" vim:cc=79,39 " make vim unusable for anyone else " from the get-go, we assume version >= 703 set nocompatible " screw vi " hacks {{{1 if has('multi_byte') scriptencoding utf-8 " allow it in this script set termencoding=utf-8 " and this terminal supports it set encoding=utf-8 " and the default file is in it endif " awful things if has("win32") " assume directory structure: " something/anything/.vimrc " this was passed to vim by the -u switch " something/vim/ " something/vim/after let $MYVIMRC=expand('') let g:rcvim=expand(':p:h:h').'/vim' let msys='/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin' set shellcmdflag=-c set shellxquote=\" set shellslash if !exists('win32_once') let win32_once=1 if exists('msys') " note: true for gvim as well if isdirectory(msys) let $PATH.=';'.msys let &shell=msys.'/bash.exe' else let $PATH='/usr/local/bin;/usr/bin;/bin;'.$PATH let &shell='/cygwin/bin/zsh.exe' endif endif let &runtimepath=g:rcvim.','.&runtimepath.','.g:rcvim.'/after' endif else let g:rcvim=$HOME.'/.vim' endif let &backupdir=g:rcvim.'/backup' " stash tilde files elsewhere " the double slash at the end dumps the path of the file for uniqueness let &directory=g:rcvim.'/swp//' " stash swap files too let &undodir=g:rcvim.'/undo/' " undo files are cool try | call mkdir(&backupdir, "p") | catch /E739/ | endtry try | call mkdir(&directory, "p") | catch /E739/ | endtry try | call mkdir(&undodir, "p") | catch /E739/ | endtry if (&term =~ "^xterm") " enable colors on any xterm let &t_Co=256 let &t_AF="\e[38;5;%dm" let &t_AB="\e[48;5;%dm" endif " main config {{{1 if has('syntax') syntax enable " required for folding as well set hlsearch " highlight search results endif let g:python_highlight_builtin_funcs=1 if has('gui_running') set guioptions-=M " skip loading $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim set guioptions-=m " hide menu which isn't loaded anyway set guioptions-=T " hide toolbar set guioptions-=r " hide scrollbar if has("gui_gtk2") set guifont=Consolas\ 11 else set guifont=Consolas:h9 end set columns=84 set lines=36 cd $HOME " might not be ideal... endif if has('title') | set title | endif " terminal title set history=512 " command lines to remember set colorcolumn=79 set number " lines set ruler " write out the cursor position set showcmd " show number of lines/etc. selected set lazyredraw " when executing macros, untyped things set shortmess=atI " be less verbose and shut up vim set suffixes=.bak,~,.swp,.o,.log,.out " lower tab-completion priority set noerrorbells visualbell t_vb= " disable bells set scrolloff=3 " row context during scrolling set sidescrolloff=2 " col context during scrolling set incsearch " show first search result as we type set ignorecase " insensitive searching set smartcase " except when uppercase is used set infercase " use existing case when ins-completing set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 smarttab " 8 space tabs set virtualedit=block " allow cursor anywhere in visual block set foldmethod=marker set foldlevelstart=99 " start with everything unfolded...? let c_syntax_for_h=1 " use C highlighting for .h files set nowrap " word wrapping is pretty weak in vim set ffs=unix,dos " ffs indeed set nobomb " bombs are bad ok set undofile " remember undos across files/sessions set diffopt+=iwhite " ignore whitespace in diff command set ttimeoutlen=50 " make changing modes a bit snappier if has('mksession') set sessionoptions=blank,buffers,curdir,options,folds,tabpages,winsize,resize,winpos end if 0 set autoindent " when creating newline, use same indent if has('smartindent') set smartindent " automatic indents with a lot of stuff endif endif " it's really just annoying though " autocmd {{{1 fu! SaveSession() let sf=g:rcvim.'/.session.vim' execute 'mksession! '.sf endf fu! LoadSession() let sf=g:rcvim.'/.session.vim' if filereadable(sf) execute 'so '.sf endif endf fu! KillSession() let sf=g:rcvim.'/.session.vim' call delete(sf) endf fu! TabEight() setlocal tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab softtabstop=0 endf fu! TabFour() setlocal tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 expandtab softtabstop=4 endf fu! TabTwo() setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab endf " set TabFour as default set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 expandtab softtabstop=4 if has('autocmd') augroup tabs au! au BufRead,BufNewFile *.