personal repo for experimenting with neural networks
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Connor Olding 915b39d783 allow Optimizers to inspect Models (currently unused)
the thing that takes advantage of this may or may not be committed,
so this may or may not get reverted.
2017-08-05 10:41:35 +00:00 allow Optimizers to inspect Models (currently unused) 2017-08-05 10:41:35 +00:00 remove some unused arguments 2017-08-05 10:39:32 +00:00 allow argument passthru to normalizer in _mr_make_norm 2017-08-05 10:40:39 +00:00 yeah probably not 2017-07-12 09:07:22 +00:00

neural network stuff

not unlike my dsp repo, this is a bunch of half-baked python code that's kinda handy. i give no guarantee anything provided here is correct.

don't expect commits, docs, or comments to be any verbose.

other stuff

if you're coming here from Google: sorry, keep searching. i know Google sometimes likes to give random repositories a high search ranking. maybe consider one of the following:

  • keras for easy tensor-optimized networks. strong tensorflow integration as of version 2.0. also check out the keras-contrib library for more components based on recent papers.
  • theano's source code contains pure numpy test methods to reference against.
  • minpy for tensor-powered numpy routines and automatic differentiation.
  • autograd for automatic differentiation without tensors.


python 3.5+

numpy scipy h5py sklearn dotmap

minimal example

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from onn_core import *
bs = 500
lr = 0.0005 * np.sqrt(bs)
reg = L1L2(3.2e-5, 3.2e-4)
final_reg = L1L2(3.2e-5, 1e-3)

def get_mnist(fn='mnist.npz'):
    with np.load(fn) as f:
        return f['X_train'], f['Y_train'], f['X_test'], f['Y_test']
inputs, outputs, valid_inputs, valid_outputs = get_mnist()

x = Input(shape=inputs.shape[1:])
y = x
y = y.feed(Flatten())
y = y.feed(Dense(y.output_shape[0], init=init_he_normal, reg_w=reg, reg_b=reg))
y = y.feed(Relu())
y = y.feed(Dense(y.output_shape[0], init=init_he_normal, reg_w=reg, reg_b=reg))
y = y.feed(Dropout(0.05))
y = y.feed(Relu())
y = y.feed(Dense(10, init=init_glorot_uniform, reg_w=final_reg, reg_b=final_reg))
y = y.feed(Softmax())
model = Model(x, y, unsafe=True)

optim = Adam()
learner = SGDR(optim, epochs=20, rate=lr, restarts=2)
ritual = Ritual(learner=learner, loss=CategoricalCrossentropy(), mloss=Accuracy())
    print("epoch", learner.epoch)
    mloss, _ = ritual.train_batched(inputs, outputs, batch_size=bs, return_losses=True)
    print("train accuracy", "{:6.2f}%".format(mloss * 100))

def print_error(name, inputs, outputs):
    loss, mloss, _, _ = ritual.test_batched(inputs, outputs, bs, return_losses='both')
    predicted = ritual.model.forward(inputs, deterministic=True)
    print(name + " loss", "{:12.6e}".format(loss))
    print(name + " accuracy", "{:6.2f}%".format(mloss * 100))
print_error("train", inputs, outputs)
print_error("valid", valid_inputs, valid_outputs)


i'm just throwing this code out there, so i don't actually expect anyone to contribute, but if you do find a blatant issue, maybe yell at me on twitter.