This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2017-02-08 18:10:25 -08:00
parent b5a6bb0f19
commit 8fc1c198b4

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid
# used for numbering layers like Keras:
from collections import defaultdict
_layer_counters = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
# Initializations
@ -142,8 +143,6 @@ class Adam(Optimizer):
# Abstract Layers
_layer_counters = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
class Layer:
def __init__(self):
self.parents = []
@ -297,7 +296,6 @@ class Affine(Layer):
class Sigmoid(Layer): # aka Logistic
def F(self, X):
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid
self.sig = sigmoid(X)
return X * self.sig
@ -322,6 +320,7 @@ class Relu(Layer):
class Elu(Layer):
# paper:
def __init__(self, alpha=1):
self.alpha = nf(alpha)
@ -337,6 +336,7 @@ class Elu(Layer):
class GeluApprox(Layer):
# paper:
# plot:
def F(self, X):
self.a = 1.704 * X
self.sig = sigmoid(self.a)
@ -407,7 +407,10 @@ class DenseOneLess(Dense):
np.fill_diagonal(self.dcoeffs, 0)
return dX
class LayerNorm(Layer): # TODO: inherit Affine instead?
class LayerNorm(Layer):
# paper:
# my implementation may be incorrect.
def __init__(self, eps=1e-3, axis=-1):
self.eps = nf(eps)
@ -556,13 +559,17 @@ class Ritual: # i'm just making up names at this point
self.learner.optim.update(self.model.dW, self.model.W)
def prepare(self, model):
self.en = 0 = 0
self.model = model
def train_batched(self, inputs, outputs, batch_size, return_losses=False):
self.en += 1
cumsum_loss = 0
batch_count = inputs.shape[0] // batch_size
losses = []
for b in range(batch_count): += 1
bi = b * batch_size
batch_inputs = inputs[ bi:bi+batch_size]
batch_outputs = outputs[bi:bi+batch_size]
@ -587,6 +594,7 @@ class Ritual: # i'm just making up names at this point
def stochastic_multiply(W, gamma=0.5, allow_negation=True):
# paper:
assert W.ndim == 1, W.ndim
assert 0 < gamma < 1, gamma
size = len(W)
@ -632,7 +640,28 @@ class StochMRitual(Ritual):
for layer in self.model.ordered_nodes:
if isinstance(layer, Dense):
np.clip(layer.W, -layer.std * f, layer.std * f, out=layer.W)
# np.clip(layer.W, -1, 1, out=layer.W)
# np.clip(layer.W, -1, 1, out=layer.W)
class NoisyRitual(Ritual):
def __init__(self, learner=None, loss=None, mloss=None,
input_noise=0, output_noise=0, gradient_noise=0):
self.input_noise = nf(input_noise) # TODO: implement
self.output_noise = nf(output_noise) # TODO: implement
self.gradient_noise = nf(gradient_noise)
super().__init__(learner, loss, mloss)
def update(self):
# gradient noise paper:
if self.gradient_noise > 0:
size = len(self.model.dW)
gamma = 0.55
s = self.gradient_noise / (1 + ** gamma
# experiments:
#s = np.sqrt(self.learner.rate)
#s = np.square(self.learner.rate)
#s = self.learner.rate / self.en
self.model.dW += np.random.normal(0, s, size=size)
class Learner:
per_batch = False
@ -733,28 +762,46 @@ def cosmod(x):
class SGDR(Learner):
# Stochastic Gradient Descent with Restarts
# paper:
# NOTE: this is not a complete implementation.
# NOTE: this is missing a couple features.
per_batch = True
def __init__(self, optim, epochs=100, rate=None, restarts=0, restart_decay=0.5, callback=None):
def __init__(self, optim, epochs=100, rate=None,
restarts=0, restart_decay=0.5, callback=None,
self.restart_epochs = int(epochs)
self.decay = float(restart_decay)
self.restarts = int(restarts)
self.restart_callback = callback
epochs = self.restart_epochs * (self.restarts + 1)
# TODO: rename expando to something not insane
self.expando = expando if expando is not None else lambda i: 1
self.splits = []
epochs = 0
for i in range(0, self.restarts + 1):
split = epochs + int(self.restart_epochs * self.expando(i))
epochs = split
super().__init__(optim, epochs, rate)
def split_num(self, epoch):
shit = [0] + self.splits # hack
for i in range(0, len(self.splits)):
if epoch < self.splits[i]:
sub_epoch = epoch - shit[i]
next_restart = self.splits[i] - shit[i]
return i, sub_epoch, next_restart
raise Exception('this should never happen.')