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.hpp,*.cc,*.hh call TabEight() au BufRead,BufNewFile PKGBUILD call TabTwo() au FileType ruby call TabTwo() au BufRead,BufNewFile *.bt,*.1sc call TabFour() augroup END augroup whatever au! au BufRead,BufNewFile *.lib setlocal ft=spice au BufRead,BufNewFile *.bt setlocal ft=c au BufRead,BufNewFile *.1sc setlocal ft=c au BufRead,BufNewFile *.asm setlocal ft=lips augroup END augroup sessions au! au VimEnter * call LoadSession() augroup END augroup nobells " good lord vim you are archaic au! au GUIEnter * set vb t_vb= augroup END augroup reload au! "au BufWritePost .vimrc,_vimrc,vimrc so $MYVIMRC augroup END fu! ResCur() " attempt to preserve cursor position if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") normal! g`" return 1 endif endf augroup resCur au! au BufWinEnter * call ResCur() augroup END endif " keys/binds {{{1 set backspace=eol,start,indent " make backspace useful " tab completion in command-line if has('wildmenu') | set wildmenu | endif " easy indent/unindent nn >> nn << " indentation without ending selection vn >gv vn J "nn dd " oh wait, terminals don't do that... fu! Inn(q) " bind both normal and insert modes let args=split(a:q, '^\s*\(<[^>]\+>\s\+\)\+\zs') exec 'nn '.args[0].' '.args[1] exec 'ino '.args[0].' '.args[1] endf com! -nargs=+ Inn call Inn() Inn :w Inn :e Inn :bd Inn :w! Inn :e! Inn :bd! Inn :wall Inn :tab ball Inn :call KillSession():qall Inn :call KillSession():qall! " np++ habits Inn Inn Inn :m-2 Inn :m+1 Inn :tabm -1 Inn :tabm +1 " hide search highlighting Inn :nohls " rebind annoying things " reflow text nn Q gq vn Q gq " split lines (opposite of J) nn K ik$ vn K " follow tag nn " delete line "nn D dd " this frees up x and X for use if you like set =[3;2~ Inn X " unfollow your leaders let leader="\\" " no-op nn : "ino " this doesn't workkkkkkkkk nm i i?r nm a a?r nn p "0p nn P "0P nn e :tabe nn :call SaveSession():xall nn d :cd %:p:h:pwd nn . @: "nn ? :exec getline(".") nn , :Tab /,\zs "nn x :system('chmod +x %') | e " messing around with colors " a la https://github.com/xolox/vim-colorscheme-switcher/blob/master/autoload/xolox/colorscheme_switcher.vim fu! HiDump() redir => out silent hi redir END let @a = out put a endf nn s :call SyntaxAttr() nn 1 :colo property2 nn 2 :colo clearance-dyn nn 3 :colo Tomorrow-Night nn 4 :colo jellybeans nn 5 :colo colorsbox-stnight nn 6 :colo redblack nn h :tabe:call HiDump() " helper function to toggle hex mode " http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Improved_hex_editing fu! ToggleHex() " hex mode should be considered a read-only operation " save values for modified and read-only for restoration later, " and clear the read-only flag for now let l:modified=&mod let l:oldreadonly=&readonly let &readonly=0 let l:oldmodifiable=&modifiable let &modifiable=1 if !exists("b:editHex") || !b:editHex " save old options let b:oldft=&ft let b:oldbin=&bin " set new options setlocal binary " make sure it overrides any textwidth, etc. silent :e " this will reload the file without trickeries "(DOS line endings will be shown entirely ) let &ft="xxd" " set status let b:editHex=1 " switch to hex editor %!xxd else " restore old options let &ft=b:oldft if !b:oldbin setlocal nobinary endif " set status let b:editHex=0 " return to normal editing %!xxd -r endif " restore values for modified and read only state let &mod=l:modified let &readonly=l:oldreadonly let &modifiable=l:oldmodifiable endf nn :call ToggleHex() "%s# \(\*\|\*\*\|/\|//\) #\1#g " misc {{{1 set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,extends:…,nbsp:‗ " including this in case i'm on a _really_ bad terminal: "set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:.,extends:>,nbsp:_ try | execute pathogen#infect() | catch /E117/ | endtry set background=dark try colorscheme Tomorrow-Night catch /E185/ colorscheme desert endtry " airline {{{1 if has('gui_running') " airline is broken in gvim (for me) for now else "if exists('g:airline_symbols') set laststatus=2 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 0 endif let g:airline_mode_map = { \ 'c': 'COM', \ 'i': 'INS', \ 'n': '·ω·', \ 'R': 'REP', \ 'S': 'S-L', \ 's': 'SEL', \ 't': 'CON', \ 'V': 'V-L', \ 'v': 'VIS', \ '': 'S-B', \ '': 'V-B', \ '__': '———', \ } let g:airline_symbols = { \ 'branch': '→', \ 'crypt': '🔒', \ 'linenr': '¶', \ 'modified': '+', \ 'paste': 'ρ', \ 'readonly': 'R', \ 'space': ' ', \ 'whitespace': '·', \ } let g:airline_left_sep = '»' let g:airline_right_sep = '«' let g:airline#extensions#default#section_truncate_width = { \ 'b': 79, \ 'x': 60, \ 'y': 84, \ 'z': 45, \ } let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr = 0 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_type = 0 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnametruncate = 20 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':t' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#formatter = 'unique_tail_improved' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_close_button = 0 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 0 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_format = '%s ┊' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = '┊' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '┊' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_sep = '┊' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#right_alt_sep = '┊' "let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_algo = 2 let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#symbol = '‗' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format = '· %s' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#long_format = '… %s' let g:airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format = '‼ %s'