experiment with vagrant
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 638 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
# https://docs.vagrantup.com.
# Every Vagrant development environment requires a box. You can search for
# boxes at https://vagrantcloud.com/search.
config.vm.box = "boxomatic/alpine-3.18"
config.vm.box_version = "20230515.0.1"
# config.vm.box = "generic/alpine317"
# config.vm.box_version = "4.2.16"
# Disable automatic box update checking. If you disable this, then
# boxes will only be checked for updates when the user runs
# `vagrant box outdated`. This is not recommended.
# config.vm.box_check_update = false
# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine. In the example below,
# accessing "localhost:8080" will access port 80 on the guest machine.
# NOTE: This will enable public access to the opened port
# config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine and only allow access
# via to disable public access
# config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080, host_ip: ""
# Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP.
# config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
# Create a public network, which generally matched to bridged network.
# Bridged networks make the machine appear as another physical device on
# your network.
# config.vm.network "public_network"
# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
# config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
# Disable the default share of the current code directory. Doing this
# provides improved isolation between the vagrant box and your host
# by making sure your Vagrantfile isn't accessable to the vagrant box.
# If you use this you may want to enable additional shared subfolders as
# shown above.
# config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
# Provider-specific configuration so you can fine-tune various
# backing providers for Vagrant. These expose provider-specific options.
# Example for VirtualBox:
# config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# # Display the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
# vb.gui = true
# # Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
# vb.memory = "1024"
# end
# View the documentation for the provider you are using for more
# information on available options.
# config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant"
# config.vm.hostname = "stargazing"
# config.vm.network "private_network", type: "dhcp"
# config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
config.ssh.insert_key = false
config.ssh.username = "root"
config.ssh.password = "vagrant"
# Enable provisioning with a shell script. Additional provisioners such as
# Ansible, Chef, Docker, Puppet and Salt are also available. Please see the
# documentation for more information about their specific syntax and use.
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
apk update && apk upgrade
apk add autoconf gcc gperf linux-headers make musl-dev ninja patch pkgconf xz zip
sh /vagrant/notwa-util/do_everything
