
300 lines
10 KiB

from .sql import create_table_statements, create_view_statements
from .sql import table_triggers
from .util import addr_to_int, AttrCheck
import storm.locals as rain
class Execution:
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
self.execution = None
def __enter__(self):
from .util import right_now
self.execution = self.db.start_execution(right_now())
return self.execution
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
from .util import right_now
completed = exc_type is None
self.db.finish_execution(self.execution, right_now(), completed)
class TException(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Exceptions"
exception_id = rain.Int("ExceptionId", primary=True)
name = rain.Unicode("Name")
fail = rain.Bool("Fail")
class TExecution(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Executions"
execution_id = rain.Int("ExecutionId", primary=True)
start_date = rain.DateTime("StartDate")
finish_date = rain.DateTime("FinishDate")
completed = rain.Bool("Completed")
class TAddress(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Ips"
address_id = rain.Int("IpId", primary=True)
str = rain.Unicode("AsStr")
ip = rain.Int("AsInt")
china = rain.Bool("China")
block_target = rain.Bool("BlockTarget")
server = rain.Bool("Server")
redirect_target = rain.Bool("RedirectTarget")
gfw_target = rain.Bool("GfwTarget")
class TKind(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Kinds"
kind_id = rain.Int("KindId", primary=True)
name = rain.Unicode("Name")
xxid = rain.Int("ExpectExceptionId")
exception = rain.Reference(xxid, "TException.exception_id")
class TDomain(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Domains"
domain_id = rain.Int("DomainId", primary=True)
name = rain.Unicode("Name")
kind_id = rain.Int("KindId")
kind = rain.Reference(kind_id, "TKind.kind_id")
class TRecord(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Records"
row_id = rain.Int("rowid", primary=True)
record_id = rain.Int("RecordId")
address_id = rain.Int("IpId")
address = rain.Reference(address_id, "TAddress.address_id")
class TMessage(rain.Storm, AttrCheck):
__storm_table__ = "Messages"
message_id = rain.Int("MessageId", primary=True)
execution_id = rain.Int("ExecutionId")
server_id = rain.Int("ServerId")
domain_id = rain.Int("DomainId")
record_id = rain.Int("RecordId")
exception_id = rain.Int("ExceptionId")
execution = rain.Reference(execution_id, "TExecution.execution_id")
server = rain.Reference(server_id, "TAddress.address_id")
domain = rain.Reference(domain_id, "TDomain.domain_id")
#record = rain.Reference(record_id, "TRecord.record_id")
exception = rain.Reference(exception_id, "TException.exception_id")
def apply_properties(obj, d):
from import PropertyColumn
for k, v in d.items():
ref = getattr(obj.__class__, k)
assert ref is not None, (type(obj), k)
assert isinstance(ref, PropertyColumn) or isinstance(ref, rain.Reference), \
(type(obj), k)
setattr(obj, k, v)
return obj
class RespoDB:
def __init__(self, uri, setup=False, create=False):
self.uri = uri
db_exists = self._db_exists(self.uri)
self.db = rain.create_database(self.uri)
self._conn = None
if setup or (create and not db_exists):
with self:
for q in create_view_statements:
self._conn.execute(q, noresult=True)
assert setup or create or db_exists, "database was never setup"
self.execution = Execution(self)
def _db_exists(uri):
from os.path import exists
_, _, fp = uri.partition(":")
if fp.startswith("//"):
_, _, fp = fp[2:].partition("/")
return fp and exists(fp)
def __enter__(self):
self._conn = rain.Store(self.db)
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
self._conn = None
def find_one(self, cls_spec, *args, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.find(cls_spec, *args, **kwargs).one()
def flush(self):
assert self._conn is not None
def commit(self):
assert self._conn is not None
def new_exception(self, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.add(apply_properties(TException(), kwargs))
def new_kind(self, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.add(apply_properties(TKind(), kwargs))
def new_domain(self, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.add(apply_properties(TDomain(), kwargs))
def new_address(self, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.add(apply_properties(TAddress(), kwargs))
def new_record(self, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.add(apply_properties(TRecord(), kwargs))
def new_message(self, **kwargs):
assert self._conn is not None
return self._conn.add(apply_properties(TMessage(), kwargs))
def setup_executions(self):
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["executions"], noresult=True)
def setup_exceptions(self):