def rate_at(self, epoch):
sub_epoch = epoch % self.restart_epochs
x = sub_epoch / self.restart_epochs
restart = epoch // self.restart_epochs
restart, sub_epoch, next_restart = self.split_num(epoch)
x = sub_epoch / next_restart
return self.start_rate * self.decay**restart * cosmod(x)
def next(self):
if not super().next():
return False
sub_epoch = self.epoch % self.restart_epochs
restart = self.epoch // self.restart_epochs
restart, sub_epoch, next_restart = self.split_num(self.epoch)
if restart > 0 and sub_epoch == 0:
if self.restart_callback is not None:
@ -789,6 +836,7 @@ def multiresnet(x, width, depth, block=2, multi=1,
y = merger
elif style == 'onelesssum':
# this is my own awful contraption.
is_last = d + 1 == depth
needs_sum = not is_last or multi > 1
skip = y
@ -845,16 +893,17 @@ def run(program, args=[]):
optim = 'adam',
nesterov = False, # only used with SGD or Adam
momentum = 0.33, # only used with SGD
momentum = 0.50, # only used with SGD
# learning parameters
learner = 'SGDR',
learner = 'sgdr',
learn = 1e-2,
epochs = 24,
restarts = 2,
learn_decay = 0.25, # only used with SGDR
learn_halve_every = 16, # unused with SGDR
learn_restart_advance = 16, # unused with SGDR
epochs = 12,
restarts = 2,
restart_decay = 1, # only used with SGDR
expando = lambda i: i + 1,
# misc
batch_size = 64,
@ -866,10 +915,13 @@ def run(program, args=[]):
train_compare = 0.0000508,
valid_compare = 0.0000678,
ritual = None,
ritual = 'default',
for k in ['parallel_style', 'optim', 'learner', 'ritual']:
config[k] = config[k].lower()
# toy CIE-2000 data
from ml.cie_mlp_data import rgbcompare, input_samples, output_samples, \
@ -933,17 +985,27 @@ def run(program, args=[]):
if config.learner == 'SGDR':
if config.learner == 'sgdr':
expando = config.expando if 'expando' in config else None
learner = SGDR(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn,
restart_decay=config.learn_decay, restarts=config.restarts,
restart_decay=config.restart_decay, restarts=config.restarts,
callback=rscb, expando=expando)
# final learning rate isn't of interest here; it's gonna be close to 0.
log('total epochs:', learner.epochs)
elif config.learner == 'anneal':
learner = AnnealingLearner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn,
elif config.learner == 'dumb':
learner = DumbLearner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn,
restarts=config.restarts, restart_advance=config.learn_restart_advance,
log("final learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.final_rate))
elif config.learner == 'sgd':
learner = Learner(optim, epochs=config.epochs, rate=config.learn)
log("final learning rate", "{:10.8f}".format(learner.final_rate))
raise Exception('unknown learner', config.learner)
@ -961,10 +1023,13 @@ def run(program, args=[]):
loss = lookup_loss(config.loss)
mloss = lookup_loss(config.mloss) if config.mloss else loss
if config.ritual == None:
if config.ritual == 'default':
ritual = Ritual(learner=learner, loss=loss, mloss=mloss)
elif config.ritual == 'stochm':
ritual = StochMRitual(learner=learner, loss=loss, mloss=mloss)
elif config.ritual == 'noisy':
ritual = NoisyRitual(learner=learner, loss=loss, mloss=mloss,
raise Exception('unknown ritual', config.ritual)