from .ip_util import addr_to_int from .tables import Base, TException, TExecution, TAddress from .tables import TKind, TDomain, TRecord, TMessage from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker Session = sessionmaker(autoflush=False) create_view_statements = [ """ CREATE VIEW Results AS SELECT Messages.ExecutionId, ServerIps.AsStr as Server, Kinds.Name as Kind, Domains.Name as Name, RecordIps.AsStr as Address, Exceptions.Name as Exception, Messages.Failed as Failed FROM Messages LEFT JOIN Domains ON Messages.DomainId = Domains.DomainId LEFT JOIN Kinds ON Domains.KindId = Kinds.KindId LEFT JOIN Ips AS ServerIps ON Messages.ServerId = ServerIps.IpId LEFT JOIN Records ON Messages.RecordId = Records.RecordId LEFT JOIN Ips as RecordIps ON Records.IpId = RecordIps.IpId LEFT JOIN Exceptions ON Messages.ExceptionId = Exceptions.ExceptionId """, ] class Execution: def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.execution = None def __enter__(self): from .util import right_now self.execution = self.db.start_execution(right_now()) return self.execution def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): from .util import right_now completed = exc_type is None self.db.finish_execution(self.execution, right_now(), completed) def is_column(ref): from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute return isinstance(ref, InstrumentedAttribute) def apply_properties(obj, d): for k, v in d.items(): ref = getattr(obj.__class__, k) assert ref is not None, (type(obj), k) assert is_column(ref), (type(obj), k) setattr(obj, k, v) return obj class RespoDB: def __init__(self, uri, setup=False, create=False): from sqlalchemy import create_engine self.uri = uri db_exists = self._db_exists(self.uri) self.db = create_engine(self.uri) Session.configure(bind=self.db) self._conn = None if setup or (create and not db_exists): with self: Base.metadata.create_all(self.db) self.setup_executions() self.setup_exceptions() self.setup_ips() self.setup_kinds() self.setup_domains() self.setup_records() self.setup_messages() for q in create_view_statements: self._fire(q) assert setup or create or db_exists, "database was never setup" self.execution = Execution(self) @staticmethod def _db_exists(uri): from os.path import exists _, _, fp = uri.partition(":") if fp.startswith("//"): _, _, fp = fp[2:].partition("/") return fp and exists(fp) def __enter__(self): self._conn = Session() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.commit() self._conn.close() self._conn = None def find_one(self, cls_spec, **filters): if len(filters) > 0: return self._conn.query(cls_spec).filter_by(**filters).first() else: return self._conn.query(cls_spec).first() def flush(self): assert self._conn is not None self._conn.flush() def commit(self): assert self._conn is not None self._conn.commit() def new_exception(self, **kwargs): assert self._conn is not None res = TException(**kwargs) self._conn.add(res) return res def new_kind(self, **kwargs): assert self._conn is not None res = TKind(**kwargs) self._conn.add(res) return res def new_domain(self, **kwargs): assert self._conn is not None res = TDomain(**kwargs) self._conn.add(res) return res def new_address(self, **kwargs): assert self._conn is not None res = TAddress(**kwargs) self._conn.add(res) return res def new_record(self, **kwargs): assert self._conn is not None res = TRecord(**kwargs) self._conn.add(res) return res def new_message(self, **kwargs): assert self._conn is not None res = TMessage(**kwargs) self._conn.add(res) return res def _fire(self, statement): assert self._conn is not None self._conn.execute(statement).close() def setup_executions(self): pass def setup_exceptions(self): # careful not to call them "errors" since NXDOMAIN is not an error. # TODO: upsert? self.new_exception(name="NXDOMAIN", fail=False) self.new_exception(name="NoAnswer", fail=True) self.new_exception(name="NoNameservers", fail=True) self.new_exception(name="Timeout", fail=True) def setup_ips(self): self.modify_address("", block_target=True) self.modify_address("", block_target=True) def setup_kinds(self): pass def setup_domains(self): pass def setup_records(self): pass def setup_messages(self): pass def start_execution(self, dt): execution = TExecution() execution.start_date = dt self.flush() return execution def finish_execution(self, execution, dt, completed): # TODO: fail if ExecutionId is missing? execution.finish_date = dt execution.completed = completed self.flush() def all_ips(self): assert self._conn is not None addresses = self._conn.query(TAddress).fetchall() return [addr.str for addr in addresses] def next_record_id(self): from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func expr = func.coalesce(func.max(TRecord.record_id), 0) + 1 return self.find_one(expr)[0] def find_record_id(self, addresses): address_ids = list(address.address_id for address in addresses) temp = self._conn.query(TRecord).filter(TRecord.address_id.in_(address_ids)) record_ids = [t[0] for t in temp.values(TRecord.record_id)] # TODO: why are record_ids even tuples to begin with? if not record_ids: return None unique_ids = sorted(set(record_ids)) for needle in unique_ids: if sum(1 for id in record_ids if id == needle) == len(addresses): found = True return needle return None def push_entry(self, entry): kind = self.find_one(TKind, name=entry.kind) if not kind: kind = self.new_kind(name=entry.kind) if entry.kind.startswith("bad"): exception = self.find_one(TException, name="NXDOMAIN") assert exception is not None kind.exception = exception domain = self.find_one(TDomain, name=entry.domain) if not domain: domain = self.new_domain(name=entry.domain) domain.kind = kind addresses = [] as_ints = sorted(set(map(addr_to_int, entry.addrs))) for numeric in as_ints: address = self.find_one(TAddress, ip=numeric) if not address: address = self.new_address(ip=numeric) addresses.append(address) for address in addresses: if entry.reason == "block": address.block_target = True elif entry.reason == "redirect": address.redirect_target = True elif entry.reason == "gfw": address.gfw_target = True if addresses: record_id = self.find_record_id(addresses) if record_id is None: record_id = self.next_record_id() for address in addresses: self.new_record(record_id=record_id, address=address) else: record_id = None numeric = addr_to_int(entry.server) server = self.find_one(TAddress, ip=numeric) if not server: server = self.new_address(ip=numeric) self.flush() server.server = True if entry.exception: exception = self.find_one(TException, name=entry.exception) assert exception is not None else: exception = None failed = not entry.success message = self.new_message( execution=entry.execution, server=server, domain=domain, record_id=record_id, exception=exception, failed=failed) self.flush() def country_code(self, ip, code=None): numeric = addr_to_int(ip) address = self.find_one(TAddress, ip=numeric) if code is None: if address is not None: return address.country_code else: # NOTE: can't set code to null here since None was ruled out. if address is None: self.new_address(ip=numeric, country_code=code) else: address.country_code = code self.flush() return None def modify_address(self, ip, **kwargs): numeric = addr_to_int(ip) address = self.find_one(TAddress, ip=numeric) if address is None: self.new_address(ip=numeric, **kwargs) else: apply_properties(address, kwargs) self.flush()