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## obligatory personal dotfiles repository
_(plus some little shell scripts)_
there's probably a lot of subtle things gone uncredited,
but what can you do.
## stuff defined in RC files
such as [.bashrc](/home/bashrc) and [.zshrc](/home/zshrc)
but mostly [-shrc](/home/-shrc) and [.streamcrap](/home/streamcrap)
### reload
exec's the current shell.
if it's `zsh`, it'll also recompile `.zshrc` so everything actually reloads.
adds a directory to `$PATH` if it isn't already there.
### ify
pipes a command through another command, so you can pass arguments at the end as usual.
this is mainly useful for aliases. 99% of the time you'll use this with `less`.
$ alias ll="ify less ls -ACX --group-directories-first --color=force"
$ ll /etc
### has
prints the result of `which` if the program is found, or shuts up and returns 1.
export CC="$(has clang || has clang-3.8 || has gcc)"
### revend
reverses the 4-byte endianness of a file. this is an in-place operation!
### exts
prints and sorts the most used file extensions in the CWD.
### freq
prints the most frequently used commands found in `~/.histfile`.
arguments are passed to `head`.
$ freq
2533 git
1600 tw
1572 twitch
1019 yt
994 wipe;
621 compile
616 ls
567 gd
522 ssh
521 less
**TODO:** fix `:` and extraneous semicolons showing up in results.
### nocom
strips lines that begin with a `#` character.
### jrep
extracts ascii and japanese unicode characters.
### bomb
adds a Byte Order Mark to a file.
### cleanse
extracts readable ascii characters.
### rot13
rot13 with rotated numbers as well.
### unwrap
unwraps text that was wrapped using double-newlines as spacing,
e.g. this readme file.
### double
prints every line twice.
prints every line twice.
### picky + unused
attempts to print non-standard packages that were installed on an arch linux box,
so you can reinstall them later on a fresh installation.
`unused` will print unused packages instead.
### makepkgf + rakef
make the freakin' package!
### trash
given a number of bytes, outputs binary garbage from `/dev/random`.
### wipe
(zsh) clears the screen and scrollback and prints an ugly horizontal line
so you know with absolute certainty that you're looking
at the top of your history and your terminal's scrollback
didn't cap out and eat text.
$ wipe; ./configure && make
[insert a bajillion lines you'd never be able to find the top of unless
you piped it to a file or less or wiped scrollback beforehand]
### yt / ytg / ai
watches a youtube video through mpv with a bunch of audio filtering crap.
can be given a full URL or just a video ID.
remaining arguments are passed to mpv.
the `ytg` variant specifies a format specific to youtube-gaming streams.
the `ai` variant retrieves english subtitles and renders them in a kizuna way.
### twitch
watches twitch streams through mpv with a bunch of audio filtering crap.
give it a username.
remaining arguments are passed to mpv.
## shell scripts
most (but not all) stuff that's written for bash will work in zsh too.
if it just says `(sh)` then it'll probably work on any shell,
but might depend on GNU awk.
### [arith](/sh/arith) + [hex](/sh/hex)
(zsh) does arithmetic using the shell.
$ noglob arith 10**(6/20.)
$ hex 0x221EA8-0x212020
### [aur](/sh/aur)
(bash) downloads, edits, makes, and installs packages from the [AUR.](//aur.archlinux.org)
it's a little broken.
$ aur -eyoI cmdpack-uips applyppf
### [autosync](/sh/autosync)
(zsh) combines inotifywait and rsync.
sometimes nicer than ssh-ing into a server and running vim remotely.
### [cdbusiest](/sh/cdbusiest) + [dbusiest](/sh/dbusiest)
(zsh) cd to the directory with the most files in it (recursive).
dbusiest just outputs file counts without changing the directory.
useful for finding the biggest stinkers when archiving.
$ cd
$ cdbusiest
197195 src
$ pwd
### [colors](/sh/colors)
(bash) print out all the foreground and background terminal color combinations.
a 76-character script!
