#!/usr/bin/env zsh # I'll just leave this here __setup_clang_ubuntu() { local site="http://apt.llvm.org" local name="$(lsb_release -c | cut -f2)" local version=4.0 local priority=$(( int(version * 100 + 0.5) )) # TODO: use https? this is sketchy echo wget -O - "$site/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key" \| apt-key add - echo echo -n \""\ deb $site/$name/ llvm-toolchain-$name main\n\ # deb-src $site/$name/ llvm-toolchain-$name main\n\ # $version\n\ deb $site/$name/ llvm-toolchain-$name-$version main\n\ # deb-src $site/$name/ llvm-toolchain-$name-$version main\n\ "\" \> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm-toolchain-$name.list" echo apt-get update echo apt-get install clang-$version echo apt-get install lld-$version echo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-$version $priority echo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-$version $priority echo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer llvm-symbolizer /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-$version $priority } compile() { local gcc="$(whence -p gcc 2>/dev/null)" local clang="$(whence -p clang 2>/dev/null)" local cl local vc if [ -n "$MSYSTEM" ]; then if [ -z "$clang" ]; then # maybe we have clang-msvc installed local dir printf "%s\n" "/c/Program Files/LLVM"*(On/N[1]) | read -r dir if [ -d "$dir" ] && [ -e "$dir/bin/clang" ]; then clang="$dir/bin/clang" export PATH="$PATH:$dir/bin/" fi fi local clarch [ "$MSYSTEM" = MINGW64 ] && clarch="/amd64" || clarch="" local arch [ "$MSYSTEM" = MINGW64 ] && arch="x64" || arch="x86" printf "%s\n" "/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio "*(On/N[1]) | read vc vc="$vc/VC" if [ -d "$vc/bin$clarch" ] && [ -e "${vc}/bin$clarch/$cl" ]; then cl="${vc}/bin$clarch/cl" vc="$vc" local winkit printf "%s\n" "/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/"*(on/N[1]) | read -r winkit [ -n "$winkit" ] || { echo "failed glob; missing winkit" >&2; return 1 } printf "%s\n" "$winkit/Lib/"*(On/N[1]) | read -r winkit [ -n "$winkit" ] || { echo "failed glob; missing winkit" >&2; return 1 } export PATH="$PATH:$vc/bin$clarch" export INCLUDE="$vc/INCLUDE;$vc/ATLMFC/INCLUDE" export LIB="$vc/LIB$clarch;$vc/ATLMFC/LIB$clarch;$winkit/um/$arch;$winkit/ucrt/$arch" export LIBPATH="$vc/LIB$clarch;$vc/ATLMFC/LIB$clarch" # convert msys2 paths to windows paths export INCLUDE="${${INCLUDE//\/c\//C:\\}//\//\\}" export LIB="${${LIB//\/c\//C:\\}//\//\\}" export LIBPATH="${${LIBPATH//\/c\//C:\\}//\//\\}" fi fi if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo -n "usage: compile [" >&2 local once=0 if [ -n "$clang" ]; then if [ $once -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "|" >&2; fi; once=1 echo -n "clang" >&2 fi if [ -n "$gcc" ]; then if [ $once -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "|" >&2; fi; once=1 echo -n "gcc" >&2 fi if [ -n "$cl" ]; then if [ $once -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "|" >&2; fi; once=1 echo -n "msvc" >&2 fi echo "] {debug|derelease|release|hardened} [flags...] {source file}" >&2 return 1 fi local sepples=0 [ -n "$clang" ] && local CC=clang || local CC=gcc [ -n "$clang" ] && local CXX=clang++ || local CXX=g++ local our_flags=(-I.) local file=${@[-1]} [ "${file##*.}" = "c" ] || [ "${file##*.