2017-02-12 17:41:47 -08:00

568 lines
18 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# external packages required for full functionality:
# numpy scipy h5py sklearn dotmap
from optim_nn_core import *
import sys
lament = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def log(left, right):
lament("{:>20}: {}".format(left, right))
class Dummy:
# Loss functions {{{1
class SquaredHalved(Loss):
def f(self, r):
return np.square(r) / 2
def df(self, r):
return r
class SomethingElse(Loss):
# generalizes Absolute and SquaredHalved (|dx| = 1)
# plot: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/fagjg9vuz7
def __init__(self, a=4/3):
assert 1 <= a <= 2, "parameter out of range"
self.a = nf(a / 2)
self.b = nf(2 / a)
self.c = nf(2 / a - 1)
def f(self, r):
return self.a * np.abs(r)**self.b
def df(self, r):
return np.sign(r) * np.abs(r)**self.c
# Parametric Layers {{{1
class LayerNorm(Layer):
# paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06450
# my implementation may be incorrect.
def __init__(self, eps=1e-3, axis=-1):
self.eps = nf(eps)
self.axis = int(axis)
def F(self, X):
self.center = X - np.mean(X, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True)
#self.var = np.var(X, axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) + self.eps
self.var = np.mean(np.square(self.center), axis=self.axis, keepdims=True) + self.eps
self.std = np.sqrt(self.var) + self.eps
Y = self.center / self.std
return Y
def dF(self, dY):
length = self.input_shape[self.axis]
dstd = dY * (-self.center / self.var)
dvar = dstd * (0.5 / self.std)
dcenter2 = dvar * (1 / length)
dcenter = dY * (1 / self.std)
dcenter += dcenter2 * (2 * self.center)
dX = dcenter - dcenter / length
return dX
# Rituals {{{1
def stochastic_multiply(W, gamma=0.5, allow_negation=True):
# paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01981
assert W.ndim == 1, W.ndim
assert 0 < gamma < 1, gamma
size = len(W)
alpha = np.max(np.abs(W))
# NOTE: numpy gives [low, high) but the paper advocates [low, high]
mult = np.random.uniform(gamma, 1/gamma, size=size)
if allow_negation: # TODO: verify this is correct. seems to wreak havok.
prob = (W / alpha + 1) / 2
samples = np.random.random_sample(size=size)
mult *= np.where(samples < prob, 1, -1)
np.multiply(W, mult, out=W)
class StochMRitual(Ritual):
# paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01981
# this probably doesn't make sense for regression problems,
# let alone small models, but here it is anyway!
def __init__(self, learner=None, loss=None, mloss=None, gamma=0.5):
super().__init__(learner, loss, mloss)
self.gamma = nf(gamma)
def prepare(self, model):
self.W = np.copy(model.W)
def learn(self, inputs, outputs):
# an experiment:
#assert self.learner.rate < 10, self.learner.rate
#self.gamma = 1 - 1/2**(1 - np.log10(self.learner.rate))
self.W[:] = self.model.W
for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes:
if isinstance(layer, Dense):
stochastic_multiply(layer.coeffs.ravel(), gamma=self.gamma,
residual = super().learn(inputs, outputs)
self.model.W[:] = self.W
return residual
def update(self):
f = 0.5
for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes:
if isinstance(layer, Dense):
np.clip(layer.W, -layer.std * f, layer.std * f, out=layer.W)
# np.clip(layer.W, -1, 1, out=layer.W)
class NoisyRitual(Ritual):
def __init__(self, learner=None, loss=None, mloss=None,
input_noise=0, output_noise=0, gradient_noise=0):
self.input_noise = nf(input_noise) # TODO: implement
self.output_noise = nf(output_noise) # TODO: implement
self.gradient_noise = nf(gradient_noise)
super().__init__(learner, loss, mloss)
def learn(self, inputs, outputs):
# this is pretty crude
s = self.input_noise
noisy_inputs = inputs + np.random.normal(0, s, size=inputs.shape)
s = self.output_noise
noisy_outputs = outputs + np.random.normal(0, s, size=outputs.shape)
return super().learn(noisy_inputs, noisy_outputs)
def update(self):
# gradient noise paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06807
if self.gradient_noise > 0:
size = len(self.model.dW)
gamma = 0.55
s = self.gradient_noise / (1 + self.bn) ** gamma
# experiments:
#s = np.sqrt(self.learner.rate)
#s = np.square(self.learner.rate)
#s = self.learner.rate / self.en
self.model.dW += np.random.normal(0, s, size=size)
# Learners {{{1
class DumbLearner(AnnealingLearner):
