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mirror of https://github.com/notwa/rc synced 2025-03-15 06:22:51 -07:00

273 lines
8.4 KiB

[ -e /etc/profile ] && emulate sh -c "source /etc/profile"
if [ "$SHLVL" -le 1 ] && [[ "$TERM" != screen* ]] && [[ "$TERM" != tmux* ]]
if which tmux >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
# create a new session called "what" or attach if it already exists
LANG="en_US.UTF-8" TZ=":/etc/localtime" tmux new -A -s what && exit
echo "tmux died ($?), continuing..."
setopt extended_glob # required for various scripts in this file and otherwise
local host="${(L)HOST}"
fpath=(~/sh $fpath)
function {
local f
for f in ~/sh/^([_.]*)(N^/:t); do
if [[ "$f" == fasd ]]; then
emulate sh -c "autoload -U $f"
autoload -Uz $f
function {
local -a opts
opts=( no_beep
append_history share_history # across sessions
hist_expire_dups_first # sharing/appending will result in dups
hist_ignore_dups # don't push lines identical to the previous
hist_ignore_space # don't push lines beginning with spaces
auto_cd # exec a dir to cd
auto_pushd # cd acts as pushd
no_match # error on bad tab-complete
check_jobs notify # automatic job reporting
chase_links # cd into link resolves link
complete_aliases # allow original command completion within alias
complete_in_word # enable tab completion when cursor between words
rc_quotes # 'you''re dumb' like "you're dumb"
brace_ccl # for character ranges like {a-z}
ksh_typeset # treat `local x=$(cmd)` and `x=$(cmd)` the same
setopt "${opts[@]}"
autoload -U zmv
zmodload zsh/mathfunc
autoload -Uz zcalc
dirprev() {
pushd -q +1
zle reset-prompt
dirnext() {
pushd -q -0
zle reset-prompt
dirup() {
cd ..
zle reset-prompt
dirview() {
# TODO: print under prompt if possible,
# truncate and columnize
dirs -v
zle reset-prompt
for x (dirprev dirnext dirup dirview) zle -N $x
bindkey -e # emacs-style keybinds
# oh thank god: http://blog.samsonis.me/2013/12/bash-like-history-search-functionality-for-zsh/
autoload history-search-end
zle -N history-beginning-search-backward-end history-search-end
zle -N history-beginning-search-forward-end history-search-end
bindkey '^[[A' history-beginning-search-backward-end # up
bindkey '^[[B' history-beginning-search-forward-end # down
bindkey '^[OA' history-beginning-search-backward-end # up
bindkey '^[OB' history-beginning-search-forward-end # down
bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char # del
bindkey '^[[1;5D' emacs-backward-word # ctrl+left
bindkey '^[[1;5C' emacs-forward-word # ctrl+right
bindkey '^[[1;3D' dirprev # alt+left
bindkey '^[[1;3C' dirnext # alt+right
bindkey '^[[1;3A' dirup # alt+up
bindkey '^[[1;3B' dirview # alt+down
bindkey -s '^[s' '^Asudo ^E' # alt+s
bindkey -s '^[[6;2~' '\a' # shift+PgDn, do nothing, already at bottom (tmux)
# these binds were meant to prevent erroneous inputs from
# inputting anything, but they don't work for some reason:
#bindkey -s '^[[3;5~' '\a' # ctrl+del
#bindkey -s '^[[5;5~' '\a' # ctrl+PgUp
#bindkey -s '^[[6;5~' '\a' # ctrl+PgDn
#bindkey -s '^[[5;6~' '\a' # ctrl+shift+PgUp
#bindkey -s '^[[6;6~' '\a' # ctrl+shift+PgDn
#bindkey -s '^[[2;3~' '\a' # alt+ins
#bindkey -s '^[[3;3~' '\a' # alt+del
#bindkey -s '^[[5;3~' '\a' # alt+PgUp
#bindkey -s '^[[6;3~' '\a' # alt+PgDn
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6q' '\a' # ctrl+shift+1
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6s' '\a' # ctrl+shift+3
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6t' '\a' # ctrl+shift+4
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6u' '\a' # ctrl+shift+5
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6w' '\a' # ctrl+shift+7
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6x' '\a' # ctrl+shift+8
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6y' '\a' # ctrl+shift+9
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6l' '\a' # ctrl+shift+comma
#bindkey -s '^[[1;6n' '\a' # ctrl+shift+period
#bindkey -s '^[[1;7A' '\a' # ctrl+alt+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;7B' '\a' # ctrl+alt+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;7C' '\a' # ctrl+alt+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;7D' '\a' # ctrl+alt+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;8A' '\a' # ctrl+alt+shift+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;8B' '\a' # ctrl+alt+shift+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;8C' '\a' # ctrl+alt+shift+arrow
#bindkey -s '^[[1;8D' '\a' # ctrl+alt+shift+arrow
autoload edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line # new widget of the same function name
bindkey '^Xe' edit-command-line # ctrl+x -> e
. ~/.-shrc
alias -g OMFG="1>/dev/null"
alias -g STFU="2>/dev/null"
alias -g WHOA='${whoa[@]}'
alias -g WELP='${welp[@]}'
wipe() {
clear # twice because mintty is weird
echo "\e[30m\e[107m"
printf "*%.0s" {1..$COLUMNS}
echo "\e[0m\n"
alias sc="~/sh/sc" # only runs in bash (for now), so be explicit with path
alias pl="print -l" # not in -shrc because this only makes sense with zsh
function tw() { # needs the "function" keyword or else zsh complains
twitch "$@" OMFG STFU &
sum() {
local sum=0
for i; do
echo "$sum"
function {
local t="${TERM%%-*}"
if [ "$t" = xterm ] || [ "$t" = screen ] || [ "$t" = tmux ]; then
# set window title
if [ "$t" = tmux ]; then
# don't include host, tmux prepends it
precmd() { print -Pn "\e]2;%~\a" }
precmd() { print -Pn "\e]2;%M: %~\a" }
# act dumb
precmd() {}
PROMPT="%# "