### [compandy](/sh/compandy)
(zsh) a dumb thing to generate compand arguments for ffmpeg audio filters.
kinda pointless now that acompressor is wildly supported.
### [compile](/sh/compile)
(zsh) a huge mess for compiling single-file C and C++ programs.
supports gcc and clang on \*nix,
and mingw64 gcc, msvc clang, and regular msvc on Windows.
tested on x86\_64 and on ARMv7 as well.
does not support MacOS ;\_;
defaults to gnu11 and gnu++1z as C and C++ standards respectively.
defaults to clang, gcc, and msvc in that order.
`compile` attempts to guess the most sane switches for any program,
so that compilation may reduce to:
# debug build
compile rd.c
compile debug rd.c
# debug build with warning/error flags defined in .-shrc
# (requires .zshrc for global alias expansion)
compile WHOA rd.c
# likewise for C++
compile WHOA WELP rd.cc
compile WHOA WELP rd.cpp
# "derelease" build (release build with debug information)
compile derelease WHOA rd.c
# release build (with symbols stripped)
compile release WHOA rd.c
# hardened build (only useful on *nix)
compile hardened WHOA rd.c
# specifying compiler
compile gcc WHOA rd.c
compile msvc WHOA rd.c
compile release clang WHOA rd.c
# compile and execute (FIXME: writing to /tmp is a security concern)
compile derelease rd.c && /tmp/rd
also contains a helper function that dumps the commands required to
install a recent version of clang on an ubuntu machine.
### [confirm](/sh/confirm)
(bash/zsh) displays a simple yes/no prompt and returns 0 or 1 respectively.
$ confirm && echo yay || echo nay
Continue? [y/N] y
$ confirm && echo yay || echo nay
Continue? [y/N] n
### [days](/sh/days)
(bash) compute days since a date.
$ days 'January 1 1970'
### [dfu](/sh/dfu)
(sh) pretty df output in GiB.
$ dfu
Filesystem Used Max Left Misc
/dev 0.00 0.45 0.45 0.00
/ 12.13 13.75 1.62 0.75
/boot 0.02 0.10 0.07 0.00
/media/chibi 1275.73 1304.45 28.72 69.88
### [e](/sh/e)
(zsh) wraps around $EDITOR to run as root if necessary.
still needs some work to detect root-owned directories.
$ e /etc/sudoers
[sudo] password for notwa:
### [is\_empty](/sh/is_empty)
(bash) returns 0 if the directory given by $1 is empty.
### [isup](/sh/isup)
(zsh) returns 0 if a website returns a 2xx HTTP code.
$ isup google.com && echo yay || echo nay
$ isup fdhafdslkjgfjs.com && echo yay || echo nay
### [lsarchive](/sh/lsarchive) + [unarchive](/sh/unarchive)
(zsh) guess what these do. written by Sorin Ionescu.
includes autocomplete files.
### [lsz](/sh/lsz)
(zsh) a needlessly fancy alternative to `ls`.
based on lsf or something, which might be [a gist somewhere.](//gist.github.com/notwa)
you can find [similar, more mature projects on github.](//github.com/trapd00r/ls--)
### [minutemaid](/sh/minutemaid)
(zsh) returns 0 if the current minute is divisible by a number.
note that a minute is relative to the seconds since the epoch,
not the minute of the hour.
# crontab usage:
* * * * * minutemaid 9 cd repo && git pull # runs every nine minutes
### [mkgist](/sh/mkgist)
(bash) makes a (mostly) empty gist and pulls it so you never have to visit the site.
i think this is broken.
### [monitor](/sh/monitor)
(zsh) literally just `watch` reimplemented as a shell script. kinda nice though.
### [mw](/sh/mw) + [mw-cyg](/sh/mw-cyg)
(zsh) manages a ton of environment variables for cross-compiling programs.
you'll want to tweak this if you use it yourself.
