643 lines
24 KiB
643 lines
24 KiB
#define elif else if
#define PAGES 256
#define CIEL_PAGESIZE 4096
#define MAXLEN 256
#define XSTR(e) #e
#define STR(e) XSTR(e)
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef signed char s8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef signed short s16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef signed int s32;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__i386) || defined(__ARM_ARCH)
typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef signed long long s64;
#define U64(x) (x ## ull)
typedef unsigned long u64;
typedef signed long s64;
#define U64(x) (x ## ul)
#if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__64BIT__) || defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__ppc64__)
typedef u64 size_t;
typedef s64 ssize_t;
typedef u32 size_t;
typedef s32 ssize_t;
#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
_Static_assert(sizeof(u8) == 1, "u8 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(s8) == 1, "s8 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(u16) == 2, "u16 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(s16) == 2, "s16 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(u32) == 4, "u32 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(s32) == 4, "s32 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(u64) == 8, "u64 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(s64) == 8, "s64 is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(ssize_t) == sizeof(void *), "ssize_t is incorrect");
_Static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void *), "size_t is incorrect");
ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte);
ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);
void *malloc(size_t size);
void free(void *ptr);
#define NULL (void*)0
typedef int bool;
struct slice {
char *str;
s32 len; };
static bool sliceeq(struct slice a, struct slice b) {
s32 i;
if (a.len != b.len) return 0;
if (a.str == b.str) return 1;
for (i = 0; i < (a.len + 3) / 4; i++) {
if (((u32 *)a.str)[i] != ((u32 *)b.str)[i]) return 0; }
return 1; }
static u64 udiv(u64 a, u64 b) {
return b ? a / b : 0; }
static s64 sdiv(s64 a, s64 b) {
return b ? a / b : 0; }
static u64 umod(u64 a, u64 b) {
return b ? a % b : 0; }
static s64 smod(s64 a, s64 b) {
return b ? a % b + ((a ^ b) < 0 ? b: 0) : 0; }
static u64 upow(u64 b, u64 e) {
u64 r = 1;
while (e) {
if (e & 1) r *= b;
e >>= 1, b *= b; }
return r; }
static s64 spow(s64 b, s64 e) {
if (b == 1) return 1;
elif (b == -1) return e & 1 ? -1 : 1;
if (e < 0) return 0;
return upow(b, e); }
static u64 ushl(u64 a, u64 b) {
return b < 64 ? a << b : 0; }
static u64 ushr(u64 a, u64 b) {
return b < 64 ? a >> b : 0; }
static s64 sshl(s64 a, s64 b) {
if (b < -63) return a < 0 ? -1 : 0;
elif (b < 0) return a >> b;
elif (b < 63) return a << b;
else return 0; }
static s64 sshr(s64 a, s64 b) {
if (b < -63) return 0;
elif (b < 0) return a << b;
elif (b < 63) return a >> b;
else return a < 0 ? -1 : 0; }
static u64 rol(u64 a, u64 b) {
return b ? (a << (b & 63)) | (a >> (64 - (b & 63))) : a; }
static u64 ror(u64 a, u64 b) {
return b ? (a >> (b & 63)) | (a << (64 - (b & 63))) : a; }
static bool isalpha_(char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); }
static bool isnum(char c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
static bool isident(char c, bool notfirst) {
if (notfirst) return isalpha_(c) || c == '_' || isnum(c);