# this is my own awful contraption. it's not really "SGD with restarts".
def __init__(self, optim, epochs=100, rate=None, halve_every=10, restarts=0, restart_advance=20, callback=None):
self.restart_epochs = int(epochs)
self.restarts = int(restarts)
self.restart_advance = float(restart_advance)
self.restart_callback = callback
epochs = self.restart_epochs * (self.restarts + 1)
super().__init__(optim, epochs, rate, halve_every)
def rate_at(self, epoch):
sub_epoch = epoch % self.restart_epochs
restart = epoch // self.restart_epochs
return super().rate_at(sub_epoch) * (self.anneal**self.restart_advance)**restart
def next(self):
if not super().next():
return False
sub_epoch = self.epoch % self.restart_epochs
restart = self.epoch // self.restart_epochs
if restart > 0 and sub_epoch == 0:
if self.restart_callback is not None:
return True
def multiresnet(x, width, depth, block=2, multi=1,
activation=Relu, style='batchless',
y = x
last_size = x.output_shape[0]
FC = lambda size: Dense(size, init)
#FC = lambda size: DenseOneLess(size, init)
for d in range(depth):
size = width
if last_size != size:
y = y.feed(Dense(size, init))
if style == 'batchless':
skip = y
merger = Sum()
z_start = skip.feed(activation())
for i in range(multi):
z = z_start
for i in range(block):
if i > 0:
z = z.feed(activation())
z = z.feed(FC(size))
y = merger
elif style == 'onelesssum':
# this is my own awful contraption.
is_last = d + 1 == depth
needs_sum = not is_last or multi > 1
skip = y
if needs_sum:
merger = Sum()
if not is_last:
z_start = skip.feed(activation())
for i in range(multi):
z = z_start
for i in range(block):
if i > 0:
z = z.feed(activation())
z = z.feed(FC(size))
if needs_sum:
if needs_sum:
y = merger
y = z
raise Exception('unknown resnet style', style)
last_size = size
return y
# etc. {{{1
inits = dict(he_normal=init_he_normal, he_uniform=init_he_uniform)
activations = dict(sigmoid=Sigmoid, tanh=Tanh, relu=Relu, elu=Elu, gelu=GeluApprox)
def normalize_data(data, mean=None, std=None):
# in-place
if mean is None or std is None:
mean = np.mean(data, axis=0)
std = np.std(data, axis=0)
# TODO: construct function call string for copy-paste convenience
print('mean:', mean)
print('std: ', std)
import sys
data -= mean
data /= std
def toy_data(train_samples, valid_samples, problem=2):
total_samples = train_samples + valid_samples
if problem == 1:
from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman1
inputs, outputs = make_friedman1(total_samples)
outputs = np.expand_dims(outputs, -1)
elif problem == 2:
from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman2
inputs, outputs = make_friedman2(total_samples)
outputs = np.expand_dims(outputs, -1)
[5.00e+01, 9.45e+02, 5.01e-01, 5.98e+00],
[2.89e+01, 4.72e+02, 2.89e-01, 2.87e+00])
elif problem == 3:
from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman3
inputs, outputs = make_friedman3(total_samples)
outputs = np.expand_dims(outputs, -1)
[4.98e+01, 9.45e+02, 4.99e-01, 6.02e+00],
[2.88e+01, 4.73e+02, 2.90e-01, 2.87e+00])
raise Exception("unknown toy data set", problem)
# split off a validation set
indices = np.arange(inputs.shape[0])
valid_inputs = inputs[indices][-valid_samples:]
valid_outputs = outputs[indices][-valid_samples:]
inputs = inputs[indices][:-valid_samples]
outputs = outputs[indices][:-valid_samples]
return (inputs, outputs), (valid_inputs, valid_outputs)
def model_from_config(config, input_features, output_features, callbacks):
# Our Test Model
init = inits[config.init]
activation = activations[config.activation]
x = Input(shape=(input_features,))
y = x
y = multiresnet(y,
config.res_width, config.res_depth,
config.res_block, config.res_multi,
activation=activation, init=init,
if y.output_shape[0] != output_features:
y = y.feed(Dense(output_features, init))
model = Model(x, y, unsafe=config.unsafe)
training = config.epochs > 0 and config.restarts >= 0
if config.fn_load is not None:
log('loading weights', config.fn_load)
if config.optim == 'adam':
assert not config.nesterov, "unimplemented"
optim = Adam()
elif config.optim == 'sgd':
if config.momentum != 0:
optim = Momentum(mu=config.momentum, nesterov=config.nesterov)
optim = Optimizer()
raise Exception('unknown optimizer', config.optim)
def rscb(restart):
log("restarting", restart)
if config.restart_optim:
if config.learner == 'sgdr':
expando = config.expando if 'expando' in config else None
learner = SGDR(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn,
restart_decay=config.restart_decay, restarts=config.restarts,
callback=rscb, expando=expando)