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
if ! [ -d /vagrant ]; then
exit 78 # EX_CONFIG
# NOTE: Please consider this post documenting some pitfalls of set -e:
# https://gist.github.com/notwa/5b8dda28e571b27638fb33e08dc1ba21
# set -e
# don't leak local IPs (i'm sure it's fine though)
# NOTE: this is the last version based around gcc 9.2:
# COSMO_COMMIT=682b74ed883d1d6f9aa23179af841d9971c23e4d \
# COSMO_SHA256=71dace03135ac2b97384021a37df5871572cf34524efb5a21812e115dca15b1b \
# versions thereafter are based around gcc 11.2 or later.
export \
BUSYBOX_SHA256=b8cc24c9574d809e7279c3be349795c5d5ceb6fdf19ca709f80cde50e47de314 \
COSMO_COMMIT=682b74ed883d1d6f9aa23179af841d9971c23e4d \
COSMO_FLAVOR=fastbuild \
COSMO_SHA256=71dace03135ac2b97384021a37df5871572cf34524efb5a21812e115dca15b1b \
ENDLESSH_COMMIT=dfe44eb2c5b6fc3c48a39ed826fe0e4459cdf6ef \
ENDLESSH_SHA256=c8989988af0a8c848d1a4979962f008c504a12ed6fe6a12e032c37feaa0ae5f8 \
GMP_SHA256=fd4829912cddd12f84181c3451cc752be224643e87fac497b69edddadc49b4f2 \
HEATSHRINK_COMMIT=7d419e1fa4830d0b919b9b6a91fe2fb786cf3280 \
HEATSHRINK_SHA256=b18a1b7ad6f51eac7ac1a81ca072703bd21d6d8727c05cd505843643705af65d \
KISSAT_COMMIT=315cd3227fd2321d29d10f7d8572011bf00174a5 \
KISSAT_SHA256=031fca7efcb17c6f1921dd056052bd373de724e445fc2ed37bfdd5954148119f \
KUROKO_COMMIT=b88267c8289c4eeea3d0219d43193a9a5fd9982b \
KUROKO_SHA256=52e22c2e701f58cef635f0df3faaa0734ae85dd656417aaaae01226a3a7725d3 \
LR_COMMIT=5af9b79e4ecd07a600ded1a801023536cde97f95 \
LR_SHA256=3901287cdcf09d0d8f77f8aaa19ca24e9a873d904e201ab8e7bf102426607dcc \
MUON_COMMIT=6cdf084804fb8262a7f29ac9e9b614472b62b8a3 \
MUON_SHA256=60b37463fbeb757dd595f50d03116a7f9fe1e727d2852369de0052008e696e2b \
SELFIE_COMMIT=9d5cf9caac9b00ac48b96c527ddda6c550f652fa \
SELFIE_SHA256=5ea9e9cd7df6e6e67e3757cd8483e8e653fa4d7469275f3fdf89483c2744d4a9 \
XE_COMMIT=8a2a4899769335bc14c62aef12cdf26f2f487f2a \
XE_SHA256=f1ac997912c9be92a74a67a766dde74d1f9b6b20e48d7c7e71598ad4b787b37d \
YICES_COMMIT=36cee66d04de90da35fab6131bebdc45b6d74342 \
YICES_SHA256=f6bbfa30c38c17401fb651a06d935bec87af732ffeea3fa0db7dd22b1916e374 \
if [ ! -e /notwa-util.done ]; then
: \
&& cd /vagrant/notwa-util \
&& install -p -m 0755 -t /usr/local/bin/ acquire cosmocc dedupe ofc quickconf shed \
&& touch /notwa-util.done \
|| exit $?
# NOTE: it's not necessary to build busybox anymore, but oh well.
if [ ! -e /busybox.done ]; then
: \
&& cd /root \
&& remote_fn="busybox-$BUSYBOX_VERSION.tar.bz2" \
&& export local_fn="$remote_fn" \
&& export remote_url="http://busybox.net/downloads/$remote_fn" \
&& export dest=/root/busybox \
&& export sha256="$BUSYBOX_SHA256" \
&& acquire \
&& { : \
&& cd /root/busybox \
&& install -p /vagrant/notwa-util/busybox.config .config \
&& make -j2 \
&& du -h busybox \
;} \
&& touch /busybox.done \
|| exit $?
unset local_fn remote_url dest sha256
if [ ! -e /cosmopolitan-bootstrap.done ]; then
: \
&& cd /root \
&& acquire from=github repo=jart/cosmopolitan dest=/root/cosmopolitan env=COSMO \
&& cd /root/cosmopolitan \
&& export V=0 COLUMNS=80 TMPDIR=/tmp \
&& shed build/config.mk 's/-march=native/-march=haswell -mno-pclmul -mtune=generic/' \
