rot13_mapping = {} for a, b, c, d in zip("anAN05", "mzMZ49", "naNA50", "zmZM94"): rot13_mapping.update({chr(k): chr(v) for k, v in zip(range(ord(a), ord(b) + 1), range(ord(c), ord(d) + 1))}) def rot13(s): return "".join(rot13_mapping.get(c, c) for c in s) def right_now(): from datetime import datetime, timezone return def nonsense_consistent(domain, weekly=True): from datetime import datetime, timezone from random import Random from string import ascii_lowercase from zlib import crc32 if weekly: week = week_bytes = bytes((week, week, week, week)) seed = crc32(week_bytes + domain.encode("utf-8")) else: seed = crc32(domain.encode("utf-8")) rng = Random(seed) length = rng.choices((9, 10, 11, 12), (4, 5, 3, 2))[0] return "".join(rng.choice(ascii_lowercase) for i in range(length)) def concat_nonsense(domain, weekly=True): return nonsense_consistent(domain, weekly=weekly) + "." + domain def head(n, it): # TODO: maybe just do return [a for _, a in zip(range(n), it)] res = [] try: while len(res) < n: res.append(next(it)) except StopIteration: pass return res class AttrCheck: """ Inheriting AttrCheck prevents accidentally setting attributes that don't already exist. """ def __setattr__(self, name, value): # NOTE: hasattr doesn't do what we want here. dir does. if name.startswith("_") or name in dir(self): super().__setattr__(name, value) else: raise AttributeError(name) def _present(): from time import time return time() class RateLimiter: def __init__(self, limit): from asyncio import Lock if type(limit) is not int: raise ValueError("limit must be int") assert limit > 0, limit self.unit = 1.0 # TODO: allow window length to be configured. self.limit = limit self.times = [] self.lock = Lock() self.eps = self.unit * 0.01 # to wait a tiny bit longer than specified def eta(self): past = _present() - self.unit self.times = [time for time in self.times if time > past] ind = len(self.times) - self.limit return 0.0 if ind < 0 else self.times[ind] - past async def __aenter__(self): from asyncio import sleep async with self.lock: while (wait := self.eta()) > 0.0: # this is done in a loop in case sleep ends early (it can). await sleep(wait + self.eps) self.times.append(_present()) async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): pass