else return isalpha_(c) || c == '_' || c == '\\'; }
static bool isspace_(char c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; }
static bool isopen(char c) {
return c == '{' || c == '[' || c == '('; }
static bool isclose(char c) {
return c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}'; }
static bool isop(char c) {
return c >= '!' && c <= '~' && !(isident(c, 1) || isopen(c) || isclose(c)); }
static ssize_t zlen(const char *str) {
ssize_t len = 0;
while (str[len]) len++;
return len; }
static bool writeok = 1;
static void write_(int fd, const char *str, ssize_t len) {
if (len > 0 && writeok) writeok = write(fd, str, len) == len; }
static void writestr(int fd, const char *str) {
write_(fd, str, zlen(str)); }
static void writepair(int fd, struct slice p) {
write_(fd, p.str, p.len); }
static void writech(int fd, char c) {
write_(fd, &c, 1); }
static void writeline(int fd, const char *str) {
writestr(fd, str), writech(1, '\n'); }
static void writeu64(int fd, u64 x) {
char str[21], *start = str + 20;
for (*start = 0; *--start = x % 10 + '0', x /= 10; );
writestr(fd, start); }
static void writeint(int fd, s32 x) {
writeu64(fd, x < 0 ? writech(fd, '-'), 0 - (u64)x : (u64)x); }
static void writepad(int fd, s32 x, s32 digits) {
while (--digits) if ((x /= 10) == 0) writech(fd, ' '); }
enum result {OK, BAD, EXCEPTION, OOM};
char *pages[PAGES];
s32 pagelen = 0;
struct slice iden;
static enum result pushc(char c) {
if (pagelen > PAGES) return OOM;
if (!iden.str) iden.str = pages[pagelen++] = malloc(CIEL_PAGESIZE);
if (!iden.str) return OOM;
if (iden.len >= MAXLEN) return EXCEPTION;
iden.str[iden.len++] = c;
return OK; }
static struct slice nextiden() {
struct slice ret = iden;
if (!iden.len) return ret;
iden.str += iden.len, iden.len = 0;
while ((size_t)iden.str & 3) *iden.str++ = 0;
if (iden.str - pages[pagelen - 1] > CIEL_PAGESIZE - MAXLEN) iden.str = NULL;
return ret; }
static u32 uhash(u32 h) {
return ++h, h ^= h >> 16, h *= 0xA66C52B5, h; }
static u32 shash(struct slice s) {
u32 h = 1;
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < s.len; i++) h = uhash(h + s.str[i]);
return h ? h : 1; }
struct entry {
u32 h;
s32 len;
char *str;
void *v; };
struct entry *space = NULL;
size_t hsize = 0, hmask = 0, hused = 0, hn = 0;
enum hmode {HLOOK, HPUSH, HPULL};
static enum result hinit(size_t n) {
size_t i;
struct entry empty = {0};
hn = n, hsize = 1 << n, space = malloc(hsize * sizeof(struct entry));
for (i = 0; i < hsize && space; i++) space[i] = empty;
return hmask = hsize - 1, hused = 0, space ? OK : OOM; }
static bool entryeq(struct entry a, struct entry b) {
struct slice sa, sb;
sa.str = a.str, sa.len = a.len, sb.str = b.str, sb.len = b.len;
return sliceeq(sa, sb); }
static bool hall(enum hmode m, struct slice k, void **v, u32 h) {
size_t i, j;
struct entry a;
a.h = h = h ? h : shash(k), a.len = k.len, a.str = k.str, a.v = v ? *v : 0;
for (i = 0; i < hsize; i++) {
size_t ind = (h + i) & hmask;
struct entry b = space[ind];
if (!b.h && m == HPUSH) hused++, space[ind] = a;
if (!b.h) return m == HPUSH;
if (a.h == b.h && entryeq(a, b)) {
if (m == HPULL) {
for (j = 1; j < hsize; j++) {
size_t jnd = (h + i + j) & hmask;
if (b = space[jnd], b.h) {
size_t bdib = (jnd - b.h) & hmask;
if (!bdib) break;
space[ind] = space[jnd], ind = jnd; } }
hused--, space[ind].h = 0;
} elif (m == HPUSH) space[ind].v = *v;
elif (m == HLOOK) *v = b.v;
return 1; }
if (i) {