# zsh adds a % symbol to newline-less output, so my bash prompt is overkill
# NOTE: i've started hardcoding escapes instead of relying on zsh
# because detecting terminal features is too troublesome.
local s=$'\x1B\x5B' # start escape code
local e=m # end escape code
local reset="${s}0${e}"
local good=42 # green
local bad=41 # red
[[ "$host" == neobanshee ]] && good=46 # cyan
[[ "$host" == spectre ]] && good=47 # white
[[ "$host" == wraith ]] && good=43 # yellow
[[ "$host" == sabotage ]] && good=45 # magenta
# NOTE: i had ${s}10${e} here before, is it still necessary?
PROMPT="%{$reset${s}%(?.${good}.${bad})${e}${s}97${e}%}%#%{$reset%} "
TIMEFMT=$'\e[93m%*U/%*E cpu/real (%P), %MM mem:\e[36m %J\e[0m'
reload() {
# this doesn't seem to help with _vim_files errors, eh.
# you wanna rm .zcompdump first, then exit. that's why!
cd ~
autoload -U zrecompile
[ -f .zshrc ] && zrecompile -p .zshrc
rm -f .zcompdump
[ -f .zshrc.zwc.old ] && rm -f .zshrc.zwc.old
[ -f .zcompdump.zwc.old ] && rm -f .zcompdump.zwc.old
exec zsh # reload shell, inheriting environment
if [[ "$host" == "spectre" ]] || [[ "$host" == *"banshee" ]]; then
# via https://github.com/whjvenyl/fasd
# if [ ! -s "$HOME/.fasd_init" ]; then
# # note that posix-alias defines aliases for the following:
# # a s d f sd sf z zz
# fasd --init \
# posix-alias \
# zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install \
# zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install \
# >| "$HOME/.fasd_init"
# fi
# source "$HOME/.fasd_init"
# alias v="f -e $EDITOR"
baknow() { cp -ip "$1" "$1.$(now "$1").bak"; }
ff() { find "${1:-.}" -type f | fzy }
cutv() {
local nel="${1?missing length parameter}"
local f="${2?missing file parameter}"
local g="cut."${${f##*/}%.*}".mp4"
ffmpeg -hide_banner -i "$f" 2>&1 \
| grep Duration \
| grep -Eo '[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]' | awk -F: '{print (($1*60+$2)*60+$3)+$4/100}' | read len
[[ "$len" -gt 0 ]] || return 1
echo "$g"
ffmpeg \
-hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -stats_period 5 \
-i "$f" -ss "$(((nel<len)*(len-nel)))" \
-sn -dn -metadata = -map_chapters -1 -movflags +faststart \
-ar 44100 -acodec libfdk_aac -b:a 256k -cutoff 20000 -af alimiter=level_in=2.5:level_out=0.9 \
-maxrate 7680k -bufsize 9600k -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 21 -vf scale=1280:720 \
-threads 2 -y "$g" || return 1
# -maxrate 7680k -bufsize 9600k -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 21 -vf scale=1280:720
# -maxrate 9600k -bufsize 12000k -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 22 -vf scale=1280:720
# generated by dircolors with https://github.com/isene/LS_COLORS
function {
local lsc= line=
< ~/.ls_colors | tr -d $'\r' | while read -r line; do
export LS_COLORS="$lsc"
for x in ack cd cp ebuild gcc gist grep ln man mkdir mv rm
alias $x="nocorrect $x"
for x in ai arith curl fc find ftp hex history let locate rsync scp sftp tw twitch wget youtube-dl yt ytg
alias $x="noglob $x"
unset x
source ~/.prezto-compinit