&& sed -i 's/skip=" 76" count=" 128"/skip=76 count=128 /' build/bootstrap/*.com \
&& install -m0755 build/bootstrap/ape.elf /usr/bin/ape \
&& shed Makefile \
'/\bNET_HTTP\b/i\\tTOOL_ARGS\t\t\\' \
&& shed libc/elf/elf.h '/"libc\/elf\/struct\/ehdr.h"/i\\#include "libc/elf/struct/dyn.h"' \
&& shed third_party/awk/main.c '/pledge.*{/,/}/d' \
&& shed libc/calls/unveil.c \
'/^ if (landlock_abi_version == -1) {/i\
landlock_abi_version = landlock_create_ruleset(0, 0, LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET_VERSION);' \
&& sed -i '/#\t/d' third_party/third_party.mk \
&& { [ "$COSMO_FLAVOR" != def ] && mode="$COSMO_FLAVOR" || mode= ;} \
&& printf '%s="%s"\n' >env \
commit "$COSMO_COMMIT" \
flavor "$COSMO_FLAVOR" \
mode "$mode" \
&& printf '%s\n' >makeit '#!/usr/bin/env sh' \
"build/bootstrap/make.com -j2 MODE='$mode'"' "$@"' \
&& printf '%s\n' >expand '#!/usr/bin/env sh' \
"o='o/$mode' once=false" \
'for f; do g="${f#?//}"; case "$f" in' \
'(a//*) f="$o/ape/$g";;' \
'(b//*) f="$o/tool/build/$g";;' \
'(e//*) f="$o/examples/$g";;' \
'(o//*) f="$o/$g";;' \
'(t//*) f="$o/third_party/$g";;' \
'(T//*) f="third_party/$g";;' \
'esac; $once && set -- "$@" "$f" || set -- "$f"; once=true; done' \
'"$@"' \
&& chmod +x makeit expand \
&& ./expand ./makeit \
a//ape-copy-self.o a//ape-no-modify-self.o a//ape.elf \
a//ape.lds a//ape.macho a//ape.o \
a//public/ape.lds o//cosmopolitan.a o//libc/crt/crt.o \
o/cosmopolitan.h \
&& rebuild() { ./expand ./makeit "$@" && ./expand cp -int build/bootstrap "$@" ;} \
&& rebuild \
t//make/make.com b//ar.com b//cocmd.com \
b//compile.com b//cp.com b//echo.com \
b//fixupobj.com b//gzip.com b//mkdeps.com \
b//mkdir.com b//package.com b//pwd.com \
b//rm.com b//touch.com b//unbundle.com \
b//zipobj.com \
&& ./expand install -m0755 a//ape.elf /usr/bin/ape \
&& ./expand ./makeit \
t//unzip/unzip.com t//zip/zip.com \
&& touch /cosmopolitan-bootstrap.done \
|| exit $?
if [ ! -e /cosmopolitan.done ]; then
: \
&& cd /root/cosmopolitan \
&& export V=0 COLUMNS=80 TMPDIR=/tmp \
&& export COSMO_FLAVOR=opt \
&& . ./env \
&& { [ "$COSMO_FLAVOR" != def ] && mode="$COSMO_FLAVOR" || mode= ;} \
&& printf '%s="%s"\n' >env \
commit "$commit" \
flavor "$COSMO_FLAVOR" \
mode "$mode" \
COSMO "/opt/cosmo" \
COSMO_DIST "/opt/cosmo/dist/$COSMO_FLAVOR" \
&& shed expand "s_o='o/[^']*'_o='o/$mode' _g" \
&& . ./env \
&& { ./makeit MODE="$mode" depend || find o -name '*.o' -delete ;} \
&& ./makeit MODE="$mode" "o/$mode/third_party/make/make.com" \
&& cp -int build/bootstrap "o/$mode/third_party/make/make.com" \
&& skip() { mkdir -p "${1%/*}" && touch -d @2222222222 "$1" ;} \
&& skip "o/$mode/test/libc/calls/getgroups_test.com.runs" \
&& `#skip "o/$mode/test/libc/calls/getpriority_test.com.runs"` \
&& `#skip "o/$mode/test/libc/stdio/tmpfile_test.com.runs"` \
&& skip "o/$mode/third_party/python/Lib/test/test_ioctl.py.runs" `# SIGSEGV` \
&& skip "o/$mode/third_party/python/Lib/test/test_tarfile.py.runs" \
&& ./makeit MODE="$mode" all \
&& touch /cosmopolitan.done \
|| exit $?
cd /root/cosmopolitan && . ./env || exit $?
