(x + 1e-35))/bw
#window = np.maximum(0, 1 - dist) # triangle window
window = np.exp(-dist**2/(0.5/2)) # gaussian function (non-truncated)
ys2 += ys[i]*window
if compensate:
_, temp = smoothfft2(xs, np.ones(len(xs)), bw=bw, precision=precision, compensate=False)
ys2 /= temp
return xs2, ys2
def smoothfft3(xs, ys, bw=1, precision=1024):
# actually this will never work...
# you need to go back to smoothfft2,
# which technically works as-designed,
# and fix the compensation to work with widely-spaced data.
raise Exception("smoothfft3 is broken.")
xs2 = xsp(precision)
ys2 = np.zeros(precision)
step = (xs[1] - xs[0])
if True:
for i, x in enumerate(xs):
dist = np.abs(xs2 - x)
bw2 = x*bw/2
window = np.maximum(0, 1 - dist/bw2)
#window = np.minimum(1, np.maximum(0, 1 - (dist - bw)))
ys2 += ys[i]*window
for i, x2 in enumerate(xs2):
dist = np.abs(xs - x2)
window = np.maximum(0, 1 - (dist/step/bw))
wsum = np.sum(window)
ys2[i] = np.sum(ys*window/wsum)
return xs2, ys2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from . import tau, unwarp
import numpy as np
# via http://nbviewer.ipython.org/urls/music-synthesizer-for-android.googlecode.com/git/lab/Second%20order%20sections%20in%20matrix%20form.ipynb
def svf_core(w0, Q, m, shelfA=1, gain=1):
# TODO: implement constant gain parameter
g = unwarp(w0)*shelfA
a1 = 1/(1 + g*(g + 1/Q))
a2 = g*a1
a3 = g*a2
A = np.array([[2*a1 - 1, -2*a2], [2*a2, 1 - 2*a3]])
B = np.array([2*a2, 2*a3])
v0 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
v1 = np.array([a2, a1, -a2])
v2 = np.array([a3, a2, 1 - a3])
C = v0*m[0] + v1*m[1] + v2*m[2]
return A, B, C
LP2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [0, 0, 1], 1)
BP2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [0, 1, 0], 1)
HP2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [1, -1/Q, -1], 1)
#AP2S = lambda A, Q:
#BP2aS = lambda A, Q:
#BP2bS = lambda A, Q:
NO2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [1, -1/Q, 0], 1)
PE2S = lambda A, Q: (Q*A, [1, (A*A - 1)/A/Q, 0], 1)
LS2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [1, (A - 1)/Q, A*A - 1], 1/np.sqrt(A))
HS2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [A*A, (1 - A)*A/Q, 1 - A*A], np.sqrt(A))
# actual peaking filter (not a bell?)
#PE2S = lambda A, Q: ([1, -1/Q, -2], 1)
# original uncompensated
#PE2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [1, (A*A - 1)/Q, 0], 1)
#LS2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [1, (A - 1)/Q, A*A - 1], 1/np.sqrt(A))
#HS2S = lambda A, Q: (Q, [A*A, (A - A*A)/Q, 1 - A*A], 1/np.sqrt(A))
gen_filters_svf = lambda cascade, srate: [
svf_core(tau*f[0]/srate, *f[1], gain=10**(f[2]/20)) for f in cascade
def svf_run(svf, xs):
A, B, C = svf
result = []
y = np.zeros(2) # filter memory
for x in xs:
result.append(np.dot(C, np.concatenate([[x], y])))
y = B*x + np.dot(A, y)
return np.array(result)
def svf_mat(svf):
A, B, C = svf
AA = np.dot(A, A)
AB = np.dot(A, B)
CA = np.dot(C[1:], A)
cb = np.dot(C[1:], B)
return np.array([[ C[0], 0, C[1], C[2]],
[ cb, C[0], CA[0], CA[1]],
[AB[0], B[0], AA[0][0], AA[0][1]],
[AB[1], B[1], AA[1][0], AA[1][1]]])
def svf_run4(mat, xs):
assert(len(xs) % 2 == 0)
out = np.zeros(len(xs))
y = np.zeros(4) # filter memory
for i in range(0, len(xs), 2):
y[0:2] = xs[i:i+2]
y = np.dot(mat, y)
out[i:i+2] = y[0:2]
return out
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
from . import tau
import numpy as np
def sweep(amp, length, begin=20, end=20480, method='linear'):
method = method or 'linear'
xs = np.arange(length)/length
