# random optimization code not unlike [my dsp repo,](https://github.com/notwa/dsp) it's also a bunch of half-baked python code that's kinda handy. i give no guarantee anything provided here is correct. don't expect commits, docs, or comments to be any verbose. ### heads up this was formerly a gist. **i might rewrite the git history** at some point to add meaningful commit messages. ## other stuff if you're coming here from Google: sorry, keep searching. i know Google sometimes likes to give random repositories a high search ranking. maybe consider one of the following: * [keras](https://github.com/fchollet/keras) for easy tensor-optimized networks. strong [tensorflow](http://tensorflow.org) integration as of version 2.0. also check out the [keras-contrib](https://github.com/farizrahman4u/keras-contrib) library for more components based on recent papers. * [theano's source code](https://github.com/Theano/theano/blob/master/theano/tensor/nnet/nnet.py) contains pure numpy test methods to reference against. * [minpy](https://github.com/dmlc/minpy) for tensor-powered numpy routines and automatic differentiation. * [autograd](https://github.com/HIPS/autograd) for automatic differentiation without tensors. ## dependencies python 3.5+ numpy scipy h5py sklearn dotmap ## contributing i'm just throwing this code out there, so i don't actually expect anyone to contribute, *but* if you do find a blatant issue, maybe [yell at me on twitter.](https://twitter.com/antiformant)