# final learning rate isn't of interest here; it's gonna be close to 0.
log('total epochs', learner.epochs)
elif config.learner == 'anneal':
learner = AnnealingLearner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn,
elif config.learner == 'dumb':
learner = DumbLearner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn,
restarts=config.restarts, restart_advance=config.learn_restart_advance,
log("final learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.final_rate))
elif config.learner == 'sgd':
learner = Learner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn)
log("final learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.final_rate))
raise Exception('unknown learner', config.learner)
def lookup_loss(maybe_name):
if isinstance(maybe_name, Loss):
return maybe_name
elif maybe_name == 'mse':
return Squared()
elif maybe_name == 'mshe': # mushy
return SquaredHalved()
elif maybe_name == 'mae':
return Absolute()
elif maybe_name == 'msee':
return SomethingElse()
raise Exception('unknown objective', maybe_name)
loss = lookup_loss(config.loss)
mloss = lookup_loss(config.mloss) if config.mloss else loss
if config.ritual == 'default':
ritual = Ritual(learner=learner, loss=loss, mloss=mloss)
elif config.ritual == 'stochm':
ritual = StochMRitual(learner=learner, loss=loss, mloss=mloss)
elif config.ritual == 'noisy':
ritual = NoisyRitual(learner=learner, loss=loss, mloss=mloss,
input_noise=1e-1, output_noise=1e-2,
raise Exception('unknown ritual', config.ritual)
return model, learner, ritual, (loss, mloss)
# main {{{1
def run(program, args=[]):
# Config
from dotmap import DotMap
config = DotMap(
fn_load = None,
fn_save = 'optim_nn.h5',
log_fn = 'losses.npz',
# multi-residual network parameters
res_width = 28,
res_depth = 2,
res_block = 3, # normally 2 for plain resnet
res_multi = 2, # normally 1 for plain resnet
# style of resnet (order of layers, which layers, etc.)
parallel_style = 'onelesssum',
activation = 'gelu',
optim = 'adam',
nesterov = False, # only used with SGD or Adam
momentum = 0.50, # only used with SGD
batch_size = 64,
# learning parameters
learner = 'sgdr',
learn = 1e-2,
learn_halve_every = 16, # unused with SGDR
learn_restart_advance = 16, # unused with SGDR
epochs = 24,
restarts = 2,
restart_decay = 0.25, # only used with SGDR
expando = lambda i: i + 1,
# misc
init = 'he_normal',
loss = 'mse',
mloss = 'mse',
ritual = 'default',
restart_optim = False, # restarts also reset internal state of optimizer
problem = 3,
# best results for ~10,000 parameters
# (keep these paired; update both at the same time!)
train_compare = 1.854613e-05,
valid_compare = 1.623881e-05,
unsafe = True, # aka gotta go fast mode
for k in ['parallel_style', 'activation', 'optim', 'learner', 'init', 'loss', 'mloss', 'ritual']:
config[k] = config[k].lower()
# toy data
# (our model is probably complete overkill for this, so TODO: better data)
(inputs, outputs), (valid_inputs, valid_outputs) = \
toy_data(2**14, 2**11, problem=config.problem)
input_features = inputs.shape[-1]
output_features = outputs.shape[-1]
callbacks = Dummy()
model, learner, ritual, (loss, mloss) = \
model_from_config(config, input_features, output_features, callbacks)
# Model Information
if 0:
node_names = ' '.join([str(node) for node in model.ordered_nodes])
log('{} nodes'.format(len(model.ordered_nodes)), node_names)
for node in model.ordered_nodes:
children = [str(n) for n in node.children]
if len(children) > 0:
sep = '->'
log('parameters', model.param_count)
# Training
batch_losses = []
train_losses = []
valid_losses = []
def measure_error():
def print_error(name, inputs, outputs, comparison=None):
predicted = model.forward(inputs)
residual = predicted - outputs
err = ritual.measure(residual)
log(name + " loss", "{:12.6e}".format(err))
# TODO: print logarithmic difference as it might be more meaningful
# (fewer results stuck around -99%)
if comparison:
log("improvement", "{:+7.2f}%".format((comparison / err - 1) * 100))
return err
train_err = print_error("train",
inputs, outputs,
valid_err = print_error("valid",
valid_inputs, valid_outputs,
callbacks.restart = measure_error
assert inputs.shape[0] % config.batch_size == 0, \
"inputs is not evenly divisible by batch_size" # TODO: lift this restriction
while learner.next():
indices = np.arange(inputs.shape[0])
shuffled_inputs = inputs[indices]
shuffled_outputs = outputs[indices]
avg_loss, losses = ritual.train_batched(
shuffled_inputs, shuffled_outputs,
batch_losses += losses
#log("learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.rate))
#log("average loss", "{:11.7f}".format(avg_loss))
fmt = "epoch {:4.0f}, rate {:10.8f}, loss {:12.6e}"
log("info", fmt.format(learner.epoch + 1, learner.rate, avg_loss))
if config.fn_save is not None:
log('saving weights', config.fn_save)
model.save_weights(config.fn_save, overwrite=True)
# Evaluation
# TODO: write this portion again
if config.log_fn is not None:
log('saving losses', config.log_fn)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
sys.exit(run(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]))