## obligatory personal dotfiles repository _(plus some little shell scripts)_ quick install for random boxes: ``` cd && curl -L https://github.com/notwa/rc/archive/master.tar.gz | tar zx && mv rc-master rc && rc/install ``` the following shells are taken into consideration, ordered from most to least compatible: * zsh * bash * dash * ash (busybox) **NOTE:** everything below this line is overwritten and automatically [regenerated.](/regenerate) ## shell functions ### [argc](/sh/argc#L7) validate the number of arguments in a function. ```sh # usage: myfunc() { argc -(eq|le|ge) [0-9] "$0" "$@" || return; } myfunc() { # use one of the following: argc -eq N "$0" "$@" || return argc -le N "$0" "$@" || return argc -ge N "$0" "$@" || return # where N is an integer between 0 and 9. } ``` ### [arith](/sh/arith#L9) perform arithmetic using the shell and display the result. see also [`hex`](#hex) and [`bin`](#bin). this example requires zsh: ``` % db=6 % noglob arith 10**(db/20.) 1.9952623149688795 ``` ### [aur](/sh/aur#L7) download, edit, make, and install packages from the [AUR.](https://aur.archlinux.org/) it's a little broken. ``` $ aur -eyoI cmdpack-uips applyppf ``` ### [autosync](/sh/autosync#L8) combine `inotifywait` and `rsync`. this is sometimes nicer than `ssh`-ing into a server and running `vim` remotely. ### [bak](/sh/bak#L6) backup files by creating copies and appending ".bak" to their names. this calls itself recursively to avoid clobbering existing backups. ``` $ touch -d '2001-12-25 16:30:00' butts $ bak butts $ touch butts $ bak butts $ ls -l total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Aug 1 08:02 butts -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Aug 1 08:02 butts.bak -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Dec 25 2001 butts.bak.bak ``` ### [baknow](/sh/baknow#L7) backup files by appending their timestamps given by [`now`.](#now) ``` $ touch -d '2001-12-25 16:30:00' butts $ baknow butts $ baknow butts cp: overwrite 'butts.2001-12-26_01800000.bak'? n $ ls -l total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Dec 25 2001 butts -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Dec 25 2001 butts.2001-12-26_01800000.bak ``` ### [baks](/sh/baks#L7) backup files by copying each and appending *the current* date-time, irrespective of when the files were modified or created. ``` $ touch -d '2001-12-25 16:30:00' butts $ baks butts $ baks butts $ ls -l total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Dec 25 2001 butts -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Dec 25 2001 butts.21-08-01_14-54-07.bak -rw-r--r-- 1 notwa None 0 Dec 25 2001 butts.21-08-01_14-54-09.bak ``` ### [bin](/sh/bin#L9) perform arithmetic using the shell and display the result as an unsigned 8-bit integer in binary. see also [`arith`](#arith) and [`hex`](#hex). ``` $ bin 123 01111011 ``` ### [cdbusiest](/sh/cdbusiest#L4) cd to the directory with the most files in it, counted recursively. ``` $ cd $ cdbusiest 152364 src $ pwd /home/notwa/src ``` ### [colors](/sh/colors#L6) display all combinations of foreground and background terminal colors. this only includes the basic 16-color palette. excluding boilerplate, this script is a mere a 76-characters long! ![terminal colors](https://eaguru.guru/t/terminal-colors.png) ### [compandy](/sh/compandy#L5) generate compand arguments for ffmpeg audio filters. this is kinda pointless now that acompressor is wildly supported. ### [setup_clang_ubuntu (sh/compile)](/sh/compile#L6) print (but don't execute) the commands necessary to install a fairly recent version of clang on ubuntu-based distros. ```sh $ setup_clang_ubuntu bionic wget -O - http://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | apt-key add - echo -n "deb http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic main # deb-src http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic main # 12 deb http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic-12 main # deb-src http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/ llvm-toolchain-bionic-12 main " > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm-toolchain-bionic.list apt-get update apt-get install clang-12 apt-get install lld-12 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-12 1200 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-12 1200 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer llvm-symbolizer /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-12 1200 ``` ### [compile](/sh/compile#L49) compile single-file C and C++ programs, messily. supports gcc and clang on \*nix, and mingw64 gcc, msvc clang, and regular msvc on Windows. tested on x86\_64 and on ARMv7 as well. does not support MacOS, maybe someday… defaults to gnu11 and gnu++1z as C and C++ standards respectively. defaults to clang, gcc, and msvc in that order. `compile` attempts to guess the most sane switches for any program, so that compilation may reduce to: ```sh # debug build compile rd.c compile debug rd.c # debug build with warning/error flags defined in .