#!/usr/bin/env sh # YES_ZSH YES_BASH YES_DASH YES_ASH __grab() { ### @grab - download a file from my site and verify its integrity by its [minisign](https://github.com/jedisct1/minisign/) signature. [ -z "${ZSH_VERSION}" ] || emulate sh #!/usr/bin/env sh umask 002 pub=RWQdYTxDsppw5ZFpYZFoF6IoPS0okMKlOiz9MwTl0NUoP41r57sf9dI1 remote=eaguru.guru/t unset t _(){ task="${1:-do something}" } will(){ _ "$*" } die(){ x=${?#0} printf "failed to %s\n" "$task" >&2 exit ${x:-1} } esc(){ while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in ([\!\"$\&-\>@-~]*) printf '%.1s' "$1";; (*) printf '%%%02X' "'$1";; esac set -- "${1#?}" done } 2>&- get(){ if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ] then curl -sSfLgm5 -o "$@" else wget -qt1 -T5 -O "$@" fi } clean(){ will clean up temporary files ! [ -d "$t" ] || rm -r "$t" || die exit 1 } hex(){ if [ -f /usr/bin/xxd ] then exec xxd -p -l4 -- "$@" else exec hexdump -ve '1 1 "%02x"' -n4 -- "$@" fi } owd="${PWD:?unsupported}" will create temporary directory trap clean INT EXIT t="$(exec mktemp -d)" && cd "$t" || die for f do fn="${f##*/}" fn="${fn%%\?*}" # for shame, wget fn="${fn%%#*}" will ensure filename is valid case "$fn" in (.) false;; (..) false;; ([!\ -~]) false;; ([\":\<\>?\\\|]) false;; (?*) true;; (*) false;; esac || die touch -- "$fn" || die will ensure supported protocols # busybox restricts this fx="$(esc "$fn")" case "$f" in (http://*);; (https://*);; (ftp://*);; (ftps://*);; # buggy (*:*) printf 'unsupported protocol: %s\n' "${f%%:*}" >&2 die;; (*) f="https://$remote/$fx";; esac g="https://$remote/$fx.minisig" will download "$fn" from "$f" get "$fn" -- "$f" || die will download "$fn.minisig" from "$g" get "$fn.minisig" -- "$g" || die will verify file integrity of "$fn" minisign -QVm "$fn" -P "$pub" || die will determine basic file type x4="$(hex "$fn")" || die x2="${x4%????}" if [ "$x4" = 7f454c46 ] || [ "$x2" = 2321 ] || [ "$x2" = 4d5a ] then will set executable permission chmod +x -- "$fn" || die fi done will remove temporary files find -name '*.minisig' -delete || die will return files to original directory cd "$owd" && find "$t" -type f -exec mv -- {} . \; || die will remove temporary directory # assuming it's now emptied rmdir "$t" || die trap - INT EXIT } grab()(__grab "$@") [ -n "${preload+-}" ] || __grab "$@"