#!/usr/bin/env python3 # external packages required for full functionality: # numpy scipy h5py sklearn dotmap # BIG TODO: ensure numpy isn't upcasting to float64 *anywhere*. # this is gonna take some work. from onn_core import * from onn_core import _check, _f, _0, _1 import sys _log_was_update = False def log(left, right, update=False): s = "\x1B[1m {:>20}:\x1B[0m {}".format(left, right) global _log_was_update if update and _log_was_update: lament('\x1B[F' + s) else: lament(s) _log_was_update = update class Dummy: pass # Math Utilities {{{1 def rolling(a, window): # http://stackoverflow.com/a/4924433 shape = (a.size - window + 1, window) strides = (a.itemsize, a.itemsize) return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides) def rolling_batch(a, window): # same as rolling, but acts on each batch (axis 0). shape = (a.shape[0], a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window) strides = (np.prod(a.shape[1:]) * a.itemsize, a.itemsize, a.itemsize) return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides) # Initializations {{{1 def init_gaussian_unit(size, ins, outs): s = np.sqrt(1 / ins) return np.random.normal(0, s, size=size) # Loss functions {{{1 class SomethingElse(ResidualLoss): # generalizes Absolute and SquaredHalved. # plot: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/fagjg9vuz7 def __init__(self, a=4/3): assert 1 <= a <= 2, "parameter out of range" self.a = _f(a / 2) self.b = _f(2 / a) self.c = _f(2 / a - 1) def f(self, r): return self.a * np.abs(r)**self.b def df(self, r): return np.sign(r) * np.abs(r)**self.c class Confidence(Loss): # this isn't "confidence" in any meaningful way; (e.g. Bayesian) # it's just a metric of how large the value is of the predicted class. # when using it for loss, it acts like a crappy regularizer. # it really just measures how much of a hot-shot the network thinks it is. def forward(self, p, y=None): categories = p.shape[-1] confidence = (np.max(p, axis=-1) - 1/categories) / (1 - 1/categories) # the exponent in softmax puts a maximum on confidence, # but we don't compensate for that. if necessary, # it'd be better to use an activation that doesn't have this limit. return np.mean(confidence) def backward(self, p, y=None): # in order to agree with the forward pass, # using this backwards pass as-is will minimize confidence. categories = p.shape[-1] detc = p / categories / (1 - 1/categories) dmax = p == np.max(p, axis=-1, keepdims=True) return detc * dmax # Regularizers {{{1 class SaturateRelu(Regularizer): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.09202 # TODO: test this (and ActivityRegularizer) more thoroughly. # i've looked at the histogram of the resulting weights. # it seems like only the layers after this are affected # the way they should be. def __init__(self, lamb=0.0): self.lamb = _f(lamb) def forward(self, X): return self.lamb * np.where(X >= 0, X, 0) def backward(self, X): return self.lamb * np.where(X >= 0, 1, 0) # Optimizers {{{1 class FTML(Optimizer): # paper: http://www.cse.ust.hk/~szhengac/papers/icml17.pdf # author's implementation: https://github.com/szhengac/optim/commit/923555e def __init__(self, lr=0.0025, b1=0.6, b2=0.999, eps=1e-8): self.iterations = _0 self.b1 = _f(b1) # decay term self.b2 = _f(b2) # decay term self.eps = _f(eps) super().__init__(lr) def reset(self): self.dt1 = None self.dt = None self.vt = None self.zt = None self.b1_t = _1 self.b2_t = _1 def compute(self, dW, W): if self.dt1 is None: self.dt1 = np.zeros_like(dW) if self.dt is None: self.dt = np.zeros_like(dW) if self.vt is None: self.vt = np.zeros_like(dW) if self.zt is None: self.zt = np.zeros_like(dW) # NOTE: we could probably rewrite these equations to avoid this copy. self.dt1[:] = self.dt[:] self.b1_t *= self.b1 self.b2_t *= self.b2 # hardly an elegant solution. lr = max(self.lr, self.eps) # same as Adam's vt. self.vt[:] = self.b2 * self.vt + (1 - self.b2) * dW * dW # you can factor "inner" out of Adam as well. inner = np.sqrt(self.vt / (1 - self.b2_t)) + self.eps self.dt[:] = (1 - self.b1_t) / lr * inner sigma_t = self.dt - self.b1 * self.dt1 # Adam's mt minus the sigma term. self.zt[:] = self.b1 * self.zt + (1 - self.b1) * dW - sigma_t * W # subtract by weights to avoid having to override self.update. return -self.zt / self.dt - W class MomentumClip(Optimizer): def __init__(self, lr=0.01, mu=0.9, nesterov=False, clip=1.0, debug=False): self.mu = _f(mu) self.clip = _f(clip) self.nesterov = bool(nesterov) self.debug = bool(debug) super().