if [ ! -e /cosmopolitan-install.done ]; then
#&& find o -name '*.com' ! -type d -exec printf 'cp -int /tmp/bin %s\n' {} + | sort && exit 1 \
: \
&& cd /root/cosmopolitan \
&& . ./env \
&& find o '(' -name '*.com' -o -name '*.com.dbg' ')' \
'!' -name '*_test.*' '!' -name 'test_*' -exec \
install -m0755 -t /usr/local/bin {} \
+ \
&& find o -type f '(' -name '*.com.dbg' -o -name '*_test.*' -o -name 'test_*' ')' -delete \
&& { [ ! -d dist ] || rm -r dist ;} \
&& mkdir -p "dist/$flavor/public" \
&& ./expand cp -int "dist/$flavor" \
a//ape-copy-self.o a//ape-no-modify-self.o a//ape.elf \
a//ape.lds a//ape.macho a//ape.o \
o//cosmopolitan.a o//libc/crt/crt.o o/cosmopolitan.h \
&& cp -int "dist/$flavor/public" "o/$mode/ape/public/ape.lds" \
&& install -m0755 "dist/$flavor/ape.elf" /usr/bin/ape \
&& find libc -name '*.h' >headers.txt \
&& ./expand tar zcf dist/headers.tar.gz -T headers.txt \
ape/config.h libc/integral T//gdtoa/gdtoa.h \
T//getopt/getopt.h T//linenoise/linenoise.h T//musl/crypt.h \
T//musl/fnmatch.h T//musl/lockf.h T//musl/passwd.h \
T//musl/rand48.h T//musl/tempnam.h T//regex/regex.h \
T//zlib/zconf.h T//zlib/zlib.h \
&& { ! [ -d "$COSMO" ] || rm -r "$COSMO" ;} \
&& mkdir -p "$COSMO" /tmp/bin \
&& find o -name '*.sym' -delete \
&& find o -name 'aarch64-linux-musl*' -exec rm -r '{}' + \
&& dedupe o/third_party/gcc "$COSMO/gcc/" \
bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc \
bin/x86_64-linux-musl-g++ \
bin/x86_64-linux-musl-ld.bfd \
&& dedupe dist "$COSMO/dist/" "$flavor/cosmopolitan.h" \
&& ./expand cp -int /tmp/bin \
t//make/make.com t//unzip/unzip.com t//zip/zip.com \
b//ar.com b//cocmd.com b//compile.com \
b//cp.com b//echo.com b//fixupobj.com \
b//gzip.com b//mkdeps.com b//mkdir.com \
b//package.com b//pwd.com b//rm.com \
b//rollup.com b//symtab.com b//touch.com \
b//unbundle.com b//zipobj.com \
&& dedupe /tmp/bin "$COSMO/bin/" \
&& cp "dist/$flavor/ape.elf" "$COSMO/bin/ape" \
&& cp /root/cosmopolitan/env "$COSMO/env" \
&& rm -r /root/cosmopolitan/dist \
&& tar zxf "$COSMO/dist/headers.tar.gz" -C "$COSMO" \
&& touch /cosmopolitan-install.done \
|| exit $?
cd /root && export PATH="$COSMO/bin:$COSMO/gcc/bin:$PATH" || exit $?
if [ ! -e /cosmo-kuroko.done ]; then
: \
&& cd /root \
&& acquire from=github repo=kuroko-lang/kuroko dest=/root/kuroko env=KUROKO \
&& cd /root/kuroko \
&& cp -r . ../kuroko.orig \
&& shed src/os.c \
's@.*char \*\* environ.*@#ifndef COSMOPOLITAN_LIBC_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_H_\n&\n#endif@' \
&& shed src/vm.c \
'/static.*cache/c\\static KrkClassCacheEntry * cache = 0;' \
$'/define CACHE_SIZE/,/nextCount/{N;w /temp\nd}' \
$'/void krk_initVM/{r /temp\nN}' \
$'/Reset current thread/i\\\tcache = calloc(CACHE_SIZE, sizeof(KrkClassCacheEntry));' \
