create_table_statements = dict( # TODO: Duration REAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS etc.? executions=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Executions ( ExecutionId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, StartDate DATE NOT NULL, FinishDate DATE, Completed BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL) """, exceptions=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Exceptions ( ExceptionId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT NOT NULL, Fail BOOLEAN NOT NULL) """, ips=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Ips ( IpId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, AsStr TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( Cast(AsInt >> 24 & 255 AS TEXT) || '.' || Cast(AsInt >> 16 & 255 AS TEXT) || '.' || Cast(AsInt >> 8 & 255 AS TEXT) || '.' || Cast(AsInt & 255 AS TEXT) ) STORED NOT NULL, AsInt INTEGER UNIQUE CHECK(AsInt >= 0 AND AsInt < 1 << 32) NOT NULL, China BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, BlockTarget BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, Server BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, RedirectTarget BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, GfwTarget BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CountryCode TEXT) """, kinds=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Kinds ( KindId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, ExpectExceptionId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(ExpectExceptionId) REFERENCES Exceptions(ExceptionId)) """, domains=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Domains ( DomainId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, KindId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(KindId) REFERENCES Kinds(KindId)) """, # NOTE: that RecordId is *not* the rowid here # since records can contain multiple IPs, # and thereby span multiple rows. # TODO: indexing stuff, cascade deletion stuff. records=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Records ( RecordId INTEGER NOT NULL, IpId INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(IpId) REFERENCES Ips(IpId)) """, messages=""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Messages ( MessageId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ExecutionId INTEGER, ServerId INTEGER NOT NULL, DomainId INTEGER NOT NULL, RecordId INTEGER, ExceptionId INTEGER, Failed BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(ServerId) REFERENCES Ips(IpId), FOREIGN KEY(ExecutionId) REFERENCES Executions(ExecutionId), FOREIGN KEY(DomainId) REFERENCES Domains(DomainId), FOREIGN KEY(ExceptionId) REFERENCES Exceptions(ExceptionId)) """, # this fails because RecordId is not UNIQUE: # FOREIGN KEY(RecordId) REFERENCES Records(RecordId) ) create_view_statements = [ """ CREATE VIEW Results AS SELECT Messages.ExecutionId, ServerIps.AsStr as Server, Kinds.Name as Kind, Domains.Name as Name, RecordIps.AsStr as Address, Exceptions.Name as Exception, Messages.Failed as Failed FROM Messages LEFT JOIN Domains ON Messages.DomainId = Domains.DomainId LEFT JOIN Kinds ON Domains.KindId = Kinds.KindId LEFT JOIN Ips AS ServerIps ON Messages.ServerId = ServerIps.IpId LEFT JOIN Records ON Messages.RecordId = Records.RecordId LEFT JOIN Ips as RecordIps ON Records.IpId = RecordIps.IpId LEFT JOIN Exceptions ON Messages.ExceptionId = Exceptions.ExceptionId """, ] table_triggers = dict( messages=[ # TODO: more triggers. (before update, and also for Records table) """ CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS RecordExists BEFORE INSERT ON Messages BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN NEW.RecordId NOTNULL AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM Records WHERE Records.RecordID = NEW.RecordId) THEN raise(FAIL, "RecordId does not exist") END; END """, ])