size_t adib = (ind - a.h) & hmask, bdib = (ind - b.h) & hmask;
if (bdib < adib && m == HPUSH) space[ind] = a, a = b;
elif (bdib < adib) return 0; } }
return 0; }
static enum result hpush(struct slice k, void *v) {
return hall(HPUSH, k, &v, 0) ? OK : EXCEPTION; }
static bool hlook(struct slice k, void **v) {
return hall(HLOOK, k, v, 0); }
static enum result hpull(struct slice k) {
return hall(HPULL, k, NULL, 0) ? OK : EXCEPTION; }
static enum result rehash() {
size_t i;
struct entry *oldspace = space;
enum result hres = hinit(hn + 1);
if (hres != OK) return hres;
for (i = 0; i < hsize / 2; i++) {
struct entry e = oldspace[i];
struct slice k;
k.str = e.str, k.len = e.len;
if (e.h && !hall(HPUSH, k, &e.v, e.h)) return EXCEPTION; }
return free(oldspace), OK; }
#define OPS \
X(TOPCOM, 1, right) X(TOPSET, 2, 0) X(TOPLOR, 3, left || right) \
X(TOPLXOR, 4, !!left ^ !!right) X(TOPLAND, 5, left && right) \
X(TUNLNOT, 6, 0) \
X(TOPEQ, 7, left == right) X(TOPGE, 7, left >= right) \
X(TOPGT, 7, left > right) X(TOPLE, 7, left <= right) \
X(TOPLT, 7, left < right) X(TOPNE, 7, left != right) \
X(TOPOR, 8, left | right) X(TOPXOR, 9, left ^ right) \
X(TOPAND, 10, left & right) X(TOPSHL, 11, ushl(left, right)) \
X(TOPSHR, 11, ushr(left, right)) X(TOPADD, 12, left + right) \
X(TOPSUB, 12, left - right) X(TOPDIV, 13, udiv(left, right)) \
X(TOPMOD, 13, umod(left, right)) X(TOPMUL, 13, left * right) \
X(TUNBOOL, 14, 0) X(TUNINV, 14, 0) X(TUNNEG, 14, 0) \
X(TUNNOT, 14, 0) X(TUNPOS, 14, 0) \
X(TOPPOW, 15, upow(left, right)) X(TOPTYPE, 16, left) \
X(TOPDIV_S, 0, sdiv(left, right)) \
X(TOPGE_S, 0, (s64)left >= (s64)right) \
X(TOPGT_S, 0, (s64)left > (s64)right) \
X(TOPLE_S, 0, (s64)left <= (s64)right) \
X(TOPLT_S, 0, (s64)left < (s64)right) \
X(TOPMOD_S, 0, smod(left, right)) X(TOPPOW_S, 0, spow(left, right)) \
X(TOPSHL_S, 0, sshl(left, right)) X(TOPSHR_S, 0, sshr(left, right))
enum ctype {
#define X(a, b, c) a,
#undef X
static const s8 precedence[] = {
#define X(a, b, c) b,
#undef X
struct token {
struct token *next, *prev;
struct token *rpnnext;
struct token *pops;
s32 row, col, depth;
struct slice id;
enum ttype tt;
enum ctype ct;
u64 value, modulo; };
struct token *head = NULL, *tail = NULL, *rpnhead = NULL, *rpntail = NULL;
struct token *stack = NULL;
static enum result pusht(struct token tok) {
struct token *htok = malloc(sizeof(struct token));
if (!htok) return OOM;
*htok = tok;
if (!head) head = htok;
if (tail) tail->next = htok, htok->prev = tail;
tail = htok;
return OK; }
static enum result popt(struct token *out) {
if (!head) return EXCEPTION;
if (out) *out = *tail;
if (head == tail) free(head), head = NULL, tail = NULL;
elif (tail) tail = tail->prev, free(tail->next);
return OK; }
static struct token *popstack() {
struct token *res = stack;
if (stack) stack = stack->pops, res->pops = NULL;
return res; }
static bool isop1(char c) {
return c == '%' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '+'
|| c == ',' || c == '-' || c == '/' || c == ';'; }
static bool isop2(char c) {
return c == '!' || c == '&' || c == '*' || c == '<' || c == '='
|| c == '>' || c == '^' || c == '|' || c == '~'; }
static bool isop3(char c) {
return c == '!' || c == '<' || c == '>'; }
static bool isanyop(char a, char b, char c) {
return isop1(b) || isop1(c)
|| (b == a && isop2(a)) || (b == '=' && isop3(a)); }
static bool isunary(enum ctype ct) {
return ct == TUNLNOT || (ct >= TUNBOOL && ct <= TUNPOS); }
static bool isright(enum ctype ct) {