# careful not to call them "errors" since NXDOMAIN is not an error.
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["exceptions"], noresult=True)
# TODO: upsert?
self.new_exception(name="NXDOMAIN", fail=False)
self.new_exception(name="NoAnswer", fail=True)
self.new_exception(name="NoNameservers", fail=True)
self.new_exception(name="Timeout", fail=True)
def setup_ips(self):
from .ips import china, blocks
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["ips"], noresult=True)
# TODO: upsert?
self.new_address(ip=addr_to_int(""), block_target=True)
self.new_address(ip=addr_to_int(""), block_target=True)
for ip in china:
self.new_address(ip=addr_to_int(ip), china=True)
for ip in blocks:
self.new_address(ip=addr_to_int(ip), block_target=True)
def setup_kinds(self):
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["kinds"], noresult=True)
# TODO: upsert?
#NXDOMAIN = self.find_one(TException, == "NXDOMAIN")
#self.new_kind(name="bad", exception=NXDOMAIN)
#self.new_kind(name="badsub", exception=NXDOMAIN)
def setup_domains(self):
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["domains"], noresult=True)
def setup_records(self):
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["records"], noresult=True)
def setup_messages(self):
self._conn.execute(create_table_statements["messages"], noresult=True)
for trig in table_triggers["messages"]:
def start_execution(self, dt):
execution = TExecution()
execution.start_date = dt
return execution
def finish_execution(self, execution, dt, completed):
# TODO: fail if ExecutionId is missing?
execution.finish_date = dt
execution.completed = completed
def next_record_id(self):
from storm.expr import Add, Max, Coalesce
expr = Add(Coalesce(Max(TRecord.record_id), 0), 1)
return self.find_one(expr)
def find_record_id(self, addresses):
address_ids = list(address.address_id for address in addresses)
record_ids = list(self._conn.find(TRecord, TRecord.address_id.is_in(address_ids)).values(TRecord.record_id))
if not record_ids:
return None
unique_ids = sorted(set(record_ids))
for needle in unique_ids:
if sum(1 for id in record_ids if id == needle) == len(addresses):
found = True
return needle
return None
def push_entry(self, entry):
kind = self.find_one(TKind, == entry.kind)
if not kind:
kind = self.new_kind(name=entry.kind)
if entry.kind.startswith("bad"):
exception = self.find_one(TException, == "NXDOMAIN")
assert exception is not None
kind.exception = exception
domain = self.find_one(TDomain, == entry.domain)
if not domain:
domain = self.new_domain(name=entry.domain)
domain.kind = kind
addresses = []
as_ints = sorted(set(map(addr_to_int, entry.addrs)))
for numeric in as_ints:
address = self.find_one(TAddress, TAddress.ip == numeric)
if not address:
address = self.new_address(ip=numeric)
for address in addresses:
if entry.reason == "block":
address.block_target = True
elif entry.reason == "redirect":
address.redirect_target = True
elif entry.reason == "gfw":
address.gfw_target = True
if addresses:
record_id = self.find_record_id(addresses)
if record_id is None:
record_id = self.next_record_id()
for address in addresses:
self.new_record(record_id=record_id, address=address)
record_id = None
numeric = addr_to_int(entry.server)
server = self.find_one(TAddress, TAddress.ip == numeric)
if not server:
server = self.new_address(ip=numeric)
server.server = True
if entry.exception:
exception = self.find_one(TException, == entry.exception)
assert exception is not None
exception = None
message = self.new_message(
server=server, domain=domain,
record_id=record_id, exception=exception)