__init__(lr) def reset(self): self.accum = None def compute(self, dW, W): if self.accum is None: self.accum = np.zeros_like(dW) total_norm = np.linalg.norm(dW) clip_scale = self.clip / (total_norm + 1e-6) if clip_scale < 1: if self.debug: lament("clipping gradients; norm: {:10.5f}".format(total_norm)) dW *= clip_scale self.accum[:] = self.accum * self.mu + dW if self.nesterov: return -self.lr * (self.accum * self.mu + dW) else: return -self.lr * self.accum class YellowFin(Optimizer): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03471 # knowyourmeme: http://cs.stanford.edu/~zjian/project/YellowFin/ # author's implementation: https://github.com/JianGoForIt/YellowFin/blob/master/tuner_utils/yellowfin.py # code lifted: https://gist.github.com/botev/f8b32c00eafee222e47393f7f0747666 def __init__(self, lr=0.1, mu=0.0, beta=0.999, window_size=20, debias=True, clip=1.0): self.lr_default = _f(lr) self.mu_default = _f(mu) self.beta = _f(beta) self.window_size = int(window_size) # curv_win_width self.debias_enabled = bool(debias) self.clip = _f(clip) self.mu = _f(mu) # momentum super().__init__(lr) def reset(self): self.accum = None self.lr = self.lr_default self.mu = self.mu_default self.step = 0 self.beta_t = self.beta self.curv_win = np.zeros([self.window_size,], dtype=np.float32) self.h_min = None self.h_max = None self.g_lpf = 0 #self.g_squared_lpf = 0 self.g_norm_squared_lpf = 0 self.g_norm_lpf = 0 self.h_min_lpf = 0 self.h_max_lpf = 0 self.dist_lpf = 0 self.lr_lpf = 0 self.mu_lpf = 0 def get_lr_mu(self): p = (np.square(self.dist_avg) * np.square(self.h_min)) / (2 * self.g_var) w3 = p * (np.sqrt(0.25 + p / 27.0) - 0.5) w = np.power(w3, 1/3) y = w - p / (3 * w) sqrt_mu1 = y + 1 sqrt_h_min = np.sqrt(self.h_min) sqrt_h_max = np.sqrt(self.h_max) sqrt_mu2 = (sqrt_h_max - sqrt_h_min) / (sqrt_h_max + sqrt_h_min) sqrt_mu = max(sqrt_mu1, sqrt_mu2) if sqrt_mu2 > sqrt_mu1: print('note: taking dr calculation. something may have exploded.') lr = np.square(1 - sqrt_mu) / self.h_min mu = np.square(sqrt_mu) return lr, mu def compute(self, dW, W): if self.accum is None: self.accum = np.zeros_like(dW) # TODO: prevent allocations everywhere by using [:]. # assuming that really works. i haven't actually checked. total_norm = np.linalg.norm(dW) clip_scale = self.clip / (total_norm + 1e-6) if clip_scale < 1: #print("clipping gradients; norm: {:10.5f}".format(total_norm)) dW *= clip_scale #fmt = 'W std: {:10.7f}e-3, dWstd: {:10.7f}e-3, V std: {:10.7f}e-3' #print(fmt.format(np.std(W), np.std(dW) * 100, np.std(V) * 100)) b = self.beta m1b = 1 - self.beta debias = 1 / (1 - self.beta_t) if self.debias_enabled else 1 g = dW g_squared = np.square(g) g_norm_squared = np.sum(g_squared) g_norm = np.sqrt(g_norm_squared) self.curv_win[self.step % self.window_size] = g_norm_squared valid_window = self.curv_win[:min(self.window_size, self.step + 1)] h_min_t = np.min(valid_window) h_max_t = np.max(valid_window) self.g_lpf = b * self.g_lpf + m1b * g #self.g_squared_lpf = b * self.g_squared_lpf + m1b * g_squared self.g_norm_squared_lpf = b * self.g_norm_squared_lpf + m1b * g_norm_squared self.g_norm_lpf = b * self.g_norm_lpf + m1b * g_norm self.h_min_lpf = b * self.h_min_lpf + m1b * h_min_t self.h_max_lpf = b * self.h_max_lpf + m1b * h_max_t g_avg = debias * self.g_lpf #g_squared_avg = debias * self.g_squared_lpf g_norm_squared_avg = debias * self.g_norm_squared_lpf g_norm_avg = debias * self.g_norm_lpf self.h_min = debias * self.h_min_lpf self.h_max = debias * self.h_max_lpf assert self.h_max >= self.h_min dist = g_norm_avg / g_norm_squared_avg self.dist_lpf = b * self.dist_lpf + m1b * dist self.dist_avg = debias * self.dist_lpf self.g_var = g_norm_squared_avg - np.sum(np.square(g_avg)) # equivalently: #self.g_var = np.sum(np.abs(g_squared_avg - np.square(g_avg))) if self.step > 0: lr_for_real, mu_for_real = self.get_lr_mu() self.mu_lpf = b * self.mu_lpf + m1b * mu_for_real self.lr_lpf = b * self.lr_lpf + m1b * lr_for_real self.mu = debias * self.mu_lpf self.lr = debias * self.lr_lpf self.accum[:] = self.accum * self.mu - self.lr * dW V = self.accum self.step += 1 self.beta_t *= self.beta return V class AddSign(Optimizer): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.07417 def __init__(self, lr=0.01, mu=0.9, alpha=1): self.mu = _f(mu) self.alpha = _f(alpha) super().__init__(lr) def reset(self): self.accum = None def compute(self, dW, W): if self.accum is None: self.accum = np.zeros_like(dW) self.accum[:] = self.accum * self.mu + dW signed = np.sign(dW) * np.sign(self.accum) #signed *= decay return -self.lr * dW * (self.alpha + signed) class PowerSign(Optimizer): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.07417 def __init__(self, lr=0.01, mu=0.9, alpha=np.e): self.mu = _f(mu) self.alpha = _f(alpha) self.use_exp = np.isclose(self.alpha, _f(np.e)) super().