return isunary(ct) || ct == TOPSET || ct == TOPPOW; }
const char
*fid = "identifiers cannot be longer than " STR(MAXLEN) " bytes",
*fnotid = "left-hand operand must be an identifier", *fnan = "not a number",
*fopsign = "operands have different signedness", *fmiscl = "missing \")\"",
*fopmod = "operands have different modulos", *farg = "malformed argc/argv",
*fall = "failed to allocate memory", *fnumpre = "invalid numeric prefix",
*fstart = "invalid starting token", *fout8 = "out of range for UTF-8",
*ueof = "unexpected end of file", *femp = "empty token", *fnot = "no token",
*fbignum = "number too large", *fundef = "undefined", *funex = "unexpected",
*fuchar = "unknown character", *funkop = "unknown operator",
*finc8 = "incomplete UTF-8", *fmisop = "missing \"(\"",
*fmop = "missing operand", *ffread = "read failed", *ftype = "invalid type",
*finv8 = "invalid UTF-8";
u8 c0 = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
s32 row = 1, col = 1;
s32 utf8 = 0;
char buf[4096];
ssize_t bufind = 0, bufread = 0, bytesread = 0;
static void writepos(int fd) {
writeint(fd, row), writech(fd, ':'), writeint(fd, col), writech(fd, ' '); }
static enum result usererror(const char *str) {
return writepos(2), writeline(2, str), BAD; }
static enum result tokerror(const char *str, const struct token tok) {
row = tok.row, col = tok.col, writepos(2), writestr(2, str);
return writestr(2, ": \""), writepair(2, tok.id), writestr(2, "\"\n"), BAD; }
static enum result parsedec(struct slice id, u64 *out) {
s32 i, c = id.str[0];
u64 value = 0;
if (id.len > 20) return EXCEPTION;
if (id.len == 20 && c > '1' && c <= '9') return EXCEPTION;
for (i = 0, c = id.str[i]; i < id.len; c = id.str[++i]) {
if (c < '0' || c > '9') return BAD;
value = value * 10 + (c - '0'); }
if (id.len == 20 && value >> 63 != 1) return EXCEPTION;
return *out = value, OK; }
static enum result parsenum(struct token *tok) {
struct slice id = tok->id;
u64 value = 0;
s32 i, c = id.str[0];
if (tok->ct == TNUMBIN) {
if (id.len > 66) return EXCEPTION;
for (i = 2, c = id.str[i]; i < id.len; c = id.str[++i]) {
if (c != '0' && c != '1') return BAD;
value = value * 2 + (c - '0'); }
} elif (tok->ct == TNUMOCT) {
if (id.len > 34) return EXCEPTION;
for (i = 2, c = id.str[i]; i < id.len; c = id.str[++i]) {
if (c < '0' || c > '7') return BAD;
value = value * 8 + (c - '0'); }
} elif (tok->ct == TNUMDEC) {
enum result pres = parsedec(id, &value);
if (pres != OK) return pres;
} elif (tok->ct == TNUMHEX) {
if (id.len > 18) return EXCEPTION;
for (i = 2, c = id.str[i]; i < id.len; c = id.str[++i]) {
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') value = value * 16 + c - '0';
elif (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') value = value * 16 + c - 'A' + 10;
elif (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') value = value * 16 + c - 'a' + 10;
else return BAD; }
} else return EXCEPTION;
if (tok->ct != TNUMDEC && i == 2) return BAD;
return tok->value = value, OK; }
static enum result utfeat(u8 c) {
bool cont = c >= 0x80 && c < 0xC0;
if (utf8 && cont) utf8--;
elif ((utf8 && !cont) || cont) return usererror(finv8);
elif (c < 0x80) return usererror(fuchar);
elif (c >= 0xC0 && c < 0xE0) utf8 = 1;
elif (c >= 0xE0 && c < 0xF0) utf8 = 2;
elif (c >= 0xF0 && c < 0xF6) utf8 = 3;
else return usererror(fout8);
return OK; }
static bool nextchar(int fd) {
if (++bufind >= bufread) {
bytesread = bufread = read(fd, buf, 4096), bufind = 0;
