#!/usr/bin/env sh # compat: +ash +bash +dash +hush +ksh +mksh +oksh -osh +posh +yash +zsh __oshi() { ### @oshi ### upload files (or stdin) to [oshi.at.](https://oshi.at) ### this script exits with the number of failed uploads; up to 255 at once. ### directories are skipped. for now, file expiry is hard-coded at 2 weeks. ### ### ``` ### $ echo test | oshi ### MANAGE: https://oshi.at/a/7809e5e8a8b5c28555b1e8cadc99b069d08a5d09 ### DL: https://oshi.at/ReTn/Dxzy ### ### $ oshi ~/play/{hey,you,fake,empty} ### MANAGE: https://oshi.at/a/9b56e4c5843006d491fabe859ea5746a8f36760c ### DL: https://oshi.at/obFf/hey ### oshi: expires in 14 days: /home/notwa/play/hey ### MANAGE: https://oshi.at/a/f2dc46ae900ca7465a377d7a7942e722f87ff483 ### DL: https://oshi.at/JLBc/you ### oshi: expires in 14 days: /home/notwa/play/you ### oshi: no such file: /home/notwa/play/fake ### oshi: skipping directory: /home/notwa/play/empty ### oshi: successfully uploaded 2/4 files ### oshi: failed to upload 2/4 files ### ``` inform() { printf '\033[1moshi: %s\033[m\n' "$*"; } >&2 mutter() { printf '\033[31moshi: %s\033[m\n' "$*"; } >&2 lament() { printf '\033[1;33moshi: %s\033[m\n' "$*"; } >&2 recede() { printf '\033[1;31moshi: %s\033[m\n' "$*"; } >&2 hits=0 total=0 if [ $# = 0 ]; then curl -f -F f=@- -F expire=20160 -F randomizefn=1 https://oshi.at && hits=1 || true total=1 elif [ $# -gt 255 ]; then recede "too many arguments (max: 255)" return 255 else total=$# fi for f; do if [ ! -e "$f" ]; then mutter "no such file: $f" continue elif [ -d "$f" ]; then mutter "skipping directory: $f" continue elif [ ! -s "$f" ]; then mutter "skipping empty file: $f" continue fi # i have no idea why, but mingw64 curl on msys2 is replacing each unicode codepoint with a question mark. # the irony is that it seems to be properly decoding the UTF-8 encoding and then replacing it all anyway. [ -d /C ] && g="$(LC_ALL= cygpath -ws "$f")" || g="$f" bytes="$(du -b -- "$f")" || bytes=0 if [ "$bytes" -gt 5000000000 ] 2>&-; then mutter "file too large: $f" continue fi if curl -fg -F f=@"$g" -F expire=20160 -F filename="${f##*/}" https://oshi.at; then inform "expires in 14 days: $f" : $((hits+=1)) else mutter "failed to upload file: $f" fi done if [ $hits -gt 0 ]; then [ $hits = 1 ] && s= || s=s inform "successfully uploaded $hits/$total file$s" fi fails=$((total-hits)) if [ $fails -gt 0 ]; then [ $fails = 1 ] && s= || s=s recede "failed to upload $fails/$total file$s" fi return $fails } oshi()(__oshi "$@") [ -n "${preload+-}" ] || __oshi "$@"