-shrc # (requires .zshrc for global alias expansion) compile WHOA rd.c # likewise for C++ compile WHOA WELP rd.cc compile WHOA WELP rd.cpp # "derelease" build (release build with debug information) compile derelease WHOA rd.c # release build (with symbols stripped) compile release WHOA rd.c # hardened build (only useful on *nix) compile hardened WHOA rd.c # specifying compiler compile gcc WHOA rd.c compile msvc WHOA rd.c compile release clang WHOA rd.c # compile and execute (FIXME: writing to /tmp is a security concern) compile derelease rd.c && /tmp/rd ``` ### [confirm](/sh/confirm#L6) display a simple yes-or-no prompt and return 0-or-1 respectively. ``` $ confirm && echo yay || echo nay Continue? [y/N] y yay $ confirm && echo yay || echo nay Continue? [y/N] n nay ``` a real world example: ``` % g1 && confirm && git commit -a --amend --no-edit daf84e3 document a ton of stuff Continue? [y/N] y [master 92bdf76] document a ton of stuff Date: Sun Aug 1 09:27:25 2021 -0700 20 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) ``` ### [countdiff](/sh/countdiff#L6) count the number of lines changed between two files. **TODO:** don't use git for this. also, use patience algorithm. ``` $ countdiff README-old.md README.md 739 ``` ### [cutv](/sh/cutv#L6) (WIP) create a short clip of a long video file. ### [days](/sh/days#L6) compute the number of days since a given date. ``` $ days 'January 1 1970' 18838 ``` ### [dbusiest](/sh/dbusiest#L6) list directories ordered descending by the number of files in them, counted recursively. see also [`cdbusiest`.](#cdbusiest) ``` $ cd $ dbusiest | head -n3 152364 src 46518 work 20903 play ``` ### [dfu](/sh/dfu#L6) pretty-print `df` in GiB. ``` $ dfu Filesystem Used Max Left Misc /dev 0.00 0.46 0.46 0.00 / 17.20 23.22 6.01 1.27 ``` ### [disf](/sh/disf#L9) disassemble a single function from an unstripped executable, unreliably. ### [document](/sh/document#L144) generate a markdown file out of docstrings in shell scripts. **TODO:** describe. i have a rough outline written in my scrap file. ### [e](/sh/e#L6) wrap around `$EDITOR` to run it as root if necessary. this still needs some work to detect root-owned directories. ``` $ e /etc/sudoers [sudo] password for notwa: ``` ### [ea](/sh/ea#L7) **TODO:** document. ### [echo2](/sh/echo2#L6) print arguments joined by spaces to stderr without parsing anything. ``` $ echo -e 'this\nthat' those this that those $ echo2 -e 'this\nthat' those -e this\nthat those ``` ### [explore](/sh/explore#L6) open a single directory in `explorer.exe`, defaulting to `$PWD`. ### [ff](/sh/ff#L6) select a file from a given or current directory using [`fzy`.](https://github.com/jhawthorn/fzy) ### [ghmd](/sh/ghmd#L9) convert a markdown file to HTML in the style of GitHub. note that this uses GitHub's API, so it requires internet connectivity. this script utilizes the CSS provided at [sindresorhus/github-markdown-css.](https://github.com/sindresorhus/github-markdown-css) ``` ~/sh/ghmd < ~/rc/README.md > ~/rc/README.html ``` ### [has](/sh/has#L6) print the result of `which` if the program is found, else simply return 1. ``` export CC="$(has clang || has clang-3.8 || has gcc)" ``` ### [hex](/sh/hex#L9) perform arithmetic using the shell and display the result as an unsigned 32-bit integer in hexadecimal. see also [`arith`](#arith) and [`bin`](#bin). ``` $ hex 0x221EA8-0x212020 0000FE88 ``` **NOTE:** there also exists a hex(1) program provided by the *basez* package that i don't use. ### [ify](/sh/ify#L6) pipe one command through another, so you can still pass arguments to the former. this is mainly useful for aliases. 