[ -z "$PS1" ] && return HISTCONTROL=erasedups HISTSIZE=1000 HISTFILESIZE=2000 shopt -s histappend shopt -s checkwinsize #shopt -s physical # chaselinks (doesn't exist?) set -o hashall # enable hash command [ "$TERM" != rxvt-unicode-256color ] || export TERM=xterm-256color t="${TERM%%-*}" if [ "$t" = xterm ] || [ "$t" = screen ] || [ "$t" = tmux ]; then _title="\[\033]2;\w\a\]" else _title="" fi unset t Csucc=$'\\[\e[42m\\]' Cfail=$'\\[\e[41m\\]' _line1=$' \\[\e[0m\\]' _line2=$'\\[\e[1;37m\\]\\$\\[\e[0m\\] ' ret_succ="$_title${Csucc}$_line1\n${Csucc}$_line2" ret_fail="$_title${Cfail}$_line1\n${Cfail}$_line2" PROMPT_COMMAND='[ $? = 0 ] && PS1=${ret_succ} || PS1=${ret_fail}' . ~/.-shrc # this doesn't work for all scripts at the moment, but ADDPATH "$HOME/sh" ( # combine everything matching "YES_BASH" in ~/sh/ into ~/.sh-bash. # unlike zsh, we do not check the sha1sum of the output. cd ~/sh \ && printf "%s\n" '#!/usr/bin/env false' '[ -n "$preload" ] || exit 1' '' \ | cat - $(grep -lF YES_BASH -- $(find ~/sh/ -maxdepth 1 -type f '!' -name '*.bak')) \ > ~/.sh-bash ) dummy() { :; } ### @- return 0, ignoring arguments. preload=dummy . ~/.sh-bash unset preload alias reload='cd; exec bash' ### @- **TODO:** respect initctl like in `.zshrc`. [ -e ~/.lol ] && . ~/.lol || touch ~/.lol