__init__(lr) def reset(self): self.accum = None def compute(self, dW, W): if self.accum is None: self.accum = np.zeros_like(dW) self.accum[:] = self.accum * self.mu + dW signed = np.sign(dW) * np.sign(self.accum) #signed *= decay if self.use_exp: return -self.lr * dW * np.exp(signed) else: return -self.lr * dW * np.power(self.alpha, signed) # Nonparametric Layers {{{1 class AlphaDropout(Layer): # to be used alongside Selu activations. # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02515 def __init__(self, dropout=0.0, alpha=1.67326324, lamb=1.05070099): super().__init__() self.alpha = _f(alpha) self.lamb = _f(lamb) self.saturated = -self.lamb * self.alpha self.dropout = _f(dropout) @property def dropout(self): return self._dropout @dropout.setter def dropout(self, x): self._dropout = _f(x) self.q = 1 - self._dropout assert 0 <= self.q <= 1 sat = self.saturated self.a = 1 / np.sqrt(self.q + sat * sat * self.q * self._dropout) self.b = -self.a * (self._dropout * sat) def forward(self, X): self.mask = np.random.rand(*X.shape) < self.q return self.a * np.where(self.mask, X, self.saturated) + self.b def forward_deterministic(self, X): return X def backward(self, dY): return dY * self.a * self.mask class Decimate(Layer): # simple decimaton layer that drops every other sample from the last axis. def __init__(self, phase='even'): super().__init__() # phase is the set of samples we keep in the forward pass. assert phase in ('even', 'odd'), phase self.phase = phase def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape divy = (shape[-1] + 1) // 2 if self.phase == 'even' else shape[-1] // 2 self.output_shape = tuple(list(shape[:-1]) + [divy]) self.dX = np.zeros(self.input_shape, dtype=_f) def forward(self, X): self.batch_size = X.shape[0] if self.phase == 'even': return X.ravel()[0::2].reshape(self.batch_size, *self.output_shape) elif self.phase == 'odd': return X.ravel()[1::2].reshape(self.batch_size, *self.output_shape) def backward(self, dY): assert dY.shape[0] == self.batch_size dX = np.zeros((self.batch_size, *self.input_shape), dtype=_f) if self.phase == 'even': dX.ravel()[0::2] = dY.ravel() elif self.phase == 'odd': dX.ravel()[1::2] = dY.ravel() return dX class Undecimate(Layer): # inverse operation of Decimate. not quite interpolation. def __init__(self, phase='even'): super().__init__() # phase is the set of samples we keep in the backward pass. assert phase in ('even', 'odd'), phase self.phase = phase def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape mult = shape[-1] * 2 self.output_shape = tuple(list(shape[:-1]) + [mult]) def forward(self, X): self.batch_size = X.shape[0] Y = np.zeros((self.batch_size, *self.output_shape), dtype=_f) if self.phase == 'even': Y.ravel()[0::2] = X.ravel() elif self.phase == 'odd': Y.ravel()[1::2] = X.ravel() return Y def backward(self, dY): assert dY.shape[0] == self.batch_size if self.phase == 'even': return dY.ravel()[0::2].reshape(self.batch_size, *self.input_shape) elif self.phase == 'odd': return dY.ravel()[1::2].reshape(self.batch_size, *self.input_shape) # Activations {{{2 class Selu(Layer): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02515 def __init__(self, alpha=1.67326324, lamb=1.05070099): super().__init__() self.alpha = _f(alpha) self.lamb = _f(lamb) def forward(self, X): self.cond = X >= 0 self.neg = self.alpha * np.exp(X) return self.lamb * np.where(self.cond, X, self.neg - self.alpha) def backward(self, dY): return dY * self.lamb * np.where(self.cond, 1, self.neg) class TanhTest(Layer): def forward(self, X): self.sig = np.tanh(1 / 2 * X) return 2.4004 * self.sig def backward(self, dY): return dY * (1 / 2 * 2.4004) * (1 - self.sig * self.sig) class ExpGB(Layer): # an output layer for one-hot classification problems. # use with MSE (SquaredHalved), not CategoricalCrossentropy! # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.04199 def __init__(self, alpha=0.1, beta=0.0): super().__init__() self.alpha = _f(alpha) self.beta = _f(beta) def forward(self, X): return self.alpha * np.exp(X) + self.beta def backward(self, dY): # this gradient is intentionally incorrect. return dY class CubicGB(Layer): # an output layer for one-hot classification problems. # use with MSE (SquaredHalved), not CategoricalCrossentropy! # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.04199 # note: in the paper, it's called pow3GB, which is ugly. def __init__(self, alpha=0.1, beta=0.0): # note: the paper suggests defaults of 0.001 and 0.0, # but these didn't seem to work as well in my limited testing. super().__init__() self.alpha = _f(alpha) self.beta = _f(beta) def forward(self, X): return self.alpha * X**3 + self.beta def backward(self, dY): # this gradient is intentionally incorrect. return dY # Parametric Layers {{{1 class Conv1Dper(Layer): # periodic (circular) convolution. # currently only supports one channel I/O. # some notes: # we could use FFTs for larger convolutions. # i think storing the coefficients backwards would # eliminate reversal in the critical code. serialize = { 'W': 'coeffs', } def __init__(self, kernel_size, pos=None, init=init_glorot_uniform, reg_w=None): super().