if (bufread < 1) return 0; }
return c0 = buf[bufind], bytesread = 1; }
enum result tokenize(int fd) {
enum ttype tt = TTUNK, newtype = TTUNK;
struct token tok = {0};
s32 idrow = row, idcol = col, oldutf8 = 0;
while (bytesread = 0, c0 || nextchar(fd)) {
if (c1 == '\r' && c0 == '\n') goto next;
oldutf8 = utf8;
if (isspace_(c0)) newtype = TTSPACE;
elif (isident(c0, tt == TTID)) newtype = TTID;
elif (isop(c0)) newtype = TTOP;
elif (isopen(c0)) newtype = TTOPEN;
elif (isclose(c0)) newtype = TTCLOSE;
elif (isnum(c0)) newtype = TTNUM;
elif (bytesread && utfeat(c0)) return BAD;
else newtype = TTID;
if (tt == TTNUM && newtype == TTID);
elif (tt == TTUNK) tt = newtype;
elif (newtype != tt || isanyop(c2, c1, c0)) break;
if (tt == TTSPACE || pushc(c0) == OK);
elif (iden.len >= MAXLEN) return usererror(fid);
else return OOM;
if (c0 == '\r' || c0 == '\n') col=1, row++;
elif (c0 < 0x80 || c0 >= 0xE0) col++;
next: c2 = c1, c1 = c0, c0 = 0, bytesread = 0; }
if (bufread < 0) return writeline(2, ffread), EXCEPTION;
elif (newtype != TTUNK);
elif (bytesread == 0) tt = TTEND;
if (oldutf8) return usererror(finc8);
tok.id = nextiden(), tok.tt = tt, tok.row = idrow, tok.col = idcol;
return pusht(tok); }
enum result shunt(struct token *tok) {
if (!tok) {
while (stack) {
if (stack->tt == TTOPEN) return tokerror(fmiscl, *stack);
if (!rpntail) rpntail = popstack();
rpntail = rpntail->rpnnext = popstack(); }
} elif (!rpntail) {
if (tok->tt == TTID || tok->tt == TTNUM) rpnhead = rpntail = tok;
elif (tok->tt == TTOPEN || (tok->tt == TTOP && isunary(tok->ct))) {
tok->pops = stack, stack = tok;
} else return tokerror(fstart, *tok);
} else {
if (tok->tt == TTID || tok->tt == TTNUM || tok->tt == TTYPE) {
rpntail = rpntail->rpnnext = tok;
} elif (tok->tt == TTOPEN) tok->pops = stack, stack = tok;
elif (tok->tt == TTCLOSE) {
while (stack && stack->tt != TTOPEN) {
rpntail = rpntail->rpnnext = popstack(); }
if (!stack) return tokerror(fmisop, *tok);
} elif (tok->tt == TTOP) {
s32 pre = precedence[tok->ct - TOPCOM] + isright(tok->ct);
while (stack && stack->tt == TTOP) {
if (isunary(tok->ct) && stack->ct == TOPPOW) break;
elif (pre > precedence[stack->ct - TOPCOM]) break;
rpntail = rpntail->rpnnext = popstack(); }
tok->pops = stack, stack = tok;
} else return tokerror("TODO", *tok), EXCEPTION; }
return OK; }
static enum ctype decideop(char a, char b) {
static const char *checks = "^^>>;\0+\0\0\0<=\0\0,\0*\0|\0**=\0<\0&&\0\0~\0"
static const enum ctype mapping[] = {
u32 i = uhash(uhash(0x3561F0B7 + a) + b) & 31;
return (a != checks[2 * i] || b != checks[2 * i + 1]) ? TUNK : mapping[i]; }
static enum ctype decideoplong(char a, char b, char c, char d) {
static const char *checks =
static const enum ctype mapping[] = {
u32 i = uhash(uhash(uhash(uhash(0xC0FF1042 + a) + b) + c) + d) % 36;
const char *ch = checks + 4 * i;
if (a != ch[0] || b != ch[1] || c != ch[2] || d != ch[3]) return TUNK;
return mapping[i]; }
enum result parse() {
enum result res = OK, pres = OK, sres = OK;
s32 depth = 0;
bool hint_op = 0, was_op = 0, expect_unempty = 0;
bool expect_type = 0, expect_nonid = 0, expect_operand = 0;
while ((res = tokenize(0)) == OK) {
struct token tok;
s32 ss = 0;
if (!tail) return writeline(2, fnot), EXCEPTION;
tok = *tail;
if (tok.tt == TTEND) break;
elif (tok.tt == TTSPACE) goto next;
elif (tok.id.len < 1) return tokerror(femp, tok), EXCEPTION;
else ss = 256 * tok.id.str[0] + tok.id.str[1];
was_op = tok.tt == TTOP;
