import numpy as np from .float import * from .layer_base import * from .initialization import * class Bias(Layer): # TODO: support axes other than -1 and shapes other than 1D. serialized = { 'b': 'biases', } def __init__(self, init=init_zeros, reg_b=None): super().__init__() self.biases = self._new_weights('biases', init=init, regularizer=reg_b) def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape self.output_shape = shape self.biases.shape = (shape[-1],) def forward(self, X): return X + self.biases.f def backward(self, dY): self.biases.g += dY.sum(0) return dY class Dense(Layer): serialized = { 'W': 'coeffs', 'b': 'biases', } def __init__(self, dim, init=init_he_uniform, reg_w=None, reg_b=None): super().__init__() self.dim = int(dim) self.output_shape = (dim,) self.coeffs = self._new_weights('coeffs', init=init, regularizer=reg_w) self.biases = self._new_weights('biases', init=init_zeros, regularizer=reg_b) def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 1, shape self.coeffs.shape = (shape[0], self.dim) self.biases.shape = (1, self.dim) def forward(self, X): self.X = X return X @ self.coeffs.f + self.biases.f def backward(self, dY): self.coeffs.g += self.X.T @ dY self.biases.g += dY.sum(0, keepdims=True) return dY @ self.coeffs.f.T # more class Conv1Dper(Layer): # periodic (circular) convolution. # currently only supports one channel I/O. # some notes: # we could use FFTs for larger convolutions. # i think storing the coefficients backwards would # eliminate reversal in the critical code. serialize = { 'W': 'coeffs', } def __init__(self, kernel_size, pos=None, init=init_glorot_uniform, reg_w=None): super().__init__() self.kernel_size = int(kernel_size) self.coeffs = self._new_weights('coeffs', init=init, regularizer=reg_w) if pos is None: self.wrap0 = (self.kernel_size - 0) // 2 self.wrap1 = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2 elif pos == 'alt': self.wrap0 = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2 self.wrap1 = (self.kernel_size - 0) // 2 elif pos == 'left': self.wrap0 = 0 self.wrap1 = self.kernel_size - 1 elif pos == 'right': self.wrap0 = self.kernel_size - 1 self.wrap1 = 0 else: raise Exception("pos parameter not understood: {}".format(pos)) def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 1, shape self.output_shape = shape self.coeffs.shape = (1, self.kernel_size) def forward(self, X): if self.wrap0 == 0: Xper = np.hstack((X, X[:, :self.wrap1])) elif self.wrap1 == 0: Xper = np.hstack((X[:, -self.wrap0:], X)) else: Xper = np.hstack((X[:, -self.wrap0:], X, X[:, :self.wrap1])) self.cols = rolling_batch(Xper, self.kernel_size) convolved = (self.cols * self.coeffs.f[:, ::-1]).sum(2) return convolved def backward(self, dY): self.coeffs.g += (dY[:, :, None] * self.cols).sum(0)[:, ::-1].sum( 0, keepdims=True) return (dY[:, :, None] * self.coeffs.f[:, ::-1]).sum(2) class LayerNorm(Layer): # paper: # note: nonparametric when affine == False def __init__(self, eps=1e-5, affine=True): super().__init__() self.eps = _f(eps) self.affine = bool(affine) if self.affine: self.gamma = self._new_weights('gamma', init=init_ones) self.beta = self._new_weights('beta', init=init_zeros) self.serialized = { 'gamma': 'gamma', 'beta': 'beta', } def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape self.output_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 1, shape if self.affine: self.gamma.shape = (shape[0],) self.beta.shape = (shape[0],) def forward(self, X): self.mean = X.mean(0) = X - self.mean self.var = + self.eps self.std = np.sqrt(self.var) self.Xnorm = / self.std if self.affine: return self.gamma.f * self.Xnorm + self.beta.f return self.Xnorm def backward(self, dY): length = dY.shape[0] if self.affine: dXnorm = dY * self.gamma.f self.gamma.g += (dY * self.Xnorm).sum(0) self.beta.g += dY.sum(0) else: dXnorm = dY dstd = (dXnorm * / -self.var dcenter = dXnorm / self.std + dstd / self.std * / length dmean = -dcenter.sum(0) dX = dcenter + dmean / length return dX class Denses(Layer): # TODO: rename? # acts as a separate Dense for each row or column. only for 2D arrays. serialized = { 'W': 'coeffs', 'b': 'biases', } def __init__(self, dim, init=init_he_uniform, reg_w=None, reg_b=None, axis=-1): super().__init__() self.dim = int(dim) self.weight_init = init self.axis = int(axis) self.coeffs = self._new_weights('coeffs', init=init, regularizer=reg_w) self.biases = self._new_weights('biases', init=init_zeros, regularizer=reg_b) def make_shape(self, parent): shape = parent.output_shape self.input_shape = shape assert len(shape) == 2, shape assert -len(shape) <= self.axis < len(shape) self.axis = self.axis % len(shape) self.output_shape = list(shape) self.output_shape[self.axis] = self.dim self.output_shape = tuple(self.output_shape) in_rows = self.input_shape[0] in_cols = self.input_shape[1] out_rows = self.output_shape[0] out_cols = self.output_shape[1] self.coeffs.shape = (in_rows, in_cols, self.dim) self.biases.shape = (1, out_rows, out_cols) def forward(self, X): self.X = X if self.axis == 0: return np.einsum('ixj,xjk->ikj', X, self.coeffs.f) + self.biases.f elif self.axis == 1: return np.einsum('ijx,jxk->ijk', X, self.coeffs.f) + self.biases.f def backward(self, dY): self.biases.g += dY.sum(0, keepdims=True) if self.axis == 0: self.coeffs.g += np.einsum('ixj,ikj->xjk', self.X, dY) return np.einsum('ikj,xjk->ixj', dY, self.coeffs.f) elif self.axis == 1: self.coeffs.g += np.einsum('ijx,ijk->jxk', self.X, dY) return np.einsum('ijk,jxk->ijx', dY, self.coeffs.f) class CosineDense(Dense): # paper: # another implementation: # # the paper doesn't mention bias, # so we treat bias as an additional weight with a constant input of 1. # this is correct in Dense layers, so i hope it's correct here too. eps = 1e-4 def forward(self, X): self.X = X self.X_norm = np.sqrt(np.square(X).sum(-1, keepdims=True) + 1 + self.eps) self.W_norm = np.sqrt(np.square(self.coeffs.f).sum(0, keepdims=True) + np.square(self.biases.f) + self.eps) = X @ self.coeffs.f + self.biases.f Y = / (self.X_norm * self.W_norm) return Y def backward(self, dY): ddot = dY / self.X_norm / self.W_norm dX_norm = -(dY * / self.W_norm).sum(-1, keepdims=True) \ / self.X_norm**2 dW_norm = -(dY * / self.X_norm).sum(0, keepdims=True) \ / self.W_norm**2 self.coeffs.g += self.X.T @ ddot \ + dW_norm / self.W_norm * self.coeffs.f self.biases.g += ddot.sum(0, keepdims=True) \ + dW_norm / self.W_norm * self.biases.f dX = ddot @ self.coeffs.f.T + dX_norm / self.X_norm * self.X return dX