Connor Olding f6e3a28aff add failures field to Check and sort by them
this commit removes the comments on individual checks.
these comments should be restored at a later point.
2020-09-04 15:39:08 +02:00

91 lines
3.6 KiB

from .top1m import retrieve_top1m_entries
from .util import concat_nonsense, rot13, head
from .structs import Check
def order_by_failures(checks): # descending
return sorted(checks, key=lambda check: -check.failures)
first = [
# checking this first this avoids issues with censorship in China. see:
Check("common", "", 491),
likely = order_by_failures([
# these checks are, in practice, the most likely
# to weed out unwanted DNS servers.
Check("adtrack", "", 81),
Check("adtrack", "", 75),
Check("adtrack", "", 116),
Check("adware", rot13("nqf789.pbz"), 168),
Check("bad", concat_nonsense("com"), 153),
Check("badsub", concat_nonsense(""), 63),
Check("common", "", 98),
Check("common", "", 78),
Check("common", "", 75),
Check("common", "", 94),
Check("common", "", 69),
# Check("common", "", 57),
Check("common", "", 74),
Check("common", "", 86),
Check("common", "xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai", 85),
Check("gambling", "", 157),
Check("gambling", "", 168),
Check("gambling", "", 137),
Check("infosec", "", 98),
Check("infosec", "", 73),
Check("news", "", 435),
Check("news", "", 71),
Check("parking", "", 132),
Check("piracy", "", 77),
Check("porn", "", 151),
Check("shock", rot13(""), 209),
Check("uncommon", "", 88),
Check("uncommon", "", 74),
Check("usercontent", "", 116),
# Check("weird", "", 0),
Check("weirdsub", concat_nonsense(""), 126),
unlikely = order_by_failures([
Check("common", "", 2),
Check("common", "", 4),
Check("common", "", 15),
Check("common", "", 1),
Check("common", "", 8),
Check("news", "", 6),
Check("news", "", 3),
Check("piracy", "", 24),
Check("porn", "", 18),
Check("porn", "", 23),
Check("usercontent", "", 12),
Check("usercontent", "", 5),
Check("usercontent", "", 19),
Check("usercontent", "", 22),
Check("usercontent", "", 7),
Check("usercontent", "", 13),
Check("usercontent", "", 10),
Check("usercontent", "", 21),
Check("usercontent", "", 20),
Check("usercontent", "", 9),
Check("video", "", 17),
Check("video", "", 14),
Check("video", "", 16),
Check("video", "", 11),
defunct = [
"", #
def _top1m_gen():
return (Check("top", entry, 0)
for i, entry in retrieve_top1m_entries()
if entry not in defunct)
top100 = head(100, _top1m_gen())
top1000 = head(1000, _top1m_gen())