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@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# based on, but with all debug stuff removed
def birect(
assert len(lo) == len(hi), "dimensional mismatch"
assert not (
min_error is None and max_evals is None and max_iters is None
), "at least one stopping condition must be specified"
# variables prefixed with v_ are to be one-dimensional vectors. [a, b, c]
# variables prefixed with vw_ are to be two-dimensional vectors. [[a, b], [c, d]]
# variables prefixed with w_ are to be one-dimensional vectors of pairs.
# aside: xmin should actually be called v_xmin, but it's not!
def fun(w_t):
# xs = [l + (h - l) * t for t in w_t]
v_x = [F(num) / F(den) for num, den in w_t]
v_x = [l * (1 - t) + h * t for l, h, t in zip(lo, hi, v_x)]
res = obj(v_x)
return res
def ab_to_lu(w_a, w_b):
w_l = [(a[0] + a[0] + b[0], (1 << a[1]) * 3) for a, b in zip(w_a, w_b)]
w_u = [(a[0] + b[0] + b[0], (1 << b[1]) * 3) for a, b in zip(w_a, w_b)]
return w_l, w_u
dims = len(lo)
w_a, w_b = [(0, 0)] * dims, [(1, 0)] * dims
w_l, w_u = ab_to_lu(w_a, w_b)
fl = fun(w_l)
fu = fun(w_u)
if fl <= fu:
xmin, fmin = w_l, fl
xmin, fmin = w_u, fu
imin = 0 # index of the minimum -- only one point so far, so it's that one.
# sample coordinates and their values:
vw_a, vw_b = [w_a], [w_b]
v_fl = [fl] # remember that "l" and "u" are arbitrary shorthand used by the paper,
v_fu = [fu] # and one isn't necessarily above or below the other.
v_active = {0: True} # indices of hyper-rectangles that have yet to be subdivided
v_depth = [0] # increments every split
n = 1 # how many indices are in use
del w_a, w_b, w_l, w_u, fl, fu # prevent accidental re-use
def precision_met():
return min_error is not None and fmin <= min_error
def no_more_evals():
return max_evals is not None and n + 1 >= max_evals
avg = lambda a, b: (a + b) / 2 # TODO: delete me!
diff = lambda a, b: -abs(a - b) / 2 # TODO: delete me!
cycle_funs = [min, max, avg, diff] # TODO: delete me!
cycle_funs = [min, avg, max, diff, max, avg] # TODO: delete me!
cycle_funs = [min] # TODO: delete me!
# interesting. using cycle_funs = [max] seems optimal for objective2210.
def gather_potential(v_i):
# crappy algorithm for finding the convex hull of the plot where
# x = diameter of hyper-rectangle
# y = minimum loss of the two points (v_fl, v_fu) within it
cycle_fun = cycle_funs[outer % len(cycle_funs)] # TODO: delete me!
# TODO: make this faster. use a sorted queue and peek at the best for each depth.
# start by finding the arg-minimum for each set of equal-diameter rects.
bests = {} # mapping of depth to arg-minimum value (i.e. its index)
for i in v_i:
fl, fu = v_fl[i], v_fu[i]
f = cycle_fun(fl, fu) # TODO: use min(fl, fu)!
depth = v_depth[i]
if cycle_fun == diff: # TODO: delete me!
# f = f * (1 << depth) # TODO: delete me!
f = f / diagonal_cache[depth] # TODO: delete me!
if by_longest:
depth = depth // dims * dims
# assert depth < depth_limit
best = bests.get(depth)
# TODO: handle f == best case.
if best is None or f < best[1]:
bests[depth] = (i, f)
if len(bests) == 1: # nothing to compare
return [i for i, f in bests.values()]
asc = sorted(bests.items(), key=lambda t: -t[0]) # sort by length, ascending
# first, remove points that slope downwards.
# this yields a pareto front, which isn't necessarily convex.
old = asc
new = [old[-1]]
smallest = old[-1][1][1]
for i in reversed(range(len(old) - 1)):
f = old[i][1][1]
if f <= smallest:
smallest = f
new = new[::-1]
# second, convert depths to lengths.
if by_longest: # TODO: does this branch make any difference?
new = [(longest_cache[depth],) + t for depth, t in new]
new = [(diagonal_cache[depth],) + t for depth, t in new]
# third, remove points that fall under a previous slope.
old = new
skip = [False] * len(old)
for i in range(len(old)):
if skip[i]:
len0, i0, f0 = old[i]
smallest_slope = None
for j in range(i + 1, len(old)):
if skip[j]:
len1, i1, f1 = old[j]
num = f1 - f0
den = len1 - len0
# this factor of 3/2 comes from the denominator;
# each length should be multiplied by 2/3:
# the furthest relative distance from a corner to a center point.
slope = num / den # * F(3 / 2)
if smallest_slope is None:
smallest_slope = slope
elif slope < smallest_slope:
for k in range(i + 1, j):
skip[k] = True
smallest_slope = slope
new = [entry for entry, skipping in zip(old, skip) if not skipping]
if pruning:
v_f = sorted(min(fl, fu) for fl, fu in zip(v_fl, v_fu))
fmedian = v_f[len(v_f) // 2]
offset = fmin - pruning * (fmedian - fmin)
start = 0
K_slope = None
for i in range(len(new)):
len0, i0, f0 = new[i]
new_slope = (f0 - offset) / len0
if K_slope is None or new_slope < K_slope:
# if new_slope >= 0:
K_slope = new_slope
start = i
# if start: print(end=f"[starting at {i} with slope {K_slope:.3f}]")
new = new[start:]
return [i for len, i, f in new]
def determine_longest(w_a, w_b):
# the index of the dimension is used as a tie-breaker (considered longer).
# e.g. a box has lengths (2, 3, 3). the index returned is then 1.
# TODO: alternate way of stating that comment: biased towards smaller indices.
longest = 0
invlen = None
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(w_a, w_b)):
den_a = 1 << a[1]
den_b = 1 << b[1]
den = max(den_a, den_b) # TODO: always the same, right?
