93 lines
2.7 KiB
93 lines
2.7 KiB
""" Sine Cosine OPtimization Algorithm """
import random
import numpy
import math
from .solution import solution
import time
def SCA(objf, lb, ub, dim, SearchAgents_no, Max_iter):
# destination_pos
Dest_pos = numpy.zeros(dim)
Dest_score = float("inf")
if not isinstance(lb, list):
lb = [lb] * dim
if not isinstance(ub, list):
ub = [ub] * dim
# Initialize the positions of search agents
Positions = numpy.zeros((SearchAgents_no, dim))
for i in range(dim):
Positions[:, i] = (
numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, SearchAgents_no) * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i]
Convergence_curve = numpy.zeros(Max_iter)
s = solution()
# Loop counter
print('SCA is optimizing "' + objf.__name__ + '"')
timerStart = time.time()
s.startTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
# Main loop
for l in range(0, Max_iter):
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
# Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space
for j in range(dim):
Positions[i, j] = numpy.clip(Positions[i, j], lb[j], ub[j])
# Calculate objective function for each search agent
fitness = objf(Positions[i, :])
if fitness < Dest_score:
Dest_score = fitness # Update Dest_Score
Dest_pos = Positions[i, :].copy()
# Eq. (3.4)
a = 2
Max_iteration = Max_iter
r1 = a - l * ((a) / Max_iteration) # r1 decreases linearly from a to 0
# Update the Position of search agents
for i in range(0, SearchAgents_no):
for j in range(0, dim):
# Update r2, r3, and r4 for Eq. (3.3)
r2 = (2 * numpy.pi) * random.random()
r3 = 2 * random.random()
r4 = random.random()
# Eq. (3.3)
if r4 < (0.5):
# Eq. (3.1)
Positions[i, j] = Positions[i, j] + (
r1 * numpy.sin(r2) * abs(r3 * Dest_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
# Eq. (3.2)
Positions[i, j] = Positions[i, j] + (
r1 * numpy.cos(r2) * abs(r3 * Dest_pos[j] - Positions[i, j])
Convergence_curve[l] = Dest_score
if l % 1 == 0:
["At iteration " + str(l) + " the best fitness is " + str(Dest_score)]
timerEnd = time.time()
s.endTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
s.executionTime = timerEnd - timerStart
s.convergence = Convergence_curve
s.optimizer = "SCA"
s.bestIndividual = Dest_pos
s.objfname = objf.__name__
return s