if (tok.tt == TTID && expect_type && !expect_nonid) {
struct slice idnum;
u64 value = 0;
if (tok.id.str[0] == 'u') tok.ct = TUNSIGNED;
elif (tok.id.str[0] == 's') tok.ct = TSIGNED;
elif (tok.id.str[0] == 'm') tok.ct = TUNSIGNED;
else badtype: return tokerror(ftype, tok);
idnum.str = tok.id.str + 1, idnum.len = tok.id.len - 1;
if ((pres = parsedec(idnum, &value)) != OK) goto badtype;
if (tok.id.str[0] != 'm' && value - 1 > 63) goto badtype;
tok.modulo = (tok.id.str[0] == 'm') ? value : ushl(1, value);
tok.tt = TTYPE;
} elif (tok.tt == TTID && tok.id.str[0] == '\\') {
char a = tok.id.str[1], b = tok.id.str[2], c = tok.id.str[3];
char d = tok.id.len > 4 ? tok.id.str[4] : '\0';
tok.tt = TTOP, tok.ct = decideoplong(a, b, c, d);
if (tok.ct == TUNK || tok.id.len > 5) return tokerror(funkop, tok);
} elif (tok.tt == TTID) {
} elif (tok.tt == TTOP) {
tok.ct = decideop(tok.id.str[0], tok.id.str[1]);
if (tok.ct == TOPADD && !hint_op) tok.ct = TUNPOS;
elif (tok.ct == TOPSUB && !hint_op) tok.ct = TUNNEG;
elif (tok.ct == TUNK || tok.id.len > 2) return tokerror(funkop, tok);
} elif (tok.tt == TTNUM && !expect_nonid) {
if (ss == 256 * '0' + 'b') tok.ct = TNUMBIN;
elif (ss == 256 * '0' + 'o') tok.ct = TNUMOCT;
elif (ss == 256 * '0' + 'x') tok.ct = TNUMHEX;
elif (ss == 256 * '0') tok.ct = TNUMDEC;
elif (tok.id.str[0] == '0') return tokerror(fnumpre, tok);
else tok.ct = TNUMDEC;
pres = parsenum(&tok);
if (pres == BAD) return tokerror(fnan, tok);
elif (pres == EXCEPTION) return tokerror(fbignum, tok);
} elif (tok.tt == TTOPEN) {
if (ss == 256 * '(') depth++;
else return tokerror(fuchar, tok);
} elif (tok.tt == TTCLOSE) {
if (ss == 256 * ')') depth--;
else return tokerror(fuchar, tok);
if (expect_unempty) goto unexpected;
} else goto unexpected;
tok.depth = depth;
*tail = tok;
if (tok.tt == TTSPACE) continue;
if (expect_nonid && isunary(tok.ct)) goto unexpected;
if (expect_type && tok.tt != TTYPE) goto unexpected;
expect_nonid = tok.tt == TTID || tok.tt == TTNUM;
expect_type = tok.ct == TOPTYPE;
expect_unempty = tok.tt == TTOPEN;
hint_op = expect_nonid || tok.tt == TTCLOSE || tok.tt == TTYPE;
if (expect_nonid || tok.tt == TTYPE) expect_operand = 0;
elif (isunary(tok.ct)) expect_operand = 1;
elif ((was_op || tok.tt == TTCLOSE) && expect_operand) goto unexpected;
elif (was_op) expect_operand = 1;
if ((sres = shunt(tail)) != OK) return sres; }
if (res == OK) {
if (expect_operand) return usererror(ueof);
return shunt(NULL); }
return (res == OOM) ? writeline(2, fall), OOM : res;
unexpected: return tokerror(funex, *tail); }
static enum result operate1(struct token op, struct token *out) {
struct token *ta = popstack();
u64 value, right = ta->value;
switch (op.ct) {
case TUNLNOT: value = !right; break;
case TUNNOT: value = !right; break;
case TUNBOOL: value = !!right; break;
case TUNINV: value = ~right; break;
case TUNPOS: value = right; break;
case TUNNEG: value = 0 - right; break;
default: return tokerror("TODO unary operator", op), EXCEPTION; }
out->value = value, out->ct = ta->ct, out->modulo = ta->modulo;
return OK; }
static enum ctype signop(enum ctype ct) {
switch (ct) {
case TOPLT: return TOPLT_S;
case TOPGT: return TOPGT_S;
case TOPLE: return TOPLE_S;
case TOPGE: return TOPGE_S;
case TOPSHL: return TOPSHL_S;
case TOPSHR: return TOPSHR_S;
case TOPDIV: return TOPDIV_S;
case TOPMOD: return TOPMOD_S;
case TOPPOW: return TOPPOW_S;
default: return ct; } }
static enum result operate2(struct token op, struct token *out) {
