import numpy as np from .float import _f from .initialization import * from .ritual_base import * def stochastic_multiply(W, gamma=0.5, allow_negation=False): # paper: assert W.ndim == 1, W.ndim assert 0 < gamma < 1, gamma size = len(W) alpha = np.max(np.abs(W)) # NOTE: numpy gives [low, high) but the paper advocates [low, high] mult = np.random.uniform(gamma, 1/gamma, size=size) if allow_negation: # NOTE: i have yet to see this do anything but cause divergence. # i've referenced the paper several times yet still don't understand # what i'm doing wrong, so i'm disabling it by default in my code. # maybe i just need *a lot* more weights to compensate. prob = (W / alpha + 1) / 2 samples = np.random.random_sample(size=size) mult *= np.where(samples < prob, 1, -1) np.multiply(W, mult, out=W) class StochMRitual(Ritual): # paper: # this probably doesn't make sense for regression problems, # let alone small models, but here it is anyway! def __init__(self, learner=None, gamma=0.5): super().__init__(learner) self.gamma = _f(gamma) def prepare(self, model): self.W = np.copy(model.W) super().prepare(model) def _learn(self, inputs, outputs): # an experiment: # assert self.learner.rate < 10, self.learner.rate # self.gamma = 1 - 1/2**(1 - np.log10(self.learner.rate)) self.W[:] = self.model.W for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes: if isinstance(layer, Dense): stochastic_multiply(layer.coeffs.ravel(), gamma=self.gamma) residual = super().learn(inputs, outputs) self.model.W[:] = self.W return residual def _update(self): super().update() f = 0.5 for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes: if isinstance(layer, Dense): np.clip(layer.W, -layer.std * f, layer.std * f, out=layer.W) # np.clip(layer.W, -1, 1, out=layer.W) class NoisyRitual(Ritual): def __init__(self, learner=None, input_noise=0, output_noise=0, gradient_noise=0): self.input_noise = _f(input_noise) self.output_noise = _f(output_noise) self.gradient_noise = _f(gradient_noise) super().__init__(learner) def _learn(self, inputs, outputs): # this is pretty crude if self.input_noise > 0: s = self.input_noise inputs = inputs + np.random.normal(0, s, size=inputs.shape) if self.output_noise > 0: s = self.output_noise outputs = outputs + np.random.normal(0, s, size=outputs.shape) return super().learn(inputs, outputs) def _update(self): # gradient noise paper: if self.gradient_noise > 0: size = len(self.model.dW) gamma = 0.55 # s = self.gradient_noise / (1 + ** gamma # experiments: s = self.gradient_noise * np.sqrt(self.learner.rate) # s = np.square(self.learner.rate) # s = self.learner.rate / self.en self.model.dW += np.random.normal(0, max(s, 1e-8), size=size) super().update()