$'/krk_freeMemoryDebugger();/a\\\tcache = (free(cache), NULL);' \
&& shed src/threads.c '/define gettid/d' \
&& shed src/vm.c '/"initial-exec"/d' \
&& shed src/vm.c \
$'/Ensure we don\'t have a macro/i\\
KrkValue krk_module_onload_math(void);\\
KrkValue krk_module_onload_random(void);\\
KrkValue krk_module_onload_socket(void);\\
KrkValue krk_module_onload_timeit(void);\\
KrkValue krk_module_onload_wcwidth(void);\\
\\#define BUILTIN_MODULE(name, init) { \\\\\\
\tKrkInstance * module = (KrkInstance*)AS_OBJECT(init()); \\\\\\
\tkrk_attachNamedObject(&vm.modules, name, (KrkObj*)module); \\\\\\
\tkrk_attachNamedObject(&module->fields, "__name__", (KrkObj*)S(name)); \\\\\\
\tkrk_attachNamedValue(&module->fields, "__file__", NONE_VAL()); \\\\\\
' \
\t\tBUILTIN_MODULE("math", krk_module_onload_math)\\
\t\tBUILTIN_MODULE("random", krk_module_onload_random)\\
\t\tBUILTIN_MODULE("socket", krk_module_onload_socket)\\
\t\tBUILTIN_MODULE("timeit", krk_module_onload_timeit)\\
\t\tBUILTIN_MODULE("wcwidth", krk_module_onload_wcwidth)\\
' \
&& shed src/modules/module_socket.c \
'/netdb\.h/a\#include <netinet/in.h>' \
$'/switch (afval)/{i\\
\tif (afval == AF_INET) return "AF_INET";\\
\tif (afval == AF_INET6) return "AF_INET6";\\
\tif (afval == AF_UNIX) return "AF_UNIX";\\
\treturn tmp;
/switch (afval)/,/}/d' \
&& shed src/kuroko.c \
s/if .*/if (buf[buflen-1] == \'\\\\n\') {/
\t\t\t\tsize_t buflen = strlen(buf);
\t\t\t\t\t\\if (buflen >= 2 && buf[buflen-2] == \'\\\\r\') buf[buflen-2] = \'\\\\n\', buf[buflen-1] = \'\\0\';\\
\t\t\t\t} else {
}' \
&& shed Makefile \
BIN_OBJS += src/modules/module_math.o src/modules/module_random.o src/modules/module_socket.o src/modules/module_timeit.o src/modules/module_wcwidth.o\\
' \
' \
'/shell tools\/can-floor-without-libm\.sh/,/endif/d' \
&& cd /root \
&& { diff -NrU3 kuroko.orig/ kuroko/ > kuroko.patch; [ $? -le 1 ]; } \
|| exit $?
# diff exit status is normally 0 or 1, anything greater is an error.
# this isn't included in the patch because it's super specific to cosmopolitan. \
: \
&& cd /root/kuroko \
&& shed src/kuroko.c 's/int main/dontinline int _main/' \
&& printf %s >>src/kuroko.c $'
void ShowCrashReports(void);
int LoadZipArgs(int *, char ***);
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
\tLoadZipArgs(&argc, &argv);
\treturn _main(argc, argv);
' \
|| exit $?
: \
&& cd /root/kuroko \
&& CC=cosmocc CFLAGS="-Os -g" AR=ar.com ARFLAGS=rcsD \
make.com kuroko modules/codecs/sbencs.krk modules/codecs/dbdata.krk \
&& cp kuroko kuroko.com.dbg \
&& objcopy -S -O binary kuroko.com.dbg kuroko.com \
&& rm test/day23.krk \
&& rm test/testAnnotations.krk \
&& rm test/testSubclassPropertySuperCall.krk \
&& make.com test \
&& touch /cosmo-kuroko.done \
|| exit $?