__init__() self.kernel_size = int(kernel_size) self.coeffs = self._new_weights('coeffs', init=init, regularizer=reg_w) if pos is None: self.wrap0 = (self.kernel_size - 0) // 2 self.wrap1 = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2 elif pos == 'alt': self.wrap0 = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2 self.wrap1 = (self.kernel_size - 0) // 2 elif pos == 'left': self.wrap0 = 0 self.wrap1 = self.kernel_size - 1 elif pos == 'right': self.wrap0 = self.kernel_size - 1 self.wrap1 = 0 else: raise Exception("pos parameter not understood: {}".format(pos)) def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 1, shape self.output_shape = shape self.coeffs.shape = (1, self.kernel_size) def forward(self, X): if self.wrap0 == 0: Xper = np.hstack((X,X[:,:self.wrap1])) elif self.wrap1 == 0: Xper = np.hstack((X[:,-self.wrap0:],X)) else: Xper = np.hstack((X[:,-self.wrap0:],X,X[:,:self.wrap1])) self.cols = rolling_batch(Xper, self.kernel_size) convolved = (self.cols * self.coeffs.f[:,::-1]).sum(2) return convolved def backward(self, dY): self.coeffs.g += (dY[:,:,None] * self.cols).sum(0)[:,::-1].sum(0, keepdims=True) return (dY[:,:,None] * self.coeffs.f[:,::-1]).sum(2) class LayerNorm(Layer): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.06450 # note: nonparametric when affine == False def __init__(self, eps=1e-5, affine=True): super().__init__() self.eps = _f(eps) self.affine = bool(affine) if self.affine: self.gamma = self._new_weights('gamma', init=init_ones) self.beta = self._new_weights('beta', init=init_zeros) self.serialized = { 'gamma': 'gamma', 'beta': 'beta', } def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape self.output_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 1, shape if self.affine: self.gamma.shape = (shape[0],) self.beta.shape = (shape[0],) def forward(self, X): self.mean = X.mean(0) self.center = X - self.mean self.var = self.center.var(0) + self.eps self.std = np.sqrt(self.var) self.Xnorm = self.center / self.std if self.affine: return self.gamma.f * self.Xnorm + self.beta.f return self.Xnorm def backward(self, dY): length = dY.shape[0] if self.affine: dXnorm = dY * self.gamma.f self.gamma.g += (dY * self.Xnorm).sum(0) self.beta.g += dY.sum(0) else: dXnorm = dY dstd = (dXnorm * self.center).sum(0) / -self.var dcenter = dXnorm / self.std + dstd / self.std * self.center / length dmean = -dcenter.sum(0) dX = dcenter + dmean / length return dX class Denses(Layer): # TODO: rename? # acts as a separate Dense for each row or column. only for 2D arrays. serialized = { 'W': 'coeffs', 'b': 'biases', } def __init__(self, dim, init=init_he_uniform, reg_w=None, reg_b=None, axis=-1): super().__init__() self.dim = int(dim) self.weight_init = init self.axis = int(axis) self.coeffs = self._new_weights('coeffs', init=init, regularizer=reg_w) self.biases = self._new_weights('biases', init=init_zeros, regularizer=reg_b) def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 2, shape assert -len(shape) <= self.axis < len(shape) self.axis = self.axis % len(shape) self.output_shape = list(shape) self.output_shape[self.axis] = self.dim self.output_shape = tuple(self.output_shape) in_rows = self.input_shape[0] in_cols = self.input_shape[1] out_rows = self.output_shape[0] out_cols = self.output_shape[1] self.coeffs.shape = (in_rows, in_cols, self.dim) self.biases.shape = (1, out_rows, out_cols) def forward(self, X): self.X = X if self.axis == 0: return np.einsum('ixj,xjk->ikj', X, self.coeffs.f) + self.biases.f elif self.axis == 1: return np.einsum('ijx,jxk->ijk', X, self.coeffs.f) + self.biases.f def backward(self, dY): self.biases.g += dY.sum(0, keepdims=True) if self.axis == 0: self.coeffs.g += np.einsum('ixj,ikj->xjk', self.X, dY) return np.einsum('ikj,xjk->ixj', dY, self.coeffs.f) elif self.axis == 1: self.coeffs.g += np.einsum('ijx,ijk->jxk', self.X, dY) return np.einsum('ijk,jxk->ijx', dY, self.coeffs.f) class CosineDense(Dense): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.05870 # another implementation: https://github.com/farizrahman4u/keras-contrib/pull/36 # the paper doesn't mention bias, # so we treat bias as an additional weight with a constant input of 1. # this is correct in Dense layers, so i hope it's correct here too. eps = 1e-4 def forward(self, X): self.X = X self.X_norm = np.sqrt(np.square(X).sum(-1, keepdims=True) \ + 1 + self.eps) self.W_norm = np.sqrt(np.square(self.coeffs.f).sum(0, keepdims=True) \ + np.square(self.biases.f) + self.eps) self.dot = X.dot(self.coeffs.f) + self.biases.f Y = self.dot / (self.X_norm * self.W_norm) return Y def backward(self, dY): ddot = dY / self.X_norm / self.W_norm dX_norm = -(dY * self.dot / self.W_norm).sum(-1, keepdims=True) / self.X_norm**2 dW_norm = -(dY * self.dot / self.X_norm).sum( 0, keepdims=True) / self.W_norm**2 self.coeffs.g += self.X.T.dot(ddot) \ + dW_norm / self.W_norm * self.coeffs.f self.biases.g += ddot.sum(0, keepdims=True) \ + dW_norm / self.W_norm * self.biases.f dX = ddot.dot(self.coeffs.f.T) + dX_norm / self.X_norm * self.X return dX # Rituals {{{1 def stochastic_multiply(W, gamma=0.5, allow_negation=False): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01981 assert W.ndim == 1, W.ndim assert 0 < gamma < 1, gamma size = len(W) alpha = np.max(np.abs(W)) # NOTE: numpy gives [low, high) but the paper advocates [low, high] mult = np.random.uniform(gamma, 1/gamma, size=size) if allow_negation: # NOTE: i have yet to see this do anything but cause divergence. # i've referenced the paper several times yet still don't understand # what i'm doing wrong, so i'm disabling it by default in my code. # maybe i just need *a lot* more weights to compensate. prob = (W / alpha + 1) / 2 samples = np.random.random_sample(size=size) mult *= np.where(samples < prob, 1, -1) np.multiply(W, mult, out=W) class StochMRitual(Ritual): # paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.01981 # this probably doesn't make sense for regression problems, # let alone small models, but here it is anyway! def __init__(self, learner=None, gamma=0.5): super().__init__(learner) self.gamma = _f(gamma) def prepare(self, model): self.W = np.copy(model.W) super().prepare(model) def learn(self, inputs, outputs): # an experiment: #assert self.learner.rate < 10, self.learner.rate #self.gamma = 1 - 1/2**(1 - np.log10(self.learner.rate)) self.W[:] = self.model.W for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes: if isinstance(layer, Dense): stochastic_multiply(layer.coeffs.ravel(), gamma=self.gamma) residual = super().learn(inputs, outputs) self.model.W[:] = self.W return residual def update(self): super().update() f = 0.5 for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes: if isinstance(layer, Dense): np.clip(layer.W, -layer.std * f, layer.std * f, out=layer.W) # np.clip(layer.W, -1, 1, out=layer.W) class NoisyRitual(Ritual): def __init__(self, learner=None, input_noise=0, output_noise=0, gradient_noise=0): self.input_noise = _f(input_noise) self.output_noise = _f(output_noise) self.gradient_noise = _f(gradient_noise) super().__init__(learner) def learn(self, inputs, outputs): # this is pretty crude if self.input_noise > 0: s = self.input_noise inputs = inputs + np.random.normal(0, s, size=inputs.shape) if self.output_noise > 0: s = self.output_noise outputs = outputs + np.random.normal(0, s, size=outputs.shape) return super().learn(inputs, outputs) def update(self): # gradient noise paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06807 if self.gradient_noise > 0: size = len(self.model.dW) gamma = 0.55 #s = self.gradient_noise / (1 + self.bn) ** gamma # experiments: s = self.gradient_noise * np.sqrt(self.learner.rate) #s = np.square(self.learner.rate) #s = self.learner.rate / self.en self.model.dW += np.random.normal(0, max(s, 1e-8), size=size) super().update() # Learners {{{1 class PolyLearner(Learner): per_batch = True def __init__(self, optim, epochs=400, coeffs=(1,)): self.coeffs = tuple(coeffs) super().__init__(optim, epochs, np.polyval(self.coeffs, 0)) def rate_at(self, epoch): progress = (epoch - 1) / (self.epochs) ret = np.polyval(self.coeffs, progress) return np.abs(ret) class DumbLearner(AnnealingLearner): # this is my own awful contraption. it's not really "SGD with restarts". def __init__(self, optim, epochs=100, rate=None, halve_every=10, restarts=0, restart_advance=20, callback=None): self.restart_epochs = int(epochs) self.restarts = int(restarts) self.restart_advance = float(restart_advance) self.restart_callback = callback epochs = self.restart_epochs * (self.restarts + 1) super().__init__(optim, epochs, rate, halve_every) def rate_at(self, epoch): sub_epoch = epoch % self.restart_epochs restart = epoch // self.restart_epochs return super().rate_at(sub_epoch) * (self.anneal**self.restart_advance)**restart def next(self): if not super().next(): return False sub_epoch = self.epoch % self.restart_epochs restart = self.epoch // self.restart_epochs if restart > 0 and sub_epoch == 0: if self.restart_callback is not None: self.restart_callback(restart) return True # Components {{{1 def _mr_make_norm(norm, *args, **kwargs): def _mr_norm(y, width, depth, block, multi, activation, style, FC, d): skip = y merger = Sum() skip.feed(merger) z_start = skip z_start = z_start.feed(norm(*args, **kwargs)) z_start = z_start.feed(activation()) for _ in range(multi): z = z_start for j in range(block): if j > 0: z = z.feed(norm(*args, **kwargs)) z = z.feed(activation()) z = z.feed(FC()) z.feed(merger) y = merger return y return _mr_norm def _mr_batchless(y, width, depth, block, multi, activation, style, FC, d): skip = y merger = Sum() skip.feed(merger) z_start = skip.feed(activation()) for _ in range(multi): z = z_start for j in range(block): if j > 0: z = z.feed(activation()) z = z.feed(FC()) z.feed(merger) y = merger return y def _mr_onelesssum(y, width, depth, block, multi, activation, style, FC, d): # this is my own awful contraption. is_last = d + 1 == depth needs_sum = not is_last or multi > 1 skip = y if needs_sum: merger = Sum() if not is_last: skip.feed(merger) z_start = skip.feed(activation()) for _ in range(multi): z = z_start for j in range(block): if j > 0: z = z.feed(activation()) z = z.feed(FC()) if needs_sum: z.feed(merger) if needs_sum: y = merger else: y = z return y _mr_styles = dict( lnorm=_mr_make_norm(LayerNorm), batchless=_mr_batchless, onelesssum=_mr_onelesssum, ) def multiresnet(x, width, depth, block=2, multi=1, activation=Relu, style='batchless', init=init_he_normal): if style == 'cossim': style = 'batchless' DenseClass = CosineDense else: DenseClass = Dense if style not in _mr_styles: raise Exception('unknown resnet style', style) y = x last_size = x.output_shape[0] for d in range(depth): size = width FC = lambda: DenseClass(size, init) if last_size != size: y = y.feed(FC()) y = _mr_styles[style](y, width, depth, block, multi, activation, style, FC, d) last_size = size return y # Toy Data {{{1 inits = dict(he_normal=init_he_normal, he_uniform=init_he_uniform, glorot_normal=init_glorot_normal, glorot_uniform=init_glorot_uniform, gaussian_unit=init_gaussian_unit) activations = dict(sigmoid=Sigmoid, tanh=Tanh, lecun=LeCunTanh, relu=Relu, elu=Elu, gelu=GeluApprox, selu=Selu, softplus=Softplus) def prettyize(data): if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): s = ', '.join(('{:8.2e}'.format(n) for n in data)) s = '[' + s + ']' else: s = '{:8.2e}'.format(data) return s def normalize_data(data, mean=None, std=None): # in-place if mean is None or std is None: mean = np.mean(data, axis=0) std = np.std(data, axis=0) mean_str = prettyize(mean) std_str = prettyize(std) lament('nod(...,\n {},\n {})'.format(mean_str, std_str)) sys.exit(1) data -= _f(mean) data /= _f(std) def toy_data(train_samples, valid_samples, problem=2): total_samples = train_samples + valid_samples nod = normalize_data # shorthand to keep a sane indentation if problem == 0: from ml.cie_mlp_data import inputs, outputs, valid_inputs, valid_outputs inputs, outputs = _f(inputs), _f(outputs) valid_inputs, valid_outputs = _f(valid_inputs), _f(valid_outputs) nod(inputs, 127.5, 73.9) nod(outputs, 44.8, 21.7) nod(valid_inputs, 127.5, 73.9) nod(valid_outputs, 44.8, 21.7) elif problem == 1: from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman1 inputs, outputs = make_friedman1(total_samples) inputs, outputs = _f(inputs), _f(outputs) outputs = np.expand_dims(outputs, -1) nod(inputs, 0.5, 1/np.sqrt(12)) nod(outputs, 14.4, 4.9) elif problem == 2: from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman2 inputs, outputs = make_friedman2(total_samples) inputs, outputs = _f(inputs), _f(outputs) outputs = np.expand_dims(outputs, -1) nod(inputs, [5.00e+01, 9.45e+02, 5.01e-01, 5.98e+00], [2.89e+01, 4.72e+02, 2.89e-01, 2.87e+00]) nod(outputs, [482], [380]) elif problem == 3: from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman3 inputs, outputs = make_friedman3(total_samples) inputs, outputs = _f(inputs), _f(outputs) outputs = np.expand_dims(outputs, -1) nod(inputs, [4.98e+01, 9.45e+02, 4.99e-01, 6.02e+00], [2.88e+01, 4.73e+02, 2.90e-01, 2.87e+00]) nod(outputs, [1.32327931], [0.31776295]) else: raise Exception("unknown toy data set", problem) if problem != 0: # split off a validation set indices = np.arange(inputs.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(indices) valid_inputs = inputs[indices][-valid_samples:] valid_outputs = outputs[indices][-valid_samples:] inputs = inputs[indices][:-valid_samples] outputs = outputs[indices][:-valid_samples] return (inputs, outputs), (valid_inputs, valid_outputs) # Model Creation {{{1 def optim_from_config(config): if config.optim == 'adam': d1 = config.optim_decay1 if 'optim_decay1' in config else 9.5 d2 = config.optim_decay2 if 'optim_decay2' in config else 999.5 b1 = np.exp(-1/d1) b2 = np.exp(-1/d2) o = Nadam if config.nesterov else Adam optim = o(b1=b1, b2=b2) elif config.optim == 'ftml': d1 = config.optim_decay1 if 'optim_decay1' in config else 2 d2 = config.optim_decay2 if 'optim_decay2' in config else 999.5 b1 = np.exp(-1/d1) b2 = np.exp(-1/d2) optim = FTML(b1=b1, b2=b2) elif config.optim == 'yf': d1 = config.optim_decay1 if 'optim_decay1' in config else 999.5 d2 = config.optim_decay2 if 'optim_decay2' in config else 999.5 if d1 != d2: raise Exception("yellowfin only uses one decay term.") beta = np.exp(-1/d1) optim = YellowFin(beta=beta) elif config.optim in ('rms', 'rmsprop'): d2 = config.optim_decay2 if 'optim_decay2' in config else 99.5 mu = np.exp(-1/d2) optim = RMSprop(mu=mu) elif config.optim == 'sgd': d1 = config.optim_decay1 if 'optim_decay1' in config else 0 clip = config.gradient_clip if 'gradient_clip' in config else 0.0 if d1 > 0 or clip > 0: b1 = np.exp(-1/d1) if d1 > 0 else 0 if clip > 0: optim = MomentumClip(mu=b1, nesterov=config.nesterov, clip=clip) else: optim = Momentum(mu=b1, nesterov=config.nesterov) else: optim = Optimizer() else: raise Exception('unknown optimizer', config.optim) return optim def learner_from_config(config, optim, rscb): if config.learner == 'sgdr': expando = config.expando if 'expando' in config else None learner = SGDR(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn, restart_decay=config.restart_decay, restarts=config.restarts, callback=rscb, expando=expando) # final learning rate isn't of interest here; it's gonna be close to 0. log('total epochs', learner.epochs) elif config.learner in ('sin', 'sine'): lower_rate = config.learn * 1e-5 # TODO: allow access to this. epochs = config.epochs * (config.restarts + 1) frequency = config.epochs learner = SineCLR(optim, epochs=epochs, frequency=frequency, upper_rate=config.learn, lower_rate=lower_rate, callback=rscb) elif config.learner == 'wave': lower_rate = config.learn * 1e-5 # TODO: allow access to this. epochs = config.epochs * (config.restarts + 1) frequency = config.epochs learner = WaveCLR(optim, epochs=epochs, frequency=frequency, upper_rate=config.learn, lower_rate=lower_rate, callback=rscb) elif config.learner == 'anneal': learner = AnnealingLearner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn, halve_every=config.learn_halve_every) log("final learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.final_rate)) elif config.learner == 'dumb': learner = DumbLearner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn, halve_every=config.learn_halve_every, restarts=config.restarts, restart_advance=config.learn_restart_advance, callback=rscb) log("final learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.final_rate)) elif config.learner == 'sgd': learner = Learner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn) else: raise Exception('unknown learner', config.learner) return learner def lookup_loss(maybe_name): if isinstance(maybe_name, Loss): return maybe_name elif maybe_name == 'mse': return Squared() elif maybe_name == 'mshe': # mushy return SquaredHalved() elif maybe_name == 'mae': return Absolute() elif maybe_name == 'msee': return SomethingElse() raise Exception('unknown objective', maybe_name) def ritual_from_config(config, learner): if config.ritual == 'default': ritual = Ritual(learner=learner) elif config.ritual == 'stochm': ritual = StochMRitual(learner=learner) elif config.ritual == 'noisy': ritual = NoisyRitual(learner=learner, input_noise=1e-1, output_noise=1e-2, gradient_noise=2e-7) else: raise Exception('unknown ritual', config.ritual) return ritual def model_from_config(config, input_features, output_features, callbacks=None): init = inits[config.init] activation = activations[config.activation] x = Input(shape=(input_features,)) y = x y = multiresnet(y, config.res_width, config.res_depth, config.res_block, config.res_multi, activation=activation, init=init, style=config.parallel_style) if y.output_shape[0] != output_features: y = y.feed(Dense(output_features, init)) loss = lookup_loss(config.loss) mloss = lookup_loss(config.mloss) if config.mloss else loss model = Model(x, y, loss=loss, mloss=mloss, unsafe=config.unsafe) if config.fn_load is not None: log('loading weights', config.fn_load) model.load_weights(config.fn_load) optim = optim_from_config(config) def rscb(restart): if callbacks: callbacks.restart() log("restarting", restart) if config.restart_optim: optim.reset() learner = learner_from_config(config, optim, rscb) ritual = ritual_from_config(config, learner) return model, learner, ritual # main program {{{1 def run(program, args=None): args = args if args else [] lower_priority() np.random.seed(42069) # Config {{{2 from dotmap import DotMap config = DotMap( fn_load = None, fn_save = 'optim_nn.h5', log_fn = 'losses.npz', # multi-residual network parameters res_width = 28, res_depth = 2, res_block = 3, # normally 2 for plain resnet res_multi = 2, # normally 1 for plain resnet # style of resnet (order of layers, which layers, etc.) parallel_style = 'onelesssum', activation = 