" Tomorrow Night - Full Colour and 256 Colour " http://chriskempson.com " " Hex colour conversion functions were stripped out in favor of csapprox " Default GUI Colours let s:foreground = "c5c8c6" let s:background = "1d1f21" let s:selection = "373b41" let s:line = "282a2e" let s:comment = "969896" let s:red = "cc6666" let s:orange = "de935f" let s:yellow = "f0c674" let s:green = "b5bd68" let s:aqua = "8abeb7" let s:blue = "81a2be" let s:purple = "b294bb" let s:window = "4d5057" " Console 256 Colours if !has("gui_running") let s:background = "303030" let s:window = "5e5e5e" let s:line = "3a3a3a" let s:selection = "585858" end hi clear syntax reset let g:colors_name = "Tomorrow-Night" " Sets the highlighting for the given group fun X(group, fg, bg, attr) if a:fg != "" | exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:fg | endif if a:bg != "" | exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:bg | endif if a:attr != "" | exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr | endif endfun " Vim Highlighting call X("Normal", s:foreground, s:background, "") call X("LineNr", s:selection, "", "") call X("NonText", s:selection, "", "") call X("SpecialKey", s:selection, "", "") call X("Search", s:background, s:yellow, "") call X("TabLine", s:window, s:foreground, "reverse") call X("TabLineFill", s:window, s:foreground, "reverse") call X("StatusLine", s:window, s:yellow, "reverse") call X("StatusLineNC", s:window, s:foreground, "reverse") call X("VertSplit", s:window, s:window, "none") call X("Visual", "", s:selection, "") call X("Directory", s:blue, "", "") call X("ModeMsg", s:green, "", "") call X("MoreMsg", s:green, "", "") call X("Question", s:green, "", "") call X("WarningMsg", s:red, "", "") call X("MatchParen", "", s:selection, "") call X("Folded", s:comment, s:background, "") call X("FoldColumn", "", s:background, "") if version >= 700 call X("CursorLine", "", s:line, "none") call X("CursorColumn", "", s:line, "none") call X("PMenu", s:foreground, s:selection, "none") call X("PMenuSel", s:foreground, s:selection, "reverse") call X("SignColumn", "", s:background, "none") end if version >= 703 call X("ColorColumn", "", s:line, "none") end " Standard Highlighting call X("Comment", s:comment, "", "") call X("Todo", s:comment, s:background, "") call X("Title", s:comment, "", "") call X("Identifier", s:red, "", "none") call X("Statement", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Conditional", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Repeat", s:foreground, "", "") call X("Structure", s:purple, "", "") call X("Function", s:blue, "", "") call X("Constant", s:orange, "", "") call X("Keyword", s:orange, "", "") call X("String", s:green, "", "") call X("Special", s:foreground, "", "") call X("PreProc", s:purple, "", "") call X("Operator", s:aqua, "", "none") call X("Type", s:blue, "", "none") call X("Define", s:purple, "", "none") call X("Include", s:blue, "", "") "call X("Ignore", "666666", "", "") " Vim Highlighting call X("vimCommand", s:red, "", "none") " C Highlighting call X("cType", s:yellow, "", "") call X("cStorageClass", s:purple, "", "") call X("cConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("cRepeat", s:purple, "", "") " PHP Highlighting call X("phpVarSelector", s:red, "", "") call X("phpKeyword", s:purple, "", "") call X("phpRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("phpConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("phpStatement", s:purple, "", "") call X("phpMemberSelector", s:foreground, "", "") " Ruby Highlighting call X("rubySymbol", s:green, "", "") call X("rubyConstant", s:yellow, "", "") call X("rubyAccess", s:yellow, "", "") call X("rubyAttribute", s:blue, "", "") call X("rubyInclude", s:blue, "", "") call X("rubyLocalVariableOrMethod", s:orange, "", "") call X("rubyCurlyBlock", s:orange, "", "") call X("rubyStringDelimiter", s:green, "", "") call X("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", s:orange, "", "") call X("rubyConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("rubyRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("rubyControl", s:purple, "", "") call X("rubyException", s:purple, "", "") " Crystal Highlighting call X("crystalSymbol", s:green, "", "") call X("crystalConstant", s:yellow, "", "") call X("crystalAccess", s:yellow, "", "") call X("crystalAttribute", s:blue, "", "") call X("crystalInclude", s:blue, "", "") call X("crystalLocalVariableOrMethod", s:orange, "", "") call X("crystalCurlyBlock", s:orange, "", "") call X("crystalStringDelimiter", s:green, "", "") call X("crystalInterpolationDelimiter", s:orange, "", "") call X("crystalConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("crystalRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("crystalControl", s:purple, "", "") call X("crystalException", s:purple, "", "") " Python Highlighting call X("pythonInclude", s:purple, "", "") call X("pythonStatement", s:purple, "", "") call X("pythonConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("pythonRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("pythonException", s:purple, "", "") call X("pythonFunction", s:blue, "", "") call X("pythonPreCondit", s:purple, "", "") call X("pythonRepeat", s:aqua, "", "") call X("pythonExClass", s:orange, "", "") " JavaScript Highlighting call