if method in ('linear', 'quadratic', 'logarithmic', 'hyperbolic'):
ys = amp*sig.chirp(xs, begin, 1, end, method=method)
elif method is 'sinesweep':
ang = lambda f: tau*f
# because xs ranges from 0:1, length is 1 and has been simplified out
domain = np.log(ang(end)/ang(begin))
ys = amp*np.sin(ang(begin)/domain*(np.exp(xs*domain) - 1))
return ys
def tsp(N, m=0.5):
OATSP(Optimized Aoshima's Time-Stretched Pulse) generator
x = tsp( N, m )
N : length of the time-stretched pulse
m : ratio of the swept sine (0 < m < 1)
Author(s): Seigo UTO 8-23-95
Yoiti SUZUKI, Futoshi ASANO, Hack-Yoon KIM and Toshio SONE,
"Considerations on the Design of Time-Stretched Pulses,"
Techical Report of IEICE, EA92-86(1992-12)
# http://www.sound.sie.dendai.ac.jp/dsp/e-21.html
if m < 0 or m > 1:
raise Exception("sdfgsdfgsdg")
if N < 0:
raise Exception("The number of length must be the positive number")
NN = 2**np.floor(np.log2(N)) # nearest
NN2 = NN//2
M = np.round(NN2*m)
nn2 = np.arange(NN2 + 1)**2
j = np.complex(0, 1)
H = np.exp(j*4*M*np.pi*nn2/NN**2)
H2 = np.hstack([H, np.conj(H[1:NN2][::-1])])
x = np.fft.ifft(H2)
x = np.hstack([x[NN2 - M:NN + 1], x[0:NN2 - M + 1]])
x = np.hstack([x.real, np.zeros(1, N - NN)])
return x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
dummy = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
lament = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
toLK = lambda x: -0.691 + 10*np.log10(x)
isqrt2 = 1/np.sqrt(2)
toQ = lambda bw: isqrt2/bw
toA = lambda db: 10**(db/40)
tau = 2*np.pi
unwarp = lambda w: np.tan(w/2)
warp = lambda w: np.arctan(w)*2
rfft = lambda src, size: np.fft.rfft(src, size*2)
magnitude = lambda src, size: 10*np.log10(np.abs(rfft(src, size))**2)[0:size]
def xsp(precision=4096):
"""create #precision log-spaced points from 20 to 20480 Hz"""
# i opt not to use steps or linspace here,
# as the current method is less error-prone for me.
xs = np.arange(0,precision)/precision
return 20*1024**xs
def blocks(a, step, size=None):
"""break an iterable into chunks"""
if size is None:
size = step
for start in range(0, len(a), step):
end = start + size
if end > len(a):
yield a[start:end]
def convolve_each(s, fir, mode=None, axis=0):
return np.apply_along_axis(lambda s: sig.fftconvolve(s, fir, mode), axis, s)
def count_channels(s):
if len(s.shape) < 2:
return 1
return s.shape[1]
def monoize(s):
"""mixes an n-channel signal down to one channel.
technically, it averages a 2D array to be 1D.
existing mono signals are passed through unmodified."""
channels = count_channels(s)
if channels != 1:
s = np.sum(s, 1)
s /= channels
return s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import numpy as np
from . import lament
# TODO: don't use wavfile, it breaks on perfectly good files
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
import ewave
def wav_smart_read(fn):
lament('DEPRECATED: wav_smart_read; use wav_read instead')
srate, s = wav.read(fn)
if s.dtype != np.float64:
bits = s.dtype.itemsize*8
s = np.asfarray(s)/2**(bits - 1)
return srate, s
def wav_smart_write(fn, srate, s):
lament('DEPRECATED: wav_smart_write')
si = np.zeros_like(s, dtype='int16')
bits = si.dtype.itemsize*8
si += np.clip(s*2**(bits - 1), -32768, 32767)
wav.write(fn, srate, si)
def wav_read(fn):
with ewave.open(fn) as f:
s = f.read()
srate = f.sampling_rate
if s.dtype == np.float32:
s = np.asfarray(s)
elif s.dtype != np.float64:
bits = s.dtype.itemsize*8
s = np.asfarray(s)/2**(bits - 1)
return s, srate
Add table
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