99% of the time you'll use this with `less`. ``` $ alias ll="ify less ls -ACX --group-directories-first --color=force" $ ll /etc ``` ### [is_empty](/sh/is_empty#L6) return 0 if the directory given by argument is empty. ### [isup](/sh/isup#L6) return 0 if a given website returns a 2xx HTTP code. ``` $ isup google.com && echo yay || echo nay yay $ isup fdhafdslkjgfjs.com && echo yay || echo nay nay ``` ### [maybesudo_ (sh/maybesudo)](/sh/maybesudo#L6) mimic certain features of `sudo` for systems without it installed. as it stands, this mostly just handles some environment variables. try this: `maybesudo_ -u "$USER" printenv` ### [minutemaid](/sh/minutemaid#L6) return 0 and/or execute a command if the current minute is divisible by a given number. note that a minute is relative to the seconds since the epoch, not the minute of the hour. this ensures that commands will run roughly every N minutes, regardless of the minute hand on the clock. ``` # crontab usage: * * * * * minutemaid 9 ~/work/do_my_bidding # runs every nine minutes ``` ### [monitor](/sh/monitor#L4) this is [watch(1)](https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/watch.1.html) loosely reimplemented as a shell script. ``` usage: monitor [-fs] [-n {period}] {command} [{args...}] ``` **NOTE:** there also exists monitor(1) programs provided by the *389-ds-base* and *dmucs* packages that i don't use. ### [noccom](/sh/noccom#L10) strip C-like comments; both multi-line and single-line. ### [note](/sh/note#L6) act like [`echo2`,](#echo2) but use a bright color to stand out more. **NOTE:** there also exists a [note(1)](https://www.daemon.de/projects/note/) program provided by the *note* package that i don't use. ### [now](/sh/now#L8) print a date-time (UTC) in a sortable format. this takes a date or file as an argument, else it defaults to the current time. ``` $ now 2019-05-27_35083906 $ now ~/sh/monitor 2017-03-14_82387259 $ now '@1234567890' 2009-02-13_84690000 ``` ### [pacbm](/sh/pacbm#L6) display and order installed pacman packages by their filesize ascending, and their sum. requires `expac`. ``` $ pacbm | head -n -1 | tail -2 204.78M clang 235.44M linux-firmware ``` ### [pause](/sh/pause#L6) pause — the companion script of [`confirm`.](#confirm) ``` $ pause Press any key to continue $ ``` ### [pegg](/sh/pegg#L8) download and (pip) install a Python "egg" from a project on GitHub, defaulting to the master branch. this uses [`pippy`](#pippy) internally. ```sh # install the development version of https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython $ pegg rthalley dnspython # or instead install the latest stable version (as of writing) $ pegg rthalley dnspython 3933b49 ``` ### [pippy](/sh/pippy#L7) install Python packages using pip, but only update their dependencies as required. this uses [`maybesudo`](#maybesudo_-shmaybesudo) internally. ### [pre](/sh/pre#L6) dump all the `#define`s that `$CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS` would result in. ``` $ pre | shuf | head -n10 #define __GNUC_MINOR__ 3 #define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 4 #define __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ 4321 #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ 4 #define __INTMAX_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffLL #define __INT64_C(c) c ## LL #define __UINT16_MAX__ 0xffff #define __DEC64_MANT_DIG__ 16 #define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 ``` ### [preload](/sh/preload#L3) handle dependencies within the [`~/sh/`](/sh) directory. this function contains more comments than code, so you should read it. ### [psbm](/sh/psbm#L6) display and order processes by their memory usage ascending, and their sum. ``` $ psbm | head -n -1 | tail -2 185.08M 1163 chromium 199.95M 1060 chromium ``` ### [randir](/sh/randir#L6) display a random directory in the current working directory. ``` $ randir ./sh ``` ### [refresh](/sh/refresh#L6) invoke `hash -r`. ### [rot13](/sh/rot13#L6) rot13 with numbers rotated as well. ``` $ rot13 <<< abc123 nop678 ``` **NOTE:** there also exists rot13(1) programs provided by the *bsdgames* and *hxtools* packages that i don't use. ### [rs](/sh/rs#L4) record screen. does not record audio. currently only works on Windows (gdigrab). i'm sure there's something equivalent for Linux. **TODO:** consider renaming because rs(1) already exists. ### [sc](/sh/sc#L36) upload given files to a webserver and return a direct link for sharing them. you'll want to tweak this if you use it yourself. this contains some extra logic for screenshots created by `scropt`. **TODO:** consider renaming because sc(1) already exists. ### [scramble](/sh/scramble#L6) scrambles text in a predictable way using regex. sacbremls ttex in a pdrceailtbe way unsig reegx. **TODO:** consider renaming because scramble(1) already exists. ### [screeny](/sh/screeny#L4) handle