# known IPs of any DNS located in China: china = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", } # known IPs (not servers) that are used to deny access to websites: blocks = { "", # timeout "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake "", # fake } bogon_checks = [ "0.", "10.", "127.", "169.254.", "192.0.0.", "192.0.2.", "192.168.", "198.18.", "198.19.", "198.51.100.", "203.0.113.", ] + [ "100.{}.".format(i) for i in range(64, 128) ] + [ "172.{}.".format(i) for i in range(16, 32) ] + [ "{}.".format(i) for i in range(224, 256) ] def is_bogon(ip): return any(ip.startswith(check) for check in bogon_checks)