rewrite Ritual to reduce code duplication

This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2017-07-03 11:54:37 +00:00
parent 85c9b3b5c1
commit 436f45fbb0

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import sys
import types
def lament(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
@ -904,7 +905,7 @@ class Model:
# Rituals {{{1
class Ritual: # i'm just making up names at this point
class Ritual: # i'm just making up names at this point.
def __init__(self, learner=None, loss=None, mloss=None):
self.learner = learner if learner is not None else Learner(Optimizer())
self.loss = loss if loss is not None else Squared()
@ -916,18 +917,9 @@ class Ritual: # i'm just making up names at this point
self.en = 0 = 0
def measure(self, p, y):
return self.mloss.forward(p, y)
def forward(self, p, y):
return self.loss.forward(p, y) + self.model.regulate_forward()
def backward(self, p, y):
return self.loss.backward(p, y)
def learn(self, inputs, outputs):
predicted = self.model.forward(inputs)
self.model.backward(self.backward(predicted, outputs))
self.model.backward(self.loss.backward(predicted, outputs))
return predicted
@ -939,129 +931,105 @@ class Ritual: # i'm just making up names at this point = 0
self.model = model
def train_batched_gen(self, generator, batch_count,
return_losses=False, test_only=False):
assert isinstance(return_losses, bool) or return_losses == 'both'
def _train_batch(self, batch_inputs, batch_outputs, b, batch_count,
test_only=False, loss_logging=False, mloss_logging=True):
if not test_only and self.learner.per_batch:
self.learner.batch(b / batch_count)
if not test_only:
self.en += 1
if test_only:
predicted = self.model.forward(batch_inputs, deterministic=True)
predicted = self.learn(batch_inputs, batch_outputs)
cumsum_loss, cumsum_mloss = _0, _0
losses, mlosses = [], []
prev_batch_size = None
for b in range(batch_count):
if not test_only: += 1
# TODO: pass a GeneratorData object containing en, bn, ritual/model fields.
# there a pythonic way of doing that?
batch_inputs, batch_outputs = next(generator)
batch_size = batch_inputs.shape[0]
assert batch_size == prev_batch_size or prev_batch_size is None, \
"non-constant batch size (got {} expected {})".format(
batch_size, prev_batch_size) # TODO: lift this restriction
prev_batch_size = batch_size
# same from hereon
if not test_only and self.learner.per_batch:
self.learner.batch(b / batch_count)
if test_only:
predicted = self.model.forward(batch_inputs, deterministic=True)
predicted = self.learn(batch_inputs, batch_outputs)
if return_losses == 'both':
batch_loss = self.forward(predicted, batch_outputs)
if np.isnan(batch_loss):
raise Exception("nan")
cumsum_loss += batch_loss
if loss_logging:
batch_loss = self.loss.forward(predicted, batch_outputs)
if np.isnan(batch_loss):
raise Exception("nan")
self.cumsum_loss += batch_loss
if mloss_logging:
# NOTE: this can use the non-deterministic predictions. fixme?
batch_mloss = self.measure(predicted, batch_outputs)
batch_mloss = self.mloss.forward(predicted, batch_outputs)
if np.isnan(batch_mloss):
raise Exception("nan")
if return_losses:
cumsum_mloss += batch_mloss
self.cumsum_mloss += batch_mloss
avg_mloss = cumsum_mloss / _f(batch_count)
if return_losses == 'both':
avg_loss = cumsum_loss / _f(batch_count)
return avg_loss, avg_mloss, losses, mlosses
elif return_losses:
return avg_mloss, mlosses
return avg_mloss
def train_batched(self, inputs, outputs, batch_size,
def train_batched(self, inputs_or_generator, outputs_or_batch_count,
return_losses=False, test_only=False, shuffle=True):
assert isinstance(return_losses, bool) or return_losses == 'both'
gen = isinstance(inputs_or_generator, types.GeneratorType)
if gen:
generator = inputs_or_generator
batch_count = outputs_or_batch_count
assert isinstance(batch_count, int), type(batch_count)
inputs = inputs_or_generator
outputs = outputs_or_batch_count
if not test_only:
self.en += 1
if shuffle:
if gen:
raise Exception("shuffling is incompatibile with using a generator.")
indices = np.arange(inputs.shape[0])
inputs = inputs[indices]
outputs = outputs[indices]
cumsum_loss, cumsum_mloss = _0, _0
batch_count = inputs.shape[0] // batch_size
losses, mlosses = [], []
self.cumsum_loss, self.cumsum_mloss = _0, _0
self.losses, self.mlosses = [], []
assert inputs.shape[0] % batch_size == 0, \
"inputs is not evenly divisible by batch_size" # TODO: lift this restriction
if not gen:
batch_count = inputs.shape[0] // batch_size
# TODO: lift this restriction
assert inputs.shape[0] % batch_size == 0, \
"inputs is not evenly divisible by batch_size"
prev_batch_size = None
for b in range(batch_count):
if not test_only: += 1
bi = b * batch_size
batch_inputs = inputs[ bi:bi+batch_size]
batch_outputs = outputs[bi:bi+batch_size]
# same from hereon
if not test_only and self.learner.per_batch:
self.learner.batch(b / batch_count)
if test_only:
predicted = self.model.forward(batch_inputs, deterministic=True)
if gen:
# TODO: pass a GeneratorData object containing en, bn, ritual/model fields.
# there a pythonic way of doing that?
batch_inputs, batch_outputs = next(generator)
batch_size = batch_inputs.shape[0]
# TODO: lift this restriction
assert batch_size == prev_batch_size or prev_batch_size is None, \
"non-constant batch size (got {}, expected {})".format(batch_size, prev_batch_size)
predicted = self.learn(batch_inputs, batch_outputs)
bi = b * batch_size
batch_inputs = inputs[ bi:bi+batch_size]
batch_outputs = outputs[bi:bi+batch_size]
if return_losses == 'both':
batch_loss = self.forward(predicted, batch_outputs)
if np.isnan(batch_loss):
raise Exception("nan")
cumsum_loss += batch_loss
self._train_batch(batch_inputs, batch_outputs, b, batch_count,
test_only, return_losses == 'both', return_losses)
# NOTE: this can use the non-deterministic predictions. fixme?
batch_mloss = self.measure(predicted, batch_outputs)
if np.isnan(batch_mloss):
raise Exception("nan")
if return_losses:
cumsum_mloss += batch_mloss
prev_batch_size = batch_size
avg_mloss = cumsum_mloss / _f(batch_count)
avg_mloss = self.cumsum_mloss / _f(batch_count)
if return_losses == 'both':
avg_loss = cumsum_loss / _f(batch_count)
return avg_loss, avg_mloss, losses, mlosses
avg_loss = self.cumsum_loss / _f(batch_count)
return avg_loss, avg_mloss, self.losses, self.mlosses
elif return_losses:
return avg_mloss, mlosses
return avg_mloss
def test_batched(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.train_batched(*args, test_only=True, **kwargs)
def test_batched(self, inputs, outputs, *args, **kwargs):
return self.train_batched(inputs, outputs, *args,
test_only=True, **kwargs)
def train_batched_gen(self, generator, batch_count, *args, **kwargs):
return self.train_batched(generator, batch_count, *args,
shuffle=False, **kwargs)
# Learners {{{1