GNU screens. these days, i typically use tmux instead. ### [scropt](/sh/scropt#L4) run `scrot` through `optipng` and save the result to `~/play/$(now).png`. ``` $ ~/sh/sc $(~/sh/scropt -s -d0.5) ``` ### [shcom](/sh/shcom#L7) comment out text from stdin and wrap it in a markdown blockquote for docstrings. this contains some extra logic for handling already-commented and already-quoted text. this allows `shcom` to be used with vim's visual selections to update existing code examples. as a simple example, `echo hey | shcom` produces, verbatim: ``` hey ``` ### [similar](/sh/similar#L6) highlight adjacent lines up to the first inequivalent character. ### [slit](/sh/slit#L6) view specific columns of text. ### [slitt](/sh/slitt#L6) view specific columns of text. this version of `slit` uses tabs for its field separators. ### [sortip](/sh/sortip#L7) sort lines numerically by IPv4 segments. ### [sram](/sh/sram#L4) convert between a couple saveram formats for N64 emulators. ### [stfu](/sh/stfu#L7) invoke a command, silencing stdout and stderr *unless* the command fails. **NOTE:** don't use `stfu` for handling sensitive data or commands! use it for 7zip. note that the tail commands in the example below are from `stfu` itself; they are echoed to reveal the temp paths for any further investigation. ``` $ touch butts $ STFU_TAIL=5 $ stfu 7z a butts.7z butts $ stfu 7z a butts.7z asses command failed with exit status 1: 7z a butts.7z asses $ tail -n 5 /tmp/stfu.CoJ0vmJsqA/out_1627942118 Scan WARNINGS for files and folders: asses : The system cannot find the file specified. ---------------- Scan WARNINGS: 1 $ tail -n 5 /tmp/stfu.CoJ0vmJsqA/err_1627942118 WARNING: The system cannot find the file specified. asses ``` ### [mpvs (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L6) invoke mpv with some extra flags suited for streamed sources. ### [mpv_watch (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L66) watch something in mpv with a bunch of extra audio filtering crap. ### [mpv_stream (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L78) watch a stream in mpv with a bunch of extra audio filtering crap. ### [twitch (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L87) watch a twitch stream in mpv with a bunch of extra audio filtering crap. ### [yt (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L94) watch a youtube video in mpv with a bunch of extra audio filtering crap. this can be given a full URL or just a video ID. remaining arguments are passed to mpv. there exist several variants for more specific use cases. **NOTE:** there also exists a yt(1) program provided by the *python3-yt* package that i don't use. ### [ytg (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L109) watch a youtube video. like `yt`, but with a preference for different formats. ### [ytll (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L116) watch a stream on youtube in mpv, etcetera etcetera. this is the low latency version that does not support seeking. ### [ytgll (sh/streamcrap)](/sh/streamcrap#L123) watch a stream on youtube in mpv. like `ytll`, but with a preference for different formats. ### [sum](/sh/sum#L6) compute the summation of its arguments without forking processes. this relies on the shell's built-in arithmetic operators. ``` $ sum 1 2 3 6 ``` **TODO:** consider renaming because sum(1) already exists. ### [sv](/sh/sv#L6) collect the lastmost value of every key. the field separator can be given as its sole argument, it defaults to a single space otherwise. ``` $ echo "alpha=first\nbeta=second\nalpha=third" | sv = alpha=third beta=second ``` this next example uses `sv` to only print the lastmost line matching a pattern in each file. in other words, it uses the filename printed by grep as the key in its key-value pairs. ``` $ cd ~/play/hash && grep -r 'ing$' . | sv : ./dic_win32.txt:WriteProfileString ./cracklib-small.txt:zoning ./english-words.txt:zooming ./usernames-125k.txt:flats_gaming ./cain.txt:zoografting ./pokemon.txt:Fletchling ./pokemon8.txt:Fletchling ``` **TODO:** rename because busybox(1) sv already exists. ### [tpad](/sh/tpad#L6) add a 1px transparent border around an image to prevent twitter from mangling it into a jpg. sadly, this trick doesn't work anymore. ### [trash](/sh/trash#L6) output a given number of bytes from `/dev/random`. ``` $ trash 10 | xxp 3A A5 4F C7 6D 89 E7 D7 F7 0C ``` ### [trunc](/sh/trunc#L6) truncate text to fit within your terminal using the unicode character `…`. ``` $ echo $COLUMNS 84 $ seq 1 100 | tr '\n' ' ' | trunc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31… ``` ### [unscreen](/sh/unscreen#L6) handle closing of screens — this works alongside [`screeny`](#screeny). these days, i typically use tmux instead. ### [wat](/sh/wat#L8) wat — a better and recursive which/whence. for zsh only. written by [leah2.](https://leahneukirchen.org/) ### [wipe](/sh/wipe#L6) clear the screen and its scrollback, then print a high-contrast horizontal line. using this, you'll know with absolute certainty that you're looking at the top of your history, and that your terminal's scrollback didn't cap out and eat text. **TODO:** rename because wipe(1) already exists. ### [xxp](/sh/xxp#L6) act like `xxd -p`, but nicely formatted. **TODO:** support `-r` (reverse) argument. ``` $ xxd -p ~/rc/install | head -n2 23212f7573722f62696e2f656e762073680a232074686973207363726970 7420697320636f6d70617469626c65207769746820666f6c6c6f77696e67 $ xxp ~/rc/install | head -n2 23 21 2F 75 73 72 2F 62 69 6E 2F 65 6E 76 20 73 68 0A 23 20 74 68 69 73 20 73 63 72 69 70 74 20 ``` ## miscellaneous ### [dummy (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L66) return 0, ignoring arguments. ### [dirprev (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L73) rotate and change to the previous directory in the directory stack without consuming the prompt. ### [dirnext (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L80) rotate and change to the next directory in the directory stack without consuming the prompt. ### [dirup (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L87) change to the parent directory of the current working directory without consuming the prompt. ### [dirview (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L94) use a fuzzy finder to select a recent directory in the directory stack and change to it without consuming the prompt. ### [OMFG (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L168) silence stdout. ### [STFU (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L169) silence stderr. ### [WHOA (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L170) expand to several C/C++ flags to ease development. ### [WELP (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L171) expand to C++ flags to enable a C++-as-C facade. ### [pl (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L175) print each argument on its own line. ### [tw (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L178) invoke `twitch` as a job with both stdout and stderr silenced. ### [reload (zshrc)](/home/zshrc#L222) reload zsh by wiping temp files, recompiling rc files, and replacing the current process with a new zsh process. ### [dummy (bashrc)](/home/bashrc#L47) return 0, ignoring arguments. ### [reload (bashrc)](/home/bashrc#L52) **TODO:** respect initctl like in `.zshrc`. ### [has (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L8) hardcoded here for convenience. ### [ADDPATH (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L24) append a directory to `$PATH` if it isn't already present. ### [fils (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L120) (GNU du) display human-friendly filesizes for the files in a directory. ### [lsa (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L121) (GNU ls) list files with directories and dotfiles ordered first. ### [perlu (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L122) invoke perl expecting files with UTF-8 encoding. ### [rgn (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L123) invoke ripgrep without respecting `.gitignore` files. ### [cms (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L124) invoke cryptominisat5 with less noise. ### [curls (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L125) invoke curl with less noise. ### [get (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L129) retrieve the most recent files from the default branch of a git repository, and not much else. ### [gs (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L130) invoke git's status subcommand. **TODO:** consider renaming because gs(1) already exists. ### [gd (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L132) invoke git's diff subcommand with fewer lines of context. ### [gds (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L133) display difference stats from git. ### [gl (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L134) invoke git's log subcommand with a single line per commit. ### [glo (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L135) navigate git's commit tree succinctly. ### [g1 (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L136) display the most recent git commit. ### [gr (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L137) display remote git repositories verbosely. ### [gb (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L138) display the current git branch. **NOTE:** there also exists a gb(1) program provided by the *gb* package that i don't use. ### [revend (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L147) reverse the 4-byte endianness of a single file. *this is an in-place operation!