if [ ! -e /cosmo-mini.done ]; then
: \
&& export CC=cosmocc CFLAGS="-fdiagnostics-color=always -Os -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused" \
&& acquire from=github repo=skeeto/endlessh dest=/root/endlessh env=ENDLESSH \
&& acquire from=github repo=leahneukirchen/lr dest=/root/lr env=LR \
&& acquire from=github repo=leahneukirchen/xe dest=/root/xe env=XE \
&& acquire from=github repo=cksystemsteaching/selfie dest=/root/selfie env=SELFIE \
&& acquire from=github repo=atomicobject/heatshrink dest=/root/heatshrink env=HEATSHRINK \
&& cd /root/endlessh \
&& shed endlessh.c \
's/\bINET6_ADDRSTRLEN\b/65/g' \
'/\bswitch (errno) {/,/default:/s/\bcase \([A-Z]\+\):/} else if (errno == \1) {/g' \
'/\bswitch (errno) {/,/default:/s/default\:/} else {/' \
's/\bswitch (errno) {/if (0) {/' \
'/ENDLESSH_VERSION/i\static const struct in6_addr in6addr_any = {0};' \
's/int fd = accept(server, 0, 0);/struct sockaddr_in dummy1; unsigned int dummy2 = sizeof(dummy1); int fd = accept(server, (struct sockaddr *)\&dummy1, \&dummy2);/' \
&& ofc endlessh.c \
&& cd /root/lr \
&& patch -p1 -i /vagrant/cosmo-mini/lr.patch \
&& shed lr.c \
'/_GNU_SOURCE/a\\#include "libc/dce.h"' \
's/\bnlink_t\b/uint32_t/g' \
's/\bdefined(__/&sometimes_/g' \
's/\b__linux__\b/__sometimes_linux__/g' \
'/#warning fstype/d' \
&& ofc lr.c \
&& cd /root/xe \
&& ofc xe.c \
&& cd /root/selfie \
&& shed selfie.c '/\bPAGESIZE\b/i\\#undef PAGESIZE' \
&& ofc selfie.c \
&& cd /root/heatshrink \
&& shed heatshrink.c '/encoder\.h/a\\#include "heatshrink_encoder.c"' \
&& shed heatshrink.c '/decoder\.h/a\\#include "heatshrink_decoder.c"' \
&& shed heatshrink_encoder.c 's/\b\(output_info\|st_yield_literal\)\b/&_e/g' \
&& shed heatshrink_decoder.c 's/\b\(output_info\|st_yield_literal\)\b/&_d/g' \
&& CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-implicit-fallthrough" ofc heatshrink.c \
&& cd /root \
&& mkdir -p /opt/mini \
&& install -p -m 0755 -t /opt/mini/ */*.com.dbg */*.com \
&& touch /cosmo-mini.done \
|| exit $?
if [ ! -e /cosmo-muon.done ]; then
: \
&& export CC=cosmocc CFLAGS="-Os -g -fdiagnostics-color=always" \
&& acquire from=sourcehut repo=lattis/muon dest=/root/muon env=MUON \
&& cd /root/muon \
&& ./bootstrap.sh build \
&& shed src/platform/posix/rpath_fixer.c \
'/\bcase ELFCLASS32:/,/\bbreak;/d' \
's@.*Elf32.*@/* & */@' \
&& echo >subprojects/bestline/bestline.c \
&& printf '%s\n' >subprojects/bestline/bestline.h \
'#include "third_party/linenoise/linenoise.h"' \
'#define bestlineHistoryAdd linenoiseHistoryAdd' \
'#define bestlineHistoryFree linenoiseHistoryFree' \
'#define bestlineWithHistory linenoiseWithHistory' \
&& build/muon setup -Dstatic=true build \
&& ninja -j2 -C build \
&& cd build \
&& mv muon muon.com.dbg \
&& objcopy -S -O binary muon.com.dbg muon.com \
&& touch /cosmo-muon.done \
|| exit $?