struct token *tb = popstack(), *ta = popstack(), *other = tb;
u64 value, left = ta->value, right = tb->value;
u64 modleft = ta->modulo, modright = tb->modulo;
u64 signleft = ta->ct == TSIGNED, signright = tb->ct == TSIGNED;
bool inherit = (ta->ct >= TNUMBIN && ta->ct <= TNUMHEX) ||
(tb->ct >= TNUMBIN && tb->ct <= TNUMHEX);
if (op.ct == TOPTYPE || inherit);
elif (modleft != modright) return tokerror(fopmod, op);
elif (signleft != signright) return tokerror(fopsign, op);
if (signleft || signright) op.ct = signop(op.ct);
switch (op.ct) {
#define X(a, b, c) case a: value = c; break;
#undef X
default: return tokerror("TODO binary operator", op), EXCEPTION; }
if (other->ct >= TNUMBIN && other->ct <= TNUMHEX) other = ta;
out->value = value, out->ct = other->ct, out->modulo = other->modulo;
return OK; }
static enum result assign(struct token *out) {
enum result hres;
struct token *tb = popstack(), *ta = popstack();
if (!hlook(ta->id, (void **)&ta)) {
if ((hres = hpush(ta->id, ta)) != OK) return hres;
if (hused >= hsize * 3 / 4 && (hres = rehash()) == OOM) {
return writeline(2, fall), OOM;
} elif (hres != OK) return hres;
} elif (ta->modulo != tb->modulo) return tokerror(fopmod, *ta);
elif (ta->ct == TSIGNED && tb->ct == TUNSIGNED) return tokerror(fopsign, *ta);
elif (ta->ct == TUNSIGNED && tb->ct == TSIGNED) return tokerror(fopsign, *ta);
*out = *ta, out->tt = TTNUM;
ta->value = tb->value, ta->modulo = tb->modulo, ta->ct = tb->ct;
return OK; }
static void modulate(struct token *tok) {
u64 halfmod = tok->modulo ? tok->modulo / 2 : U64(1) << 63;
tok->value = tok->modulo ? tok->value % tok->modulo : tok->value;
if (tok->ct == TSIGNED && tok->value >= halfmod) tok->value -= tok->modulo; }
enum result evaluate() {
struct token *p = rpnhead;
enum result ores = hinit(1);
if (ores == OOM) return writeline(2, fall), OOM;
while (p) {
struct token tok = *p, *v;
if (tok.tt == TTNUM || tok.tt == TTYPE || tok.tt == TTID) {
p->pops = stack, stack = p;
} elif (tok.tt == TTOP) {
struct token out = {0};
out.tt = TTNUM, out.ct = TUNSIGNED;
if (!stack) return tokerror(fmop, tok);
if (stack->tt == TTID) {
if (!hlook(stack->id, (void **)&v)) {
return tokerror(fundef, *stack); }
stack->value = v->value, stack->modulo = v->modulo;
stack->ct = v->ct; }
if (isunary(tok.ct)) {
if ((ores = operate1(tok, &out)) != OK) return ores;
} elif (!stack->pops) return tokerror(fmop, tok);
elif (tok.ct == TOPSET) {
if (stack->pops->tt != TTID) return tokerror(fnotid, tok);
if ((ores = assign(&out)) != OK) return ores;
} elif (stack->pops->tt == TTID) {
if (!hlook(stack->pops->id, (void **)&v)) {
return tokerror(fundef, *stack->pops); }
stack->pops->value = v->value, stack->pops->modulo = v->modulo;
stack->pops->ct = v->ct;
if ((ores = operate2(tok, &out)) != OK) return ores;
} elif ((ores = operate2(tok, &out)) != OK) return ores;
out.pops = stack;
if (pusht(out) == OOM) return writeline(2, fall), OOM;
stack = tail;
} else return tokerror("TODO type", tok), EXCEPTION;
p = tok.rpnnext; }
if (stack) writeu64(1, stack->value), writech(1, '\n');
if (stack && stack->pops) return tokerror(funex, *stack->pops), EXCEPTION;
return OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ret = 0;
if (argc <= 0 || !argv || !argv[0]) return writeline(2, farg), BAD;
pages[0] = iden.str = NULL;
iden.len = 0;
if ((ret = parse()) == OK) ret = evaluate();
if (space) free(space);
while (popt(NULL) == OK);
while (pagelen-->0) free(pages[pagelen]);
return ret; }