X("javaScriptBraces", s:foreground, "", "") call X("javaScriptFunction", s:purple, "", "") call X("javaScriptConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("javaScriptRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("javaScriptNumber", s:orange, "", "") call X("javaScriptMember", s:orange, "", "") call X("javascriptNull", s:orange, "", "") call X("javascriptGlobal", s:blue, "", "") call X("javascriptStatement", s:red, "", "") " CoffeeScript Highlighting call X("coffeeRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("coffeeConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("coffeeKeyword", s:purple, "", "") call X("coffeeObject", s:yellow, "", "") " HTML Highlighting call X("htmlTag", s:red, "", "") call X("htmlTagName", s:red, "", "") call X("htmlArg", s:red, "", "") call X("htmlScriptTag", s:red, "", "") " Diff Highlighting call X("diffAdd", "", "4c4e39", "") call X("diffDelete", s:background, s:red, "") call X("diffChange", "", "2B5B77", "") call X("diffText", s:line, s:blue, "") " ShowMarks Highlighting call X("ShowMarksHLl", s:orange, s:background, "none") call X("ShowMarksHLo", s:purple, s:background, "none") call X("ShowMarksHLu", s:yellow, s:background, "none") call X("ShowMarksHLm", s:aqua, s:background, "none") " Lua Highlighting call X("luaStatement", s:purple, "", "") call X("luaRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("luaCondStart", s:purple, "", "") call X("luaCondElseif", s:purple, "", "") call X("luaCond", s:purple, "", "") call X("luaCondEnd", s:purple, "", "") " Cucumber Highlighting call X("cucumberGiven", s:blue, "", "") call X("cucumberGivenAnd", s:blue, "", "") " Go Highlighting call X("goDirective", s:purple, "", "") call X("goDeclaration", s:purple, "", "") call X("goStatement", s:purple, "", "") call X("goConditional", s:purple, "", "") call X("goConstants", s:orange, "", "") call X("goTodo", s:yellow, "", "") call X("goDeclType", s:blue, "", "") call X("goBuiltins", s:purple, "", "") call X("goRepeat", s:purple, "", "") call X("goLabel", s:purple, "", "") " Clojure Highlighting call X("clojureConstant", s:orange, "", "") call X("clojureBoolean", s:orange, "", "") call X("clojureCharacter", s:orange, "", "") call X("clojureKeyword", s:green, "", "") call X("clojureNumber", s:orange, "", "") call X("clojureString", s:green, "", "") call X("clojureRegexp", s:green, "", "") call X("clojureParen", s:aqua, "", "") call X("clojureVariable", s:yellow, "", "") call X("clojureCond", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureDefine", s:purple, "", "") call X("clojureException", s:red, "", "") call X("clojureFunc", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureMacro", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureRepeat", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureSpecial", s:purple, "", "") call X("clojureQuote", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureUnquote", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureMeta", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureDeref", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureAnonArg", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureRepeat", s:blue, "", "") call X("clojureDispatch", s:blue, "", "") " Scala Highlighting call X("scalaKeyword", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaKeywordModifier", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaOperator", s:blue, "", "") call X("scalaPackage", s:red, "", "") call X("scalaFqn", s:foreground, "", "") call X("scalaFqnSet", s:foreground, "", "") call X("scalaImport", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaBoolean", s:orange, "", "") call X("scalaDef", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaVal", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaVar", s:aqua, "", "") call X("scalaClass", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaObject", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaTrait", s:purple, "", "") call X("scalaDefName", s:blue, "", "") call X("scalaValName", s:foreground, "", "") call X("scalaVarName", s:foreground, "", "") call X("scalaClassName", s:foreground, "", "") call X("scalaType", s:yellow, "", "") call X("scalaTypeSpecializer", s:yellow, "", "") call X("scalaAnnotation", s:orange, "", "") call X("scalaNumber", s:orange, "", "") call X("scalaDefSpecializer", s:yellow, "", "") call X("scalaClassSpecializer", s:yellow, "", "") call X("scalaBackTick", s:green, "", "") call X("scalaRoot", s:foreground, "", "") call X("scalaMethodCall", s:blue, "", "") call X("scalaCaseType", s:yellow, "", "") call X("scalaLineComment", s:comment, "", "") call X("scalaComment", s:comment, "", "") call X("scalaDocComment", s:comment, "", "") call X("scalaDocTags", s:comment, "", "") call X("scalaEmptyString", s:green, "", "") call X("scalaMultiLineString", s:green, "", "") call X("scalaUnicode", s:orange, "", "") call X("scalaString", s:green, "", "") call X("scalaStringEscape", s:green, "", "") call X("scalaSymbol", s:orange, "", "") call X("scalaChar", s:orange, "", "") call X("scalaXml", s:green, "", "") call X("scalaConstructorSpecializer", s:yellow, "", "") call X("scalaBackTick", s:blue, "", "") " Git call X("diffAdded", s:green, "", "") call X("diffRemoved", s:red, "", "") call X("gitcommitSummary", "", "", "bold") " Delete Functions delf X set background=dark