if [ ! -e /cosmo-yices.done ]; then
: \
&& acquire from=github repo=SRI-CSL/yices2 dest=/root/yices env=YICES \
&& remote_fn="gmp-$GMP_VERSION.tar.xz" \
&& export local_fn="$remote_fn" \
&& export remote_url="https://gmplib.org/download/gmp/$remote_fn" \
&& export dest=/root/gmp \
&& export sha256="$GMP_SHA256" \
&& acquire \
&& acquire from=github repo=arminbiere/kissat dest=/root/kissat env=KISSAT \
&& cd /root/kissat \
&& shed src/application.c '/#include <unistd.h>/i\\#include <time.h>' \
&& shed configure '/passtocompiler -fpic/i\\CFLAGS=" -O2 -g -Wall"' \
&& CC=cosmocc ./configure \
&& make -j2 \
&& install -m 0644 -D -t /usr/local/lib build/libkissat.a \
&& install -m 0644 -D -t /usr/local/include -m644 src/kissat.h \
&& cd /root/gmp \
&& rm -r printf \
&& shed configure 's_ printf/Makefile _ _g' '/printf\/Makefile/d' \
&& shed Makefile.in 's_ printf _ _g' 's/$(PRINTF_OBJECTS) //g' \
&& CC=cosmocc CFLAGS="-O2 -g" \
ac_cv_build='core2-pc-linux-gnu' \
ac_cv_host='core2-pc-linux-gnu' \
gmp_cv_c_double_format='IEEE little endian' \
quickconf --disable-shared \
&& make -j2 \
&& make install \
&& cd /root/yices \
&& shed src/context/context.c 's/\bdonothing\b/&_/g' \
&& shed src/terms/bv_constants.c 's/\bhextoint\b/&_/g' \
&& shed src/terms/bv64_constants.c 's/\bhextoint\b/&_/g' \
&& shed src/utils/timeout.c '/#include <unistd.h>/i\\#include <time.h>' \
&& shed src/Makefile 's/ $(static_libyices_dynamic)//g' \
&& shed src/Makefile '/^\t$(STRIP)/d' \
&& shed src/Makefile '/\*\.dll/d' \
&& autoconf \
&& CC=cosmocc \
CFLAGS="-O2 -g" \
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -DHAVE_KISSAT" \
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" \
LIBS="-lkissat" \
quickconf --prefix= \
&& make -j2 static-dist \
&& mv build/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-release/static_dist dist \
&& cd dist/bin \
&& for bin in yices yices-sat yices-smt yices-smt2 \
;do : \
&& mv "$bin" "$bin.com.dbg" \
&& objcopy -S -O binary "$bin.com.dbg" "$bin.com" \
;done \
&& cd /root/kissat/build \
&& mv "kissat" "kissat.com.dbg" \
&& objcopy -S -O binary "kissat.com.dbg" "kissat.com" \
&& touch /cosmo-yices.done \
|| exit $?
unset local_fn remote_url dest sha256
# kuroko.orig/kuroko.com # wtf?
# NOTE: different programs with the same names:
# NOTE: (we actually ignore the ones in the /test/ directory)
# ar.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/tool/build/ar.com
# ar.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/tool/decode/ar.com
# hello.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/examples/hello.com
# hello.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/third_party/python/hello.com
# hello.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/tool/hello/hello.com
# life.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/examples/life.com
# life.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/test/libc/mem/prog/life.com
# life.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/tool/viz/life.com
# symtab.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/examples/symtab.com
# symtab.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/tool/build/symtab.com
# zip.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/third_party/zip/zip.com
# zip.com cosmopolitan/o/opt/tool/decode/zip.com
: \
&& cd /root \
&& . ./cosmopolitan/env \
&& export \
&& echo \
&& mkdir -p /vagrant/out/vagrant \
&& for com in \
endlessh/endlessh.com \
heatshrink/heatshrink.com \
kissat/build/kissat.com \
kuroko/kuroko.com \
lr/lr.com \
muon/build/muon.com \
selfie/selfie.com \
xe/xe.com \
yices/dist/bin/yices-sat.com \
yices/dist/bin/yices-smt.com \
yices/dist/bin/yices-smt2.com \
yices/dist/bin/yices.com \
;do : \
&& du -k "$com" \
&& install -p -m 0755 -t /vagrant/out/vagrant "$com" \
;done \
&& echo \
&& d=/vagrant/out/vagrant/examples \
&& mkdir -p "$d" \
&& find "cosmopolitan/o/$mode/examples" -type f -name '*.com' \
-exec install -p -m 0755 -t "$d" {} + \
&& echo \
&& d=/vagrant/out/vagrant/third_party \
&& mkdir -p "$d" \
&& find "cosmopolitan/o/$mode/third_party" -type f -name '*.com' \
-exec install -p -m 0755 -t "$d" {} + \
&& echo \
&& d=/vagrant/out/vagrant/tool \
&& mkdir -p "$d" \
&& find "cosmopolitan/o/$mode/tool" -type f -name '*.com' \
-exec install -p -m 0755 -t "$d" {} + \
&& echo \
&& find -type f -name '*.com' | sort \
&& echo \
&& ls -1 /*.done \
|| exit $?
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