add cosmo-all to make all

This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2022-10-15 01:02:02 -07:00
parent 3256db8386
commit 5cb78a7eb8
2 changed files with 45 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ build() { : \
&& build notwa-util \
&& build cosmo-bootstrap \
&& build cosmo-all \
&& build cosmo-dist \
&& build cosmo-base \
&& build cosmo-kuroko \

cosmo-all/Dockerfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
FROM localhost/cosmo-bootstrap AS builder
RUN : \
&& . ./env \
&& if [ "$COSMO_REBUILD" = 1 ] || [ "$flavor" != "$COSMO_FLAVOR" ] \
;then : \
&& rm -r o \
;else : \
&& mv o o.old \
;fi \
# create a mapping from flavor to mode (possibly an empty string) \
&& { [ "$COSMO_FLAVOR" != def ] && mode="$COSMO_FLAVOR" || mode= ;} \
&& printf '%s="%s"\n' >env \
commit "$commit" \
flavor "$COSMO_FLAVOR" \
mode "$mode" \
RUN --mount=type=cache,id=cosmo-build-all,target=/cosmopolitan/o,sharing=locked \
--mount=type=tmpfs,target=/tmp : \
&& . ./env \
&& if [ -e o.old ] \
;then : \
&& cp o.old/* o/ \
&& rm -r o.old \
;fi \
# skip some checks that are currently failing: \
&& mkdir -p "o/$mode/test/libc/calls" \
&& touch -d '@2222222222' "o/$mode/test/libc/calls/" \
&& touch -d '@2222222222' "o/$mode/test/libc/calls/" \
# this one can fail in nested podman: \
&& mkdir -p "o/$mode/test/libc/stdio" \
&& touch -d '@2222222222' "o/$mode/test/libc/stdio/" \
&& ./makeit MODE="$mode" all \
# install the binaries somewhere so we can retrieve them without mounting cache: \
&& find o '(' -name '*.com' -o -name '*.com.dbg' ')' \
'!' -name '*_test.*' '!' -name 'test_*' -exec \
install -m0755 -t /usr/local/bin {} \
+ \