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mirror of https://github.com/notwa/rc synced 2025-03-13 22:02:49 -07:00

add obtain script for bootstrapping HTTPS

This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2024-07-04 10:45:55 -07:00
parent 4f6638ad6f
commit b9f2ea6f0d

sh/obtain Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
__obtain_die() {
printf >&2 'obtain: %s\n' "$*"
[ "$__obtain_code" = 0 ] && exit 2 || exit "$__obtain_code"
__obtain_burl() ( # eaguru.guru/t/burl.sh specialized for this script. 343 bytes
# both methods exhibit a 45 second timeout on my machine.
X(){ printf %s\\r\\n "GET /${Q#/} HTTP/1.0" "Host: $D" '';}
Y(){ while IFS=$R read -r A B;[ "$A" ];do :;done;cat;}
U="${1#http://}" H="${U%%/*}" Q="${U#"$H"}" D="${H%:*}"
[ "$H" = "${D:?}" ]&&P=80||P="${H##*:}";R=$(printf \\r)
if (: </dev/udp/localhost/0)2>&-;then exec 3<>"/dev/tcp/$D/$P"&&X>&3&&Y<&3
else X|/usr/bin/env nc -- "$D" "$P"|Y;fi
__obtain_url() {
__obtain_die "run __obtain_prep first"
__obtain_signed() {
set -- "${1:?no source}" "${2:?no destination}" "${3:-"$__obtain_x"}"
__obtain_url "t.glorp.wang/$1$3" > "$2$3" &&
__obtain_url "t.glorp.wang/$1$3.minisig" > "$2$3.minisig" ||
__obtain_die "failed to download $2 ($1)"
./minisign -QVm "$2$3" -P "$__obtain_public_key" >/dev/null ||
__obtain_die "failed to validate $2$3 ($1$3)"
rm "$2$3.minisig"
if [ "$3" = .gz ]; then
gzip -k -d -f "$2$3" || __obtain_die "failed to extract $2$3 ($1$3)"
rm "$2$3"
__obtain_prep() { # can be run many times in case curl/wget becomes available.
gzip -V >/dev/null 2>&1 && __obtain_x=.gz || __obtain_x=
if curl; [ $? = 2 ]; then __obtain_url() { curl -fsS -m45 -o- "$*" ;}
elif wget; [ $? = 1 ]; then __obtain_url() { wget -qt1 -T45 -O- "$*" ;}
elif __obtain_burl microsoft.com >/dev/null
then __obtain_url() { __obtain_burl "$*" ;}
else __obtain_die "missing curl, wget, bash (/dev/tcp), and nc (netcat)"
fi 2>&-
__obtain() {
arch="$(exec uname -m)" || __obtain_die "uname is missing"
case "$arch" in (*[!A-Za-z0-9._-]*) false; esac ||
__obtain_die '`uname -m` returned something insane:' "$arch"
if [ -d /C ]; then
[ "$arch" = x86_64 ] || __obtain_die "only x86_64 Windows is supported"
case "$arch" in
(aarch64) repo=https://bin.ajam.dev/aarch64_arm64_Linux/;;
(x86_64) repo=https://bin.ajam.dev/x86_64_Linux/;;
umask 0077 && mkdir -p ~/play/bootstrap && cd ~/play/bootstrap ||
__obtain_die "failed to make bootstrap directory"
__obtain_url t.glorp.wang/minisign."$arch" > minisign ||
__obtain_die "failed to download minisign files"
case "$arch" in
(exe) sum=6537b1da726d593877dc21720d8f8c44e6c7485da3dfddddee73e8b457e49b1a;;
(x86_64) sum=9f1adb1db8e70def95f4ace883ab2f8c0484df561d80daa9d008776d487e9b34;;
(aarch64) sum=79f69db01bc98201e02644d0ccb217b3593e4ed2067d56a73f7442e234212883;;
(*) __obtain_die "invalid value for \$arch: $arch"
echo "$sum" \*minisign > minisign.sha256 &&
sha256sum -c minisign.sha256 >/dev/null ||
__obtain_die "failed to validate minisign"
rm minisign.sha256
chmod +x minisign || __obtain_die
# this key is for files that i've personally signed myself.
__obtain_signed "curl.$arch" curl
# this key is only for files signed by my server, not myself.
__obtain_signed cacert.pem cacert.pem
curl="$(readlink -f "curl")" && cert="$(readlink -f "cacert.pem")" ||
__obtain_die "failed to determine paths to bootstrap files"
# TODO: escape paths in case they contain spaces or special characters.
eval "__obtain_url() { $curl --cacert $cert -qfsS -m45 -o- \"\$*\" ;}"
__obtain_url https://ipinfo.io
# FIXME? curl is still accessing these files:
# $ strace -fe trace=file ~/play/bootstrap/curl -q --cacert ~/play/bootstrap/cacert.pem https://example.com
# /etc/hosts
# /etc/netsvc.conf
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# /etc/resolv.conf
# /etc/svc.conf
# /etc/ssl/certs/9f4c149e.0
obtain()(__obtain "$@")
[ -n "${preload+-}" ] || __obtain "$@"
# cursed modeline:
# vim:ft=bash ts=3 sw=3 noet sts=3