remove Windows build scripts

MSVC produces horribly slow code when paired with Eigen
This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2015-12-10 07:33:26 -08:00
parent 2db13e6fc2
commit 5ef106fc40
2 changed files with 0 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
cd bin
set vst=../../../src/vstsdk2.4/
set vst2x=%vst%public.sdk/source/vst2.x/
set vstdef=%vst%public.sdk/samples/vst2.x/win/vstplug.def
set vst_c=/I"%vst%"
set vst_ld=/DEF:"%vstdef%"
set vstsrc=%vst2x%audioeffect.cpp %vst2x%audioeffectx.cpp %vst2x%vstplugmain.cpp
set wall=/Wall /wd4100 /wd4668 /wd4820 /wd4514 /wd4365 /wd4711 /wd4996 /wd4127
REM the warning disabled below is function-not-inlined
set common_c=/LD /I"../" /I"../include/" %wall% /wd4710
set release_c=%common_c% /O2 /Oy- /GL /EHsc /fp:fast /analyze- /nologo /DNDEBUG
set release_ld=
call:compile delay_test
call:compile eq
call:compile eq_const
call:compile eq_const_T420
call:compile eq_const_T420_svf
call:compile level
call:compile mugi4
call:compile noise
call:compile tube
set crap=%~1
cscript ..\util\generate.vbs %crap% vst
cscript ..\util\generate.vbs %crap% ladspa
cl %release_c% %vst_c% ../crap/vst/%crap%.cpp %vstsrc% /link %release_ld% %vst_ld% /OUT:"vst/crap_%crap%.dll"
cl %release_c% ../crap/ladspa/%crap%.cpp /link %release_ld% /OUT:"ladspa/crap_%crap%.dll"

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Name = WScript.Arguments(0)
Kind = WScript.Arguments(1)
IPath = "../template/"&Kind&".cpp"
OPath = "../crap/"&Kind&"/"&Name&".cpp"
Inc = "crap/"&Name&".hpp"
Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(IPath)
Text = File.ReadAll
Text = Replace(Text, "//#INCLUDE", "#include """&Inc&"""")
Text = Replace(Text, "//#REDEFINE", "#define CrapPlug Crap_"&Name)
Set File = FSO.CreateTextFile(OPath, True)
File.Write Text