* ### [clone (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L149) invoke rsync suitably for creating virtually indistinguishable copies of files. ### [aligntabs (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L150) align tab-delimited fields in stdin. ### [crawla (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L151) play Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup through ssh on the akrasiac server. ### [crawlz (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L152) play Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup through ssh on the develz server. ### [eahead (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L154) deprecated name for [`ea head`.](#ea) ### [eaget (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L155) deprecated name for [`ea get`.](#ea) ### [eaput (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L156) deprecated name for [`ea put`.](#ea) ### [eamove (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L157) deprecated name for [`ea move`.](#ea) ### [eacopy (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L158) deprecated name for [`ea copy`.](#ea) ### [eadelete (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L159) deprecated name for [`ea delete`.](#ea) ### [eamv (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L160) invoke [`ea move`.](#ea) ### [eacp (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L161) invoke [`ea copy`.](#ea) ### [earm (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L162) invoke [`ea delete`.](#ea) ### [ll (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L165) list files verbosely, fancily, ordered, but not recursively. ### [diff (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L173) use git's diff subcommand for general diffing. ### [gc (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L174) columnize text by using git's column subcommand. **TODO:** consider renaming because gc(1) already exists. ### [counts (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L176) count files in the current directory, including files found recursively. ### [exts (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L177) count and sort file extensions in the current directory, including files found recursively. ### [nocom (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L178) strip single-line C-like and shell-like comments. ### [jrep (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L179) extract strings comprised of basic ASCII or Japanese codepoints. ### [bomb (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L180) add a Byte-Order Mark to a file. ### [cleanse (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L181) strip unprintable and non-ASCII characters. ### [unwrap (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L182) join paragraphs into one line each. ### [double (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L183) print every line twice.
print every line twice. **NOTE:** there also exists a double(1) program provided by the *plotutils* package that i don't use. ### [join2 (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L186) join every other line. ### [katagana (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L187) convert katakana codepoints to their equivalent hiragana. useful for translating [debug text from ancient games.](https://tcrf.net/) ### [picky (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L189) TODO ### [unused (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L190) TODO ### [makepkgf (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L191) make the freakin' package! ### [rakef (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L192) make the freakin' gem! ### [eashare (-shrc)](/home/-shrc#L194) upload a file and copy its URL to the clipboard. **NOTE:** this only works on MSYS2 for now. **NOTE:** i lied, this doesn't work at all.