" Property " a vim color scheme by @notwa " loosely based on Clearance by Chris Seelus (@ceelus) " built upon the Tomorrow scheme's functionality " other sources of inspiration: " colorful " redblack " basically i split styling into: " built-in things you'd pass arguments to " built-in things you wouldn't that moreso construct the language (if, else) " built-in things you shouldn't use as variable names " hi \([A-Za-z]\+\) \+guifg=\([^ ]\+\) \+guibg=\([^ ]\+\) \+gui=\(\w\+\) let s:foreground = "D6DBD5" let s:background = "202121" let s:white = "F9FAF7" let s:backgrounder = "292B2C" let s:line_number = "484E52" let s:comment = "80908C" let s:selection = "393C41" " not including C chars ('x' syntax) let s:string = "BEE563" let s:stringer = "2A3026" " sometimes true and false too, depending on the language let s:number = "FA7A76" " a language constructor " maybe not true-blue enough? " maybe use pure (bold) white instead, and use this elsewhere let s:language = "7DB8E8" " don't overwrite me! let s:function = "64CCC5" " old seaweed color " needs a tad more saturation and brightness? let s:function = "5A7FD6" " TODO: () colors, [] colors, {} colors (background for braces?) hi clear if exists("syntax_on") | syntax reset | endif set background=dark let g:colors_name = "property2" " Sets the highlighting for the given group fu! X(group, fg, bg, attr) let l:fg=a:fg let l:bg=a:bg if a:fg != "" && a:fg != "NONE" | let l:fg="#".l:fg | endif if a:bg != "" && a:bg != "NONE" | let l:bg="#".l:bg | endif if a:fg != "" | exec "hi! ".a:group." guifg=".l:fg | endif if a:bg != "" | exec "hi! ".a:group." guibg=".l:bg | endif if a:attr != "" | exec "hi! ".a:group." gui=".a:attr | endif endfun " Interface call X("Normal", s:foreground, s:background, "") call X("LineNr", s:line_number, "", "") call X("NonText", s:foreground, "", "") call X("SpecialKey", s:line_number, "", "") call X("Search", "NONE", s:backgrounder, "underline") call X("TabLine", s:foreground, "", "") call X("TabLineFill", s:foreground, "", "") "call X("StatusLine", s:foreground, "", "") "call X("StatusLineNC", s:foreground, "", "") call X("VertSplit", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Visual", s:foreground, s:selection, "") call X("Directory", s:foreground, "", "") call X("ModeMsg", s:foreground, "", "") call X("MoreMsg", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Question", s:foreground, "", "") call X("WarningMsg", s:foreground, "", "") call X("MatchParen", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Folded", s:foreground, "", "") call X("FoldColumn", s:foreground, "", "") call X("CursorLine", s:foreground, "", "") call X("CursorColumn", s:foreground, "", "") call X("PMenu", s:foreground, "", "") call X("PMenuSel", s:foreground, "", "") call X("SignColumn", s:foreground, "", "") call X("ColorColumn", "", s:backgrounder, "") " Syntax highlighting call X("Todo", s:white, s:background, "bold,italic") call X("Title", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Identifier", s:language, "", "") call X("Structure", s:language, "", "") call X("Constant", s:number, "", "") call X("Special", s:white, "", "bold") call X("Operator", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Delimiter", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Comment", s:comment, "", "italic") call X("Function", s:function, "", "NONE") call X("Statement", s:white, "", "bold") call X("Repeat", s:language, "", "bold") call X("Keyword", s:language, "", "NONE") call X("Conditional", s:language, "", "NONE") call X("String", s:string, s:stringer, "") call X("Type", s:function, "", "NONE") " not too bad as s:number call X("PreProc", s:foreground, "", "NONE") call X("Define", s:function, "", "NONE") call X("Include", s:foreground, "", "NONE") call X("Number", s:number, "", "") hi link vimCommand Keyword hi link vimCommentString Comment hi link vimFuncVar Normal hi link vimVar Normal hi link pythonBoolean Constant hi link pythonBuiltin Function hi link pythonBuiltinFunc Function hi link pythonConditional Structure hi link pythonException Structure hi link pythonImport Function hi link pythonInclude Function hi link pythonOperator Structure hi link pythonRepeat Structure hi link pythonRun Comment hi link pythonStatement Structure " FIXME: escapes shouldn't override string background hi link luaCond Structure hi link luaCondElseif Structure hi link luaCondEnd Structure hi link luaCondStart Structure hi link luaFunc Function hi link luaFunction Function hi link luaRepeat Structure hi link luaStatement Structure "hi link Operator Normal "hi link Character Constant "hi link Boolean Constant "hi link Float Number "hi link Repeat Statement "hi link Label Statement "hi link Exception Statement "hi link Include PreProc "hi link Define PreProc "hi link Macro PreProc "hi link PreCondit PreProc "hi link StorageClass Type "hi link Structure Type "hi link Typedef Type "hi link Tag Special "hi link SpecialChar Special "hi link SpecialComment Special "hi link Debug Special delf X