if invlen is None or den < invlen:
invlen = den
longest = i
return longest
def split_it(i, which, *, w_a, w_b, d):
nonlocal n, xmin, fmin
new, n = n, n + 1 # designate an index for the new hyper-rectangle
w_new_a = w_a.copy()
w_new_b = w_b.copy()
den = w_a[d][1] # should be equal to w_b[d][1] as well
num_a = w_a[d][0]
num_b = w_b[d][0]
if which:
w_new_a[d] = (num_b + num_b, den + 1) # swap
w_new_b[d] = (num_a + num_b, den + 1) # slide
w_new_a[d] = (num_a + num_b, den + 1) # slide
w_new_b[d] = (num_a + num_a, den + 1) # swap
w_l, w_u = ab_to_lu(w_new_a, w_new_b)
fl = fun(w_l) if which else v_fl[i]
fu = v_fu[i] if which else fun(w_u)
v_depth.append(v_depth[i] + 1)
if which:
if fl < fmin:
xmin, fmin = w_l, fl
if fu < fmin:
xmin, fmin = w_u, fu
return new
def split_rectangles(v_i): # returns new indices
v_new = []
for i in v_i:
w_a = vw_a[i]
w_b = vw_b[i]
d = determine_longest(w_a, w_b)
v_new.append(split_it(i, 0, w_a=w_a, w_b=w_b, d=d))
if precision_met() or no_more_evals():
v_new.append(split_it(i, 1, w_a=w_a, w_b=w_b, d=d))
if precision_met() or no_more_evals():
assert len(vw_a) == n, "internal error: vw_a has invalid length"
assert len(vw_b) == n, "internal error: vw_b has invalid length"
assert len(v_fl) == n, "internal error: v_fl has invalid length"
assert len(v_fu) == n, "internal error: v_fu has invalid length"
assert len(v_depth) == n, "internal error: v_depth has invalid length"
return v_new
def precompute_diagonals_by_limit(limit):
diags = []
w_a = vw_a[0].copy()
w_b = vw_b[0].copy()
for depth in range(limit):
sq_dist = 0
for a, b in zip(w_a, w_b):
delta = b[0] - a[0]
sq_dist += (delta * delta) << (2 * (limit - a[1]))
d = depth % dims
a_d = w_a[d]
b_d = w_b[d]
large = max(a_d[0], b_d[0])
small = min(a_d[0], b_d[0])
w_a[d] = (large * 2 - 0, a_d[1] + 1)
w_b[d] = (small * 2 + 1, b_d[1] + 1)
return [F(diag) ** F(0.5) / F(1 << limit) for diag in diags]
def precompute_diagonals_by_length(limit):
diags, longests = [], []
w_a = vw_a[0].copy()
w_b = vw_b[0].copy()
for depth in range(1_000_000):
bits = max(max(a[1], b[1]) for a, b in zip(w_a, w_b))
sq_dist, longest = 0, 0
for a, b in zip(w_a, w_b):
delta = b[0] - a[0]
sq_dist += (delta * delta) << (2 * (bits - a[1]))
longest = max(longest, abs(delta) << (bits - a[1]))
diag = F(sq_dist) ** F(0.5) / F(1 << bits)
if diag < limit:
longest = F(longest) / F(1 << bits)
d = depth % dims
a_d = w_a[d]
b_d = w_b[d]
large = max(a_d[0], b_d[0])
small = min(a_d[0], b_d[0])
w_a[d] = (large * 2 - 0, a_d[1] + 1)
w_b[d] = (small * 2 + 1, b_d[1] + 1)
return diags, longests
diagonal_cache, longest_cache = precompute_diagonals_by_length(min_diag)
depth_limit = len(diagonal_cache)
diagonal_cache = precompute_diagonals_by_limit(depth_limit)
for outer in range(1_000_000 if max_iters is None else max_iters):
if precision_met() or no_more_evals():
v_potential = gather_potential(v_active)
v_new = split_rectangles(v_potential)
for j in v_potential:
del v_active[j]
for j in v_new:
if v_depth[j] < depth_limit:
v_active[j] = True
tmin = [F(x[0]) / F(x[1]) for x in xmin]
argmin = [l * (1 - t) + h * t for l, h, t in zip(lo, hi, tmin)]
return argmin, fmin
if __name__ == "__main__":
from arsd_objectives import objective2210
import numpy as np
F = np.float64
res = birect(
lambda a: objective2210(np.array(a, F)),
[0, 0],
[5, 5],
min_diag=F(1e-8 / 5),
# max_evals=50_000,
print("", "birect result:", *res, sep="\n")
print("", "double checked:", objective2210(np.array(res[0], F)), sep="\n")
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