'gelu', #optim = 'ftml', #optim_decay1 = 2, #optim_decay2 = 100, optim = 'adam', # note: most features only implemented for Adam optim_decay1 = 24, # first momentum given in batches (optional) optim_decay2 = 100, # second momentum given in batches (optional) nesterov = True, # not available for all optimizers. batch_size = 64, # learning parameters learner = 'sgdr', learn = 0.00125, epochs = 24, learn_halve_every = 16, # only used with anneal/dumb restarts = 4, restart_decay = 0.25, # only used with SGDR expando = lambda i: 24 * i, # misc init = 'he_normal', loss = 'mse', mloss = 'mse', ritual = 'default', restart_optim = False, # restarts also reset internal state of optimizer warmup = False, # train a couple epochs on gaussian noise and reset # logging/output log10_loss = True, # personally, i'm sick of looking linear loss values! #fancy_logs = True, # unimplemented (can't turn it off yet) problem = 2, compare = ( # best results for ~10,000 parameters # training/validation pairs for each problem (starting from problem 0): (10**-3.120, 10**-2.901), # 1080 epochs on these... (10**-6.747, 10**-6.555), (10**-7.774, 10**-7.626), (10**-6.278, 10**-5.234), # overfitting? bad valid set? ), unsafe = True, # aka gotta go fast mode ) for k in ['parallel_style', 'activation', 'optim', 'learner', 'init', 'loss', 'mloss', 'ritual']: config[k] = config[k].lower() config.learn *= np.sqrt(config.batch_size) config.pprint() # Toy Data {{{2 (inputs, outputs), (valid_inputs, valid_outputs) = \ toy_data(2**14, 2**11, problem=config.problem) input_features = inputs.shape[-1] output_features = outputs.shape[-1] # Our Test Model callbacks = Dummy() model, learner, ritual = \ model_from_config(config, input_features, output_features, callbacks) # Model Information {{{2 model.print_graph() log('parameters', model.param_count) # Training {{{2 batch_losses = [] train_losses = [] valid_losses = [] def measure_error(): def print_error(name, inputs, outputs, comparison=None): predicted = model.evaluate(inputs) err = model.mloss.forward(predicted, outputs) if config.log10_loss: print(name, "{:12.6e}".format(err)) if comparison: err10 = np.log10(err) cmp10 = np.log10(comparison) color = '\x1B[31m' if err10 > cmp10 else '\x1B[32m' log(name + " log10-loss", "{:+6.3f} {}({:+6.3f})\x1B[0m".format(err10, color, err10 - cmp10)) else: log(name + " log10-loss", "{:+6.3f}".format(err, np.log10(err))) else: log(name + " loss", "{:12.6e}".format(err)) if comparison: fmt = "10**({:+7.4f}) times" log("improvement", fmt.format(np.log10(comparison / err))) return err train_err = print_error("train", inputs, outputs, config.compare[config.problem][0]) valid_err = print_error("valid", valid_inputs, valid_outputs, config.compare[config.problem][1]) train_losses.append(train_err) valid_losses.append(valid_err) callbacks.restart = measure_error training = config.epochs > 0 and config.restarts >= 0 ritual.prepare(model) if training and config.warmup and not config.fn_load: log("warming", "up") # use plain SGD in warmup to prevent (or possibly cause?) numeric issues temp_optim = learner.optim temp_loss = model.loss learner.optim = MomentumClip(lr=0.01, mu=0) ritual.loss = Absolute() # less likely to blow up; more general # NOTE: experiment: trying const batches and batch_size bs = 256 target = 1 * 1024 * 1024 # 4 being sizeof(float) batches = (target / 4 / np.prod(inputs.shape[1:])) // bs * bs ins = [int(batches)] + list( inputs.shape[1:]) outs = [int(batches)] + list(outputs.shape[1:]) for _ in range(4): ritual.train_batched( np.random.normal(size=ins), np.random.normal(size=outs), batch_size=bs) ritual.reset() learner.optim = temp_optim model.loss = temp_loss if training: measure_error() while training and learner.next(): avg_loss, losses = ritual.train_batched( inputs, outputs, config.batch_size, return_losses=True) batch_losses += losses if config.log10_loss: fmt = "epoch {:4.0f}, rate {:10.8f}, log10-loss {:+6.3f}" log("info", fmt.format(learner.epoch, learner.rate, np.log10(avg_loss)), update=True) else: fmt = "epoch {:4.0f}, rate {:10.8f}, loss {:12.6e}" log("info", fmt.format(learner.epoch, learner.rate, avg_loss), update=True) measure_error() if training and config.fn_save is not None: log('saving weights', config.fn_save) model.save_weights(config.fn_save, overwrite=True) if training and config.log_fn is not None: log('saving losses', config.log_fn) np.savez_compressed(config.log_fn, batch_losses=np.array(batch_losses, dtype=_f), train_losses=np.array(train_losses, dtype=_f), valid_losses=np.array(valid_losses, dtype=_f)) # Evaluation {{{2 # TODO: write this portion again return 0 # run main program {{{1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(run(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]))