}" = "h" ] || sepples=1 { [ $1 = clang ] && CC="clang" && CXX="clang++" && shift } || \ { [ $1 = gcc ] && CC="gcc" && CXX="g++" && shift } || \ { [ $1 = msvc ] && CC="cl" && CXX="cl" && shift } maybe_include() { [ -d "$1" ] && our_flags+=("-I$1") } maybe_include "-I$HOME/opt/local/include" maybe_include "-I$HOME/src/ustl" if [ $CC = cl ]; then our_flags+=(-nologo -utf-8) local debug_flags=(-Od -Zi -ZI -sdl); local release_flags=(-Ox) local dr_flags=(-Ox -Zi) local hardened_flags=(-Ox -sdl) else local debug_flags=(-O1 -g -D_DEBUG); local release_flags=(-Ofast -march=native -g0 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -DNDEBUG) local dr_flags=(-Ofast -march=native -g -fomit-frame-pointer -DNDEBUG) local hardened_flags=(-O3 -march=native -g0 -s -DNDEBUG -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security) if [ -z "$MSYSTEM" ]; then hardened_flags+=(-fPIE -pie) hardened_flags+=(-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now) fi local nomalloc=(-fno-builtin-malloc -fno-builtin-calloc -fno-builtin-realloc -fno-builtin-free) if [ -e /usr/bin/pprof ]; then #debug_flags+=(-ltcmalloc $nomalloc) dr_flags+=(-lprofiler $nomalloc) elif [ -e /usr/bin/google-pprof ]; then #debug_flags+=(-l:libtcmalloc.so.4 $nomalloc) dr_flags+=(-l:libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so.4 $nomalloc) fi fi local compiler= if [ $sepples -eq 1 ]; then compiler=$CXX [ $CC = cl ] && std="-TP" || std="-std=gnu++1z" else compiler=$CC [ $CC = cl ] && std="-TC" || std="-std=gnu11" fi local clang_msvc=0 if [ $CC = clang ]; then if $compiler --version | grep -q windows-msvc; then clang_msvc=1 fi fi if [ $CC = clang ]; then debug_flags+=(-ftrapv) [ -z "$MSYSTEM" ] && local gold=gold || local gold=lld [ -n "$MSYSTEM" ] && our_flags+=(-fansi-escape-codes) || true if [ $clang_msvc -eq 1 ] || [ -z "$MSYSTEM" ]; then debug_flags+=(-fsanitize=undefined) # this SHOULD work with mingw, # but it fails to link. debug_flags+=(-fsanitize=address) debug_flags+=(-fvisibility=hidden -fuse-ld=$gold -flto -fsanitize=cfi) hardened_flags+=(-fsanitize=safe-stack) hardened_flags+=(-fstack-protector-strong) hardened_flags+=(-fvisibility=hidden -fuse-ld=$gold -flto -fsanitize=cfi) else fi fi { [ $1 = debug ] && our_flags+=($debug_flags) && shift } || \ { [ $1 = release ] && our_flags+=($release_flags) && shift } || \ { [ $1 = derelease ] && our_flags+=($dr_flags) && shift } || \ { [ $1 = hardened ] && our_flags+=($hardened_flags) && shift } || \ { echo "please specify either debug or (de)release or hardened" >&2; return 1 } # TODO add static option local flags=(${@[1,-2]}) local out=/tmp/${${file%%.*}##*/} if [ -n "$MSYSTEM" ]; then # explicitly output to .exe to avoid weirdness out="$out.exe" fi # TODO: naive idea: # allow multiple source files (using the firstmost to determine the program name) # by generating a file that #includes each given file. # move -l flags to the end because gcc won't respect them otherwise # split warning flags so they don't spam the console local final_flags=() local libraries=() local warnings=() for flag in $our_flags $flags; do if [[ $flag == -l* ]]; then libraries+=($flag) elif [[ $flag == -W* ]] && [[ $flag != -Wl* ]]; then warnings+=($flag) if [ $CC = cl ] && [ $flag = -Wall ]; then warnings+=(-wd4711 -wd4505 -wd4514 -wd4625 -wd4626) fi else if [ $CC = clang ]; then if [ $flag = "-findirect-inlining" ] \ || [ $flag = "-finline-small-functions" ]; then continue fi fi if [ $clang_msvc -eq 1 ]; then if [ $flag = "-Wl,--gc-sections" ] \ || [ $flag = "-s" ]; then continue fi fi final_flags+=($flag) fi done [ $CC = cl ] && local outflag=-Fe: || local outflag=-o echo $compiler $std ${final_flags[@]} $file ${libraries[@]} $outflag $out >&2 $compiler $std ${final_flags[@]} $file ${libraries[@]} ${warnings[@]} $outflag $out >&2 } compile "$@"