#!/usr/bin/env dash NAME="$0" note() { local IFS=" " printf "%s\n" "$*" } warn() { note "$@" >&2 } die() { warn "$NAME:" "$@" #cleanup exit 1 } cleanup() { : #[ ! -e temp.tar.gz ] || rm temp.tar.gz || die failed #[ ! -d temp ] || rm -r temp || die failed } backup() { if [ -e "${1}~" ]; then backup "${1}~" || die 'failed to backup file' "$1" fi mv "$1" "${1}~" || die 'failed to backup file' "$1" } rc="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$NAME")" )" [ -d "$rc" ] || die 'failed to determine rc directory' cd "$rc" || die 'failed to change directory' if ! which git >/dev/null 2>&1; then # git unavailable. just document everything as it is. [ "$1" != commit ] || die 'git not found' dash ./sh/document || die 'failed to generate documentation' else # git available. document the most recent commit, without pending changes. [ ! -e temp.tar.gz ] || backup temp.tar.gz || die 'failed to backup existing temp archive' git archive --prefix=temp/ HEAD -o temp.tar.gz || die 'failed to create git archive' [ ! -e temp ] || backup temp || die 'failed to backup existing temp directory' tar -zxf temp.tar.gz || die 'failed to unarchive temp archive' #( cd temp; HOME="$rc/temp" dash ./install ) ln temp/home/zshrc temp/.zshrc || die 'failed to copy files' ln temp/home/-shrc temp/.-shrc || die 'failed to copy files' ln temp/home/bashrc temp/.bashrc || die 'failed to copy files' # note that we use the latest version instead of the one from the archive. cp -p README.md temp/README.md || die 'failed to copy existing readme' # note that we use the latest version instead of the one from the archive. dash ./sh/document temp || die 'failed to generate documentation' #[ ! -e README.md ] || backup README.md || die 'failed to backup existing readme' mv temp/README.md~ README.md~ || die 'failed to move generated readme' rm temp.tar.gz || die 'failed to clean up temp archive' rm -r temp || die 'failed to clean up temp directory' if [ "$1" = commit ]; then mv README.md~ README.md || die 'failed to overwrite readme' git commit README.md -m 'regenerate readme' || die 'failed to commit' fi fi