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mirror of https://github.com/notwa/rc synced 2025-02-05 07:43:22 -08:00

add and redo some vim binds

This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2021-10-07 12:30:41 -07:00
parent 831fd91862
commit ba43bc0bf5

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@ -313,30 +313,33 @@ nn <bar> <c-]>
" execute vim code in visual selection
vmap <space> "xy:@x<cr>
" open a shell (override suspend behavior that just breaks everything)
nn <C-z> :sh<cr>
" this frees up x and X for use if you like
exec "set <s-Del>=\<Esc>[3;2~"
Inn <s-Del> X
" unfollow your leaders
let leader="\\"
" no-op
nn <Leader><Leader> :<cr>
"ino <c-\> <C-o><Leader> " this doesn't workkkkkkkkk
nm <Leader>i i?<Esc>r
nm <Leader>a a?<Esc>r
nn <Leader>p "0p
nn <Leader>P "0P
nn <Leader>e :e **/*
nn <Leader>b :ls<cr>:b<space>
nn <silent> <Leader>d :cd %:p:h<cr>:pwd<cr>
nn <Leader>. @:
"nn <Leader>? :exec getline(".")
nm <Leader>i i?<Esc>r
nn <Leader>, :Tab /,\zs<cr>
"nn <Leader>x :system('chmod +x %') | e
" via bit101
nn <Leader>f :E<cr>
nn <Leader>. @:
nn <Leader><Leader> :<cr>
nn <Leader><space> :call StripTrailingWhitespace()<cr>
"nn <Leader>? :exec getline(".")
nn <Leader>F :E .<cr>
nn <Leader>P "0P
nn <Leader>b :ls<cr>:b<space>
nn <Leader>e :e **/*
nn <Leader>f :E<cr>
nn <Leader>p "0p
"nn <Leader>x :system('chmod +x %') | e
nn <silent> <Leader>d :cd %:p:h<cr>:pwd<cr>
vn <silent> & :call GlobalReplace()<cr>
" alias :W to :w, via https://stackoverflow.com/a/3879737
cnoreabbrev <expr> W ((getcmdtype() is# ':' && getcmdline() is# 'W')?('w'):('W'))