### [now](/sh/now)
(bash) returns the local date-time in a sortable format.
will take a date or a file as an argument too.
$ now
$ now ./now
$ now '@1234567890'
### [pacbm](/sh/pacbm)
(zsh) lists installed pacman packages by their filesize, and the sum, ascending.
requires `expac`.
$ pacbm | head -n -1 | tail -2
204.78M clang
235.44M linux-firmware
### [pacman-list-disowned](/sh/pacman-list-disowned)
(zsh?) lists disowned pacman files. this might take a while.
written by Benjamin Boudreau and Sorin Ionescu.
### [pause](/sh/pause)
(bash/zsh) pause; the companion script of `confirm`.
$ pause
Press any key to continue
### [pre](/sh/pre)
(bash/zsh) dumps all the #defines that `$CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS` would result in.
$ pre | shuf | head -10
#define __NO_MATH_INLINES 1
#define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37)
#define __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ int
#define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125)
#define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-16381)
#define __UINT8_C_SUFFIX__
#define __WINT_UNSIGNED__ 1
#define __INT_LEAST16_FMTd__ "hd"
#define __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ 4294967295U
#define __SSE__ 1
### [psbm](/sh/psbm)
(sh) lists processes by their memory usage, and the sum, ascending.
$ psbm | head -n -1 | tail -2
185.08M 1163 chromium
199.95M 1060 chromium
### [randir](/sh/randir)
(sh) outputs a random directory in the working directory.
$ randir
### [rs](/sh/rs)
(zsh) record screen. does not record audio.
currently only works on winderp (gdigrab).
there's probably some equivalent thing on leenucks.
### [sc](/sh/sc)
(bash) uploads given files to a webserver and returns a direct link for sharing.
you'll want to tweak this if you use it yourself.
has some extra logic for screenshots created by `scropt`.
### [scramble](/sh/sc)
(bash) scrambles text in a predictable way using regex.
(bhas) sacbremls ttex in a pdrceailtbe way unsig reegx.
### [screeny](/sh/screeny) + [unscreen](/sh/unscreen)
(zsh) sets up and detaches a screen for running daemons as other users, etc.
will close any existing screens of the same name using its companion script, unscreen.
e.g. run znc as user znc in a screen called znc: `screeny znc znc znc -f`. znc!
<!--(you should really just use tmux though)-->
### [scropt](/sh/scropt)
(bash) runs `scrot` through `optipng` and saves to `~/play/$(now).png`.
$ ~/sh/sc $(~/sh/scropt -s -d0.5)
### [similar](/sh/similar)
(sh) sorts stdin and highlights similarities between adjacent lines.
### [slit](/sh/slit)
(zsh) views specific columns of text.
via [pretzo.](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/)
$ df | slit 1 5
Filesystem Use%
dev 0%
run 1%
/dev/sda6 30%
tmpfs 3%
tmpfs 0%
tmpfs 1%
tmpfs 1%
### [sram](/sh/sram)
(zsh) converts between a couple saveram formats for N64 emulators.
### [sv](/sh/sv)
(bash) collects the lastmost value of every key.
takes the field separator as an argument.
echo "this=that\nthem=those\nthis=cat" | sv =
### [tpad](/sh/tpad)
(bash) adds a 1px transparent border around an image
so that twitter doesn't mangle it into a jpg.
### [trunc](/sh/trunc)
(bash) truncates text to fit within your terminal using the unicode character `…`.
$ echo $COLUMNS
$ unwrap /usr/share/licenses/common/GPL3/license.txt | trunc | head
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.…
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license fo…
The licenses for most software and other practical works are …
$ echo 'this is just an example; these scripts are (mostly) unlicensed.'
## submodules
### [meow.sh](//github.com/notwa/meow.sh)
<!--rip nyaa?-->
### [z](//github.com/rupa/z)
<!--spits out errors every other command you run. sorry rupa.-->